December Running Challenge



  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    bwogilvie wrote: »
    KylaDenay wrote: »
    I twisted my bad ankle the other day. It was bruised pretty bad and I've been limping on it. I had to take a few days off. It is a little better today, as I am barely limping, but it is not yet healed. I am going to try and walk today to make up some miles. So far I am at 15 out of 60. Ugh this sucks.

    Sorry to hear that. Take care of yourself! I had a knee injury in May - a reinjury where I had banged myself up in a bike crash a few years ago - and I stupidly did 2 or 3 more runs until the pain went from being moderate to being severe. I then had to take two whole months off of running. Don't do what I did!
    Thank you so much for the advice. I will definitely take it easy. I do not want to be down for that long.
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    ShortMrsN wrote: »
    First run in just over a week, slow and gentle 5km to test out my sore leg, seems ok.....
    Great that you feel better :)
    KylaDenay wrote: »
    I twisted my bad ankle the other day. It was bruised pretty bad and I've been limping on it. I had to take a few days off. It is a little better today, as I am barely limping, but it is not yet healed. I am going to try and walk today to make up some miles. So far I am at 15 out of 60. Ugh this sucks.
    Sorry to hear that! Better don't walk too much - if you are still limping, as you write, a couple days of rest might be more beneficial in the long run than a few extra miles this month.

    Not sure I'll have time to go running tonight as planned, so I dragged myselft out of bed early enough to get at least a short run in before work. Rainy, cold, and, worst of all, still dark outside... I know it's weird when in the evening the darkness doesn't bother me at all, but in the morning I find it really annoying. Or maybe the get-up-earlier-part is the true problem... ;-)

    2.12.2014 - 5.0 km
    6.12.2014 - 4.2 km
    7.12.2014 - 10.5 km
    10.12.2014 - 3 km
    22.7km (of 100km) done


    You are very right. Thank you!
  • madube84
    madube84 Posts: 135 Member
    12/1 -
    12/2 -
    12/3 –
    12/4 -
    12/5 -
    12/6 -
    12/7 -
    12/8 – 2.1 miles
    12/9 -2.1 miles
    12/10 – 1 mile

    Goal: 25
    Completed: 5.2

  • I finished another session of C25K--excited but very nervous about the next one

  • ImNoAngel2
    ImNoAngel2 Posts: 98 Member
    Dec 1 - 3.1 mi
    Dec 2 - REST
    Dec 3 - 4.2 mi
    Dec 4 - REST
    Dec 5 - 3.0
    Dec 6 - REST
    Dec 7 - 3.1 mi
    Dec 8 - REST
    Dec 9 - 4.2 mi
    Dec 10 - REST
    Dec 11 - 4.1 mi

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,412 Member
    edited December 2014
    Not sure I'll have time to go running tonight as planned, so I dragged myselft out of bed early enough to get at least a short run in before work. Rainy, cold, and, worst of all, still dark outside... I know it's weird when in the evening the darkness doesn't bother me at all, but in the morning I find it really annoying. Or maybe the get-up-earlier-part is the true problem... ;-)
    I don't like running in the dark either but it is definitely the get-up-earlier-part that is the problem for me!
    She ran good, but twisted an ankle early in the race. She finished 27th out of I think 277 runners, 2nd in her age group with a time of 24:53 I think it was. When 23 minutes came around I knew something was wrong when she wasn't back. She was limping some and said she stepped in a sewer drain and it twisted at about mile 1. EMTs took a look a said it was a minor sprain and taped her up. Later after we got home, she told me the girl running by her was elbowing her and slowly started to push her towards the curb. Instead of backing off she paced with her and when the girl elbowed her again and ran her into the sewer Skip finally elbowed her back and then backed off because it hurt. I told her when she gets hurt like that to stop running that she could have made it worse. She's too funny, she said "well I had to get back to the finish line somehow" LOL. Our next race is 20 December and I plan to run that. I haven't run since 1 December and I'm dying here. LOL thanks for asking!
    Can't believe another girl would do that! It is terrible! I hope her ankle is doing ok now. How are you feeling? Is your hip better?
    fabnine wrote: »
    Dec 10 __12.9am+9.3pm both in cold rain -at least it wasn't snowing-that's tomorrow
    How can you ran that much in one day in the cold and rain?!
    You get snow tomorrow and we get rain!

  • johnsonnelly
    johnsonnelly Posts: 103 Member
    edited December 2014
    Dec 1 - 2 miles
    Dec 2 - 1.1 miles
    Dec 3 - Rest
    Dec 4 - Rest
    Dec 5 - 3.1 miles (5k)
    Dec 6 - 3.1 miles (5k)
    Dec 7 - Rest
    Dec 8 - 3.1 miles (5k) and bike 4.218 miles (not counted on ticker)
    Dec 9 - Rest
    Dec 10 - 4 miles (which is the furthest that I have ran at one time, without stopping at all :) )

  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    Goal for December: 80 miles

    12/1 root canal in the morning, and 5.18 in the afternoon.....what a day!
    12/2 3.53
    12/3 3.45
    12/4 rest
    12/5 3.85
    12/6 I. Could. Not. Just. Could. Not.
    12/7 3.88
    12/8 3.5
    12/9 3.68
    12/10 3.15

    Total: 30.22

    RunnerElizabeth wrote: »

    Looks like I dropped it on my way back in to my complex. Someone must have picked it up right away and put it on the wall on the opposite side of where I dropped it, which is why I didn't see it. A neighbor found it yesterday and tracked me down last night. Everything was there including my cash! There are still good people in the world!
    (ticker is my goal for 2014 and accumulation to date)

    So glad to hear this!
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    shanaber wrote: »

    Can't believe another girl would do that! It is terrible! I hope her ankle is doing ok now. How are you feeling? Is your hip better?

