Just for today -- anyone want to join me on a 10 week "Just for today"



  • kpiepmeier
    kpiepmeier Posts: 5 Member
    JFT - I will stick to my calorie goal
    JFT - I will not let the stress of the day get to me and enjoy all these crazy moments for what they are - such a blessing!
    JFT - I will do a random act of kindness - because that always makes me feel good and makes me feel like I can accomplish anything!
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,605 Member
    Just for today!
    1. I will make time for my walk! :):) Afternoon walk listening to Xmas music
    2. I will make time for myself to night! :):) nice warm bathe plus crotchet
    3. I will get lots of healthy snacks when shopping today!:) :) lots of fruit

    Just for today
    1. Make healthy choices going out to lunch @ Steak n' Shake
    2. Going to the movies so ONLY get med popcorn plus ONLY eat half!!!!!
    3. Make time for a walk tonight!

    Hubby and I are having lunch than going to the movies to see Big Hero 6! My biggest goal NOT to pig out on popcorn!
  • NateMcG76
    NateMcG76 Posts: 44 Member
    Cool thread. I recently quit smokeless tobacco and one of the major premises of the website I joined was to take it one day at a time (ODAAT), or even just minutes at a time when the cravings are strong. I still, 156 days later, sign on to the site first thing every morning and post my promise to not use nicotine for the next 24 hours...

    I'm using the same strategies I learned there to help with my diet and exercise. I love seeing others doing the same! JFT... then you wake up the next day and do it again!

  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,605 Member
    Just for today
    1. I will eating healthy going out to lunch with hubby!
    2. I will focus on today and NOT yesterday!
    3. I will remember that the water is a MUST!!!!!

    Yesterday, was a success at lunch but OVER ate popcorn, go figure, lol. So today, I need to get some EXTRA water!!!!!
  • Karina_isela
    Karina_isela Posts: 15 Member
    Just for today:
    1. No Cheetos, no mini donuts...
    2. Will stay positive
    3. Will drink water
  • rosestring
    rosestring Posts: 225 Member
    This seems like a great idea, and I have faith that it works, but I must ask...

    Has this method helped anyone get and keep healthier habits?
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,605 Member
    Just for today
    1. I will eating healthy going out to lunch with hubby! DONE
    2. I will focus on today and NOT yesterday! DONE
    3. I will remember that the water is a MUST!!!!! DONE
    Just for Today
    1. I will remember my protein drink
    2. I will make time for my walk tonight!!!
    3. I will keep busy today, move, move move move!

  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,605 Member
    NateMcG76 wrote: »
    Cool thread. I recently quit smokeless tobacco and one of the major premises of the website I joined was to take it one day at a time (ODAAT), or even just minutes at a time when the cravings are strong. I still, 156 days later, sign on to the site first thing every morning and post my promise to not use nicotine for the next 24 hours...

    I'm using the same strategies I learned there to help with my diet and exercise. I love seeing others doing the same! JFT... then you wake up the next day and do it again!

    Mini goals turns into a habit! I love your thought process!!!!!

  • losingrae
    losingrae Posts: 260 Member
    rosestring wrote: »
    This seems like a great idea, and I have faith that it works, but I must ask...

    Has this method helped anyone get and keep healthier habits?

    I completely fell off the wagon this past week, but that also resulted in not coming to this thread and posting. We are all re-posting the next day on whether we accomplished our goals, so it must be helping some people. It helped me before I fell off the wagon. I've just been doing this whole "healthy living" attempt for so long that I can join the thread, but I still look beyond today. And I still fall into my pits, and then have to work myself out.
  • hummingbirdhope
    hummingbirdhope Posts: 101 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    I am a binge eater, and sugar is my biggest downfall. I can do OK if I stay away from sugar, but once I start back eating a little sugar, it is so hard to get back on track. One of my dear MFP made the comment of staying on track, exercising, etc., "just for a day", and I loved that idea. If I can do this just one day, well, maybe that one day will lead to another day, etc etc., and it will become better habits.

    So, starting today, I am starting again, and going to try and do the minimum each day:
    1. I am going to get up and do at least 10 minutes of exercise - running into place, anything to get my day started.
    2. "Just for today", I am NOT going to have my nighttime snack of popcorn - but drink water instead. This will be hard for me, but I can do this, Just for today.
    4. Just for today, I will write down Everything I eat, and measure.

    There are 10 weeks left to Christmas. I have 15 lbs I would like to lose before the end of the year, and hoping to be able to start New Years closer to my ultimate goal weight. But more importantly, to develop better, lifelong habits.

    I'll join you! I have a problem with binge eating at night too :( and I'm a sugar addict
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,241 Member
    rosestring wrote: »
    This seems like a great idea, and I have faith that it works, but I must ask...

    Has this method helped anyone get and keep healthier habits?

    I know for myself, if I don't get on, and post my goals for each day, I struggle more. Just the little thing of writing down what I want to improve, keeps me more focused on that one day. And I want to believe that soon, these things just become habits. Does it work? I don't know, but as my mother always used to say, it can't do any harm.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,241 Member
    I totally fell off the wagon the past 2 days. I know I should never buy icecream, and once again, I do so well the entire day, only to give in to icecream bars. And then that just leads to more. I get so down on myself, and so frustrated.

    I know sugar will be a struggle for me. Luckly, my weight has not gone up, but, it has not gone down either. This is thanksgiving week, and with the holidays, I really need to stay focused everyday.

    so here is my JUST FOR TODAY
    1. Drink water, and chew gum when I want to grab anything with sugar in it
    2. get in 20 minutes on the ellipitical
    3. eat only what I have planned for today

    Thanks also to you guys for keeping this thread going. It makes it more fun doing this with others, and I am always so encouraged by others as well.

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,241 Member
    Just for today
    1. I will eating healthy going out to lunch with hubby! DONE
    2. I will focus on today and NOT yesterday! DONE
    3. I will remember that the water is a MUST!!!!! DONE
    Just for Today
    1. I will remember my protein drink
    2. I will make time for my walk tonight!!!
    3. I will keep busy today, move, move move move!

    You are doing SO GREAT with your list!!
  • Heliconia
    Heliconia Posts: 166 Member
    Hi everybody. I just found this thread today and love it! Can I participate? I too crave sweets and last night binged on two pieces of chocolate cake as well as a bunch of my husband's peanuts. I do not even really like peanuts. That's how little control I have over my eating. :(
    Just for today:
    No after dinner eating!!
    Four coffee mugs full of water!
  • losingrae
    losingrae Posts: 260 Member
    Joan - I think we are related! If I had ice cream in my house and no people around, I would be in the same boat as you. However, I did have cookies. Those are easy to grab and eat without people noticing :( And that is what I end up doing. Then, I get angry with myself for overeating, and the cycle begins.

    The weekends are always harder, so I'm only going to do one goal:

    Just for today, I will log every bite I take.
  • brightresolve
    brightresolve Posts: 1,024 Member
    Just found this thread! can't wait to read it all the way thru but here I go. Late night extras ALWAYS a problem for me, tired or stress eating always a problem.

    1. Get my strength workout and my cardio workout
    2. Drink All. The. Water.
    3. After dinner, ONLY a light yogurt if I have room in my calories
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,241 Member
    Losingrae - yes, we must be related! I also only eat this stuff when no one is around. And I am embarassed as to how much I can eat. Last nite, I bought the icecream snicker bars because they were on sale - and in one nite, I ate all 6 bars. Probably 1000 calories easily. And then I get so mad at myself.
    On this thread, I don't feel so alone. If I only ate when people were watching, I would be at goal weight in no time, and would probably be skinny :)
  • losingrae
    losingrae Posts: 260 Member
    Definitely not alone!
    Today, I actually logged everything! I do need to make sure I drink my water on weekends. It's easy during the week because I'm stuck at a desk with a water cup and I drink a lot throughout the day. Not so much on weekends, unless I really think about it.
  • anndisme2
    anndisme2 Posts: 15 Member
    Off track for about a week...feel myself slipping. Really don't want to be careless over the holidays. So....

    Just for today -

    1. Log all my calories
    2. Exercise at least 30 minutes

    May you all have a successful and blessed day!!
  • sixtyinchesoffury
    sixtyinchesoffury Posts: 321 Member
    sorry I've been gone....anyway onward and upward!
    just for today -

    1. drink my 64 ounces of water
    2. pre log my food
    3. go lift!!!
