Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    @bsracer Like Skinny, I would add veggies only I would stir fry a bit with a little sauce with soy (watch the sodium here), chicken broth and a little cornstarch to thicken. I like this over brown rice. Go heavy on the veggies, whatever is in the frig.

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @bsracer‌~I like to saute chopped onions, garlic and spinach then add some tomato sauce and diced tomatoes along with some herbs (basil, oregano). I usually have cooked chicken already on hand, so toss that in. Good over couscous, quinoa, pasta or brown rice--just half a serving to cut down on carbs though.
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    Thursday Truth ....
    “The starting point of all achievement is desire. Keep this constantly in mind. ..." Thanks Tom for posting that Napoleon Hill quote. It goes so well with my Special Word(s) to Live By in 2015 ... which is Follow-through. I need to do that much more often ... to carry through with something to it's completion, because I am such a procrastinator! My mom always said to me ... 'write it on your forehead' when I was growing up .... and so I had an inspiration and changed my profile picture to reflect and remember every day what it is I am striving towards.

    My gosh, there are so many new posts on ... welcome to all who are new, returned, been here all along ... and Happy New Year to you all. (*)

    To report ...
    December Calorie Challenge ... 22/31.

    I really blew my calorie cut far, far away the last week, what with having to feed my soul as well as my body. However, despite my gross lapse the last 7 days of the month, my average calories for the entire month were right at maintenance level for my weight ... so I won't know if I gained weight from my excesses or not because my weigh-in day is Monday.

    December ALL-IN ... had been to have a company ready house by the holidays ... Ha, Ha, Ha ... that was a joke and a half! ....

    For January ...
    Set food journal back to MFP ... 1800 calories a day.
    All-In Exercise goals ... 3 times a week at the gym for walking, biking, swimming
    Words to live by .... Follow-through


  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    @Niki Sooooo nice to see you smiling face back here. I hope time eases the pain of the loss of Kitcat. With time at least the pain won't be so sharp.
    I love your words to live by; sort of what I had in mind with "tenacity". It is so important to follow through after we start something.
    Good to "see" you here.
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    edited January 2015
    bsracer wrote: »
    Ok I have some boneless skinless chicken thighs thawed out. I was going to make chicken and noodles but not thinking that is a good choice because of the sodium and carbs. any alternative ideas?

    Do you like grape tomatoes? Do you like white beans (cannellini in the can or Great Northern White Beans)? Do you like a bit of garlic? ... if so then do this ...

    Put a can of beans and a pint of grape tomatoes into a casserole dish. Crush a couple of garlic cloves and add them to the dish. Pat the chicken thighs dry with a paper towel and then lay them over the mixture in the pan, skin side up. In a small dish, mix together 1 tablespoon of oil, some green dried herbs ... like thyme, oregano ... or parsley if that's all you have on hand, 1/8 tsp crushed red pepper flakes and some black pepper and salt to taste. Mix the spices with the oil and then brush the flavored oil over the tops of you chicken thighs. Bake in a 425 degree F oven until the chicken thighs are golden and cooked through, about 35 - 45 minutes.

    To make this recipe more savory, you can add a half cup of white wine and use fresh spices instead of dried ... just a coupld of sprigs of each spice, right in the pan amongst the beans and tomatoes. You can also pierce each tomato so it's juices escape while cooking.

    The recipe above is for 4 chicken thighs, you can double it easy.

    happy eating.

  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    @Niki Sooooo nice to see you smiling face back here. I hope time eases the pain of the loss of Kitcat. With time at least the pain won't be so sharp.
    I love your words to live by; sort of what I had in mind with "tenacity". It is so important to follow through after we start something.
    Good to "see" you here.

    Barbara ... you inspired me to put my face on my profile instead of my Pooh Bear! I am so glad you were not hurt in that deer/car thud-thud.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi again!

