The 17 Day Diet



  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Hey everyone. Just checking in...

    I went to a cookout yesterday. There I ate: 1 hot dog frank (not on plan), tomatoes, lettuce, onion, broccoli salad, and some pie (obviously not on plan).

    However, I feel like I did well! I actually weighed .5 less this morning.

    I am still not eating enough calories though. I am going to try harder at getting them in. I think I will do MUCH better at it, once I can have my nuts and peanut butter again!
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    WOW, I am on day 17 of c1, tomorrow I start on C2 D1... whooooo
    I did cheat a bit last night and had a 8 oz skirt steak, broccoli and salad... I didn't weigh myself, probably ate to much of the steak, but we ate out at this place and that is what they are known for.
    Tonight we are going to eat out again, but I will order chicken and veggie and salad...
    Rode my bike outside, but the wind was 30 mph, so I only rode 3 miles, to hard to pedal against that wind.
  • Diannerv
    Diannerv Posts: 195
    Thank you, I just bought the gallon lipton jug unsweetened. It was disgusting :sad: , I diluted 8 oz with 12oz of water, a little more tolerable. I did buy some stuff I can have hot for my last one tonight. Man I thought I drank alot of plain water I am going to have to "adjust" for this plan or I might drown myself. :laugh: I already drank 120 oz of just water. uugghhh... :bigsmile:

    Congrats on the loss, I too am only looking to lose 5-7 lbs. Maybe even not that much. I was looking for more of something to get rid of my sugar problem. :sad: ha ha ha...

    Diannerv. I just drink the lipton mixed berry and citrus diet green tea. I am not sure if that is what you are "supposed" to have but my husband and I are doing it together and he wont drink any other kind. I started on Monday and have already lost 7 pounds. I started the diet only looking to help me loose 10 pounds or so and it was worked wonderfully!! Hope that helps.
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    Thank you, I just bought the gallon lipton jug unsweetened. It was disgusting :sad: , I diluted 8 oz with 12oz of water, a little more tolerable. I did buy some stuff I can have hot for my last one tonight. Man I thought I drank alot of plain water I am going to have to "adjust" for this plan or I might drown myself. :laugh: I already drank 120 oz of just water. uugghhh... :bigsmile:

    Congrats on the loss, I too am only looking to lose 5-7 lbs. Maybe even not that much. I was looking for more of something to get rid of my sugar problem. :sad: ha ha ha...

    Diannerv. I just drink the lipton mixed berry and citrus diet green tea. I am not sure if that is what you are "supposed" to have but my husband and I are doing it together and he wont drink any other kind. I started on Monday and have already lost 7 pounds. I started the diet only looking to help me loose 10 pounds or so and it was worked wonderfully!! Hope that helps.

    Part of the reason for drinking the green tea is for the metabolic benefits and anti oxidants, and you don't get the same impact from the bottled/pre-made stuff. You need to drink fresh brewed green tea i.e. brew it yourself. Once it cools off, it probably doesn't matter though. There are all sorts of "flavors" out there. The Republic of Tea has a great Blueberry one and a Pinapple Ginger. There is also another brand, can't remember the name off the top of my head, that has a teriffic Coconut Chai. 0 cal and great flavor profiles.
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    I was completely off track yesterday, and a bit today, but not nearly as bad. One of these days I will learn to situate myself AWAY from things I shouldn't eat, rather than sitting right in front of them:-)
  • cfinley21
    cfinley21 Posts: 18
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    I have been taking green tea extract pills, instead of drinking the tea... I like my coffee in the morning.
  • BarbieCat1
    BarbieCat1 Posts: 82
    Yes, I've been following it with great success. I was on it, 1st phase, for 2 weeks and lost about a half pound a day. I had to travel for a week and was not able to follow it during that time, but when I got home I jumped right back on and am losing again.

    It seems to prevent plateauing, which has been a problem for me. Also, by cutting out sweets and "white" carbs, I'm not hungry.

    I believe that you must follow the diet plan exactly, with no cheating, for it to work well. I like the foods on the plan and know that after 17 days, I can add some new foods to increase the variety.

    I feel great... no loss of energy, no headaches, no problems.

    grabbit97, coffee is allowed in moderation, even in the 1st phase. I MUST have my morning caffein fix. The rest of the day, I drink iced green tea.
  • misspamyla
    misspamyla Posts: 46 Member
    Happy Sunday All....
    I'm at C1D7. I haven't weighed this weekend because the scale I'm using is at work (I work at a doctor's office).

    I really am so pleased with how things are going. To be honest I was so skeptical. I have had so many 'starts' and end up feeling so deprived and drained of energy that I very quickly 'jump ship'. I was quite nervouse about this weekend. I don't seem to have a lot of difficulty at work sticking to things, but it's when I get home in the evening that traditionally gives me trouble. I can happily say that I stayed true to plan all weekend. I started to use my food diary this weekend, well today actually, and find that I am well under calorie requirements, but am really full right now. I still have a few hours before bed so maybe I'll grab some carrots or something, but at this moment I'm stuffed!

