Does Anyone Notice The Rampant Negativity Here?



  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    MSeel1984 wrote: »
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »


    Ooooh...or the other option, of course. Troll.

    Are you new here?

    And in what way is calling me names for not understanding your post an example of the positivity you wish to see in others?

    You claim the negativity is a problem. I disagree and ask that you provide examples because I haven't seen them. Your response is to say I must be new because I haven't seen these examples you claim are so widespread.

    Which reminds me...that I believe a common problem in disagreements in the forums here is a failure to use basic logic (in addition to an inability/unwillingness to provide support for even the most basic assertions).

    I know the more mature path is to ignore outrageous statements, like the one you made about eating kilograms of sugar. But I can't seem to help myself...

    As much as I like being called willfully ignorant...You made a claim that sugar is only turned into fat when consumed in kilogram amounts, a remark you later admitted was hyperbole. I countered and presented science-based links showing that human beings can indeed turn any calories we are capable of digesting into fat (carbohydrate, excluding soluble fiber, protein, and fat). Even when excess sugar consumption (and the example you gave was excessive, and not an example of a calorie deficit for most) does not go directly to fat, it encourages the body to store more fat, and thus leads to fat gain. The "common knowledge" that the body stores excess sugar as fat is a simplification, but it is a common message:
    "High Blood Sugar Leads to High Body Fat

    According to the National Council on Strength and Fitness, the two most common sources of carbohydrates in the American diet are high-fructose corn syrup and sucrose. These refined sugars, which are added to many foods, lack the vitamins, minerals, proteins and fiber found in complex carbohydrates. These "empty calories" can cause blood sugar levels to spike, which in turn causes insulin levels to rise. Insulin is a hormone released by the body that helps regulate blood sugar levels. If sugar is not quickly used for energy, insulin removes it from the blood, and it is then converted into triglycerides in the liver. These triglycerides can then be stored as body fat."
    "They found that lipogenesis -- the process by which sugars are turned to body fat -- increased significantly when the breakfast drinks contained fructose.

    In addition, the study suggested that when fructose is eaten with fat or before fat is consumed, the fat is more likely to be stored rather than burned, Parks says."
    "Once the fructose (fruit sugar) enters the liver and liver glycogen is already full, then it cannot be used by the muscles for glycogen or energy production.

    It is converted to fat and released back into the bloodstream to be stored as adipose tissue. "
    "Myth 2. Fructose is turned into glucose in the body.

    Maybe. If you’re energy depleted (i.e. an elite athlete), fructose can be converted to glycogen (liver starch) as a storehouse for ready energy, which can then be fished out of your liver if your body needs glucose in the future (for more exercise or if you’re starving). But most of us aren’t energy depleted, so fructose gets turned into liver fat, driving insulin resistance."

    That the body turns excess sugar into fat is the message that is given out by pretty much any "plain speech" source out there.

    If my ignorance (backed up by the studies I've found) bothers you, please point me to current research that says that sugar consumed in excess rarely becomes body fat. :smile: (quotes have been shortened so reply could be posted.
    December 30, 2014 8:35PM Flag Quote ·
    Posts: 414
    We are all going to die!!!!!!!

    Nope...not new here. And unfortunately I now see the irony of this entire thread because, of course, it has (inevitably) turned into a thread of animated gifs, name calling/know-it-all remarks, etc. This is just a brief example from someone asking a question about sugar on the forums just now.

    Most threads that have >5 pages have several posts along these lines. I say "most" to avoid the perception I'm making a blanket statements that there is absolutely NO helpful information in the forums...not true-there can be. And, as someone has pointed out already, a lot of times that helpful information is overlooked because of the drama (see above) of other posters...whether they create an account to stir up conflict or they really do believe that eating nothing but protein powder and drinking lemon juice will really be the answers to everyone's seems unavoidable that many originally legitimate questions will evolve into this sort of mayhem...funny though the gifs may be.

    I know the more mature path is to ignore outrageous statements, like the one you made about eating kilograms of sugar. But I can't seem to help myself...

    As much as I like being called willfully ignorant...You made a claim that sugar is only turned into fat when consumed in kilogram amounts, a remark you later admitted was hyperbole.


    You *must* provide an example of this...because I don't remember this exchange at all.

  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,324 Member
    has this been posted yet?


  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    Wait, did a mean people thread just become a sugar thread?

    Thats what I thought- I had to double check the title to make sure I was in the right place. The sugar threads are invading!
  • Luke_I_am_your_spotter
    Luke_I_am_your_spotter Posts: 4,179 Member
  • Sinistrous
    Sinistrous Posts: 5,589 Member

  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I think most people are ok, although there is always someone on a thread that has to put down the OP.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Wait, did a mean people thread just become a sugar thread?

    I sincerely don't know what's going on in here.

    At least now I understand her feelings towards me...that it's entirely personal from a thread long ago...but a) I don't remember that exchange at all, and b) if I was involved in it, there seems to be a misunderstanding.

    If it's b), I probably said that excess calories lead to weight gain regardless of the composition/source of the calories...and she turned it into...whatever that is with the links to and

    TL;DR - Wow. Just wow.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    MSeel1984 wrote: »
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »


    Ooooh...or the other option, of course. Troll.

    Are you new here?

    And in what way is calling me names for not understanding your post an example of the positivity you wish to see in others?

    You claim the negativity is a problem. I disagree and ask that you provide examples because I haven't seen them. Your response is to say I must be new because I haven't seen these examples you claim are so widespread.

    Which reminds me...that I believe a common problem in disagreements in the forums here is a failure to use basic logic (in addition to an inability/unwillingness to provide support for even the most basic assertions).

