

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    I can hear the rain pounding down outside. My global generous intelligent self knows how important rain is to the environment and my petty selfish self doesn't want to get soaking wet and have to wear my hood up for two hours while walking dogs.

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    Breakfast is done and my responsible self has encouraged by selfish self to get up and prepare for dog walking.

  • forblh
    forblh Posts: 17 Member
    Hello everyone, newbie here (to MFP) i am well into my 50s, have nearly 100 pounds to lose and would love to join your group, looks like a friendly welcoming bunch. I am a veteran of WW (too many times to count) but MFP looks like a great way to go, what a fantastic database.

    Can you help me, i have completed the steps on this website for a tracker, checked off for it to show on my posts, but i cannot get it to appear, any thoughts? thanks[url="http://"][/url]
  • Flemions
    Flemions Posts: 1 Member
    Hello All, What a wonderful group. The posts are informative and and supportive. My goals are to tone and shape more than just weight loss. I also want to build up muscle which weighs more than fat. My game plan is 30 mins of exercise every day, drink 64 oz of water, min 10,000 steps, and log everything that goes into my mouth. My challenges are snacks so I am going to use a timer to hopefully keep me on track with eating my meals.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited November 2014
    Hello newbies!! You have found the right place! Tell us about yourselves and let us know where you are from, please. Visit as often as you like!

    Well, one my busiest, longest, and most stressful volunteer days of the year is over.......whew!!!.......and all went well, which proves that the more you worry the more it pays off, LOL........this was despite the fact that one of my best usual volunteers for this race called off less than 12 hrs. prior with a very lame excuse. It was all of 22 degrees yesterday morning when I started out to the race site, before dawn. We had to clean the frost off the registration tables before we could even put any paperwork on them!!! (The dawn was gorgeous, BTW!!) I had good people to supervise working registration and thankfully only a few problems to troubleshoot. The races went smoothly as did the awards and afterparty. At noon I headed up to work the police meet and greet/food and toy drive which was also successful in turnout and the items donated and monies raised for our support group. Got home about 5ish. Today I will rest. This Thursday is our clubs huge Thanksgiving Day race to raise money for our college scholarship fund; that's another long day as is the day before.

    Michele.......(((((hugs))))) to all of you in trying to find the best decision for Lance.

    Sylvia.......How about a bean salad maybe? Or one of those tomato, cucumber, onion salads?

    Barbie........Loved the Pooh!!!

    Stay strong, ladies
    Hi to all I missed.
    mid-Atlantic, where it's cloudy and warmer today

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Trish: Sending good thoughts your way. :flowerforyou:

    Pipcd34: Congrats on a noteworthy NSV at the gym! :flowerforyou:

    Michele: It sounds like Lance is nearing the end. :broken_heart: You are a wonderful mom to support your daughter so well through this process and let her make her own choices. She and Lance are both lucky to have you. :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: I have food sensitivities so when I go to a potluck I always make something I can eat. That way, I won’t go hungry and don’t have to stress about it. Think about taking something you will be able to eat. :flowerforyou:

    Jane: Congrats on your new-to-you car! I hope it gives you good service. :flowerforyou:

    Joyce: I’m happy for you and your girls that Charlie is doing a better job parenting & grand-parenting these days. We can’t fix the past, but we can do better in the present. He is doing his best. I made some mistakes with my kids when they were growing up and there were conflicts. Sometimes I was right and sometimes they were. My son and I now share occasional moments of “now I get it.” Sometimes I"m the one who says sorry, and sometimes he tells me he gets it. This is not quite as direct with DD. We’re working on it. :flowerforyou:

    Cynthia: My neighbor is a “meals on wheels” volunteer. She takes the meals to shut-ins once a week. Those who can pay do, and not to the delivery person. I guess they pay weekly or monthly. It is not home cooked, but it is nutritious and tasty. Remind your mom that home cooked food costs money, too. :flowerforyou:

    Renny: I’m glad to see your post. You’ve been missed! :flowerforyou:

    Barbie: Your responsible self is doing a great job. Treat your selfish self to something it loves as a reward for cooperating. :bigsmile:

    Forblh: When they “upgraded” the site, they did something to the trackers. I have mine attached to my posts by using a word document with the tracker link saved onto it. I copy and paste the whole word document into the response window. Another advantage is that I don’t lose a post in the middle of responding, which used to happen to me. :flowerforyou:

    Flemions: Welcome to a great group! :flowerforyou:

    It isn’t raining at the moment! I should get out and walk the dog, but I’m not ready yet. If it is raining when I’m ready, I’ll put on my new rain boots and old rain clothes and go anyway.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    November Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.

