20 pounds by Easter challenge



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    SW 266
    CW 239
    GW 219[/quote

    What a WTG you are on a roll. happy Dance.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2015
    SW 266
    CW 239
    GW 219

    Wtg good weight lost congrats to you. Doing the happy dance for you


  • mcandeli
    mcandeli Posts: 12 Member
    gemfrire wrote: »
    Good morning to everyone who has decided to join the quest for a lighter Easter! There is strength in numbers so this group should super strong! If I counted right it is 13 weeks till Easter! :\ Oh wow...that means I need to lose more than a pound a week to reach our goal! Doing this...one day at a time! I found a quote last night which I posted to FB..but thought I would share with everyone here too..." I am not losing weight. I am getting rid of it! I have no intention of finding it again!" Momma we need that on a shirt!

    So I have done really good starting to get rid of the weight, but now need to get serious about some targeted exercise...specifically these bat wings! Anyone have any exercises that can be done at home - I am not a gym person. I have some 2 lb weights. HELP!

    Back later...!

    Hey! Tracy Campoli has some "batwing" exercises on youtube (with or without weights). I love resistance bands (cheap and easy to store) and you can find some great exercises online. Regarding your reward remark, I think you should definitely buy yourself a little something for every 5 pounds!!! In my opinion, you should reward yourself for all your milestones along the way. It will keep you motivated and you'll feel better in clothing that fits. To withold praise/rewards, almost seems like a punishment - just my opinion. Be proud of all your daily accomplishments, even if you think they're small ones!! Even if you have a slip, don't beat yourself up. Get back on track and celebrate the victories you did have. Stay positive and good luck!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2015
    Thanks for the great response you all show today. Seems like we are all pulling together for each other and sharing your knowledge with us.. we had lots of poster today. More than I ever expected. I know some of your will drop out, that's human nature... But sure hope you don't. we deserve to be smaller and sticking together will help. Thanks for making this a success,
    Marie..... Lets make MFP proud of us.
    my progress
    Currant weight 197
    Beginning weight 203.8
    Total lost 6.8

    Currant weight 194.5
    last week weight 197
    total lost 9.3

    I have made some real good friends here am thankful my daughter Alice join our team to.
  • gemfrire
    gemfrire Posts: 110 Member
    Momma - call me!!
  • mcandeli
    mcandeli Posts: 12 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    Thanks for the great response you all show today. Seems like we are all pulling together for each other and sharing your knowledge with us.. we had lots of poster today. More than I ever expected. I know some of your will drop out, that's human nature... But sure hope you don't. we deserve to be smaller and sticking together will help. Thanks for making this a success,
    Marie..... Lets make MFP proud of us.
    my progress
    Currant weight 197
    Beginning weight 203.8
    Total lost 6.8

    Currant weight 194.5
    last week weight 197
    total lost 9.3

    I have made some real good friends here am thankful my daughter Alice join our team to.

    Great job, Marie!!

    FYI - I have changed my username
  • alireymurrell
    alireymurrell Posts: 21 Member
    Hello everyone! I am brand spankin' new and I am starting the 1:1:1 tomorrow. It just makes sense to me. I have never been too successful on any weight loss plan:( So after making a menu for the week I am hopeful to be commit to this and eventually see results. Any thoughts so far on the 1:1:1? Caliecat-you will LOVE your fitbit. I love mine.
  • alireymurrell
    alireymurrell Posts: 21 Member
    cpanus-you and i have same starting weight and goal weight! I want to join this challenge also!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2015
    cpanus-you and i have same starting weight and goal weight! I want to join this challenge also!

    Welcome to this group, I could not be happier They are the best group. of people I have known. My name is Marie and I need to lose this weight I am caring around. I got inspire by a lady telling me she had a bad back and after losing her weight She lost the pain in her back. I have been in pain for over 20 years and doctor refuse to do surgery on me. So that is my mainest reason to lose this extra weigh I am carrying around.

