

  • crazyDogLady61
    crazyDogLady61 Posts: 62 Member
    Two quick thoughts before I crash for the night.

    First dremmeling dogs' nails. ... I have been using that tool for at least 15 years. Went through several dremmels. It works fabulous for bigger dogs with tough toe nails. My current one has lasted almost nine years with three sets of feet done every other week. It is a rechargeable model that has a pistol grip. Gives you a lot more control. You can teach the dog the like having their feet done. Go slow and lots of treats. Peanut butter smeared on the dishwasher works great. Dog licks off stuff while you do feet and everyone is happy.

    Second, I wanted to give Katla a trick for averaging time. Treat the hours and the minutes separately. Average your hours, then average your minutes.

    For example:

    7h55m 8h5m and 6h35 minutes
    7+8+6 =21 / 3 = 7 hours
    55+5+35 = 95 /3 = 32 (approx)

    Glue the two parts back together and you are good. I can give you the whole explanation of why it works, but believe me the the hours and minutes will just take care of themselves.

    Looking for the joy in every day, just like my dogs.

    Sally W
    (yep... I was trained as an engineer)
  • countscalories
    countscalories Posts: 418 Member
    Hey-- who ordered this cold weather? Today, 65 degrees, tomorrow, 31 degrees? And I don't have my layer of blubber to keep me warm anymore! Guess I'll have to go buy a new, smaller coat...

    Thanks, Exermom, for the scoop on the ice cream, but I don't let myself have stuff like that. It's too easy to slip back into old behavior. However, I've been eating frozen grapes for years! Their texture reminds me of frozen fudge. Have you ever tried frozen fresh blueberries? They have a similar texture when frozen, and are a nice change from the grapes.

    Stay warm, everybody!
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Katie: Vicki’s not the only one who missed you; sorry I missed mentioning your appearance.

    Carol: :flowerforyou:

    Michele: more banana questions. I tried it with just a raw banana and it was OK too. Do you freeze the banana, then thaw it partially?

    Yannniejannie: lol, your Barbie! :D

    Sally: my BC had surprisingly little trouble with the Dremel; he got to lick some liverwurst every time I touched a nail. ;) Do you know about how fast the quick recedes? If his nails are long now and I want them shorter, should I do a little bit every few days or so? I Googled it, but there seem to be different opinions. One question though: is the dishwasher absolutely necessary? I don’t have one. ;)

    Still recovering from the shock of my guy’s burglary and the blisters on my skin from the Fitbit One (not a Force!). Have to work a lot today; hope I will have the concentration for it. Luckily the burglars seem to have taken only electronics; there were two personal things from his family (a pocket watch and a pocket knife) he wouldn’t want to have missed, and those are safe. Lots of fooling around, waiting for the police (who will come back today to dust for fingerprints etc.), then insurance, trying to replace things, etc.

    Don't know about those blisters on the skin of my breast; whether they're from the Bluetooth radiation (in which case I'm *really* pis*ed) or an irritation from the plastic. But blisters??

    Hope everyone has a good day!
    Cynthia :flowerforyou:

  • Jen_1964
    Jen_1964 Posts: 25 Member
    Hello ladies! I just ran across this thread for ladies that are 50 and over. I just recently turned 50 and hope you have room for one more here. :) I have been logging on MFP for over 100 days and have dropped 25 pounds so far. I have found out the older you are the slower it comes off which is discouraging at times but I keep plugging away. I have about 150 more pounds to go and am trying to break it off in chunks as far as goal wise that way I am not so intimidated by the huge number of 150.

    I am from frigid Indiana, the temps this morning is below zero (with windchill) which is kind of early for it being this cold. 121 more days until spring, yes you got it, I detest the winters here in Indiana, they seem to be getting worse and worse. I have three great children (25, 24, 17), soon to be an empty nester when the youngest one takes off for college in the fall of 2015. I believe that is what motivated me the most to start living a healthy lifestyle, empty nester, single and 50. We have five furbabies, four papillons and one Australian Shepherd, so the house is always filled with extra love when you need it.

