Harry Potter Weight Loss Challenge! :)



  • shellybeelee
    Hey i'm so excited for this.
    my start weight is 157.4 =)

    my goal is going to be 140..
    If i get down to 135 i think i'm going to have like a little gift for myself.. not sure what its going to be tho lol.
    good luck everyone =D
  • MrsFantastic
    Cw 170
    Gw 159.
    Just want out of sixties lol I was 169 for a moment last week lmao. Good luck chums no chocolate frogs for me. :smile:
  • eeyorelvr09
    eeyorelvr09 Posts: 97 Member
    Checking in. Did sort of bad last night and am retaining water.

    SW: 217.0
    GW: 199
  • natl27
    natl27 Posts: 30 Member
    I'm not usually a challenge person either, but I couldn't resist Harry Potter! I'm so in!

    Start (May 1): 178
    Goal (July 14): 165
  • Carrie2186
    Carrie2186 Posts: 2
    im in!
    SW 320
    HP GW: 295!
    hope to be under 300 and keep it that way!
  • Kjarlune
    Kjarlune Posts: 178
    SW 410
    Today 350
    Goal 170
  • JD92
    JD92 Posts: 253 Member
    i had a possible little idea. how about Team Gryffindor, Team Hufflepuff etc? and at each weeks weigh-in total up the percentage lbs lost for each "house" and have a winner?

    oh OR, each lb lost each week is a point toward that particular house? example, once all of Gryffindor check in and they have lost, say, 6 lbs total that week, Gryffindor get 6 points? and its a running total every week till the last?

    we could have points for each lb lost, for every 10 minutes spent exercising, for every 10 calories you are under your alloted amount for the week, for each glass of water drunk?

    we could even have points deducted for a variety of similar things?

    sound at all interesting or am i just waffling? :blushing:
  • shellybeelee
    ohh i like the idea.. but thats a lot for one person.. so maybe we could set up heads of houses or something to track each house =D.. i think thatd be so much fun.. but maybe not points for being under calorie goals.. you want to meet your calorie goals.. encouraging being under the goal isn't really good for a lot of people.. but i like doing it for exercise and maybe meeting calorie goals each day.. that kind of thing.. Id love to help if we wanna do this =D
  • darthwein
    darthwein Posts: 37 Member
    Current weight 240 this morning. Goal weight 229
  • JD92
    JD92 Posts: 253 Member
    oh dear i didnt think of it that way. i was thinking more points for not going way over your calorie goal rather than for being way under it. you're right, we dont want to encourage that!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    I love the house idea! I can volunteer as a head of house if we decide to go that way!
  • blondie2285
    blondie2285 Posts: 40
    SW - 147
    HP GW - Anything in 130's
  • vitacat
    vitacat Posts: 81 Member
    SW 189

    HP GW 165? I hope :)
  • jabulger
    jabulger Posts: 3
    SW: 155.6
    GW: 145
  • shellybeelee
    so jd92 and azsuzi are in.. and so am i.. so thats three houses lol.. one more house and UnoDiamante as the head of hogwarts.. we could totally do this =D..
  • shellybeelee
    or uno could do one of the houses.. then we have four =D
  • swilliams26
    swilliams26 Posts: 46 Member
    Yes I'm up for it. I used to think the movies were boring until my husband got me into watching them. I can't wait till July 15th to see it.

  • UnoDiamante
    UnoDiamante Posts: 356
    ok, ok..i thought it might get too complicated but I see I am being overrun..the only issue could be is how are we going to break people up? We may lose some people along the way but I gues it wouldnt matter too much.. the only issue might be if new people join in the middle but I guess we can cross that bridge when we get to it..I can do one house...so we have me, Shellybeelee, jd92 and azsuzi ...any of you have a preference which house you want? I would like Gryffindor...as for sorting people into houses, any ideas how to do it?

    Maybe the points could be the number of pounds lost or something? Or the total percentage of weight lost? or each day that a member met their water goal they could get a point...idk..we will I guess have to see if it gets too complicated or not... :)
  • shellybeelee
    i dont mind which house i get.. and yeah i can see how it would get complicated.. but if the four of us decide what we are going to keep points on then we could track our houses individually.. which would make it so you dont have to track everyone ya know?? And as for breaking people off into houses.. make it random.. make each house a number one through four and then each person picks one through four and when everyone who wants to participate has done it we can announce what house was what number.. it may take a week to sort everyone out but once everyone is in a house it should be pretty easy..
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I like the idea of the 4 houses; but speaking from experience of tracking a challenge - don't make it too complicated for Uno to track. This is a large group and will take a lot of Uno's time just to track each week's weight loss.

    My suggestion - based on the initial list of people; Uno should evenly split the group into the 4 houses. As people drop out/jump in, Uno just tries to keep the 4 houses evenly balanced. It's all for fun...so we shouldn't get too critical. I believe weight loss should equate to points earned for each house; nothing more. Again, this will be a lot for Uno to track.

    I'm OK with being in any house. Let the house-challenge smack talk begin!! :smokin: :wink: :laugh: