Confession Thread!



  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    I confess I'm also struggling with something else that I cannot confess.

    Anything we can help with? Just ask....
  • rocky03
    rocky03 Posts: 55
    I confess that I'm so obsessed with Doctor Who that all my friends/ my boyfriend gave me Doctor Who toys/DVDs for my birthday.
    I confess that after my birthday I haven't watched a Doctor Who episode without having my sonic screwdriver with me.
    I confess that I just CAN'T give up beer (don't really want to anyway).
    I confess that I have a giant shelf in my room dedicated to anime/game/cute figurines.

    too funny!!! my 14yr old daughter is obsessed w/ Dr. Who and she is watching it right now!!!!
  • nmoreland
    nmoreland Posts: 183 Member
    I confess that...
    I procrastinate schoolwork a LOT (like right now)
    I am scared to graduate with my MSW and just work instead of work and school
    I worry that my husband will cheat on me
    I feel bad because I feel like my family (brother, sister, mother) have had it more difficult than I have at this point
    I am really good at sabatoging (sp?) my weight loss efforts
    I keep waiting for something to go incredibly wrong in my life
    I fear that I will not be a good social worker
    This has shown me that I have VERY low self-esteem, and I did not recognize that before.
  • rocky03
    rocky03 Posts: 55
    I confess I want to be skinny and beautiful...but I have no self control when it comes to food!!
    I confess I wonder also, what it'd be like to be single...been married 18 yrs
    I confess I want to move...
    I confess I want to quit going to church...
  • LovelySnugs
    LovelySnugs Posts: 389
    I confess. . .
    i've been lonely for the better part of the last 15 years, and i blame my sister for it.

    most days, i hate myself more than i hate her.

    i've cried every day for nearly a week now because i have to see her this weekend and there's no way i can get around it.

    i don't believe my mother has ever actually loved me.

    i wish my dad had stayed in my hometown when he and my mom split. some part of me is convinced that if he had, i might have had a chance to live in a real HOUSE instead of the trailer i grew up in.

    i've been happily married for almost exactly two years to the greatest thing God ever gave me - and i still fight the loneliness. every. single. day.

    i started eating at a young age because it helped distract me from my own sadness.

    and i didn't figure that out until about two weeks ago.

    i've tried to commit murder on 5 separate occasions. and some days i'm sorry i failed.

    i genuinely believe my son is the cutest kid in my entire family, and i hope he can outlive my bad parenting and grow up to be better than me.
  • simplyxaddicted
    simplyxaddicted Posts: 292 Member
    :ohwell: I Confess that I am extremely jealous of other girls around my Fiancee
    I confess that i often feel misjudged ! :(
    I confess that I havent had Tv in my apartment for a year.
    I confess that I am only 20 but would rather be at home with my daughter then out partying
    I confess that I always feel fat!!
    I confess that I have a mean side to me when I see a certain girl that has had "Relations "
    with my man... And i often feel like punching her when I see her... :laugh:
  • Jenn070608
    Jenn070608 Posts: 206 Member
    I confess that I can actually bend down and cut/polish my toe nails without unbuttoning my pants because my stomach is no longer in the way of me bending over (LOL).
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    I confess that I've been hiding the fact that I used to weigh 240 lbs and as of just today lost a total of 90 pounds so far but I was ashamed to tell anyone, for the fear of ever admitting I ever weighed that much.....

    I confess that I love this girl and am very proud of her.

    Here are my ugly confessions:

    -I have anger management issues even though I'm the happiest I have ever been in my life. I can't figure this one out.
    -The person I hate more than anyone is my mother and I'm proud to be her opposite in every way.
    -I have no desire to have children. My life seems very full without them, yet I'm too scared to conclude that it will never happen.
  • starshine614
    I confess that there are some days that the only thing that gets me through the hectic/stressful/crazy work day is knowing that there is an ice cold beer in the fridge waiting for me.

    I confess that I love my husband very much, but there are some days where he irritates me so much I just want to smack the crap out of him.

