Fed Up



  • futuresize8
    futuresize8 Posts: 476 Member
    The amount of sugar (and preservatives) in processed food may be startling. But even before this revelation, many, many years ago, I was in college with a girl who had a relative who was a food inspector. Learning that there are percentages of rodent feces and hair and bug parts that are in an "acceptable range" really put me off processed stuff. And, once I inquired to a major food label about what "natural flavoring" meant (I wanted to make sure that what I was ingesting was vegetarian) and they were unable to tell me. This was in writing. So............................sugar ain't the only thang to get worked up about, if you're looking for something to get worked up about, that is...
  • marathon23
    marathon23 Posts: 12 Member
    randomtai wrote: »
    marathon23 wrote: »
    Why am I surprised by the lack of social decency in comments found on the internet? You wouldn't speak to someone the way you have me in person...but yet here you are online.

    Well I am actually more blunt in RL and less nice... but :ohwell:

    I can appreciate bluntness and thank you for clearing up what was obviously my mistake. You are right, it is not a documentary. Thank you for the clear up. Have a good day.
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    marathon23 wrote: »
    Why am I surprised by the lack of social decency in comments found on the internet? You wouldn't speak to someone the way you have me in person...but yet here you are online.

    Social decency aside, that Couric piece is still garbage for all the reasons tigersword listed.
    Any comment about their post?
  • dpwellman
    dpwellman Posts: 3,271 Member
    Another "mean" thread? please oh please!
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    The amount of sugar (and preservatives) in processed food may be startling. But even before this revelation, many, many years ago, I was in college with a girl who had a relative who was a food inspector. Learning that there are percentages of rodent feces and hair and bug parts that are in an "acceptable range" really put me off processed stuff. And, once I inquired to a major food label about what "natural flavoring" meant (I wanted to make sure that what I was ingesting was vegetarian) and they were unable to tell me. This was in writing. So............................sugar ain't the only thang to get worked up about, if you're looking for something to get worked up about, that is...

    Don't forget the amount of human faecal matter and urine found in bar snacks
  • Butrovich
    Butrovich Posts: 410 Member
    Katie Couric is also famous for scaring people into thinking the HPV vaccine will cause cancer and kill you, despite a study documented in the British Journal of Medicine that took into account almost 1 million doses of the vaccine and found absolutely no link to cancer.

    Media sensationalism sells, and Katie Couric uses this to her advantage. Enjoy her shows, but I wouldn't trust her to tell me anything.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    marathon23 wrote: »
    randomtai wrote: »
    marathon23 wrote: »
    What would you call it?

    Fear Mongering.

    Maybe fear mongering for those who aren't capable of watching something and determining what is the important take away from the the information given. If you are a logical person and can riffle through facts and emotional lead ons, then you will be fine and not fall prey to "fear mongering".

    ... Says the person who fell prey to fear mongering.
  • sheldonklein
    sheldonklein Posts: 854 Member
    edited December 2014
    The amount of sugar (and preservatives) in processed food may be startling. But even before this revelation, many, many years ago, I was in college with a girl who had a relative who was a food inspector. Learning that there are percentages of rodent feces and hair and bug parts that are in an "acceptable range" really put me off processed stuff. And, once I inquired to a major food label about what "natural flavoring" meant (I wanted to make sure that what I was ingesting was vegetarian) and they were unable to tell me. This was in writing. So............................sugar ain't the only thang to get worked up about, if you're looking for something to get worked up about, that is...

    Why, pray tell, do you think there isn't rodent feces, insect parts, etc. in unprocessed food? Do you think the rats are trained to not *kitten* until food is processed?
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    In for ensuing gifs, sugar is the devil, and toxic baking soda.
  • turtlez23
    turtlez23 Posts: 156 Member
    OP- I am glad something inspired you to think about your health! Thanks for the suggestion!
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    marathon23 wrote: »
    randomtai wrote: »
    marathon23 wrote: »
    What would you call it?

    Fear Mongering.

    Maybe fear mongering for those who aren't capable of watching something and determining what is the important take away from the the information given. If you are a logical person and can riffle through facts and emotional lead ons, then you will be fine and not fall prey to "fear mongering".

    I'm with you in the idea that most of us can throw away the silly sensationalized stuff and consider any new information being presented. I don't want to turn this into a Dr. Oz thread but same for his show. Yes there is crap. Occasionally, an annoyingly large amount of crap. But not everything's crap. The promo for "Fed Up" says "Everything we've been told about food and exercise for the past 30 years is dead wrong." I have to say that doesn't entice me to watch it. That level of exaggeration means to me it may be difficult to pick out the stuff I want to consider.

    I went to the "Facts" section of the website http://fedupmovie.com/#/page/about-the-issue?scrollTo=facts, and it seems reasonable, but couldn't find any information I can use in my own efforts to get slim and fit. I am not a soda drinker, and I already knew that sugar makes stuff tastes good so gets slipped into a lot of "processed foods". And my mother-in-law's turnips and carrots.

    Marathon23, or anyone else who has seen this, what specifically was your takeaway? What, besides sugar content, has turned you off processed foods?
  • 165ordietrying
    165ordietrying Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks OP. I appreciate your post!
  • GingerbreadCandy
    GingerbreadCandy Posts: 403 Member
    marathon23 wrote: »
    randomtai wrote: »
    marathon23 wrote: »
    What would you call it?

    Fear Mongering.

    Maybe fear mongering for those who aren't capable of watching something and determining what is the important take away from the the information given. If you are a logical person and can riffle through facts and emotional lead ons, then you will be fine and not fall prey to "fear mongering".