    I was really struggling with what word or phrase to use. Then, last night, I read a short article on one of the running sites I follow. It was about how to get yourself out the door when you don't feel like going for a run by telling yourself you have to run for just 15 minutes. If you still aren't feeling it at that point, you can turn around and come home. I love this b/c it's hard to argue with a 15 minute commitment; however, once I'm out the door or at the gym, I'm not going to work out for only 15 minutes. I also realized I can apply this to other tasks as well. I can grade or clean for "just 15 minutes." And even if I do stop at that point, at least I've gotten 15 minutes worth of work done, right?

    For my All-in challenge, I'm going to run 7 miles/week. I know that doesn't sound like much, but I have so many meetings with bargaining that it will take serious planning to get to the gym more than once/week. The 7 miles is more than I can run in one gym visit, so it will force me to get there at least twice/week. Also, I can use my "just 15 minutes" to get out with gunner when it's not ridiculously cold.

    2015 mantra = "Just 15 minutes"

    January Challenge:
    Under calorie goal: 1/1 days (goal is 28/31 days)
    All-in: run 2 days/week
    8k at end of month (not sure what day) in 56 minutes (Thanksgiving 8k = 56:49, NYE 8k = 57:47)

    Cleaning Goals:
    1. file paperwork/bills
    2. drop off bag of clothes to GW
    3. clean fish tank

    Grading Goals:
    1. 12/50 AP essays
    2. x/13 Scarlet Letter essays

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Mon--rest day
    Tues--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Wed--8k at gym DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE
    Fri--walk gunner + gym
    Sat--walk gunner
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    @skinny Karen, I love your mantra too! These things are really coming in really great; there are so many good ideas here. I think I need to make a list of all of these, but it would take a bit of paging back to find them all wouldn't it....and I am supposed to be doing a few minutes of clutter patrol around here for some company we are having tomorrow....but of course I stopped in to see if anyone had posted. Back to work...but just for 15 minutes!

  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Skinny- Karen, Just 15 minutes sound perfect to me. It is so true you can do anything for 15 minutes then decide if you want to continue or stop. If you run for 15 minutes then you need to run back for 15 minutes which could mean 3 miles completed for an outside run. Good deal. I often find that once I get started then I feel like continuing unless I am not into it at all or distracted. Nice run today and it is great goal to do an 8k once a month. I am thinking about doing my own triathlon once a month as well.

    Welcome to all the new people.

    I did have a very nice walk today around the park. I met up with some friends who were ice skating. I wanted to skate but I have a fear of falling on the ice and the rink was crowded with lots of little kids. Little kids and slow adults who can't stop equal a problem waiting to happen. Maybe next time I will go skating.

    Hope everyone had a great first day of January.

    Exercise goals for this week
    Sunday- gym- walk and row DONE
    Monday- gym and swim DONE and DONE
    Tuesday- Trainer workout DONE
    Wednesday- GYM DONE
    Thursday- walk around the neighborhood DONE- park about 2 miles
    Friday- climbing
    Saturday- Swimming
  • MKknits
    MKknits Posts: 184 Member
    @RobinsEgg‌ My Dad's heritage way way back is German. Through all of the generations that have been here in the US (my Dad's family settled parts of Pennsylvania so we're talking a long time) the idea of a German good luck supper on New Years Day with family has stuck. We have pork loin that has been cooked in sauerkraut with mashed potatoes (and usually green beans because my kids won't eat the kraut), German tradition is that your last bite should be of just plain sauerkraut for good luck in the new year. When I was in high school we didn't have it one year for whatever reason and a few weeks later our house burned down and we lost everything. Realistically was it because we didn't have our traditional good luck dinner - probably not, but for me emotionally it is a very important part of our New Year tradition. This year I even made our sauerkraut by hand this summer, it was yummy and less sodium then store bought!