    I am always looking for new friends on here to help encourage me and that I can encourage them. Looking forward to getting to know you all.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,778 Member
    morning ladies~
    still not feeling wonderful and wont be able to get to the dr today either...I am working 9:30-6 ...
    henseybrown~ I am the same way lately.. I dont what is wrong with me...
    I havent been active alot either, except for yardwork..
    we are going to get the cold weather here down in the 20s tonight.
    drinking a ton of water and tea trying to flush out the kidneys, very hard to sleep as I am a side sleeper and now both sides are sore...
    will see what I can rummage up for lunch that is low cal and good for me
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,081 Member
    edited November 2014
    Countscalories I agree about the frozen blueberries. At our local coop I found wild frozen blueberries. YUM!

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :D Katla, we had a propane fireplace in our last house and it was very handy to just flip a switch and we'd have a fire....it was also great because it required no electricity so when the power was out we still had heat (there is no natural gas up here so heating is electric or propane). I love the woodstove but Jake is a better fire builder than I am.
    Rita, congrats to you for going to the gym even when you didn't want to.....don't worry about the weight loss, concentrate on doing the right behaviours (eating right and going to the gym, no matter what) and the weight loss will follow.

    :) Toni, I went to a TOPS meeting with a friend and it was a lot of fun. We eat our big meal in the middle of the day and it works great for us.....congrats on zipping up your coat.

    :) Lesley, congrats on letting go of your "stuff" with your daughter. Resentment can be a way of punishing yourself for someone else's bad behaviour.

    :D Sally W., I have been much colder since I lost weight. I bought long underwear, wool socks, and wool sweaters and I routinely wear extra layers of clothes. When I walk outside in cold weather I have great boots with insulation that claims to keep your feet warm to -25 degrees.

    :D DeeDee, how is Noel? Is she ready for winter?

    smiley-sport040.gifDrKatie, my pedometer doesn't record a lot of the steps I take when I walk the dogs in the grass, when I walk on the treadmill, and when I dance. I noticed it at first when I carried my phone that has a pedometer and the phone counted more steps than my pedometer.....boo hoo.....I like getting credit for all my efforts.

    :) Joyce, my dogs were better in the cold weather when their coats were longer because Jake let them go months between haircuts....now that they are going to the groomer every six weeks they aren't as warm and don't want to walk as long

    smiley-gen013.gifKim, I have some friends nearby that I can with honestly and it is such a blessing.

    :) henseybrown, it took most of us many false starts to get where we are now.....try planning your food for the day including an evening snack and then eat only what you planned.

    smiley-gen013.gifcountscalories, by all means treat yourself to some warm clothes for your thinner body.

    :'( cynthia, sorry to hear about the burglary......I got a rash from the chest strap on my HRM and finally gave it up.

    smiley-gen014.gifJen, there is room for you and we welcome you......you will find others on this thread with similar experiences and before long you'll feel like one of the family. It's not as cold here as where you are, but I'm all bundled up and will soon go out for my regular morning walk with my dogs.

    smiley-gen014.gifI woke up a little early this morning thanks to Bernie the cat who is now sleeping peacefully on the back of the recliner so I'm treating myself to a visit with all of you. I have a friend coming over this morning for a visit. She is the friend who had a stroke a few years ago and is now walking through the pain of her husband's cancer treatments. She comes to me for love and support and I am inspired by her strength. In spite of all her stresses, she continues to follow an eating plan of three weighed and measured meals a day with no sugar or white flour.

    smiley-happy020.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washingtonsmiley-happy093.gif

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    My word for 2014 is “mindful”

    November Resolutions (with mid-month comments)
    *walk 18,000 steps a day (every day so far)
    *don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good (takes effort, but it's worth it)
    *strength training twice a week (good, so far)
    *put important dates on the 2015 wall calendar (finished and the calendar is hanging on the wall)

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning! I'm skipping my weight machine routine this morning, as I kind of threw my back out a couple of days ago and it still feels like it could go out again, so I decided to take it a little easy today. Of course, yesterday I was lifting 5 gallon buckets of glaze in the studio, which didn't help a bit.