    I have also conquered drinking my coffee with no cream. I really love a coffee in the morning at work and at the beginning of the week it was like drinking tar to have it with no cream, but I forced myself to keep going. I am having 1 packet of sweetener at the moment, but I am enjoying it more and more as each day passes. For this, I am very grateful. I've always had tea with nothing in it, but coffee has always been with cream. So, now I'm feeling very positive.

    The other thing I'm kind of excited about is that I really love Chai Tea, and my discovery was GREEN Chai Tea. I was delighted. I love it.

    So, all in all, one week down. Heading into week two of the first phase with a very positive attitude, feeling confident that I can follow this through. I mean, it's only 17 days after all, then I get to add a few more things.

    Does doing my happy dance count towards my 17 minutes of exercise?????? :laugh:

    All the best to everyone this week.
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Today I went to my cousin's reception for her college graduation. I ate two cupcakes. No joke, I thought I was dieing. I was in this weird coma like state. All I wanted to do was sleep. I ran about an hour after eating them and I already feel a ton better. SHEW! That was rough!

    I can't believe how much better I feel eating what I've been eating for the last week! I can't wait to officially weigh in on Wednesday!
  • ShannonJohnson
    ShannonJohnson Posts: 86 Member
    Well starting C1D1 tomorrow! Hope it goes well, I have enought food planned for the first few days but I will be shopping tomorrow night after work for the rest of the week. Hoping my husband will also kind of get on board with this diet, maybe not as extreme as me but maybe kick out pop completely and some of those other sugar items in the house! Wish me luck!

    Everyone is doing so great, I'm so excited to start!!
  • Dee78
    Dee78 Posts: 16
    After being on this diet for almost a month. Having processed food tastes horrible. Guess that's a good thing lol. I took a bite of piece of chocolate (hersheys kiss) and promptly spit it back out it tasted gross! lol

    I am having a bit of a hard time with phase 2. With being sick and stuff (flu for almost a week) I haven't lost any more weight... Which is hard, especially when I read the book in cycle 3 and he writes " you've lost a lot of weight rapidly in the first 2 cycles but be prepared for the loss to slow down in cycle 3" well I haven't lost any weight in 10 days now :-/

  • elsll
    elsll Posts: 14 Member
    Bump until I can get the book...
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Is coffee allowed on this plan?
  • iamallison
    iamallison Posts: 22 Member
    Hi all!
    I just got this book and I've been reading everyones progress and I'm excited to start it tomorrow.
    Congrats to everyone who is doing great on it! Wish me luck!
  • iamallison
    iamallison Posts: 22 Member

    It says: “Coffee and tea are allowed on the 17 Day Diet, but do not count toward your 8 glasses of water"

    Hope that helps!
  • forgiven4life
    forgiven4life Posts: 451
    OK people, the Breakstone liveactive cottage cheese is VERY GOOD! our walmart has the big containers but i bought the single servings just to check it out first. YUM! It's not runny at all, very thick and tasty! I may have to still get the single servings because i would want to eat more than I'm supposed to! I like yogurt but it's a nice break from that.

    I haven't been able to find this kind. I will have to be sure I look really good at our Walmart. Cottage cheese would be a nice change.
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    weighed in after the first 7 days, and am 2.5 pounds down. wish it were more, of course, as i really hoped that by the end of the first cycle i could have lost 10, but today my gym membership restarts so i can take heavier cardio/weights classes to jumpstart this week. i've been eating larger breakfasts & upon occasion nuts to meet a sensible minimum (1300 is ideal) ut once i work out more, how are you all keeping up with calories?? If i don't eat back a good chunk (at least) of my exercise calories i'm starrrrrving the next day.
  • Jessvaliquette
    Jessvaliquette Posts: 111 Member
    So I had plateau but I thought maybe it had to do with my veggies because I had slowed down a little on my lettuce, so I up it again and I lost 4 more pounds, I think by increasing my veggies in C2 really helps. I am going to see for the next few days if this helps. I love this program.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Good morning all. I've been peeking in on this thread while I read the book and now is my official start day. I had a great tasting yogurt this morning ( I had to purchase 1 of each because I'm used to the Breyer's Yo Crunch ones so I wasn't sure what I'd like) and some egg whites. Have my apple next to me for when I start getting hungry. Looking forward to joining you all on this journey, if you don't mind!! I have been stuck with the scale despite doing Insanity and (aside from this weekend!! :grumble: ) eating within my calories. I'm at a point where I have about 10lbs more to go, 15 if I'm over eager...:laugh: Stocked up on a lot of veggies and turkey/chicken to cook up. So here's hoping this will be the push my body needs to shed the rest of this weight. Congrats to all those having such success!! :flowerforyou:
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