40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    Good Tuesday Morning Cool Kids,
    I enjoyed another lovely sunrise on my peddle commute this morning. Chilly here. 45 degrees, I mean. I know it's all relative ;) Now that I'm able to exercise again, I'm seeing some scale movement, which is nice!

    Ruby, I see you've added strenght training! How's that going?
    Larro, wow! Those pictures. Tornadoes are scary. I'll stick with earthquakes.
    KS, I hope you're enjoying Jake, knees, elbows & all. And hope your dd and her dh recover soon.
    Kate, your "only" workout looks pretty good!
    devakali, welcome! I'm a fan of vultures. I love to photograph them. I hear you about the post-40 MIA metabolism. I really appreciated your positive description of your capable body. I will also remember to accept, love and be grateful for mine.
    Stef, enjoy the cake today!! Hope you find your HRM.
    Myg, your recipes always sound yummy. Hopefully the alarm wasn't accompanied by an actual fire!
    Mzklutch, I am also concerned about running again. I used to be an avid runner, logging in 30 - 35 miles per week. One thing I knowis that your form will make all the difference. Try to keep your head level, i.e. minimize the up & down motion of your gate and focus on forward movement. Also, set a route, and just jog a little, and walk mostly. As time goes on, theoretically that balance will shift until your jogging all along. I'd say try it out!
    Sdereski, I've got my fingers crossed that you get to join the amazing race! Have you tried the crampon-like things for your running shoes? :)

    I made little omelettes in the muffin tin last night. They came out pretty good, though I think using peppers and mushrooms added a little too much moisture. 9 eggs + whatever extra goodies divides into 12 muffin-omelettes. Just over 100 cal. each by my calculations. Nice grab & go breakfast.

    Cheers all.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Evening.

    I was too busy to post this morning. It was my shopping day, plus I had to get ready for the cold weather that is on the way. All the garden hoses had to be taken up, drained, rolled and stored before I left. And it was windy and cold, which combined with water, is never a good thing. The forecast low is 23F tonight, so I had to drip all the outside spigots and put a light on the pump's pressure switch. I have a pump house, so I think it will be fine.

    I did get in my cardio this morning, but I only walked 10 minutes when I got to work. I'll be listening to the FSU basketball game for the next two hours, so I don't know if there will be time to do the rest of my usual 2 miles.

    Devaki, the prisoners are still in lock-down. That will likely be the case until they get the fence fixed. Margie, {my wife} was supposed to speak to the officers at a luncheon tomorrow, but because of the damage, they called to cancel. The Captain in charge of the work crews works for us part time here at the Civic Center. I'm sure him and the work crews will do a lot of the repair work. Those prisoners are in what they call the work camp, and are separate from the main population. As a Not For Profit, the Civic Center does get to use prison labor once in a while.

    Aphack, welcome.

    Kelly Sue, hope you recover from the night with Jacob, and your daughter gets well soon.

    Sdereski, hope you get picked for the Amazing Race. The crazy thing about North West Florida weather, you get twisters on eday, then a couple days later it is in the low 20's. But we will be back in the 70's by the weekend.

    Curious, do you nuke the omelettes to warm them? How does that work out?

    Stef, my weight loss story started with me slowly gaining weight over the last 25 years. 3 or 4 years ago I was up to 250 pounds and on high blood pressure medicine. I changed my diet, did a little exercise, and lost enough to get off the drugs, but was still around 230-240. I spend a lot of my time on a website called Tractorbynet, and started a thread there called "What's for Supper????" One of the regulars was always talking about his fast days, so I ask him what he meant. He told me about 5/2 fasting. In case you don't know, that is where you eat 600 calories {500 for females} on two nonconsecutive days per week. I gave it a try, starting in early September of 2013. By the New Year I had lost 40 pounds. That is when I found MFP, and I stopped the 5/2 and started counting calories every day. I lost 25 more pounds and reached my goal weight {176 pounds} in June, or there about. Now I'm trying to gain a little muscle mass and make my jello abs a little less jiggly. As far as working out, I started with a little slow walking. As I lost more, I did more. Now I do about an hour of cardio a day, plus a 2 mile walk on days I'm working, with 80 minutes of lifting twice a week. Sorry it's so long.

    Got to go, the ball game is going on without me. See y'all later,


  • carlosjenno
    carlosjenno Posts: 174 Member
    Morning all from a very wet and grey Yorkshire! You'll be glad to know that my wife's surgery went ahead yesterday and was successful. She was fine, if still a little groggy when I left last night. I knew she was ok when she kept hitting me for taking the piss out of her hair and lack of makeup!

    So the plan was to walk home from the hospital, have an early night and an equally early rise and a nice long run through the local woods before going back to the hospital to see her this morning. However, I've no idea how I ended up in the shop on the way home and I've no idea how that bottle of Rioja ended up in my bag.

    Suffice to say, woke up a bit later than I intended and may be a little bit dry! Luckily, it's pissing down outside, so may not have been ideal conditions for a trail run! I'll decide whether ir not it will be a road or trail run this afternoon, dependent on the weather.

    As is, porridge and banana this morning, will call in at my parents on the way to the hospital. My wife managed to log in on here last night when I got home too! I think she may have been under her calorie allowance for the day. How much in a bag of Sodium Lactate?
  • stef123633
    stef123633 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks for sharing your weight loss journey Larro, Deva, & KellySue. It is inspirational to see the success you have made. Gives me hope :-)

    Curious, I've always wanted to try making those egg muffins-omelettes. Maybe I'll try them next week while my parents are visiting! My immediate family members are not egg-venturous!

    Happy Hump Day!
  • LouLouStBijou
    LouLouStBijou Posts: 987 Member
    Hello, I am relatively new to MFP (really active since September) and am hoping that I can be one of the Cool Kids.

    I am 46 years old and have never felt like I am better shape than I am in right now. I started walking about an hour each day on my lunch breaks and really trying to track everything I eat on my log and the differences that I am seeing are very motivating. I also work out at home on the elliptical trainer and have tried to put together a floor exercise routine to strengthen my core (with varying success). I do get stuck in a "oh to hell with it" mood from time to time and eat really stupid things, snack foods are my downfall. For the most part though, I am trucking along. I am about 5 foot 7 inches and weighed in this morning at 122.8. I am getting married in 10 days and my dress is in for alterations as I write this, so I should probably try to stick with my current weight at least until the wedding is over!

    I live in Ottawa, so it's cold here today, but I am hoping to do my walk at lunch and to behave myself when I am out with a friend for dinner tonight.

    Hope you're all well!

  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    Good morning Cool Kids!
    I'm checking in early today as I won't have time this morning at work. I have to give a presentation at 10 and am a bit nervous. :\ . This also means I don't get to ride my bike since I feel the urge to wear mascara. I usually don't wear makeup unless it's a special occasion. I would have gotten wet anyway. The rain just started here on the Redwood Coast of Ca., and should continue through Friday. So I guess I can still get wet riding the next couple of days :D
    Larro, wow! I can't believe how cold it is there right now. And how crazy the bounce back up will be by the weekend. That has to cause havock with the plants! I do nuke the eggies. About 50 seconds for 2 is perfect. I had some for my afternoon snack yesterday and they were quite tasty! Stef, I hope you try them!
    Carlosjenno, very glad to hear your wife is doing well. It sounds like you have some gremlins sneaking hootch into your bag! Little buggers ;) . I got a nice visual about running through the woods in Yorkshire in the rain. It sounds really nice.
    Louisa from Ottowa, welcome! It sounds like you're at a really wonderful place in your life, and glad to hear that you recognize and appreciate it. Glad you found the Cool Kids! I think you'll find us a supportive group.

    Hope everyone has a great day today :flowerforyou:

  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Morning Cool Kids.

    Carlos, glad to hear your wife is doing well. If she is up to posting, she will be alright.

    Louisa, welcome. You are doing great. Congratulation on your upcoming wedding.

    Curious, you will do great with your presentation. Just imagine everyone in their underwear. Or not. That might make me laugh right at the wrong moment.

    One way we do omelettes if we have lots of folks all wanting them different, is to cook them in freezer bags in a big pot of boiling water. You just lay out all your add in's. The mushrooms, tomatoes, peppers, onions, meats and cheeses, and let everyone pick and choose what they want. Then you wisk as many eggs as you want, adding the add on's and pouring it into a freezer bag. Squeeze all the air out and drop in a pot of boiling water.

    As far as the cold hurting my plants, all I have here at the house is one Tangerine tree. It got bit a little, but looks like it will be alright. There are quite a few citrus trees over at our old house, but they are all under tall trees, so they do fine down to the single digits. I do have a lot of orange trees I planted in the rows of slash pines down at the river. They do pretty good for five or six years, then a real cold spell comes along and kills a lot of them back. I also have two Chinese orange trees at the river camp that are cold resistant. They are against the law in the state of Florida, so don't tell anyone.

    I am doing the house cleaning thing this morning. So far I have done 4 loads of laundry, working my cardio in between the buzzers. I bought a jump rope yesterday at the Habitat for Humanity Re-Store. I put 6 minutes on the timer and got started. A minute 10 seconds later, I was stopping the timer. My knees were howling in protest. But after I had done the rest of my workout I was able to do another minute without pain. I will have to ease my way back into it.

    It got down to 19.9F for a few minutes right at 0600, and there was a heavy white frost. {picture below} But it is already back up to 47F now. I just walked a bag of trash out to the road wearing shorts and short sleeve shirt, and I didn't freeze.

    I have got to run. The cleaning lady should be here anytime, and I still have a lot of my part of the cleaning to do. Hope everyone has a good day,


  • Bigmora
    Bigmora Posts: 1 Member
    I didn't find the 50+ blog... I really didn't look, just wanted to say Hi to all.
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Hey Kid's!
    Didn't make it to the gym this morning. Josie's been throwing her fits since last night. Never seen a 3 yr. old be so stubborn. They come less often but she makes up for it. I've taken to wearing those head phone style ear plugs when she's on a tear. Have to take her for the second half of her flu shot this afternoon that should be fun.
    Tomorrow I will get to the gym and not have to rush ( She'll be with my Mom and Niece) Hooray for a free sitter!!! I'll be singing " I'm free! I'm free! ".

    Curious- thanks for the encouragement.

    CarlosJenno- glad to hear your wife's surgery went well. Send me the hootch it's been forever since I pulled a good drunk. LOL

    LouisaM162- 122 pounds? I look really unhealthy at 130. I hope you are smaller framed than I am.

    Stef- my highest weight was 262 lbs. in my 30's. Wasn't until my PCOS diagnosis that I had any luck getting healthier. Lost 67 lbs. (243 lbs.-176 lbs.) in 9 months just trying to eat healthier and get in some exercise. Then surprise got pregnant at 39. Slowly regained 39 lbs.( 215 lbs.) and then my doctors started fussing about my cholesterol. Joined MFP back in June/July. Lost 47 lbs. so far. Now at 165 lbs. in size 8's and 10's. Next goal a healthy BMI at 155 lbs. I'm 5'7".

    Sdereski- If you ever do get on Amazing race let us know. I'll make myself watch it. LOL. I don't really care for too many reality shows.

    KellieSue- sounds like my nights most nights. I've never been able to get Josie to sleep
    alone. A friend of our's actually hired a woman to teach her "how to sleep train her daughter" I just couldn't do it after Jeff's T.I.A.'s I always try to keep him calm.

    Sorry if I missed anyone. Hello Newbies! I'll check back later.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited November 2014
    Morning everyone.

    We are drizzly here this morning. It's supposed to be raining pretty good by the time rush hour hits this afternoon. I'm so looking forward to that commute (not!). But, we need the rain badly, so I won't complain. Supposed to be raining off and on until Saturday.

    I took a long walk this morning around the CA Capitol Park before the rain started. I need the calorie burn today for sure because we are having a Thanksgiving potluck at work today and I plan to enjoy it. I won't pig out, but I also won't be worrying too much about calories. I used to be able to put away 2 plates of food at these things, but I physically just can't do that anymore. Yay!

    When I got home from work yesterday I planned to make my Holiday Yams for today's potluck, but my Dad wanted to go to out for dinner. I didn't get started on the yams until nearly 8 pm and it was nearly midnight before they had cooled down enough to get them in fridge. The dinner out just messed up my timing! The yams are really tasty, but the batch turned out kind of ugly. The marshmallows melted crooked and I forgot the marachino cherries, but it's good enough for an office potluck! We wound up going to Sizzler. I had tri tip (which was too tough to eat!), a small baked potato and salad from the salad bar.

    stef123633...my story is that my highest (known) weight was 350 pounds. I suspect I came close to 400 at one time, but just wasn't weighing. A couple years ago my dad turned me on to another weight management website (not MFP) that he was using because his cardiologist wanted him to drop about 30 pounds. I started logging my food, the good, the bad, and the ugly (boy was that an eye-opener!), examining my eating disorder, and learning how to eat better and in moderation (that other website gave me so much helpful information and I received lots of ideas and inspiration from it's members). So far I have lost 120 pounds. Still have lots to go, but I'm taking it slow. My goal is to drop about a half pound a week. I pretty much live by the 80%/20% rule. 80% healthy nutritious yummy foods, and if I want, 20% not-so-healthy yummy foods. If I do indulge though, it's usually something planned for, well made and really decadent. I rarely waste my calories anymore on the overly processed treats. I try to eat now in a way that will be sustainable for the rest of my life. :flowerforyou:

    Curious, Larro's underwear tip has really helped me when I've had to make speeches and presentations in the past! I hope the presentation went well.

    Kate7294, love the new profile pic. Looks like you have done so well!

    Larro, those pics of the tornado aftermath are striking. I lived in Indiana for a couple years when I was a teenager and it seemed we were always getting tornado warnings. Never did see one though, thank goodness. Be careful with that jump rope. I don't think I will every be able to jump rope again. Not with my knees.

    Carlosjenno, glad to hear your wife is doing better. "Pissing down outside." I'm going to remember that phrase!!

    Sdereski, I hope you get chosen for the Amazing Race. How exciting would that be?! I've only watched a couple seasons of that show, but if you get chosen, I will definitely watch your season!

    Hi to all fellow newbies!

    Better close and get back to work. Pretty soon I'm going to have to heat up those yams. I think the potluck will start around 11:30. I made sure not to eat much breakfast this morning!

    Have a great day everyone! :)

  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Good afternoon all! Another crazy day in my life! Two meetings this morning and in the middle of it all, I had the state recertification lady show up at my sight to do their annual visit! I also got a call from rehab saying that when hubs went for his follow up appointment at the hospital today, he was in such severe pain that they could not do a thorough exam because of this. They sent him to the ER and gave him meds by IV and are trying to get him in for an MRI today to see what else is going on in his back. UGH!!!

    I did make it to the gym today before all of this happened- thankfully!! I just did a short 30 minute cardio session but it's always a great stress buster!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,103 Member
    I lifted today. I leave for mexico in two days. BOOM!
  • Hello everyone. How do I join the thread? Thank you.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Evening.

    Bigmora, welcome. If you are like me, you don't mind hanging out with younger women :D

    Battlebornpride, welcome. You have already joined. Just hang around and say hello once in a while.

    Beeps, have fun South of the Border, but don't forget your sunscreen.

    KeeliSue, you are a trooper. Sorry for the latest setback with your hubs. Hope they can find some answers with his back pain.