  • forblh
    forblh Posts: 17 Member
    thanks to all for the great welcomes

    thanks KATLA for the ticker info
  • forblh
    forblh Posts: 17 Member
    Just curious, what do you set your goal at; ie how many pounds per week to lose, how many calories daily

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,810 Member
    afternoon ladies~
    this girl is tired!!!!! was up at 4:30 and left the house at 5:30 to get to the grocery store at 6.I like getting there early that way I dont have to deal with all the crazy people..
    came home and put that all away and that was done by 8 am :)
    got a pot roast in the crock pot and made Tom some rice pudding.. will throw a load of laundry in in a few minutes....
    I wrote a letter to the nurse coordinator ,telling them that after yesterday that those strong meds are unacceptable and we need to work with them to find the right kind of meds..
    told them NO MORE heavy duty ..they need to give us a list of what he is on and the dosage and ,when they are changing meds they have to contact us and we shall say yes or no to them..
    after yesterday and the way he looked I will not stand for them drugging him up like that... find an alternative . but for goodness sake a 87 yr old man on enough pshyc meds to knock out a horse...
    was very tactful the way I put it.. but we have a right to have him taken care of properly..
    sitting with a cup of tea and then we are off to see him .. would love to catch a bit of anap somewhere...
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Allison could you schedule a care conference for all team members and yourself to attend? We did that with Vi and got dietary issues and medication problems taken care of. At her nursing home,you have as many departments attending as you want. We had director of nursing, dietary and physical therapy along with social work. It was all documented and all attending, including family had to sign. I got a chance to read what was taken as notes before I signed it. Nursing had her chart with her so we all had access of labs, xrays, medication lists and doctor's notes to reference to. They have them routinely on all patients and we would get a letter when hers was coming up but there were a couple times we called an extra conference. I felt like we always had a say in her care and were well represented.

    If you all might indulge me a moment and let me be a little religiousy. One of my favorite Bible verses has always been 'I can do all things through God who strengthens me'. Well Pastor Steve expounded on that a bit this morning. WE all say that verse and ti gives us strength and comfort us but we are taking it out of context of the whole text. The whole text is about different trials we have in our lives, such as difficult family life. But it is through God that we find contentment because we are content with God. I hope that can help you understand how I get through Charlie's temper and a little disrespect.

    I would love to give our choir director the phrase of 'don't let perfect be the enemy of good'. It felt so odd not singing a choir special just because it wasn't perfect. The congregation had never heard the song, they wouldn't have known it wasn't perfect. God knew but He would have been OK with it and made it glorious.

    We hadn't done any grocery shopping for Thursday so we went after lunch today. Rain, ugh. It is awful to have to empty the cart into the car and then take it all in your house. This is why I would love to live in a huge sprawling ranch house with an attached 2 car garage with a door that opens directly into the garage. As it is we have a cluttered 1 car garage that we couldn't put a car in if we wanted to, and live in a split level that you are constantly going up and down stairs. The only good thing about the grocery trip was that Walmart had all cash registers open! So after the hassle of the aisles you get to go up and immediately go to an empty check out lane. Now to see how much money I can put on my Walmart price savings catcher. I have $3.63 so far!!!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi to all. Sorry I have been MIA. I'm very overwhelmed and feel like I'm drowning in just day-to-day life. One bit of good news; blood work shows I have reached the "other side" of the menopause hump. Hooray! I'll try to be here more; I miss reading all about what you are doing and all your victories are very encouraging. Take care, Meg from kinda-gloomy-foggyish Omaha
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    forblh wrote: »
    Just curious, what do you set your goal at; ie how many pounds per week to lose, how many calories daily


    I let MFP set my weight loss goals for me. I started with my iphone app and didn't actually find the website for several weeks. MFP didn't steer me wrong for losing weight in a gradual and healthy manner. When I reached my goal MFP advised way too many calories for me to maintain my new weight. If I had the metabolism of a 30 year old I'm sure they'd have been on track. :laugh: Friends here advised me how to figure it out for myself. This group is amazing. :heart:
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Meg, glad to see you!
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Hello to everyone,
    I have been following your posts and keeping up. Things are a little hum drum here. It sounds like some of you have some difficult challenges right now.
    Sylvia - I admire the fact that you can create your pottery and face disappointments so well. Sorry the pots cracked. Glad some of the work was satisfactory.
    Alison - you certainly have been bombarded. Your DFIL is blessed to have you for an advocate. Sending you prayers and good wishes.
    Cynthia - I got a new knee in 2012. It has been wonderful. Hang in there and take things one day at a time. Gain strength in what you can control and let go of what is beyond your grip right now.
    Michelle - I have the most wonderful cat right now. She is young but I know when the time comes I would find it extremely difficult to let her go.
    Heather - I love hearing about your travels. So glad you had a great anniversary! My hubby and I just give each other cards. Not very romantic!