    You know I think one reason why I've struggled with sticking with losing weight previously is because I get this idea that people who are thin like certain food and to be thin I need to eat/drink that as well. Like hot tea, I hate it but I always go on this big kick trying to force myself to like it (I like cold tea so I usually drink cold tea). This time I'm not doing that. I'll try new things to see if I like them (like red grapefruit never tried it but it was on sale so I bought one to try tomorrow) but if I don't I'm not going to force myself to learn to like it because "healthy" people do. We eat pretty healthy overall - a lot of local and we raise a lot of our own food, my problem is that I like sweets and I like to eat too much so I need to work on curbing that. That just hit me as we were driving home from my parents today (2 hours) I keep trying to force myself to fit into this preconceived notion of healthy instead of taking who I am and making it better.
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member



  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    edited January 2015
    Had to share this ... it was on FB from Simplicity ... a page I like and it's just says it so correctly for me ...
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    I needed to repost this for myself and thought it might be food for thought for some others as well:
    This is from fitness blogger Vic Margay.

    “Motivated, motivated, hell yeah I’m motivated. Ooo Ah, I wanna kill somebody. Killlllll!!!”

    As part of the Army’s brainwashing process (better known as Basic Training), mantras like the one above shouted in unison by a platoon of young men with shaved heads often made Basic Training feel like some sort of twisted psycho cheerleading camp instead of preparation to become Infantry soldiers.

    But we were motivated.


    Or were we? If you include fear of punishment and peer pressure as motivation, then the environment at Ft. Benning was certainly motivating.

    But were we self-motivated? No, most of us standing in heel-to-toe lines and referring to our new Army buddies by last name only at Ft. Benning, Georgia in the autumn of 1998 were not self- motivated. And it is acquiring and maintaining this self-motivation that I am often asked about in the realm of diet and fitness. But here’s the thing…

    Lack of motivation to follow a healthy diet and commit to consistent exercise is a myth.

    You are going to die. And neglecting your health and fitness is more likely to hasten your departure. Furthermore, the days you do have will be spent with less energy and more pain if you choose to eat crap and be sedentary. The motivation, the “why”, to exercise and eat nutritious foods in appropriate quantity is present and strong. The bigger mystery is why we choose to ignore the need for proper diet and exercise in the face of obvious requirement.

    We do not need motivation. We need decision.


    We need unwavering non-negotiable decision. And yes, I know that the pic above was not taken during Hurricane Sandy (although I thought it was when I posted it to my Facebook page). But it was taken during a torrential down pour at some point in recent history. It absolutely captures the fortitude and decision of those soldiers to stand by their post no matter what hardship may be encountered.

    If those soldiers can decide to endure the elements, then we can decide to put down the damned pizza and beer.

    Or forgo the free bagels at the office. Or wake up a half hour early to exercise. Or keep a food journal everyday. Or what ever else we know we need to do but keep failing to commit to because it is “hard”.

    Enduring chemotherapy is hard.

    Hitting a fast ball in the major leagues in hard.

    Negotiating nuclear disarmament from a hostile nation is hard.

    Saying goodbye to a loved one in the hospital or the veterinarian’s office for the last time is hard.

    But putting down the cookies and picking up the spinach?
    That’s only as hard as the story we tell ourselves.

    What is often called lack of motivation is actually lack of discipline and lack of habit. I’ve posted about discipline and habit before – those entries lack the sexy headlines such as “1 weird trick to lose belly fat” and often do not get more than the cursory glance. And that’s unfortunate because it is discipline and habit that hold the keys to not only losing weight or getting strong, but to anything that we want in life.

    You already know what to do to lose weight and get in shape. The smaller details will vary but the big picture is always to eat real food in appropriate quantity and move in a manner that is continually challenging. The problem is not lack of knowledge or lack of motivation. The problem is lack of decision.

    Decide. Now.

    Share your thoughts on motivation, decision, and the mental/emotional hurdles we face when it comes to diet, fitness, and weight loss in the comments below.

    Stay strong

    Having read this, my trigger word for 2015 will be "DECIDE"!!!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @niki--I saw that post on FB as well--too true!

    @katrena--I just bought a bag of Dove dark chocolate hearts to take to work on Monday. I know people will have sweets and stuff, so I will turn to those hearts for just a taste when I'm tempted.