    Mygnsac, those yams sound good. I love sweet potatoes but I try to stay away from the candied variety. My sister always makes some of the ones with pecans crumbled up on top with ample amounts of butter and brown sugar for Thanksgiving. Since I'm such a good brother, I always taste them. And I'm thinking of bringing the jump rope to work. We have carpet in the Game Room, and that would help with the knees. There is carpet in the bedroom and upstairs at home, but those rooms don't have enough clear floor space where there isn't a ceiling fan.

    Kate, a couple of nights ago I was listening to Q on the way home from work. They had a writer on there who had written a fake kid's book called "Go the F**k to Sleep." That one came out about three years ago, and now he has written a sequel called "You Have to F******g Eat." His name is Adam Mansbach. The books sounded really funny. Your Josie stories reminded me of them.

    I got my two miles of walking in before the customers got here. I can't wait to find out how many calories my two long minutes of jumping rope burned :# I need to decide if I'm going to scrounge around in my work fridge for supper, or if I'm going to do a grocery store run. It's been big salads the last two nights, so I'm kind of ready for a change.

    Hope everyone has a good evening,

  • carlosjenno
    carlosjenno Posts: 174 Member
    Thanks for all the good wishes, much appreciated. She was a bit worse yesterday, pain and nausea wise, but she's just texted me to say she's had a decent night and is sat out of bed this morning. Catheter will be out today, hopefully home soon. See if I can remember how to be a nurse (I'm not kidding, it's what I used to do!).

    As it is, I managed to get out for that trail run yesterday afternoon after it dried up. Did a double loop of the woods and ended up doing just over 14km. No booze last night, so I was up early and out for a street run at 7am. Another 11km in the bag!

    I'll have a walk up to the hospital in a bit, see how the old girl is doing. I miss her like crazy, but it's nice having the TV to myself!

    Thanks again for all the positive thoughts!
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Hey Kids,

    Sorry for being MIA. I honestly have a lot going on and my spirit is kind of in the dumps.

    I am to see all of you are still fighting to stay on track. I am still working out strong and still making sure I can fit my colosal vegan cookie fit in my macros.

    I will check back later and respond accordingly.

    Have a great day.
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Hello all

    Caramel - I hope you feel better soon. Hang in there, it will get better.

    I am on my way to Madison to watch our high school football team play in the State Championship! 1st time we have ever made it to state!!! 13-0 is our record. Was up at 3:30 am to start the day:)

    As for my strength training....have not made it once this week yet. Ouch. Calories have been under control & doing cardio.
  • nickpnh
    nickpnh Posts: 111 Member
    Hi all
    Carlos - hope she gets home soon.
    KS - Again?!? You must be exhausted from the ups and downs. Glad you got a workout in before it all crashed on you.
    Larro - Hope you found something good for dinner.
    Caramel - Hang in there. We know how you feel.
    Ruby - Enjoy the game!

    Everyone else just do your very best to make it a great day!

    I made it for a walk in the cold at lunch yesterday but I ate like a line backer and the scale told me 'bad'! Highest scale in 3 months. So today is about keeping those little calories in check. Started out with a healthy oatmeal and I'm going to stay UNDER calorie goal today. I am going for another walk in the cold. Hitting the reset button for the 12th time in 2 weeks but nothing else for it. Not ready to throw in the towel so off I go again. :smiley:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,103 Member
    Thanks, larro....I haven't started packing yet, but sunscreen, hat, sunglasses are FIRST on my "checklist"!

    caramel - my mood is "down in the dumps", too.....also why I am not posting very much. BUT, while I am in Mexico, I am COUNTING ON YOU to do the "right" thing and get your lifting in and done! For me, too....k?

    ruby70 - I hope your high school football team just ROLLS OVER the competition....sounds promising given their record!

    No lifting for me. I am at my office doing boring old paperwork. Oh well. Mexico tomorrow!
  • nickpnh
    nickpnh Posts: 111 Member
    have fun beeps! Still on track with my calories. Yeah!