    I know the more mature path is to ignore outrageous statements, like the one you made about eating kilograms of sugar. But I can't seem to help myself...

    As much as I like being called willfully ignorant...You made a claim that sugar is only turned into fat when consumed in kilogram amounts, a remark you later admitted was hyperbole. I countered and presented science-based links showing that human beings can indeed turn any calories we are capable of digesting into fat (carbohydrate, excluding soluble fiber, protein, and fat). Even when excess sugar consumption (and the example you gave was excessive, and not an example of a calorie deficit for most) does not go directly to fat, it encourages the body to store more fat, and thus leads to fat gain. The "common knowledge" that the body stores excess sugar as fat is a simplification, but it is a common message:
    "High Blood Sugar Leads to High Body Fat

    According to the National Council on Strength and Fitness, the two most common sources of carbohydrates in the American diet are high-fructose corn syrup and sucrose. These refined sugars, which are added to many foods, lack the vitamins, minerals, proteins and fiber found in complex carbohydrates. These "empty calories" can cause blood sugar levels to spike, which in turn causes insulin levels to rise. Insulin is a hormone released by the body that helps regulate blood sugar levels. If sugar is not quickly used for energy, insulin removes it from the blood, and it is then converted into triglycerides in the liver. These triglycerides can then be stored as body fat."
    "They found that lipogenesis -- the process by which sugars are turned to body fat -- increased significantly when the breakfast drinks contained fructose.

    In addition, the study suggested that when fructose is eaten with fat or before fat is consumed, the fat is more likely to be stored rather than burned, Parks says."
    "Once the fructose (fruit sugar) enters the liver and liver glycogen is already full, then it cannot be used by the muscles for glycogen or energy production.

    It is converted to fat and released back into the bloodstream to be stored as adipose tissue. "
    "Myth 2. Fructose is turned into glucose in the body.

    Maybe. If you’re energy depleted (i.e. an elite athlete), fructose can be converted to glycogen (liver starch) as a storehouse for ready energy, which can then be fished out of your liver if your body needs glucose in the future (for more exercise or if you’re starving). But most of us aren’t energy depleted, so fructose gets turned into liver fat, driving insulin resistance."

    That the body turns excess sugar into fat is the message that is given out by pretty much any "plain speech" source out there.

    If my ignorance (backed up by the studies I've found) bothers you, please point me to current research that says that sugar consumed in excess rarely becomes body fat. :smile: (quotes have been shortened so reply could be posted.
    December 30, 2014 8:35PM Flag Quote ·
    Posts: 414
    We are all going to die!!!!!!!

    Nope...not new here. And unfortunately I now see the irony of this entire thread because, of course, it has (inevitably) turned into a thread of animated gifs, name calling/know-it-all remarks, etc. This is just a brief example from someone asking a question about sugar on the forums just now.

    Most threads that have >5 pages have several posts along these lines. I say "most" to avoid the perception I'm making a blanket statements that there is absolutely NO helpful information in the forums...not true-there can be. And, as someone has pointed out already, a lot of times that helpful information is overlooked because of the drama (see above) of other posters...whether they create an account to stir up conflict or they really do believe that eating nothing but protein powder and drinking lemon juice will really be the answers to everyone's seems unavoidable that many originally legitimate questions will evolve into this sort of mayhem...funny though the gifs may be.
    Um, what the heck?

  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    well, what's going on in this thread?


  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,134 Member
    I like how these threads end: one of the people complaining about mean people ends up telling the so-called mean people to **** off.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    well, what's going on in this thread?


    Water stainz?

  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    PRMinx wrote: »

    OMG! I'm watching her fall perfectly to the beat of the techno song hubby's playing on his computer. Mesmerizing and hilarious!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    jams0411 wrote: »
    yepp i hear U and understand you 100 %! this is not how it was, but you know what i've realize it's the same people that pretty troll around on every post, like really it's so obvious the same people, they read a post and don't ever care to help or answer what is that the OP have ask, and only focus in one idea or line and start firing back.

    i just ignore it and you know what they say "be the change you want to be see in the world" and for me that include be kind and respectful with someone who doesn't matter if on other side of the world on a computer that i have no clue who is it

    but again thank god there are still a lot of really amazing people here

    Uh huh, and then...
    jams0411 wrote: »
    wilsoncl6 wrote: »
    Welcome to the world of social media. Negativity, trolling and general inhumanity has become the natural order of things. I feel your pain and understand where you are coming from.

    yess i see that so commonly people who become lion king when they are on a social media but in real like are little *kitten* cats who wouldn't dear to say not even close what they say behind a computer
    So, "the change you want to see in the world," is passive aggressively insulting people? I always find it amusing when these threads pop up, the people complaining about how others are mean have no problem at all insulting people with no provocation. I guess it's only mean when someone else is doing it?
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    PRMinx wrote: »

    OMG! I'm watching her fall perfectly to the beat of the techno song hubby's playing on his computer. Mesmerizing and hilarious!

    LOL. Party it up! Down the rabbit hole we go...
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    well, what's going on in this thread?


    Water stainz?

    can a sister get a trigger warning? Sheesh.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,837 Member
  • Luke_I_am_your_spotter
    Luke_I_am_your_spotter Posts: 4,179 Member
    Sinistrous wrote: »

  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    PRMinx wrote: »
    PRMinx wrote: »

    OMG! I'm watching her fall perfectly to the beat of the techno song hubby's playing on his computer. Mesmerizing and hilarious!

    LOL. Party it up! Down the rabbit hole we go...

    AHHHHHHH! LOL, I was a good girl, and got my workout in earlier today and all the house chores done. I've got all night to be entertained by MFP!
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Is that hand porn?