    So now I'm sitting in my office - where there is no heat except a tiny little space heater - doing drafting before I start working in the studio. Or at least I will be drafting when I stop goofing off. I swear some days I just can't seem to function. Most of the other days I'm faking it. My mind just doesn't work right. Flits around a lot, and I find myself using poor judgement. Good grief, I hate getting old.

    I took the kids to school this morning and it was a frosty 11 degrees! There is a grandmother in the same apartment building who walks her two granddaughters to school every day because she has no car, so I've been giving them rides too. They seemed to appreciate it at first, but now seem to expect it. Not sure how I feel about that. Well, I do feel kind of stuck, I guess. But it's my own fault. I just couldn't bear to see those little girls (5 and 6) walking to school in the rain and snow. This morning the grandmother asked if she could ride along, so I said yes. Then wound up taking her to the convenience store where she came out with cigarettes and a fist full of lottery tickets, and then took her back to the apartments. She talked about wanting to go to Aldi later, but I didn't take the hint. Now I'm feeling guilty about that, too.

    My shiny new shoes are sitting on top of the dresser at home because I don't want to get them dirty. Silly, huh? I didn't want to subject them to the snow, salt and mud or get clay on them, so I'm wearing my old shoes that hurt my heel. Poor judgement, remember.

    I'm sorry I've missed replying to so many posts lately. The new system is still a little overwhelming somehow, and there are so many messages to catch up on every time I log on. It's harder and harder to get through it all. Burnout maybe?

    Well, I hope you all have a great day!


  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Here is yesterday's joke of the day:


    An Antartian died and went to heaven. When he got to the pearly gate Saint Peter told him that new rules were in effect due to the advances in education on earth. In order to gain admittance a prospective heavenly soul must answer three questions:

    1. Name two days of the week that begin with "T".

    2. How many seconds are in a year?

    3. What is God's first name?

    The Antartian thought for a few minutes and answered...

    1. The two days of the week that begin with "T" are Today and Tomorrow.

    2. There are 12 seconds in a year.

    3. God has two first names, and they are Andy and Howard."

    Saint Peter said, "OK, I'll buy the Today and Tomorrow, even though it's not the answer I expected, so your answer is correct.

    But how did you get 12 seconds in a year, and why did you ever think that God's first name was either Andy or Howard?"

    The Antartian replied, "Well, January 2nd, February 2nd,March 2nd, etc...."

    "OK, I give," said Saint Peter, "but what about the God's first name stuff?"

    The Antartian said, "Well, from the song....Andy walks with me, Andy talks with me, Andy tells me I am his own..., and the prayer...Our Father, who art in heaven, Howard be thy name...."

    Saint Peter let him in without another word.

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,774 Member
    Ackk! We are buried in snow! 12° this morning. Lake effect snow, whiteouts, schools closed and travel bans! The joys of living south of Buffalo!

    DS's migraine is much better! So finally we have positively identified a trigger... barometer changes! He felt "weird" before this last migraine. Now to discover the others.

    Older son's care aide couldn't make it to his place today because of the weather. There are two people with him at the moment who are going to try and get him up. If not, they'll call and my husband and I will see if we can get to him. He lives about 10 miles from us, but the roads are not getting plowed near us (we're under a ban) and we already have about 2 feet with it coming down at a rate of 3-5 inches per hour (says the weatherman). Regretting that I didn't encourage him to stay with us last night before the snow really got going...

    Yanniejannie ... LOL! Using a Dremmel on Barbie's feet!!

    Sylvia ... lose the guilt over that other grandma ... others do not have the right to dictate or expect our generosity ... that's called "using!"

    Henseybrown ... I am doing the same thing ... but each day is a new day to get it right.

    Well, gotta go find my snow blowing clothes ...