    I'm with you in the idea that most of us can throw away the silly sensationalized stuff and consider any new information being presented. I don't want to turn this into a Dr. Oz thread but same for his show. Yes there is crap. Occasionally, an annoyingly large amount of crap. But not everything's crap. The promo for "Fed Up" says "Everything we've been told about food and exercise for the past 30 years is dead wrong." I have to say that doesn't entice me to watch it. That level of exaggeration means to me it may be difficult to pick out the stuff I want to consider.

    I went to the "Facts" section of the website http://fedupmovie.com/#/page/about-the-issue?scrollTo=facts, and it seems reasonable, but couldn't find any information I can use in my own efforts to get slim and fit. I am not a soda drinker, and I already knew that sugar makes stuff tastes good so gets slipped into a lot of "processed foods". And my mother-in-law's turnips and carrots.

    Marathon23, or anyone else who has seen this, what specifically was your takeaway? What, besides sugar content, has turned you off processed foods?


    I saw the documentary. Thought it was flawed in the first place, but not that bad overall, then it was explained to me several times what the issues with it are. Regardless, what I mostly took out of it (and there is a brilliant link somewhere addressing the issues with the film that also supports it) was that there is a load of education to do in terms of nutrition. The problem can't be solved with "cut all the fat" or "cut all the sugar", because that just leads to situations like in the movie (Which I really have to wonder if they were real or set up for dramatic effect) with obese kids trying to lose weight but still gorging on chips and fries.

    Either that, or people starving themselves and eating only carrots because they think it's the only way to lose weight, thus being unable to maintain.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    marathon23 wrote: »
    Couric covers the ridiculous amounts of sugar that is added to processed foods and goes over some alarming statistics. I already knew processed foods aren't healthy, but this documentary was very interesting and extremely motivational.

    Funny, I quite often have oatmeal or smoked salmon for breakfast. Both are processed, of course. The oatmeal has no sugar added (guess those processors were sleeping on the job!) and while I'm sure the smoked salmon had a bit of sugar used in the process it's not a meaningful amount IMO. Would be a foolish reason for me to stop eating what I think is a healthy and helpful food, even if Katie Couric tells me to!

    I also don't agree that yogurt, which you can easily get with no sugar added, and which often just has fruit added (which I might add myself if I didn't get the flavored kind) is unhealthy.

    These scare tactics are idiotic.

    Rather than generalizing about all processed foods when they vary immensely, why not read labels and decide what you care about?
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    The amount of sugar (and preservatives) in processed food may be startling. But even before this revelation, many, many years ago, I was in college with a girl who had a relative who was a food inspector. Learning that there are percentages of rodent feces and hair and bug parts that are in an "acceptable range" really put me off processed stuff. And, once I inquired to a major food label about what "natural flavoring" meant (I wanted to make sure that what I was ingesting was vegetarian) and they were unable to tell me. This was in writing. So............................sugar ain't the only thang to get worked up about, if you're looking for something to get worked up about, that is...

    Why, pray tell, do you think there isn't rodent feces, insect parts, etc. in unprocessed food? Do you think the rats are trained to not *kitten* until food is processed?

    Farms are notoriously free of animals and insects, obvs.
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    This topic does give me some serious deja vu.

  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    marathon23 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    marathon23 wrote: »
    randomtai wrote: »
    marathon23 wrote: »
    What would you call it?

    Fear Mongering.

    Maybe fear mongering for those who aren't capable of watching something and determining what is the important take away from the the information given. If you are a logical person and can riffle through facts and emotional lead ons, then you will be fine and not fall prey to "fear mongering".

    You're new here. It's cute.

    You'll learn in time. Hopefully.

    No need to be condescending. What will I learn? That every one here thinks exactly alike? I truly hope not. I was simply trying to share something that has motivated me this morning.

    Honestly, it's not you but this documentary shows up here a lot and it never turns out pretty.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I would call it populist fluff.

    The Canada Food Guide suggests eating complex carbohydrates more often. That's a reasonable statement. Calling all refined foods toxic or worse is extreme and in error. It IMO, hurts the case for healthier eating by being so extreme.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    edited December 2014
    marathon23 wrote: »
    randomtai wrote: »
    marathon23 wrote: »
    What would you call it?

    Fear Mongering.

    Maybe fear mongering for those who aren't capable of watching something and determining what is the important take away from the the information given. If you are a logical person and can riffle through facts and emotional lead ons, then you will be fine and not fall prey to "fear mongering".

    I'm with you in the idea that most of us can throw away the silly sensationalized stuff and consider any new information being presented. I don't want to turn this into a Dr. Oz thread but same for his show. Yes there is crap. Occasionally, an annoyingly large amount of crap. But not everything's crap. The promo for "Fed Up" says "Everything we've been told about food and exercise for the past 30 years is dead wrong." I have to say that doesn't entice me to watch it. That level of exaggeration means to me it may be difficult to pick out the stuff I want to consider.

    I went to the "Facts" section of the website http://fedupmovie.com/#/page/about-the-issue?scrollTo=facts, and it seems reasonable, but couldn't find any information I can use in my own efforts to get slim and fit. I am not a soda drinker, and I already knew that sugar makes stuff tastes good so gets slipped into a lot of "processed foods". And my mother-in-law's turnips and carrots.

    Marathon23, or anyone else who has seen this, what specifically was your takeaway? What, besides sugar content, has turned you off processed foods?

    Here, this will explain it all.