Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • MKknits
    MKknits Posts: 184 Member
    @softblondechick‌ I have given up on keeping our house organized, with two parents working full time and 3 kids between 5-10 I figure I have 13 more years of treading water when it comes to keeping the house clean. I would love to one day hire someone to come in every other week for the big stuff, maybe then I could keep up.

    Still no papers graded today - oppsy. But I did spend lots of fun time with my girls so it is worth it. We went to open swim at the Y for almost 2 hours today in an attempt to keep the girls from spending all day bickering. I did manage to sneak in a few laps but nothing consistent the way I would have liked. I have to say though that I think the activity calculator here is way off when I put in leisurely swimming for even 45 minutes it gave me over 600 calories! I ended up putting in for 30 since I swam a few laps and felt like 300 calories was a bit more fair for what I did activity wise! I think I'll have to go for open swim/open lap more often I forgot how much I enjoy swimming and how easy it is on my legs/knees.

    For my afternoon snacking dilemma I worked hard today to make sure my snacks were higher protein and that helped, but I still get what feels like uncontrollable snackies. Is it habit or hunger? Can I share my food diary to see if anyone has some suggestions?
  • MKknits
    MKknits Posts: 184 Member
    edited December 2014
    @lauriek70 I would love to see any scaffolding work you do. The ELA teacher on our team is a great friend but when I ask for help with teaching writing I always get this "I don't know how to teach writing in science" bit from her - very frustrating. My cert is 7-12 so my teacher training program (I have an undergrad in science then a masters in teaching) had 3 weeks of teaching literacy and it was basically "give them vocab and have them read the book" - not so helpful in our new world of teaching kids to be able to understand, read AND write science!

    I've been thinking about a word for the year for me and I haven't decided it yet. I'm leaning towards something less inspiring and perhaps more selfish. With the age of my kids, my career in teaching and my marriage I think I've forgotten how to love myself and put myself first. I don't know what word will work best, I'll keep thinking (and then I think I may save up my funds and buy myself a bangle or necklace with that word on it as a daily reminder this year to be selfish sometimes).
  • MaryPoppinsIAint
    MaryPoppinsIAint Posts: 157 Member
    Well, it's been a very very long while, I don't know if anybody here remembers me, but I lost my original 30 pounds in this group. Since then, I've kept it off, had another baby, and now she's six months old and I am ready to get back on track. I am starting 2015 at 217 pounds, and this is MY YEAR. I am waving goodbye to the 200s forever! I want to see 180 by my anniversary in July. Destination Wedding Dress!! Who wants to come with me? :)

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Welcome to any newbies I missed in yesterday's post. And welcome back MaryPoppins. Sure I remember you _ and cool news on the six month old! Glad you're getting back on track.
    @Niki - sorry for your grief and loss of your kitty. Big HUGS your way.
    @Susan -glad to hear your settling into your nest - sorry dad got on your nerves towards the end. But thats the law of visitors I've come to learn.

    AFM - strange experience on the phone today - called a auto repair shop early today for a quote on new shocks and a nice guy named Kevin talked to me, and we had a nice chat. But then another call interrupted us (he was working alone today) so he took my number and said he'd call me back with the costs. At 4:15, I hadn't heard from him, so I called back. The phone was answered by a gruff "hello?" and I asked for Kevin, then the voiced changed and he said he was Kevin, and he asked if this was Ellen, and I said yes.
    Then he burst out crying - oh dear. He was so upset! He unfolded a long, jumbled story of his wife and he having troubles, her filing for divorce, calling him today, more mumbled words, then he said he drove home and the house was emptied out completely.
    The poor guy was just heartbroken. Often thru this, I tried to console him as best I could, but I'm a total stranger.We talked for about 10 minutes, until he composed himself, then he asked if I could call back next week. He was going to take off the rest of the week if the boss OK'd it. None of the mechanics were coming in. So we said our good-byes.

    It was only 1 degree today with wind chills of 17 below. I stayed home and did laundry all day and read while that went on. I feel just beat as I am still a night owl and I wish I wasn't. Also still thinking of a word or phrase for the New Year. Want it to modify a habit I already have, or build on something thats already going.
  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    Overate today. :frowning: I overslept, then as I was getting up and around, realized that my Internet was down. I had a Skype meeting at 11:30, so I grabbed a packet of Belvita and made a NF chocolate milkshake to take to the library. Had my meeting, wrote an article for the newspaper, then had to run over to the newspaper office before going to my chiropractor appointment. By the time I was done at the chiro, it was 3PM, so I went to the drive thru. That made me crave sweets, then dinner was late/not healthy. I intended to get to the gym today, which would have helped, but lost track of time and didn't get there.

    So, looking at today and previous poor eating days, I've identified a few patterns: if I don't have a proper breakfast before 9AM, I tend to overeat for the rest of the day. If I don't have a plan for an easy lunch, I fall back on fast food. Snacking is a problem - I need to have healthy, easy options available.

    And, as usual, sweets are my downfall. Any ideas on that front? I have a huge sweet tooth, but have a sensitivity to artificial sweeteners so can't have "sugar free" stuff.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @marypoppins—welcome back!

    @mknits—I think something selfish is perfect. One pattern I’ve noticed in the almost 4 years I’ve been on MFP is that most of the overweight or unhealthy people, focus so much on taking care of others that they neglect themselves. That’s how most of us got to the unhealthy weight—we simply were too busy nurturing other to take the time to nurture ourselves with healthy food and exercise. Notice all of the nurses, teachers, and moms/dads on this thread alone? Personally, I’ve had to really force myself to put my own needs before my students’ needs—should I grade for a few hours after school or go to the gym? That has always been my biggest challenge. It’s one of the reasons I plan out my exercise goals for the week. I schedule in some days for students, but always make sure to schedule some “me-time” for exercise and/or socializing. It’s not easy, but if we want to succeed, it’s something we must tackle.

    @laurie—sounds like you’ve had such an active break—I love having this extra time to get back into the gym. Have fun at your NYE party!

    @mara—I actually try to eat back all or most of my exercise calories to keep my net calories up where they should be; however, I try to be conservative on estimating my calories burned and only log exercise at the gym (vs. daily activity).

    @softblonde—I love Old Navy’s exercise clothing. Very affordable and great quality!

    @holly—Oh, yes I’ve actually done the 3-day breast cancer walk back when it was called the Komen 3-day. I did it in 2008 with Garetie who sometimes pops in on this thread. It was such a great experience—I highly recommend it! I really enjoyed doing it with a friend, but I bet if you chose to do it solo you would make a ton of friends along the way. Lots of camaraderie at an event like that.

    @susan—glad things will finally settle down for you and cyrus. Is your sister planning to stay in Vegas now, or will she be moving back to Atlanta as well?

    @niki—hugs to you—so sorry for your loss of Kitcat.

    AFM—took my measurement and they are holding steady which is what I figured. Glad I haven’t packed on any inches over the holidays.

    I also had fun shopping. I love the leggings and boots look, but I don't like wearing leggings as pants. Some of my shorter friends can get away with a longer sweater or tunic style top, but I'm a wee bit too tall for that. I always feel my butt is hanging out. :blush: So my shopping goal today was to find a couple of very plain, neutral short skirts to wear over the leggings. I got 2 at the Banana Republic outlet; one is a navy cotton, and the other is gray corduroy. Both are embellished A-line cuts that hit about mid-thigh. Too short to wear with bare legs, but perfect for leggings and boots.

    I got a nice surprise today. One of my students who graduated last year was just my favorite kid ever. I had him as a junior and senior, and though he wasn’t the hardest worker or most driven, he’s just a really smart, funny, creative kid. Last year when we were reading “The Destructors” he started quoting Donnie Darko (which cracked me up), and he used to write the funniest stuff in his class journals. Anyways, he’s a musician and once he graduated I “Liked” his band’s facebook page so I could follow his music career. Yesterday, I posted a link there for band applications to the festival in my old neighborhood in Chicago. I assumed he had seen long ago that I “Liked” his page, but apparently he didn’t know. He sent me a friend request and a private message. Here is the exchange that ensued:

    Student: The band page you just posted on, Loom, is my band! I don’t know if you knew that already or not. haha

    Me: Yes, I knew it was your band. Edison Park is where I grew up, and they have a lot of time slots for local bands at their festival each year. I thought it might be a good opportunity for your band if you are interested in the festival scene.

    I got your friend request, but I have a strict 21 and over rule. I will continue to follow your band page though, and would love to come to a show one of these days. I was excited to see you guys played at Bottom Lounge--great venue!