    Beth in Western New York

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Oh, bad news! Hubby just called and said that Bruno chewed up my shiny new shoes! Hubby left the door open to the bedroom. Bruno apparently climbed up on a dog crate, then up onto a short dresser then to the top of the tall dresser to get them. He said the back of one is chewed up pretty badly, but he thinks maybe they are still wearable but they might not be comfortable any more.

    I'm going to kill that dog! Or at least pull all his teeth! I was just thinking this morning how nice it had been that he seems to have stopped chewing stuff up.


  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    (It wasn't Spot o:):D )
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Cynthia, no, hubby would love to have blamed it on Spot, but he caught Bruno red handed. The shoe was still in his mouth. Bruno is quite the acrobat. For a chubby little guy he climbs like a cat. It's funny to watch. Not so funny when he gets my new shoe.

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Temps in Milwaukee are all the way up to 12, and we are expecting more snow tomorrow morning. yesterday we were told no snow, but got lake effect. Luckily it is only a few inches. The strong wind is what causes me problems while outside.

    Kim in NC - I love hot tea with milk, especially this time of year. I'm not a fan of salted caramel, but that flavor sounds amazing for a tea. It will be my next purchase.

    Grandmallie - I have been told by an Herbalist awhile ago that Parsley Tea is good for "cleaning" the kidneys. It tastes terrible in my opinion, but it helps when I have kidney stones (I rarely get bladder infections, but cranberry seems to help my DD with those). I hope you are feeling better quickly.

    DD texted me about her new job. She is going to be a Home Health Aid for a deaf woman in the town where she lives. This made me so excited for her, because she has always loved learning sign language, so I went on half.com and bought her an Intermediate book and an Advanced book. I hope this finally settles her into a good career path that makes her happy, too.

    DS and I went grocery shopping together over the weekend, so he could help me decide on his increased protein choices. We found "sandwich steaks" for $5.99 a pound. Then he bet me a hug in public that liquid smoke does not exist. He had to hug me in the grocery store when I found it. Now, he has beef jerky to eat between school and basketball practice. Next time I will add a little more flavor, but it still tastes good.

    Tonight is my first-ever Acupuncture appointment. I was hoping he could help me with my RA, but since I have flares in right foot, both knees, left hip, right thumb, and lower neck, I will lower my expectations and just hope for relaxation and a reduction of pain and stiffness, but no miracles. Why, or why did I eat the pasta?????

    Prayers to everyone with needs. Congrats to everyone with successes. Keep up the good work!

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,650 Member
    Hi all,
    I have been for a couple of months fighting a slow creep up in weight, then down a bit, then up a bit... just about 4 lbs but I still want the scale to go down 20 or so... I re-committed myself and while today is not weigh in day for the first time in those month this morning I saw the scale say I was back to the lowest weight... what good way to start the morning.

    I exercise (walk the dog) for about 1 hour each day; and do other stuff that burns calories, but have realized that it is perfect for Levi (dog) but not enough - but I just don't have much more time; so for the last 2-3 weeks I have been walking the hills nearby 3-4 of the walks each week, I think that is helping. I am also considering getting a "deally" that you put your bike in to turn it into a stationary bike; I could probably fit 10-15 minutes in between things each day, anyone have any recommendations on brand, style, anything? PS I have not been on my bike in probably 10 years.

    Henseybrown – I am not a late night snacker, my time is mid afternoon but what is working for me is to plan and log a “healthy-ish” snack – for me it needs to be on the sweet side

    Jen – welcome ! you are doing great 25lb in 100 days!!!

    Sylvia - I always always have dirty shoes!!! I get so excited to have cozy feet they are on me and off I go to walk or garden or what ever! Wish I could afford 2 matching pair one for “public” times (shopping, visiting) and one for working/ walking Levi..

    DO not feel guilty when you choose what you can offer; you wanted to help the kids not the adult; and if she chooses to afford cigarettes and lottery tickets she could choose to afford a taxi (and she and the kids would be healthier)

    LOVE LOVE the joke!