    @mkknits--what a great realization! I hate when people assume just b/c I'm eating healthy it means I can't have certain foods. I remember the first year I started MFP, I had lost about 40 lbs before returning to work in August and everyone was noticing. One day a colleague brought this bag of chocolate truffles to work and put them out on the table. She joked, "karen can't have any though." I was kind of like "huh?" and one of my friends said, "why not?" and the woman who brought them said, "well, she's eating healthy now." SO exasperating! Not everyone's is overweight due to eating junk--I hate that stereotype! You are so smart not to try to force yourself into that false assumption that thin people only eat "thin" foods. :smile:

    @laurie--glad you are feeling better and got out for a walk. A tri once a month is a great goal as well!

    @laurie and susan-- I was reading an article on Runhaven, and I found out there's a term for our NYC trip--it's called a "racecation." Love that!

    @barbara--ahahaha! I'm about to do just 15 minutes of cleaning as well!

    AFM--tomorrow I will get that bag dropped to GW. I was holding off in case I wanted to add anything else to the bag, but I think that's it for now. I am meeting a friend for lunch and then need to stop by the HS to drop off and pick up a few things to prep for next week. My plan is to grade in the afternoon, so not sure if I will get to the gym too. I may switch the gym to saturday instead.

    The cut on my thumb is almost completely healed, so I will clean the fishtank this weekend as well. Already filed some of the paperwork, may get a bit more done tonight--perhaps 15 minutes worth. :wink:

    2015 mantra = "Just 15 minutes"

    January Challenge:
    Under calorie goal: 1/1 days (goal is 28/31 days)
    All-in: run 2 days/week
    8k at end of month (not sure what day) in 56 minutes (Thanksgiving 8k = 56:49, NYE 8k = 57:47)

    Cleaning Goals:
    1. file paperwork/bills
    2. drop off bag of clothes to GW
    3. clean fish tank

    Grading Goals:
    1. 12/50 AP essays
    2. x/13 Scarlet Letter essays

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Mon--rest day
    Tues--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Wed--8k at gym DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE
    Fri--walk gunner + gym
    Sat--walk gunner

  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Thursday truth....Since I came back from New Orleans I haven't tried much to stay on track and gained back 8lbs. Now today I started back at square one.
    Mountmary- It is still cold here. The weather is due to all the damage we have done to planet earth. I am glad no one was hurt by your deer accident and there was not much damage to the car
    Softblondechick- I need a cleaning schedule too
    LaurieK- reading about your swimming keeps me considering a membership at the Y cuz I would like to try swimming. I agree with the ice skating…I use to love skating as a kid but I have only done it once as an adult.
    Robbinsegg- What a great help you were to Kevin. I am sure he appreciated that you allowed him to vent his sadness
    Karen- sounds like you had good day shopping. Congrats on your former student’s success
    Kaihunter- I love the jar idea you came up with.It is hard at times to remember all the successes we have
    MKKnits – That is the phrase that has been in my head all day
    KJefferies- Congrats on the proposal

    AFM- I brought in the new year playing trivia pursuit for the first time every and probably the last because I only answered one question out of the 3 hr game.
    Jan goal for all in is exercise and the phrase is "Learn to love yourself" I really need to re-learn this in order to be the happiest and best me.
  • MKknits
    MKknits Posts: 184 Member
    @mnwalkingqueen‌ I'm glad someone else struggles with the idea of putting themselves first. The new yoga studio by us opens this Saturday and I have a punch card for 7 classes, I really want to go to the first round of classes. I've worked with this instructor before and she is a really good mesh with my personality. So this is something for me, but the class I want to go to is at the same time as my youngest daughters cheering that day (she's 5 so the cheering is super cute). This is where the me first gets hard, because if I put me first I miss her cheering but really I go to her practices and she has at least one game to cheer at a weekend - I just feel like I SHOULD be there. I'm torn, if I'm putting myself first I go to yoga but missing her cheering doesn't feel right.
  • bsracer
    bsracer Posts: 35 Member
    Thank you all so much for the help!!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited January 2015
    Good Morning.