    Student: Aww thanks! That means a lot that you thought of us :) and no problem about the friend request, I understand. And yay! I would love if you came out to see us sometime! I miss your class by the way, it was my favorite class and you're my favorite teacher ever! :)

    Needless to say, this totally made my day. This is why I teach! :smiley:

    Cleaning Goals:
    1. file paperwork/bills
    2. drop off bag of clothes to GW
    3. clean fish tank

    December All-In:
    Under calorie goal: 26/30 days (goal is 28/31 days)
    Workout: 9/30 (goal is as much as possible)
    8k over Winter Break (not sure what day) in 56 minutes (Thanksgiving 8k was 56:49)

    Grading Goals:
    1. 10/50 AP essays
    2. x/13 Scarlet Letter essays

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Mon--rest day
    Tues--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Wed--8k at gym
    Thurs--walk gunner
    Fri--walk gunner + gym
    Sat--walk gunner
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member


    The First Goal is the Calorie Challenge. Each person is challenged to stay under (or within 100 calories of) their MFP recommended daily calories. We hope everyone posts their tally the following way: if you are successful for 10 days out of your first 11 days of the month you’d write it like this: daily calorie challenge: 10/11. You are also allowed some days off, if you choose, ie. A family birthday, holiday, etc.

    The Second Goal is "ALL IN" - in whatever capacity you choose. Put all your effort in this.
    If you choose Exercise- give it your all, if you choose Organizing your house, give it Your ALL., Whatever you choose to work on, Drinking Water, Whatever, give it YOUR ALL!

    And be sure to tell us what you're WORKING ON in your posts! Thanks!

    Please copy this post to a document on your personal computer! Thanks, Robin

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member

    We are also proposing we each choose One Special Word (or Phrase) to Live By in the New Year. This will be in lieu of a New Years Resolution. The one word should be a word that resonates with you and applies to the change you are making in yourself. You should be able to easily remember it and to easily think of it at the most important times of your day when you need to be reminded to be strong about your lifestyle change.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Here are some phrases I've been tossing about for the one I am going to choose to live by in 2015. I'm still not sure. Feel free to take one for yourself if your not sure either.....

    Take Tiny Bites

    Move More Swiftly Each Week.

    Have Half Of That –
    It will Satisfy You

    Fervently Believe In Your Goal

    Stop. Remember A Moment When
    You Felt Powerful. You Are Again
  • Shalaurise
    Shalaurise Posts: 707 Member
    With the amount of traffic here, perhaps making a group might be easier and allow different topics to be separated and thus information could be more easily found?

    Just food for thought.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Wow. It's been a busy day here. I love all of the inspirational people that we have here. So great to share. Your choices for your 'word of the year' are really good. I'm still working on it.
    Even though it was pretty cold today, I had a good long walk with DH, Cathy, and Burt (little dog). I used my ice cleats and they worked great. I did the laundry, too. I think I'm having some of the same feelings of the teachers. In a few days Nicole will back to work and I'll have my kids again. Tomorrow we'll have a football party for the Fiesta Bowl. Amy gave me the bone from the Christmas ham on condition that I invite her for bean soup so that will be New Year's Day. I heard today that it's a southern tradition to eat black eyed peas on New Year's Day, so I got some for the soup.
    I think it is time for bed. Onward and downward. Kaye

  • countscalories
    countscalories Posts: 418 Member
    Hi, everybody, and Happy Holidays!

    I would like to offer some inspiration to any of you who may think that you can't lose a pound, let alone a hundred. As of my weigh-in this morning, I have reached beyond my goal of 100 pounds in a year. I have lost 101 lbs. since New Year's Day 2014. There were many times that I wanted to quit. There were also many pizzas and grilled cheese sandwiches that I apologized to for not eating them. I have 25-30 lbs I'd still like to lose, and I know that I will be successful.

    Like "RobinsEgg" posted above, you are powerful. In fact, any of her phrases would be words to live by for the new year. I sincerely hope that you can all achieve the same feeling of self-respect that I have. And remember, it doesn't take a 100 lb weight-loss to feel good about yourself. The effort alone is worthy.
  • kaihunter45
    kaihunter45 Posts: 192 Member
    Happy New Year!

    Well, I'm starting the new year during my TOM and I'm exhausted. Plus,for reasons I don't know, I'm bruising. I am not a casual bruiser, but this week alone I've counted 5 significant bruises that i have no idea how i got. But other than that I'm happy, well and blessed.

    I'm in for the challenges for January and for my all in challenge for the month I have top pick work. It's actually November 7th on my desk and I really need to be more mindful in prioritizing my work.

