Midsummer Meltdown - 4/25 thru 6/21



  • Wraiythe
    Wraiythe Posts: 780 Member
    I've had pretty much of a not so great week. I've kept it within calorie goals but my motivation just hasn't been there for some reason and I've only been squeaking by on the exercise. Shame on me! Yesterday was a new start though so i did good on my food and exercise. I started the 30 Day Shred yesterday....she kicked my butt but other than being sooo sore this morning I feel good about getting back on track!!
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Can I join?
    SW - 186
    CW - 151
    GW - 137

    Welcome PamDW!! We weigh in each Tuesday and the weekly food/exercise challenges will be posted by Tuesday as well.
    Good luck!!
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Happy Monday, everyone!!

    Today's the last day for Week #1's challenge...everyone made a great effort and did an awesome job!! Congrats to all of you! :flowerforyou:

    Looking forward to Week #2's challenge which will be posted by Ceejay000.

    Don't forget tomorrow to post your CW. I'll post the first week's results once everyone is in.

    @ jkegs013 - can you post your 6/21 GW?
    @ Thin4Payton - can you post your 4/25 CW & 6/21 GW?

    Hoping everyone has a successful WK 1 weigh in!!!! :love: ..:heart: ..:drinker: ..
  • Quierstina
    Quierstina Posts: 201 Member
    Happy Monday all!

    My weekend was pretty successful. I got in all my water both days and got in a great workout on Saturday. Sunday was a lazy day. I needed to rest.

    I hope you all start your week out right and have a successful weigh in tomorrow :bigsmile:
  • eeyorelvr09
    eeyorelvr09 Posts: 97 Member
    I got to be honest. This weeked went downhill. 3/4 of the day I do great and then it gets ruined by temptation. We had a yard sale so I was up and walking around. Did great until dinner, which wasn't THAT bad. I had a pita w/ lettuce, tzaziki and 2 strips of beef top round (a gyro pita essentially), seasoned corn on the cob (spices, no butter) and a chicken skewer. Then i lost it with a few beers. To top that I did not exercise essentially, but I had my 10 glasses of water.
    Yesterday, I did well. Walked to and from church (1 mile total), breakfast was ok; hard roll with butter and a glass of OJ. Snack was fiber select wheat thins. Then, we went to Chipotle for dinner. Ugh. I did not have an sour cream, cheese or guac on my burritto. Just rice, steak and lettuce. But we had chips and guac.
    Sorry for venting, but I feel that I am having a very difficult time on weekends and I am a people pleaser, so I know that it is my weakness. I know I need to put my foot down and just say yea we can go eat, but I'm not going to have anything or just eat well when we go out to eat.

    How do eat when you go out? How difficult is it, knowing the crap that these resturants put on their menus?
  • beanie242
    beanie242 Posts: 94 Member
    Yesterday was so rough for me. We went out for Sunday brunch, and although I stayed away from all of the sweets and didn't go back for more it still felt like to much. Then there was a family birthday dinner, where of course there were massive amounts of food and cake. I managed to get my exercise in but I was severely lacking in water intake. Oh well, today is a new day :) and I'm starting turbo fire today :)
  • Tissues
    Tissues Posts: 361 Member
    I got to be honest. This weeked went downhill. 3/4 of the day I do great and then it gets ruined by temptation. We had a yard sale so I was up and walking around. Did great until dinner, which wasn't THAT bad. I had a pita w/ lettuce, tzaziki and 2 strips of beef top round (a gyro pita essentially), seasoned corn on the cob (spices, no butter) and a chicken skewer. Then i lost it with a few beers. To top that I did not exercise essentially, but I had my 10 glasses of water.
    Yesterday, I did well. Walked to and from church (1 mile total), breakfast was ok; hard roll with butter and a glass of OJ. Snack was fiber select wheat thins. Then, we went to Chipotle for dinner. Ugh. I did not have an sour cream, cheese or guac on my burritto. Just rice, steak and lettuce. But we had chips and guac.
    Sorry for venting, but I feel that I am having a very difficult time on weekends and I am a people pleaser, so I know that it is my weakness. I know I need to put my foot down and just say yea we can go eat, but I'm not going to have anything or just eat well when we go out to eat.

    How do eat when you go out? How difficult is it, knowing the crap that these resturants put on their menus?

    I find it helpful to ask for a nutrition menu everywehre I go.. its harder for the nonchain restaraunts, but almost all chains have them available!
  • Tissues
    Tissues Posts: 361 Member
    And my weekend was shot... I was hoping I would stay on track being I joined this challenge, but my DH was home this weekend, and we went out a lot, and ate a lot, but we also got some good exercise in (my front and back yards are completely maintained, and my house is clean). I'm actually expecting a gain tomorrow.. with all the sodium I took in over the weekend, and knowing my body, i'm going to retain all that water weight. I'm going to try and flush it out today, but dont think i'll be very successful..

    lunch hour at the gym, and tonight, Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism.. i havnt tried it yet, its 45 minutes of Jillian's circuit training, so i'm sure i'll be very sore tomorrow. GL all!
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    How do eat when you go out? How difficult is it, knowing the crap that these resturants put on their menus?