    ***Later**** OH no about the shoes!!! Next new pair you need to wear and leave the old crusty ones for Bruno!

    November Goals:
    Walk every day
    Log all bites everyday

    Kim from N. California
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,322 Member
    edited November 2014
    Good afternoon everyone! :flowerforyou:

    My free ice cream attachment and bowl arrived today. Had a play with it, but I think it will be a while before I make any ice cream. I might make some mango and mint sorbet for Christmas. :bigsmile:

    Had yoga this morning and did 12 mins floor exercises at 6 am. Still not enough calories for me! Too lazy to do any more. Like Michele, if it isn't done first thing it doesn't get done! :laugh:

    Yes, I do use the roasted cauliflower as a base for the bolognese sauce. The sauce is a ragu as they call it in Italy and I make three meals at once. I like to add a little chicken liver to the basic recipe and not a lot of tomato. The roasted cauliflower is easy - I put some aluminium foil on a baking trsy to save having to scrape burnt stuff off and spray with one cal. I slice cauliflower florets up, each large floret about three slices and arrange on the tray. I squeeze a bit of lemon juice over it all and salt and pepper to taste. Then I add some herbs and spices, like za'atar or paprika or anything you fancy. Then roast in a hot oven for about 25 mins or as long as it takes for brown edges to appear on the florets. I look at it after 15 mins. Delicious!
    - Tonight is sea bass with sauce vierge and fresh peas crushed with half fat creme fraiche and a lot of broccoli. DH has new potatoes. I love sauce vierge and we still have fresh tarragon in the garden, but it requires the tomatoes to be skinned, de-pipped and the flesh cut into small neat diamonds. Needless to say I give that job to DH. :laugh:

    DH will be watching an England soccer game upstairs tonight so I will have a peaceful evening to watch Professional Masterchef. :tongue: Usually it's me who has to go upstairs to watch it.

    Sorry so many of you have horrible snow. What a drag! The westher is hanging on here, so we hope it will be dry for our anniversary night in Oxford on Thursday.

    Kim - I met DH on a dating site on the internet. I tried about a hundred dates first.! ! ! ! :laugh:

    Love Heather in Hampshire UK
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited November 2014
    The tree guys are here and doing a fantastic job from what I can see; a team of 5. Trees are down; they are doing the stump grinding now.

    Michele..........you are rubbing off on me!!! I picked up coffees and a dozen pastries when I went to the bank for the cash to pay them. Asked if they would like cash.....the head guy's eyes lit up like fireworks.

    Kim........I won 2 of the items I bid on; one is decorative and the other is a basket of skin care products which I can do as you do and give as gifts. The only men I know in Ca. (all two of them) are gay; great guys, but not quite what you are looking for. Major congrats on the weight!!!!!!!

    Sylvia......NO guilt allowed on that grandmother. Major kudos for taking her kids to school.
    Sorry about the shoes.........also very glad it wasn't Spot! Hope the shoes are still wearable.

    Beth..........Oh, dear, I've been thinking of you (while watching TWC earlier) and wondering how much snow you are going to get. Glad the migraine is gone and hope the other DS is OK w/o you having to try to go over there in this miserable weather.


    Heather.........I'm a fan of roasted cauliflower too.

    Hi to everyone else!
    Stay Strong!

  • QuikDogs
    QuikDogs Posts: 194 Member
    Hello everyone, I just found this board. I'm 56 and trying to lose 50 lbs. It is tough, especially so because I *love* to eat. I am not getting very far very fast. I decided not to worry about what I eat, as I eat fairly healthy. (I do like a glass of wine with a nice dinner! ) The rest of the month, I am just going to focus on willpower. Making a conscious decision to eat when I am hungry and what and how much I will eat. I can be a super snacker! Today I am wearing a little bracelet that I will touch when I feel like raiding the snack machine. It says "You can't put a limit on anything. The more you dream, the farther you get." It reminds me to constantly redefine what my impossible is...have a lovely day everyone!
    Kiki in NorCal, wishing for rain.
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    OK, now my Mom's suddenly in the hospital (not sure yet what the problem is). Can you say Valium?
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Cynthia..........(((Hugs))).........to go with the Valium........