    New Year phrase: Doing the thing

    A quick side note, I've saved a large pickle jar and labeled it "the good of 2015". My guys and I are going to write a short summary every time something good happens in our lives and put it in the jar. Then on New Year's Day 2016 we're going to read them and remember all the good that happens this year.
  • bsracer
    bsracer Posts: 35 Member
    ok well I have tried to lose wieght a few times. actualy lost 49 pounds at one time but have gained it all back. I feel I need to lose 100 lbs if not more. I think if I had the proper support, motivation, accountability,ect., I would have better luck.

    I get determined to do this then it quickly fades when I get hungry or have cravings. I also think my age is a factor. I am 50 and dont know if I can handle the execize I really need to do to make this happen. I am starting to get kinda desperate and really need help and support. feel free to add me as a friend and let me know what you think!
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    @softblondechick Nice to see a photo of you. It makes you a "real" person. Glad finally to "meet" you.
  • maram29
    maram29 Posts: 100 Member
    Hi all,
    It sounds like everyone has been busy.
    @bsracer: You are in the right place. I sent a friend request, but this will work out if you put the effort in. You will be amazed at what you can accomplish!
    Perfect effort and balance!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Kaye~Yes, black eyed peas and cornbread are a must on New Year’s Day—it brings good luck for the new year.

    @bsracer~Welcome! Don’t let age define you or limit your goals; there are a few people on this thread in their 60s and 70s that have lost significant amounts of weight. Also, you don’t have to exercise to lose weight—I didn't start exercising until I had lost around 60# and now I’m an addict doing three days a week of weight lifting with a trainer and then two to three days of cardio (schedule permitting). You found a great place for motivation and support, so check back often.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Bracer-I started here at 68. I'm not losing very fast any more, but I've lost 95# and I haven't given up. I have received 2 new knees during that time. My exercise of choice is walking. I haven't had a gym membership or a trainer. YOU can do this, one day at a time. Good luck. Onward and downward. Kaye
    PS. I started in September 2012.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy World Healing Day

    World Healing Day is a time in which people of all religions and ethnicities come to practice harmony and wholeness. John and Jan Price spiritual leaders and founders of the Quartus Foundation named the first World Healing Day on December 31, 1986. Then and now, spiritual communities around the globe have come together in the name of world peace through the calmness and serenity of meditation and prayer. The day was created in order to unite people under the common bond of love.
    At noon, Eastern Time, people all over the world still come together in hopes of spreading their own thoughts and feelings towards world peace. No matter your religion, or lack there of, a moment of silence to reflect, think, or pray is encouraged wherever you are. This event can be completed individually but, it is highly encouraged to participate with others of all different races, ethnicities, and religious types.

    “Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” ~Leo Tolstoy

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    @Skinny - I like the leggings and boots look too, but when you're tall, I agree not the booty hanging out! skirts are a great option - glad you were able to find some fashionable looks - for nites out? Can you wear them teaching? Love your favorite students comments - so sweet and funny!
    @Kaye - so happy for you to be out walking again with family at your side. Enjoy the football game! Hope your team wins!
    @Countscalories - Congrats on your weight loss -FANTASTIC. You are so funny, witty and truthful. I like these nuggets that could be used as WORDS of PHRASES FOR THE YEAR:
    .....achieve self respect..... and .......effort alone is worthy....Thank you!
    @Kai - Happy NY to you - I love your phrase and I love your pickle jar idea - that is one swell idea. I think I'm going to do that as well. What I had been doing almost all my life is writing things in my calendar book and then going back and reading it at the end of the year. quite inefficient, plus you read the bad times as well. I LOVE the idea of just seeing all the good times! :D
    @bsracer - here's the place to get the motivation you need! Well, we all have lost weight and gained it back. Thats a problem and there is a solution. As far as exercise goes, you don't need that so much as you have to drill it into your head that you absolutely must eat less calories than you burn. Many of us have lost weight in the beginning simply by cutting back on calories. We added exercise later. I'll send you a friend request.
    @Morgori - Tom - I love your post today. I was unaware of this. I'll put it on my calendar for next year. I slept in today - I'm only up just now, shame on me.

    To All and Everyone who visits this Discussion:

    I want to wish you the best for 2015 ! I believe good wishes from good friends are the best way to start the new year off. So here are my wishes for you:

    I wish you the best time of your life in 2015 -

    I wish you find strength and discipline in work

    I wish no one hurts your feelings

    I wish new friends enter your life

    I wish you try new and fun activities

    I wish you go new places even in old surroundings

    I wish you new statements of friendship from current friends and love from family

    I wish you find emotional joy in the Universe

    Happy New Year 2015
