Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • MKknits
    MKknits Posts: 184 Member
    Thank you @Robinsegg! you are right if I can do it and keep it being a habit then I've got this! I need to keep that in mind a month from now when I'm feeling like watching what I eat this closely isn't fair (which is what happens I get a case of the poor-me's eat a whoopie pie and then throw my hands in the air). Not this time, this time if I really need to indulge in that whoopie pie I'll bring it home, split it with my husband, log it, enjoy it and move on to wake up and make sure I stay committed to me and put myself first.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    @Karen- that is horrible about your car doors. I don’t know much about cars but that doesn’t sound good. Yea, you don’t want to void a warranty on any car that has one.
    @Mary Poppins- I use to go outside with wet hair all the time in my younger days. I am amazed I never got really ill.
    @RobinsEgg- Awww! Thanks I will still provide input but with another Algebra class maybe not as often.
    @Lives2travel- I have always wanted to learn how to knit scarves. I love making family and friends homemade things.
    @MountMary- Your hair cut comment made me chuckle. I am glad your mom is okay.

    AFM- I walked 12,000 steps today 5.96 miles….some of that was shovel the white crap that it town tonight. Riley is not liking this cold weather either, being the house is only so big and you can only throw a ball so many places. He has fur not sure why he can’t handle a little -10 like the humans…don’t get your undies in a bunch I was only kidding he’s truly my best friend would not leave him outside in this any longer than to pee. I buy my books tomorrow and classes start next Monday man that 3 weeks went by way way way to fast. Thinking of cutting my hair off a lot little scared not all styles look good with glasses…we will see if I can follow through. Started doing bed sit ups again that is the only way I can do them right now. Tried using my son’s sit up bench yea not working I couldn’t lift myself up but hey I tried it at least.
  • ereilly311
    ereilly311 Posts: 244 Member
    Happy Monday everyone! Sorry I didn't really read through all the posts, I just don't have the energy tonight, but I still wanted to check in and say hi! I was back to work today (I'm a para at a high school, and also coach), it was a struggle with this cold I have. Had my physical today and got my cold looked at and have a severe sinus infection and bronchitis. Loaded me up with lots of good meds, I was sleeping on the coach til I got up to eat dinner and now trying to watch the Bachelor. I'm bummed I can't get back to the gym, but I could barely walk down the hall without getting out of breath. Hope you all had a great day!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Hi All, Happy Monday.

    It was a good day and back to work. Tonight's workout was fantastic, plenty of ab/core work with Cardio mixed in then finished off the night with ellipitical, bike and a walk. I love the indoor track at my gym especially when I run into a friend to chat with since that extends my workout.

    No personals tonight as I have a few other things to accomplish before heading to bed tonight.

  • mrshunt3
    mrshunt3 Posts: 13 Member
    I've developed a rash and thinking it might be the probiotics….geeeesh!! Giving it a few days off to see if it clears, then back on to see if I get another rash. If not, I'll continue to take them-if so, it will be a trip to my dermatologist to make sure. sigh. I had a most stressful day spent on the phone with the insurance company and with Medicare too. I know I stress to much over these things not in my control, so I am going to work on that really hard! As for staying with my plan, unfortunately I'm well below in calories and I have to eat something else this evening to get my calories up to at least 900. I don't lose unless I eat. Going to try to make myself another salad and have some lean meat. This is the result of stress. Hope everyone had a good day, if not a better day than the day before at least! My plan is to have a fabulous day tomorrow (no phone calls to make!!!)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @erin--feel better! At least you got some meds to help.

    @holly--yes, Gunner is also going a bit stir crazy. The worst part of it is that he seems to believe that I have the power to make it warmer. He whines and stomps his feet at me to go out. Then he comes running right back into the warm house, and I swear he's giving me dirty looks b/c I didn't "fix" the weather. LOL

    @robin--no, my doors unlock with a fob, and they aren't the problem. It's the windows that are frozen and won't go down the half inch needed to clear the weather stripping. DH got the door opened this morning. I sent an email to my dealer's service department today, so hopefully they will get back to me soon with advice on whether I should use the de-icer.

    @tanya & mkknits--It was also my 1st day back from break so I can sympathize with being tired. I almost used it as an excuse to skip the gym, but then realized I will be even more tired as the week goes on, so I went and really had a good run. :smile:

    @tom--I just read that same article on Runhaven! Loved it. I can't speak to the points pertaining to marathons, but it does irk me when people talk about "jogging." You either run or you don't run; there is no "jogging." :wink:

    @tracy & holly--I don't have kids of my own, but as a HS teacher, I have a similar philosophy. My teacher friends and always say if some student isn't cursing your name, then you are probably letting them get away with too much. LOL

    @L2T--loved you goals! I have had goal to clean out the spare bedroom for two summers running, and it still hasn't gotten done. :blush:

    @michelle--glad you got so much accomplished this morning! I'm NOT a morning person, so I can't imagine waking up 2 hours early.