    I have a really hard time with this too. If I'm feeling really motivated, and I'm going to a chain like Chipotle, I'll look up the menu before I go and look at the nutritional information. There's usually at least one thing that is a little lower in calories (sodium goes out the window when eating out), and I'll plan ahead to get that item. That's worked for me so far at Qdoba, Buffalo Wild Wings, and Jimmy Johns.

    Don't get me wrong, there are definitely days when I don't do this and I let myself go overboard at a restaurant, but what I said is how I stay under control when I'm thinking about it :).
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    Happy Monday!
    I haven't been very present in this group so far--I intend to rectify that!! Like all of us, just so much to do and not enough time....
    I had a good weekend (although did have pizza last night--like so many others here, pizza is my total weakness!!)--got LOTS of exercise and drank more than the water challenge.
    Got a good start this morning--30 mins on the elliptical so far--Ripped in 30 and some extra abs in a bit.
    Again, I am getting so much inspiration and motivation from this groups and I'm determined to be there for you all as well!!
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    How do eat when you go out? How difficult is it, knowing the crap that these resturants put on their menus?

    @ Eeyore - I struggle with going out. I've lost some of my 'going out spontaneity' because I need to know where we'll be eating in order to research their menu first. I force a restaurant change if there doesn't appear to be anything worth eating. Some friends are too keen on this process; but others have been quite supportive and understand why I need to do this. It's so much easier to not go out; I have complete control then of how many calories & sodium I'm eating.

    We went out for Sunday brunch, and although I stayed away from all of the sweets and didn't go back for more it still felt like to much.

    @ Beanie - Nice job, though, on no sweets or return trips to the buffet table! That's an AWESOME accomplishment!!!

    @ Tissues - I would be interested in hearing your thoughts on Jillian's BFBM DVD...if you don't mind sharing...
  • Tissues
    Tissues Posts: 361 Member
    Ailene, tonight is the first time i'm trying it, so i'm sure i'll come in with a full report either tonight or first thing in the morning (assuming I can still walk)
  • karen12364
    karen12364 Posts: 12
    I didn't make the start last week. was sick, yuck!

    I am starting today though. Where do we find the group weekly challenges?

    Challenge SW: 161.4
    CW: 161.4
    GW: 151.4
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    I didn't make the start last week. was sick, yuck!

    I am starting today though. Where do we find the group weekly challenges?

    Challenge SW: 161.4
    CW: 161.4
    GW: 151.4

    A new person will post the weekly challenge Monday night or Tuesday morning (our weigh-ins are on Tuesdays). I'm posting this week's challenges, so I'll have them up tonight.
  • katznkt
    katznkt Posts: 320 Member
    I know I am late in the game, but I would love to join your group. :)

    SW 4/26: 199
    CW 5/2: 191
    GW 174

    Wish me luck with my ambitious numbers!
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Welcome to our group katznkt:) We are just a week into the challenge so you aren't too late!

    I've not checked in lately.......been busy with work and have had lots of company but I've drank my water plus some and I strive to workout at least 1 hour daily. Good luck to everyone with weigh in tomorrow:)
  • katznkt
    katznkt Posts: 320 Member
    Thanks. I am excited. Really funny actually because I was already doing a weekly weigh in and full set of measurements on Tuesdays. :) And, this was my first week. How made for me was this???
  • ravenclawseekergirl
    ravenclawseekergirl Posts: 342 Member
    Hi guys! Got in 12 glasses of water today, mostly because of the massive workout i've just finished (110 mins:noway: ) so that i'm in my calories for today. Urgh tired. I'm learning over my time here that being over my cals isnt to terrible because as lond as i put in the effort i can make them go away. Big break through fo me.
    Big hello to those people that have just joined this wonderful group. I dont know about any one else but i'm super excited about getting on that scale tomorrow. What number will i see :bigsmile:
    @katznkt I dont think that your goals are to ambitious. It's important in life to set yourself high goals. Whatever you lose during this challenge will be steps forward on your journey.
    Can't wait to see the new challenges...
  • butterflyinamber78
    butterflyinamber78 Posts: 49 Member
    screwed up a bit last week, still stuggling with the water, and I was so sore from my am PT that Sat I didn't work out. (Why, exactly, did we run 7+ miles 3 days in a row?!?) Still plateaued (sp), been stuck abound the same 5 lbs for 6 weeks... Looking forward to this weeks challenge!
  • rentrikin
    rentrikin Posts: 104 Member
    Disappointed in my water intake still but will continue to plug along
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