    I am a water exerciser. Thursday the pool was closed and it made me so bummed. I should have ridden the bike, but sat at the Y and had coffee for an hour and a half instead. I'm back in the water and watching my food intake but it amazes me how "pouty" I can be about small circumstances. Now I am planning to make good choices at Thanksgiving even though what I really want is half a pumpkin pie and some pecan pie to go with.....

    This group inspires me.

    Toni in rainy Nashville
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,719 Member
    stats for the day:
    ski machine- 20min, incl 5, resist25-40, .92mi
    rope pull- 20min, 87ftpmin, 1973ft, lvl7, midset
    stairclimber- 21.28min, speed 10, 203aw, 117fl, 5.4flpmin, Empire State Bldg
    Jump rope fast, 15min both and single foot.
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    I forgot to say "hello" to the newbies. I am newer, too. You will like this group.
    Joyce - I enjoyed what you shared about the Bible passage and the song. I have to remind myself often that perfect is impossible and never really meant to be. You're right - God would have loved to hear the song.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Rainy sun here.
    Got errands done,time to chill
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,360 Member
    Just got back from an evening out with my old school friends. We have known each other more than 50 years!
    Joyce - you are so great - just wanted you to know that,
    - Alison - you are doing a great job..

    Congrats to all of you who are taking on burdens. I salute you. :flowerforyou:

    Love from Heather by the sea side in the UK.
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Monday here and done my weight/BF/tape. Happy to say I LOST 1.54 lbs since last Monday and 1 inch overall.
    Slept badly as Stan stayed up to watch Formula 1 at 11.30 last night. SO glad Hamilton won
    Got up at 7.30am and did 50 mins Wii Gold's boxing, and about to do Jeannettes' kick-box party DVD, 1 hour walk after lunch even in rain. 1048 cals and food is healthy 1799.
    IS raining
    I decided that my daughter is 44 this year and granddaughter is 24. If they do NOT want contact then that is OK with me. Just keep on training and lose weight for our summer. Can do no more
    We called in at Ray's Outdoors yesterday and the tent we like is $300, must save need to travel again
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Today I ate the pizza hut brownies before putting them into the log, and now I'm sorry, and don't get to eat much for supper tonight, which makes me sad because my crock pot chicken smells amazing. It's okay, I still have plenty of kale and tomato. Plus, I bought supplies for pumpkin chili, so that will go in the crock pot tomorrow after work.

    DS is doing well with his bigger finger/thumb holes in his bowling balls. Today at scratch league he threw 168, 191, 186 to win 3 out of 4 points (his opponent threw 200 in the second game).

    I also bought a single-size fry pan for egg sandwiches, real bacon for DS and turkey bacon for myself. He is liking the egg burritos I have been making for him.

    Allison, thanks for the reminder about tea. This is a good time to get warm, hydrate, and relax. :)

    I am ready to set my weight loss at 1 pound per week instead of 1/2 since I have not lost anything in a few weeks. I hope I can also convince DS to go to the weight-lifting room with me Wednesday - Sunday, since we will be home whenever we are not shopping.

    Terri in Milwaukee (rain now, but going to freeze and snow again soon).

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I took Barbie's advice and ate before I left and didn't take anything. It went well. They were having chili and cornbread, which made me crave it, so I came home and made my no-salt turkey chili and low salt cornbread. It's in the oven now. I think that is a better choice for me.

    This morning I fixed my new shoes! B) The ones that Bruno chewed up. I was pretty happy with the way they turned out, too. You can hardly tell unless you look very closely. He had pulled out the foam from the padded collar at the back of the left shoe. I gathered up some "monkey guts" which is the fiber fill stuffing from a toy monkey that was recently deceased, and built it back up and sewed a black section of fabric over it so it matches the other shoe almost exactly. It feels good on, too. The support in the back of the shoe seems to be just right. So, I guess Bruno will be allowed to live a little bit longer.


    Hubby is really on edge about Spot. I've never seen him like this. I just dont know what is going to happen. He does NOT like Spot. He feels sure that Spot should go live elsewhere, but I feel like I'd be devastated to lose him. I feel kind of a connection to Spot, and I know he does to me too. When I think of how he would feel if I gave him away, I can't breathe. And to get rid of him just because Molly is a bully seems so wrong to me. I guess we will see how things go. Maybe hubby will come around if I can somehow get the dogs to tolerate each other.

    Well, I need to start the laundry. Have a great evening!