    I confess that I enjoy going "off the grid" for an hour or two just to have some "ME" time & decompress from the world...but usually after wards I feel horribly guilty that I took time out for me.

    I confess that it upsets me that my husband tries to tell me where on my body I can get tattoos because he finds some places unattractive etc. I am not comfortable with my body and my tattoos help me feel more confident & comfortable in my own skin. (if that makes any sense)
  • IamRoJ
    IamRoJ Posts: 530 Member
    I confess I'm attracted to dominant women...
    Walt....Did we ask you to speak?? :tongue:

    bwahahaha!! Post of the Day!!! :laugh:

    OMG do I love you!!!!!!! You crack my &(*&(*# UP!!!
  • IamRoJ
    IamRoJ Posts: 530 Member
    I confess that I've been hiding the fact that I used to weigh 240 lbs and as of just today lost a total of 90 pounds so far but I was ashamed to tell anyone, for the fear of ever admitting I ever weighed that much.....

    I confess that I love this girl too...and would gladly arm wrestle BbyGrl for her, but she's so buff, she'd kick my tush.

    I also confess that both of them have the BIGGEST hearts and keep me laughing and motivated enough to keep at this. LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    I confess that I've been hiding the fact that I used to weigh 240 lbs and as of just today lost a total of 90 pounds so far but I was ashamed to tell anyone, for the fear of ever admitting I ever weighed that much.....

    I confess that I love this girl too...and would gladly arm wrestle BbyGrl for her, but she's so buff, she'd kick my tush.

    I also confess that both of them have the BIGGEST hearts and keep me laughing and motivated enough to keep at this. LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!


    I confess Roj is the woman I want to be. I've told her this before. She inspires me in more ways than she knows. ;)<3
  • jamiek89
    jamiek89 Posts: 105
    I confess that I just teared up in the first part of Obamas speech to announce the death of Osama Bin Laden. High five America!
  • edith_t
    edith_t Posts: 109 Member
    I confess to sometimes having days when i buy 10 celebrity magazines and have a full on gossip day :)
  • edith_t
    edith_t Posts: 109 Member
    I confess to sometimes having days when i buy 10 celebrity magazines and have a full on gossip day :)
  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    I confess that I was dipping into the chocolate from the Easter basket yesterday. I was doing so good too. :(
  • sherri31
    sherri31 Posts: 80
    I confess that i drove to the gym today but never went in. Instead i sat in my truck and listened to music.
  • Ren0913
    Ren0913 Posts: 58
    I confess that I have just been sitting here reading this thread instead of doing work... :embarassed:
    I confess that I am a very jealous person when it comes to my boyfriend. I don't like it when he hangs around girls I don't know. Especially since its a long distance relationship.
    I confess that I know he is going to propose to me when I go see him in three weeks :blushing:
    I confess that my greatest fear is being alone.
    I confess that I sometimes feel like I am not good enough for him, even though he is always telling me otherwise.
    I confess that I can't take a compliment
    I confess that I love my job, but some days... I just don't want to be here. There is nothing to do lol
    I confess that I miss most of my high school friends, I only see one of them anymore... they just moved on when they went to college and I chose the military.
    I confess I still don't know what I want to do with my life career/college wise
    I confess I want to be a fantastic wife and mother... I'm just scared and don't know if I'm ready just yet... a wife maybe. But I think I'm going to wait for the kids.... :]
    I confess I can be a little dyslexic at times..
  • numnumnums
    numnumnums Posts: 45 Member
    I confess I kiss my dog and cats on the lips.
    I confess I'd rather have chocolate than sex. There's not even a contest.
    I confess I'm probably the laziest person in Canada.
  • jlzrdking
    jlzrdking Posts: 501 Member
    I confess:

    If people knew what I was thinking at times I would probably be locked away.

    I do not stand up for myself like I should because it's easier to give in to other people.

    I spend way too much time on the internet.

    I'm a dork/geek/nerd and I would never change that.

    I wish I had made the coment about dominate women first :bigsmile: