Move it To Lose for May: CHALLENGE



  • Brookelee30
    Brookelee30 Posts: 102
    I sometimes exercise so I can eat a little more. My weight loss has stayed within the weekly set goal. This was supposed to be a reply to a post but didn't work that way. 2 days in and 700 burned so far. Not bad for having a sick achy body..... Maybe the beginning of a yucky head cold - flu. Who knows?
  • messyhare
    messyhare Posts: 366 Member
    This was a very good day for me!!

    Ended up burning 1152 calories - walked, biked, did water aerobics AND swam!! I am beat.

    My food choices were ok, could have been better. We didn't eat before we went to the community center and were SO HUNGRY when we left - Jack in the Box was right on the corner. I won't come anywhere near to eating my exercise calories though so I think all is well.

    Hope everyone else had a great day - this challenge is wonderful!!
  • scmusicbiz
    scmusicbiz Posts: 35 Member
    I did not manage to "move it" yesterday (Mon., 5/2/11) but I did finish the day with 162 calories unused. Today I will make it to the gym and take spin class.
  • FitMomma0722
    FitMomma0722 Posts: 50 Member
    BTW-- Mini challenge update... 56 mins (391 cals) working out today, so just under, unless you will count the JUNK moving we have to do to get out basement ready for a sump pump installation tomorrow!! :wink:

    You are SOOOOOOOO CLLLOOOSEEEEEE!!! I personally challenge you to 4 minutes of jumping jacks! Running in place! Stepping! Anything! C'mon, c'mon - 4 measly minutes, My friend! You can do it!

    I LOVE THIS! I am starting the timer right now so that he does that extra 4 minutes. 2 minutes of jumping jacks and 2 minutes of running in place!!!

    DONE!!! ****out of breath***

    EDIT--- Sorry... didn't log my wife out!!!

    lol...too funy! Congrats on getting those last 4 minutes in.
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    I did not manage to "move it" yesterday (Mon., 5/2/11) but I did finish the day with 162 calories unused. Today I will make it to the gym and take spin class.

    No sweat <slapping knee, cracking myself up>.

    Today is a new day, and you are still on track to make the 1800 week goal!
  • tiffanyjade09
    tiffanyjade09 Posts: 70 Member
    Yesterday I was under my calorie allowance and I burnt 365 calories walking on the treadmil and riding a stationary bike. 30 minutes on each. I need to start running on the treadmil because you burn so many calories in a short amount of time. Can't wait to go to the gym tonight to see how much I will burn!
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    Okay, here's my last 6 self-compliments:

    6. I'm a great cook. That's right, I said it - GREAT.

    5. I am an excellent public-speaker. Crowds don't phase me, and I don't sweat under that pressure.

    4. I've learned to set boundaries and stick to them... and have finally learned how to make others respect those boundaries.

    3. I love my hair. Being half Black and half Norweigan, I've got the best of both worlds. Thick, strong, shiny, loose-fro curls that I can do just about anything with. And don't get me started on what I can do with a weave.

    2. I'm a good friend. I belive in quality friendships, not quantity. I cherish and work hard to maintain those that I have.

    1. I've got a FANTASTIC RACK! LOLOL This, as it turns out, is also one compliment my boyfriend gives me. And I agree!
  • messyhare
    messyhare Posts: 366 Member
    I'm struggling to lose 15 pounds I recently gained because I just discovered I have thyroid issues (still without medication), so It has been so difficult to me to lose these pounds, I lose some one week and then If I just have a little slack on my diet, I gained all them back!:sad: ...I have to eat very a little amount of calories because my metabolism is just very slow.

    Wish me luck, I'm pretty excite about this challenge!! :flowerforyou:
    I have thyroid issues myself - it does make it more difficult to lose but it's not impossible. Are you going to be getting on medication for it? Without medicine I am DEAD - so tired, cranky, depressed, did I mention tired? and cranky? and depressed??? I really can not function without being on my medicine - my family would quickly replace me with someone a bit nicer. I really recommend getting on medication - it will help in so many ways, one of which is it is easier to lose weight.

