

  • seaurchin60
    seaurchin60 Posts: 2 Member
    I am sitting here planning the changes i need to make in the new year. Weight has been a lifetime battle for me even though i am a very active person. I have yo yoed over the years and although i am not at my heaviest currently; i need to lose 50 pounds. I have a 60th birthday in January and have decided my gift to myself is to prioritize improving my health. I have never used a forum before and I think this might be the help i need. Seaurchin in BC, Canada.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,732 Member
    stats for the day, wind is a *kitten*... just saying
    ride hm 2 gym-13.13min, 13.5amph, 3mi, windy
    rowing machine- 30min, 178aw, 7209meters
    jacobs ladder- 10min
    jumping single/double/scissors- 11min
    ride gym 2 starbucks- 23.30min, 8.8amph, 3.4mi, windy
    ride starbucks 2 mall, 2 REI then hm- 20.15min, 8.3amph 2.8mi, windy
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Monday morning and did 2 mile Jeannette's race-walk/jog/sprints Oh my I am SO unfit and have to do it again on Wednesday. It was already hot by 7am. Hips said No NO and I said YES. I am supposed to do 3 mile and MORE sprints. Will soon lol if not dead first and 6602 step for that.

    Had a lovely drive out Sunday and 2 doggy walks and got to 7389 steps. Found a new walking track on Mersey River near Latrobe, doggy LOVED it more new sniff lol

    I feel sorry for crabby neighbour and will no longer listen to her rantings or stop near her house, I run past now and pretend i do not see her. No wonder she has a bad back and neighbours keep well away

    Lesley in Tasmania (JJ's kick-boxing next oh my poor legs lol)
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sun.been baking cookies for 2 hours.Not eating.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Happy Winter Solstice! For Lesley, Happy Summer Solstice. I look forward to more daylight. Ironically, the winter blues have often hit me in January after the days are starting to get longer. I hope I don't experience them this year.
  • Rosie5151
    Rosie5151 Posts: 57 Member
    Hello all! So I believe I joined this group a while ago and for some reason could never find it? Maybe I was looking in the wrong places! Not sure. But If you are in support of one more 'over 50' overweight women, I'd love to join in? Let me know. Here is some back ground and If I ramble, just tune me out!
    My name is Rose or Rosie, some call me both. I'm a mom of 2 grown kids /one step and a grandmother of a 4 yr old boy and a 4 month girl. I have been heavy since my son was born 27 years ago. I lost, gained, lost and so on. Same story over and over. Had my daughter and after having her I lost some but gained again. Yo Yo , back and forth. But last year I started to want to be better for my daughter who has autism and a food addict . She needed to lose and instead of running from it, we started together. Fast forward to a yr in to it. Lost 76 lbs to date and at a stand still. I'm grasping at straws now. I eat 1200 to 1500 cals a day. Up one day down the next. And i'm up 5 lbs and down 5lbs . It seems its never ending. To date I've been taking a "bite" of a cookie here an there.. holidays are going to hurt all I've done if I don't stop with the bites here and there. So if I can find you all again, I'd love to join in and give support/help if I can and take it , too. its a lonely road this weight loss thing especially when everyone around you is enjoying their goodies right now.
    Thanks for listening! Oh and BTW. I started @ 300 lbs...and at 224 ... with the exception of the up and down!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    My posts are disappearing :'( I work hard on what I am going to say. When I hit post reply I see them on the forum but when I go back they are gone. Now I can't remember what I said. Rosie, you can book mark this page by going to this page, assuming you can find it. There will be a little star that will look either very pale or a real pale yellow. Click on it and this page is bookmarked. Then when you select community you will see a short little list of symbols at the top, one of them is a star that is filled in. That will be us, your home. It is wonderful you are doing this because of and with your daughter

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Rosie5151
    Rosie5151 Posts: 57 Member
    Thank You so much, Joyce! I will go and do this. I really needed a place to come to and just share/ vent and support. Thanks for the welcome! Looking forward to sharing and hearing about everyone!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    smiley-bounce013.gif Welcome to everyone who is new. The key to this journey to health, weight loss, and fitness is to make it a high priority. This takes time and consistency. Take baby steps and you'll be amazed at the changes you'll make in your life that will become part of a permanent life style. Come back here every day for support and encouragement----the outside world cannot be counted on to support your efforts and in some cases may actively try to sabotage your plans.

    :D Terri, the hat and mittens are darling...thanks for sharing the photo

    smiley-sick005.gifJake is not feeling well so we've been home watching TV all day.....I rode the exercise bike for over two hours in 20-40 minute blocks and worked on my knitting and did some weight training while he relaxed in the recliner. Now it's time to walk the dogs again.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif smiley-happy093.gif

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    My word for 2014 is “mindful”
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,098 Member
    edited December 2014
    I learned the secret from over eating at a pot luck go late. By the time we got there little was left. Some neighbors brought teenage children and the food went quick. The fruit kabobs I brought were gone in less than five minutes. Enjoyed the party we sang carols accompanied by their son who is getting his Master in Music at the U. Delightful.

    The church service called Winter's Night was very soothing.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    katla - sounds like you have good travel plans. Godspeed!

    jb - happy holidays to you, too

    terri - that hat and mittens look WONDERFUL. Wish I had such talent

    seaurchin - welcome! Come back often.