    I know I said it's not like it was a school race where these things matter. In school races it can get pretty wild, but usually at the finish line and no one is trying to hurt each other just get the edge. She learned a valuable lesson about backing off a bit and kicking butt at the end :wink: My leg/hip is feeling much better, I have not run at all, but Saturday I plan to do a few slow miles to see how I feel. Yesterday was the first day I had no discomfort, I can stretch without feeling like someone is trying to pull my muscles out through my hip LOL. Thanks for asking!

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    edited December 2014
    fabnine wrote: »

    @skippygirlsmom- glad she did well, but hate that someone was so aggressively competitive as to hurt her. Please tell me that bully didn't take first for Skip's age group.

    Dec 10 __12.9am+9.3pm both in cold rain -at least it wasn't snowing-that's tomorrow
    ____ Total ____ 74.3

    You bet she did, by about 30 seconds. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Afterwards Skip walked over and high fived her and said nice race and the mom looked at me and said she usually runs it in 21 or under. Okay that was easy enough to check since she runs XC in the same state as us. No she does not LOL

    Girl you are my hero, all those miles and the cold rain....bbbrrr I'm freezing for you! Super job my friend!

  • corinne0805
    corinne0805 Posts: 158 Member
    Rainy morning - perfect for running!
    - exercise.png
  • SusieQ769
    SusieQ769 Posts: 3 Member
    I am going to shoot for 75 miles.
  • SusieQ769
    SusieQ769 Posts: 3 Member
  • Minnygirl1
    Minnygirl1 Posts: 83 Member
    3 more today are so observant!! I thought it was time for a new pic :)
    @skippymom....your daughter sounds awesome, what a good sport!!

    Happy running everyone


  • Runningmischka
    Runningmischka Posts: 386 Member
    12/2 = strength training
    12/3 = 6 miles
    12/4 = strength training
    12/6 = 7 miles
    12/7 = 7 miles + 1 miles with the dog
    12/8 = 7 miles
    12/9 = strength training
    12/11 = strength training + 6.5 miles

  • Remus42
    Remus42 Posts: 149 Member
    Dec 1 - 14k hike
    Dec 2 - 5.5k run
    Dec 3 - Strength training
    Dec 4 - 5k run
    Dec 5 - rest day
    Dec 6 - strength training and 2k run
    Dec 7 - rest day
    Dec 8 - Long work day/ rest day
    Dec 9 - 6.5k run
    Dec 10 - Crazy rain storm = rest day for me.
    Dec 11 - 6k run in beautiful 12 degree weather for December. Felt more like spring than winter.

    Total for the month 25k I believe my goal this month is 60k. So that leaves me only 35k.
  • SLHysell
    SLHysell Posts: 247 Member
    Knees still hanging in there. It was at about these distances that my left knee got all goofed up a few months ago. Too much, too fast, too heavy. Now I'm ramping up the distance extremely slowly and I'm 36 lbs lighter. Hopefully the knees will hold up this time.

    So far so good.

    12/3/2014 - 3.33 Miles - Cumulative 3.33 Miles.
    12/4/2014 - 4.12 Miles - Cumulative 7.45 Miles
    12/6/2014 - 3.14 Miles - Cumulative 10.59 Miles (Set a 5K PR on this one of 27:23)
    12/8/2014 - 2.13 Miles - Cumulative 12.72 Miles
    12/10/2014 - 4.08 Miler - Cumulative 16.80

    GOAL: 50 Miles

  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    edited December 2014
    12/1 - 2 mile walk away the pounds
    12/2 - 7 miles treadmill
    12/3 - 4 miles treadmill
    12/4 - Rest
    12/5 - 2 Miles treadmill
    12/6 - Twisted bad ankle/foot. Its bruised pretty bad. Need it to heal
    12/7- 12/9 RICE on ankle/foot
    12/10 - 2 miles walking on treadmill (limped badly, so stopped)


    This totally sucks!! My first month doing a challenge and I can't even get any miles in. I tried to walk last night and my foot/ankle was not having it. I'll just have to do what I can if anything.
  • sarabigod
    sarabigod Posts: 16 Member
    edited December 2014
    12/1... 1.75...1.75
    12/5...2... 5.75

  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    1 Dec - 7.2mi, easy effort
    2 Dec - 5.2mi, 12x hill repeats
    3 Dec - 8.1mi, midweek long, easy effort + 3.2 trail
    4 Dec - 6mi, fartlek/Strava bashing
    5 Dec - 8.2mi, easy/rain
    6 Dec - 6.1mi, easy w/the girl
    7 Dec - 3.3mi, easy
    8 Dec - 10mi + 6.4mi, both easy
    9 Dec - 6mi with 2mi @tempo (6:25, 6:15)
    10 Dec - 8.3mi, midweek longish, +3mi w/the girl
    11 Dec - 5mi, easy

    Total: 86mi
    Goal: 250mi

    Current Streak:
    34 days (274.9 mi)