  • caresshudson
    caresshudson Posts: 31 Member
    Hey ya'll! Just checkin in with you guys!! How was your day? Because I've been kinda sick these last couple of days I haven't had the energy to exercise, nor the appetite to eat a bunch of stuff....I've had my protein shakes in the morning which have been great for me! but hopefully I've be able to start back with my routine...
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello everyone! I am brand spankin' new and I am starting the 1:1:1 tomorrow. It just makes sense to me. I have never been too successful on any weight loss plan:( So after making a menu for the week I am hopeful to be commit to this and eventually see results. Any thoughts so far on the 1:1:1? Caliecat-you will LOVE your fitbit. I love mine.
    I know a girl and she is pretty up on the 1-1-1 diet. I asked her if she would start a thread on the discussion of the book. and she told me if enough was interest she might. so how about it lady's would you like discussion on the book. I would. I do not have a good memory on what I read and it would help me a lot.And I am curious what was your user name before you change it?

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sorry to hear you have not been feeling good here lately. I have days like that too but not in a while.Sure hope you get to feeling better now.
    marie I know you are from the south. ya'll

  • I'm so glad I joined this page everyone is awesome and I really appreciate the support.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    [quote="lululovebaby; I am glad you join us too.
    lets Finish This fight of the fatties.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,726 Member
    cpanus-you and i have same starting weight and goal weight! I want to join this challenge also!

    We can do this!! I love my Fitbit too! It goes everywhere with me except sleep...I already know that's pretty ugly...don't need Fitbit to tell me... :#

  • MsLadyPirate
    MsLadyPirate Posts: 51 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »

    Where do you live to be able to walk by the river. too cold here in Texas. how is your weight lost doing


    Hi Marie, I am in Arizona right on the Colorado River. We did have a bit of a cold wind yesterday, but the sun was warm. B) Had a nice walk along the river, then went for a bike ride. I will weigh in on Thursdays. I have been on a plateau for a while, I am hoping that I can make a breakthrough.

    After church today I went to my regular Sunday afternoon dance class.

    Hope everyone has had a great day!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    good Morning Mslady You make it sound so beautiful and I have been to Colorado on vacation and it is a lovely state.
    We had some wonderful lost reports yesterday. unfortunate I was not one of them. My body it will come off sooner or later my body seems to want to hold on to this fat. I am on a new diet plan an have not got it down good yet. But never will I give up. My stomach seems flatter before I got out of bed but the scale remain the same. Have a great day. I was overwhelm by all the response yesterday

    Good Monday Morning all of you challengers


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :D Good morning, Marie, and everyone else....we watched the Dallas Cowboys win their game yesterday. I rode my exercise bike and knitted while I watched.

    :D Now I am eating my regular breakfast----the same one I have every morning so there's no energy wasted on deciding what to eat. It is raining here this morning so not as cold and I'll be walking the dogs again soon.

    <3 Barbie
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Hello everyone! I am brand spankin' new and I am starting the 1:1:1 tomorrow. It just makes sense to me. I have never been too successful on any weight loss plan:( So after making a menu for the week I am hopeful to be commit to this and eventually see results. Any thoughts so far on the 1:1:1? Caliecat-you will LOVE your fitbit. I love mine.

    I love the 1:1:1! Like Marie says, it is a very simple way to eat for life. I am never hungry and sometimes just too full to get in both snacks. Another plus is not buying anything special. My macros are always balanced which is something I very rarely had while tracking here on MFP. I think planning the meals in advance is key for me..no guessing about what I am going to eat..just have my log in front of me in the kitchen.

    Good morning , challengers! Happy Monday!
    I know all of you are off to a wonderful start this first Monday in January. I have had an excellent breakfast and will be headed to the gym shortly.
    Eat mindfully; move more..we can do this!
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    good Morning Mslady You make it sound so beautiful and I have been to Colorado on vacation and it is a lovely state.
    We had some wonderful lost reports yesterday. unfortunate I was not one of them. My body it will come off sooner or later my body seems to want to hold on to this fat. I am on a new diet plan an have not got it down good yet. But never will I give up. My stomach seems flatter before I got out of bed but the scale remain the same. Have a great day. I was overwhelm by all the response yesterday

    Good Monday Morning all of you challengers