    @Karen~What a great mantra for 2015! It’s often that those first 15-minutes are the hardest to get through (especially when you really aren’t in the mood) but once you get past that the rest is easy. :wink:

    @RobinB~So glad to see you back!

    @Niki~Couldn’t have said it better myself, each New Year is just a cycle of promises we made to ourselves the previous year. Time to break that cycle! :smile:


    @Tammy~What a special gift from your husband, and after so much time together! Hooray for new wheels.

    @MKknits~What great realizations about losing weight, I feel the same way. Why eat foods that I don’t enjoy? :confounded: I’d never to stick to it. I’ve tried Greek yogurt over and over again and just can’t do it, too tangy for me—so I eat regular (you ask me its healthier since it contains much less sugar). I hope you like the grapefruit—they can be tart but ruby red is in season right now so should be really sweet. My mom used to put salt on mine when I was young—loved it that way!

    AFM~ Well, 2015 is starting off with a bang. I knew I was facing a TON of work coming back to work today, but so far am completely overwhelmed. We had a lot of large purchases in 2014, plus construction and the move of one modality to a new location—which means many year-end financial entries to tie everything up. Even with me getting a head start on Wednesday, I'm completely stressed. I hope I can keep my sanity the next 5-7 days! :sob:

    I think my mantra for 2015 is “Don’t sweat the small stuff.” Too often I let small things get to me really easily, in life and in weight loss—I have OCD tendencies and am a lot harder on myself than I should be, so I’m going to try and not sweat the small stuff this year.

    I’m not sure what my exercise goals are for the next week, so for now I'm not going to post those goals. I should be able to keep up with my trainer 3 days/week (I hope) but cardio could be tough—lots of late nights ahead of me at work. Once things settle down with year-end financials I should be able to get back on a regular schedule. Our annual financial statements audit is mid-month but I don’t usually have to work very late while the auditors are here. Once things settle I’m planning on stepping outside of my comfort zone--going to try to get back into SPIN, yoga and may even try the kickboxing classes at the gym—I know I’m in a rut so a new year is the perfect time to change things up.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    edited January 2015
    Well, I’m back! (SIGH) I’ve been gone too long to catch up, so I started with yesterday’s comments. It’s fun seeing all the new faces and comforting to see all the “old” ones. HA!

    I looked back and the last time I weighed myself was November 4th. I am up 0.8 pounds since then…not too bad for the holiday season and not a lot of formal exercise. Let’s see what my 2015 will bring.

    My sister found out she was pregnant (the day before we went bridal gown shopping – a few tears were shed that day – but overall we are very excited to bring a brother in law to the family in May and a baby in August!). We will be cutting out the trainer workouts as the doctor feels they are a bit too strenuous for her. She did allow her to keep up with her weight training for now so we are going to switch things up a bit and do some more cardio. To make sure we started 2015 out right, I picked her up and we spent an hour on the treadmills and bikes. We have a date with the machines again tonight.

    Thursday Truth…while I worked out yesterday and I logged my food, I did not plan on meeting my calorie goal yesterday. My husband is a big “snack food” all day on New Year’s Day so there was chips and dip and wings and soda. However, today is the day for my focusing on what I put in my mouth as well.

    @MountMary…ugh – 2 deer!! Glad nobody was hurt – cars can get fixed.
    @MaryPoppins…can you find a gym that has a daycare? It’s hard with little ones. I’m lucky that my 13 year old can babysit my 8 year old, but there are times he’s gone and I have a daycare that I can utilize at my gym. Or, you might have to swap times with your husband.
    @Tom/Amy…love your Christmas card! Looks like some fun times this past year.
    @Robin…boy, that delay really saved you some bucks! Maybe I’ll have the same luck with the keys next time I want to run out and get seeds and a pop. Your job as a cheerleader fits you perfectly. You make everyone feel welcome and are so supportive!
    @Katrena…CONGRATULATIONS! Maybe with them all being foodies, they can get you on some great recipes that are low in calorie but full on flavor. Just keep the lines of communication open and things will work out.
    @Karen…good job on your 8K…not too far off your goal. I’ve heard the just 15 minutes for cleaning before (FLYLADY if anyone is interested) but it works great for working out too.
    @bsracer…I know I’m a day late but how about some good seasoning on the chicken…grill it. Then have a side of a veggie instead of a starch? I love a big bunch of steamed broccoli or asparagus. (Now I’ve read all the other options and mine seems pretty boring – however, I’m not a big love of all those other things so I stick with basic flavors most of the time )
    @Niki…LOVE IT!!