    I am loving this challenge as well! I hope it goes well for you!
  • mamabearr
    mamabearr Posts: 304
    Yesterday I worked out for about an hour and 45 minutes. Twenty minutes of my turbofire, 25 minutes walking, and then an hour of pole. I have yet to work out today, but I'm sure chasing around 9 kids at daycare burned me some.
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    I am truly happy today! I saw the surgeon (had a severed tendon in my finger repaired 2 months ago) and he's released me to do whatever I want! I get to go back to work next week, and I'm free to hit the gym! I think I burned up a million calories just dancing to my car from the office!!!!
  • scmusicbiz
    scmusicbiz Posts: 35 Member
    I did not manage to "move it" yesterday (Mon., 5/2/11) but I did finish the day with 162 calories unused. Today I will make it to the gym and take spin class.

    Made it to spin class, where I did some major sweating. MFP thinks I burned 718 calories, and who am I to argue?

    There's an old-fashioned scale in the men's locker room, the kind with large and small blocks you move and adjust to make the needle balance to show your weight. Usually I set the big block at 150 lbs and move the small one up to fine-tune the weight. Lately, I've been too heavy for that; the big block has to be at 200. Today I was just a little over 200, so I am HOPING the next time I weigh myself there, I'll be under 200.
  • themarketco
    themarketco Posts: 12 Member
    I didn't have a common exercise day Monday. We moved cows in the rain and I can't seem to find that in the exercises list. :)
  • scmusicbiz
    scmusicbiz Posts: 35 Member

    No sweat <slapping knee, cracking myself up>.

    Groan! God will get you for that, Dee!
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    I didn't have a common exercise day Monday. We moved cows in the rain and I can't seem to find that in the exercises list. :)

    Not sure if it's a no-no to recommend another site, but for searching calorie burning check Their database is filled with the odd things that come up in life. For grins, you can even find out how many calories you burn taking a shower! That being said, it's the only thing I recommend about it!
  • themarketco
    themarketco Posts: 12 Member
    I didn't have a common exercise day Monday. We moved cows in the rain and I can't seem to find that in the exercises list. :)

    Not sure if it's a no-no to recommend another site, but for searching calorie burning check Their database is filled with the odd things that come up in life. For grins, you can even find out how many calories you burn taking a shower! That being said, it's the only thing I recommend about it!

    Funny thing - I use fitday quite a bit on my phone for exercise. Horseback riding says 4 hours 996 calories.... Well, for the horse sure, but I think that is waaaayyyyy over. :)
  • Sexymama34
    Sexymama34 Posts: 43 Member
    Doing great so far..staying under my Calories and I have done 30 mins of Turbo fire and 15 min walk so far...but tonight I will do Trubo 10 Abs and go for another walk...want to aim for 60 min of exercise:)
  • fergac
    fergac Posts: 2 Member
    I have moved it the past two days! Yesterday I went to the gym for a quick 30 min but burned 300 in the treadclimber.
    Today I went to the gym and burned 450 doing various cardio. I also did some weights and machines. I feel good but for some reason am very tired and hungry.
    I see everyone losing weight and I AM NOT...whats going on here? Tips? One thing is I know I am just graduating college so many late nights of drinking and eating has added up but what can I do to speed up the weight loss process? I have my sisters wedding in a couple months and need to get moving!!!
  • ptillison
    ptillison Posts: 15 Member
    I have moved for the past 3 days of the challenge. I started the 30 day shred dvd's on May 2 and I am on day 2 of that. I want to say that I officially hate Jillian Michaels.LOL. I have managed to stay under my calorie goal but i gained .5 lbs f this week. Not going to sweat it though. I am just going to keep pushing through.This challenge is great.
  • ptillison
    ptillison Posts: 15 Member
    Oh I almost forgot about my personal mini challenge for Monday was to complete 100 squats. I made it!!! Yeah Me!!
  • wintermama13
    wintermama13 Posts: 172 Member
    Yay Great Job everyone! I suppose I will add in my stats as well now :)
    Sunday burned 356 running/walking
    Monday burned 590 on the elliptical
    Tuesday burned 487 run/walk
    Total (so far of 1433 calories burned!)
    But I am very nervous for this weekend....fiance's mom is sending a TON of delicious (read: fattening) food (desserts) up for us all weekend. :s Pray for me!!
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