Scared because dieting and gaining weight. Is it a tumour?



  • amandaziegler
    amandaziegler Posts: 3 Member
    bumblebee wrote: »
    Ok I'm confused then. I really don't think I'm eating over 2077 kcals per day. End of. I know I'm right.

    Well, OP, if you are so certain "you are right" and in fact have a tumor, the first piece of advice that anyone gave you is still accurate. Go to the doctor. Unless you think said "tumor" is going to go away on its own. Seriously. I know it's hard to accept when we aren't doing things the correct way. I know I have a hard time swallowing that fact. If you are so sure you are right, you had no need to ask anyone for advice. You should have simply gone straight to the doctor for the diagnosis. Do you actually WANT a tumor? I personaly would want it to be anything, anything else. Cause, a tumor? Not a good thing.

    I guess I'm wondering what is going to happen if your doctor tells you it's not a tumor? Will you ignore him too?
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    ok this is for bumblebee. your calorie goal seems to be 1630 calories a day. that is WITHOUT any exercise. If you go over that 1630 calories without exercise you are overeating,even if its only 300 calories you still are overeating,If you exercise and burn those 300 calories that doesnt mean you can eat those 300 calories back. If you are relying on food packaging for accurate calories,fat,etc 99% of the time the packaging is WRONG and will not be the same, those weights and calories are ESTIMATES,

    Why not? She's not doing her calorie count with TDEE...

    for most people to lose weight if they eat their exercise calories back they gain weight or hit a plateau. what is the point of working out and burning those calories to lose weight if you are just going to eat them back or more?

    That's not from eating back exercise calories - that's from eating back exercise calories plus more.

    People are as bad at estimating exercise burn as they are at estimating how much they're eating....

  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    Oh look the thread is back from the great beyond!

    I realized last night that a zombie thread from July was from OP, and in that thread she states that she's 5'8". So at 136 pounds, and if I guessed that she's 35 years old, then her BMR is 1362.

    TDEE with exercising everyday would be 1872. Of course, add in suspect logging practices and any hope a deficit has vanished.

    *waits to be told she's wrong*

  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    edited November 2014
    bumblebee wrote: »
    Ok I'm confused then. I really don't think I'm eating over 2077 kcals per day. End of. I know I'm right.

    You are incorrect. Saying you think you don't eat over a certain amount of calorie does not make it fact.

    Its obvious that you don't weight your food, which means your portions are off and most likely underestimated. The only way to know is to log everything you eat, weigh all foods and measure all liquids. Make sure you included exercise calories but don't eat them all back (or don't record the entire amount, record only 50-75% of those calories).
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    maidentl wrote: »
    Y'all really need to stop talking about menopause. You're stressing me out.
    Try being in your mid-forties, sexually active and not getting your period for ten weeks.

    Wanna talk stress?

    "It's not possible. Be logical. He had the snip-snip. It is not possible. Don't freak out. You cannot be...Oh, GOD!'s not possible..."

    I guess getting older and possibly entering this peri-menopausal stage is better than pregnant. I don't have to shoot myself over menopause. ;)

    The insomnia sucks, though. When it happens, it isn't so much not falling asleep, but waking up and not being able to go back to sleep. That SUCKS.
    You mean the "I'm awake from 12am to 4am" thing? yeah, that sucks.

    Fall asleep. Two to four hours later, awake. Not just "woke up." AWAKE. No hope of going back to sleep.

    Never happened before. Pisses me off.

    Off thread, but try melatonin--works for me. :)
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    i thought this thread got nuked???
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    i thought this thread got nuked???

    Not yet. B)
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    i thought this thread got nuked???

    It was because the original post was flagged five times, disappeared, and the moderators had to review. They decided it was constructive and put it back in the forums.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    They decided it was constructive and put it back in the forums.

  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    Well, maybe someone will learn from this thread. It certainly isn't going to be OP who is never ever wrong.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    They decided it was constructive and put it back in the forums.
    Thank you, thank you, you go it!
  • aprilstar
    aprilstar Posts: 2 Member
    bumblebee wrote: »
    YOU ARE WRONG!! MFP sets me a calorie amount of 1630, which would make me lose weight. This is NOT my maintenance amount of calories.mi can actually eat 2077 kcal per day to maintain my weight. If I go over my 1630 but still under my 2077 I should not gain weight. In effect, I should lose weight for every calorie I eat less than 2077. Please can someone confirm this so I don't feel like I'm going totally mad!!!

    Hello Bumblebee, I think I know what is happening to you. I've read through all of the comments and I think that the posts that brought up sodium are right on track. I checked your diary and this is what I found out about your sodium...

    1 day you went over goal by 100
    1 day you went over by 200
    2 days you went over by 400
    1 day you went over by 600
    1 day you went over by 1200
    1 day you went over by 1800
    1 day you went over by 2100

    Seeing as your goal is 2300, there was a few times that you almost doubled your intake. Now I can tell from your responses, or lack thereof, to posts about sodium, that you don't think that's what it could be, but I assure you, it's a very real problem! For a while I was losing weight, staying in my calories and working out, the healthiest I'd ever been! Then I added some new, low calorie foods into my diet, I plateaued hard and then gained some. I didn't know why, I asked a friend. She asked about my sodium intake. So I checked my diary (that was accurate due to not guessing or estimating) and realized that my sodium was way too high and my water intake was way too low. Pay attention to this next part...

    I suggest that you reduce your sodium to within a normal range and start logging your water.

    That is my sole advice about your relatively small weight gain. I think it's a great place to start and you should know within a week if that was the problem. Otherwise, I'd suggest, like others have said, weighing your food and not using generic things when logging in.

    As for you personally, I realize that people have been making fun of you and being rude and that probably bothers you. I just want to say two things about that.

    One, stop making it easy for people to make fun of you; you need to do a little research before you ask. For example, have you researched large tumors? Do you know how long they take to grow that large? Do you know that they, like us, need fuel to grow? Have you researched other reasons why you may gain weight, like hypothyroidism? If you would have done some simple research you would not have included the tumor idea and therefore would have avoided all of the mocking.

    Two, when you ask for advice on an internet forum and people ask you for additional, specific information, provide that information. They probably need that information to give you an answer. Someone asked you, I believe on page 2 or 3, what your weight, age and height are. You answered weight and height but not age. Why? That really is important! There are many changes that occur over our lives, our metabolism changes and various diseases present at different ages. Do you not realize that? I'm not sure why you wouldn't share your age, are you embarrassed? Also, people continue to ask if you weigh your food. Well do you? Do you make sure that you count two servings if you eat two servings? Do you know for a fact that the tuna wrap you buy is one serving, or is it two? Have you checked? Do you think I'll lose weight if I eat a big bag of chips but just count one 150 calorie serving? It's highly doubtful because I'd go way over my calories and sodium, but my diary will be in range.

    In conclusion, I have one question above all the others that I want you to answer:
    Why are you being stubborn, rejecting the advice that you asked for, refusing to answer clarifying questions and failing to have a civilized conversation without resorting to "YOU'RE WRONG!"?

    Best Wishes,

    Please forgive the errors in my post, I'm horribly imperfect.
  • PaulJRaymond
    PaulJRaymond Posts: 100 Member