    Lesley - there is no way you are unfit, not with all the exercise you do.

    Didn't realize that today was the summer solstice. Yippee! I love when the days get longer

    Rose - you can find us under "motivation". Congrats on the good weight loss. I think this holiday season is just about the pits for everyone. I can't wait until it's over.

    Watched episodes 4 to 8 of Downtown Abbey season 5. Then went to Kohl's because we found we needed more wrapping paper. How I HATE having to do these things at the last minute. I hate, hate, hate it. How can I get Vince to get going on this earlier? I don't know.

    After Kohl's stopped at Food Lion to pick up this fruit bowl that I'll take to bowling tomorrow. They're having a "holiday buffet" which means most likely lots of cookies and chips and dips. Maybe someone will bring finger sandwiches so I can just take off the bread and eat the meat. Who knows? Maybe someone will bring veggies -- althou I doubt it. I'll take my bubba mug with me because I'm not sure what they'll have to drink

    The plan for tomorrow is to do the yoga, hold my plank, then go to Lowe's Foods, then take the extremepump class, then go to the post office to mail a package (did I mention that I HATE doing these things so late?), then go to the bowling alley. We need to be there by noon.

    Margaret - another thing I've found at pot lucks is to be the last in line to get your food. There isn't a whole lot left. Are we sneaky or what?

    Michele in NC
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Whew! The kids were over and we decorated the tree. They had a blast with the new piano. I tried to make blueberry pancakes for dinner. Burned them all. I made a Dutch Baby. It flopped and burned. Then I made french toast and it came out ok, but the kids were disappointed because I told them I was making blueberry pancakes. I also made bacon and sausage, which they liked ok. I ate one piece of french toast and two eggs. No bacon or sausage. So I did ok calorie wise and with salt.

    Does anybody like using Stevia? I was looking for something to use with my tea instead of sugar, and got a box of that stuff but really don't care for it. It says one packet has the sweetness of two teaspoons of sugar, but I did not taste much that I would call sweetness, even after using a second packet. And I thought the taste was bad. Not bitter exactly, but it changed the flavor of the tea. I don't like artificial sweeteners because of the bitterness (plus they give me headaches) so I hoped this would be good. What do the rest of you use instead of sugar? I hesitate to pay four bucks again to try two packets.

    Hubby just fell asleep with his thumb on the remote. Right between clicks. It's pretty funny! The menu came up on the screen and it just stayed that way. Poor baby. The kids wore him out.

    Here's a picture of my sweet Spot.

    Good night!


  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Here is how Spot got his name.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    smiley-bounce016.gifSylvia, Spot is darling.......I gave up sweetening my tea by using a little less sweetener each time until I was using none.....then I started drinking less tea....now I don't drink tea at all and just drink water :drinker:

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,732 Member

    Nite peeps
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Here's one of Molly. Can you tell I'm bored tonight? My poor dogs hate having their pictures taken.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Bruno says, mom, just leave me alone. I'm trying to sleep.kwh5rtqckjpz.jpg
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited December 2014
    Rosie: Welcome. You’ll fit right in. Taking the weight off takes time, and most of us have hit plateaus now and then. In my case—many plateaus. I didn’t quit and I’m pleased with my progress. I hope you’ll be patient and take the time you need without becoming discouraged. :flowerforyou:

    Joyce: I had disappearing posts until I started to compose them in a word document and paste them into MFP. Good luck. :flowerforyou:

    Terri: I love the hat and mittens. :heart:

    Michele: You and Margaret and SMART! I don’t think sneaky is part of that, unless a little bit of sneaking feels like fun. :laugh:

    Sylvia: I use Stevia regularly in a squirt bottle format. It is called Skinny Girl. I like it well enough. It takes the bitterness out of the coffee, but isn’t actually sweet like sugar or honey. Getting the right sized squirt takes practice. I tried the packets but they were awful with WAY too much “sweetness” for me. I’m not much of a tea drinker, other than Sleepytime and I don't sweeten it. Spot is a cutie! :flowerforyou:

    Tomorrow we leave on our trip east. We expect to be at DSIL’s place by the end of the day. DH will stay with her. The next day I’ll catch a jet at the Boise airport and head to CO for a few days and will return to the Boise airport after Christmas. Then we’ll drive home. We shipped all the gifts ahead. I am grateful that DSIL offered him an alternative. He really didn’t look forward to going to CO this time. He is still healing from back surgery and that much driving would be too many hours per day in a car. I fear it could damage or slow his recovery.

    Happy winter solstice to those in the Northern hemisphere. Happy summer solstice to those below the equator. :heart:


    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Tradition is not to preserve the ashes but to pass on the flame.”

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    December Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited December 2014
    Sylvia..........I still think Spot's head shows basenji in him; no idea where the rest of hm came from though, lol!

    Last week I looked at a sweet pit/basset hound mix at animal rescue; then read that the reason it was returned was "eats walls"..............

    G'nite all, my place is marked,
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Oh Sylvia, Spot is just precious and Molly is quite regal, looks like she is ruling the place and Bruno, well he looks like he is thinking of what can happen next.

    katla, that is my goal with my new computer. Since I have to learn windows 8 I might as well learn how to do a word document