    I really like the idea of a word/phrase for 2015. Mine is going to be START AGAIN. It’s something I did pretty well when I started this but not really well lately. If I fall off the wagon, start again. Start again, right away. I don’t need to wait for a Monday or the first of the month or after the next big event in my life. So I screwed up…I’ll just START AGAIN.

    The other things I'm working on is to declutter some of my home. My daughter and I spent 2.5 hours in her messy little room and found 84 clothing items for her to donate. We also now see every inch of her floor! I told her we could be done for the day but that we will be coming back for toys and craft projects. Then I had a goal of doing my sock drawer. I moved two items to their "correct" home, threw out 14 unmatched/unwanted socks. Now I have a lovely sock drawer that is nothing but matches and ones that I wear. Not sure what my "mini" goal is for today, but it will also include breaking down boxes from Christmas and getting them in the recycle bin.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Neeters1969
    Neeters1969 Posts: 53 Member
    Hi. New here. Need to lose about 105 lbs. Seems very overwhelming at this point, but have decided to take it 5 pounds at a time (to start). As I sat with my husband and daughter on New Years Eve, I realized that 2015 is going to be the year of healthy all around. Healthy mind, body, and soul.

  • MKknits
    MKknits Posts: 184 Member
    @tlh0407‌ congrats on the new future niece or nephew. I can't wait for my siblings to have kids I am so excited to be an Aunt. My brother got married in November so I'm hoping they'll start a family soon (I know they want to just waiting to buy a house).

    My workout goals for this coming week are to do slim in 6 at least 4 times and to purposefully move every other day!

    Oh had my red grapefruit this morning and loved it, tried it plain first and liked it just fine that way so I didn't add anything (also had no idea what to add). It seems really acidic though so I only had half now to be sure I don't get bad heart burn from it.
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Brekfast today under 300. Feel full,. Thanks to all for the feedback.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good morning. I have gained back all of the weight that I lost while I was sick, but I checked back and found that I am down 6# from last year at this time. By this time next year I will be down 15#. I am going to do it. To begin with, today I am going to detox my kitchen. The remainder of the treats will be given away or frozen for another time. I am not going to bake any cookies this month. I will buy Nilla wafers or something else that doesn't tempt me for the cookie jar. It really goes against my grain to put store bought cookies in a cookie jar at grandma's house, but oh, well. This grandma is going to get healthy. I'm also going to start keeping a container of water at hand so that I can be more aware of how much I am drinking.
    Yesterday was also a party and junk food day at our house, so today starts my new goals. We did enjoy our black eyed peas and corn bread, too.
    Love you all. Together we can do this. Onward and downward. Kaye

  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    Calories 1/31
    All-In ... heading to the gym to sign up this afternoon
    Follow-Through, Niki
  • Great start for 2015
  • You can do it. Stay focused.


  • MaryPoppinsIAint
    MaryPoppinsIAint Posts: 157 Member
    So, 221.4 today. I've had worse post-holiday weigh-ins, & it's too soon to tell really anyway, since I'm still guzzling water for all the sodium I doubtless inhaled over the past week.

    To those (RobinsEgg, skinnyjeanz, etc) who asked about gym stuff: We unfortunately don't have money to buy weights for the home. We were looking at Planet Fitness because they have basic $10/month memberships, but no on-site day-care. They are very close, I could walk in good weather, it's maybe five minutes by car, so it's possible we could leave the kids with Grandma for an hour, but she's... NOT my favorite person to watch the kids. She's not mean, but she's kinda brainless and I wouldn't put it past her to feed cookies to the six month old, kwim? And realistically if I have to go by myself, I won't go.

    Fitness Friday - One of my favorite body-weight exercise tricks is attaching squats to a common daily activity, like every time you stand up or sit down, do five squats. Time to reinstate that habit, I think.
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Hello All.
    Friday fitness - Back to the grind stone. Back on plan for food as well.
    This month in addition to my regular 90 min workout I plan to do 500 steps on the stair treadmill every day. Currently I can do this in just over 7 mins. We will see what happens by the end of the month.
    Food is back to plan 1300 calories/day. I will eat back exercise calories 1 day each week.
    Water 12 to 14 glasses/day

    Love to hear about all the clean out happening in everyone's kitchen. I have been doing this as well. Went grocery shopping yesterday and loaded up on veggies and healthy options. Made soup yesterday and it turned out wonderful.

    The new resolutions have me inspired. I will be here cheering on everyone.

    The new kitty is doing well and has decided that the middle of the livingroom floor is the place to be as she can waylay anyone coming through.

    Currently my goal is to be back to my ticker weight by the end of next week. I will have to be down 3.5 by then.

    Love to all,
    Lori <3
  • mrshunt3
    mrshunt3 Posts: 13 Member
    RobinsEgg Thanks so much for the encouragement! Yesterday I went to the freezer -I'm sure everyone knows that it makes no difference if you freeze cookies and such, they're still edible in the frozen state-and I removed all of the Holiday sweets and dumped them in the bin. Having the temptation around me and "trying" not to eat it just does not work at this point-so bye bye. I know what works for me and that is a minimum of carbs and sugar so I that what I am doing now to get this going right. My son lost 85 pounds using MFP and recommended it to me. MFP keeps me on track and I find it easy to do if I keep it open on my computer each day and as I have a meal, I come back and enter the information. It's going to work this time!!
    I also have a any of you find that coffee intake affects your weight loss or changes your metabolism in any way? I am such a coffeeholic. I only add 2 T. of fat free half and half, no sugar, but I drink two to three cups a day. I am not wanting to give up my coffee, but I will if it helps to get my metabolism working and this weight off! Anyone have any insight?
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    edited January 2015
    Good morning everyone.

    Ellen I just play Santa for Amy's daycare kids but it is fun. Yesterday we smoked a leg of lamb, some pork loins, and a beef top loin roast. Today or the next day we are doing some cheese (cold smoke) and some chickens.

    Kelly have you seen the Richard Carlson, Ph.D. Don’t sweat the small stuff series of books? I have read a few and like them.

    Karen I like the 15 minutes to get you going idea and will try it out.

    I am going to go with “Positively Tom” to try for a more positive attitude in all things.
    Simple tips for developing a positive attitude:
    1. Choose to be happy. Yes, it is a matter of choice. When negative thoughts enter your mind, just refuse to look at them, substituting them with happy thoughts
    2. Look at the bright side of life. It's a matter of choice and repeated attempts.
    3. Choose to be optimistic.
    4. Find reasons to smile more often. You can find such reasons, if you look for them.
    5. Have faith in yourself, and believe that the Universe can help you.
    6. Associate yourself with happy people.
    7. Read inspiring stories.
    8. Read inspiring quotes.
    9. Repeat affirmations that inspire and motivate you.
    10. Visualize only what you want to happen, not what you don't want.
    11. Learn Learn to master your thoughts
    Following even only one of the above suggestions, will bring more light into your life!
    More on positive thinking.

    Happy National Science Fiction Day

    National Science Fiction Day is unofficially celebrated by many science fiction fans in the United States on January 2, a date that was chosen to correspond with the official birthdate of famed science fiction writer Isaac Asimov.[1]
    While not an official holiday of any sort (in the sense that it is not recognized or declared by any government), National Science Fiction Day is given some degree of credence by its recognition by organizations such as the Hallmark Channel[2] and by the Scholastic Corporation.[3]

    “It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task which, more than anything else, will affect its successful outcome.” ~William James