    @kaye--that's funny that we have the same goal on the drivers licenses. :smiley:

    I know I missed some of you, but will catch you on the next round.

    Monday Check-in:
    So it finally happened! I stepped on the scale today and it was finally below my ticker weight!!! Only a pound, but I haven't seen a number this low since I had the stomach flu about 2 years ago. Needless to say, it was a great way to start the day. It also motivated me to get my butt to the gym after work, so that was good. :smiley:

    2015 mantra = "Just 15 minutes"

    January Challenge:
    Under calorie goal: 4/4 days (goal is 28/31 days)
    All-in: run 2 days/week
    8k at end of month (not sure what day) in 56 minutes (Thanksgiving 8k = 56:49, NYE 8k = 57:47)

    Grading Goals:
    1. 14/50 AP essays
    2. 3/13 Scarlet Letter essays

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--walk gunner NOT DONE (too snowy, wet, and cold outside)
    Mon--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym DONE
    Tues--rest day (meeting)
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--rest day (meeting)
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    edited January 2015
    @skinnyjeanzbound‌ - congrats on being under your ticker weight! BTW, I'm Melifornia, not Michelle. :wink:

    @robinseggblue - I'm taking supplements, not prescription meds, so fortunately I don't have to wait on an RX to be filled before I can refill my pill box. It's just one of those tasks that I put off because I take so many* and have to count them all out and blah blah blah I just need to suck it up, it only takes 5 minutes.

    *For a variety of reasons, I chose not to take synthetic antidepressants when I was diagnosed 3 years ago. Instead I take an antidepressant pack made up of vitamins, minerals and herbs, plus a couple of additional supplements for other areas of my health.

    @Tanya949‌ - nice job on defeating the snack monster! What protein snacks did you go with? I rarely hit my protein macro, something I need to fix.

    That reminds me - I know we have a lot of teachers here, so can I pick your collective brain about what to pack for lunch/snack that doesn't require reheating? When I sub, I never know if I'll have access to a microwave, so I struggle with what to take. (The one time I was SURE I'd have a microwave available, I was subbing for a home ec teacher. I took a frozen meal and a piece of fruit with me, delighted that I'd get to eat a hot lunch. When I arrived, I was informed that they'd moved the class to a regular classroom without microwaves. :neutral_face: )

    Under my calories today, plus I made it to the gym and crossed a lot of other things off my list. Heading to bed earlier than usual; if my body is going to insist on a 5AM wake up, I'm going to need to add a few hours of sleep on the other side!

  • ArmyofMom
    ArmyofMom Posts: 26 Member

    That's insane! Maybe a few years after you've been together is ok, but that long is just insulting! Ugh this is prob why I'm still single, I can't deal with people! lol[/quote]

    Last time they did in front of my son he burst out laughing at them. I think it shamed them because I haven't been called Debbie in months. LOL

    @lauriek70 I work with seniors and 70% of the time the care giver dies before the person being cared for. Move out. Stay close and look for a good night nurse. You deserve to have a life. It is the only way you can be healthy.

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @melifornia‌ & armyofmom (michelle)--Oops--sorry! With all of the newlings joining in the past week or so, I accidentally mixed you guys up. :blush:
  • ArmyofMom
    ArmyofMom Posts: 26 Member
    Just wanted to pop in here at the end of my day (Monday). I had a fabulous day yesterday. I call my long walks with friends "therapy" and I had 2 hours of it yesterday with my friend. It was so good to catch up. She is so motivating and it kept me WAY under my cal goal.

    My name is Michelle and I sell Medicare insurance plans. I see the results of not taking care of yourself everyday. I have a wonderful husband of 20 years and two boys 15 and 12. I am also a parenting lifestyle blogger ( I am a little OCD and ADD.

    I am always trying to keep myself busy. Too often it is by sitting in front of the computer.

    Goals for 2015


    Step one lose 30 pounds before my March Caribbean Cruise. 10 down 20 to go

    Step 2 Lose 50 pounds by June 1 before I head out to see relatives. I want them to be able to see I have lost weight with out having to tell them. LOL

    Step 3 Lose 75 pound by Dec 31. I know October -December is my busiest time at work and I tend to not be as good about eating and exercising. So this year I am going to try harder but not punish myself in the process.


    30 minutes a day 5 days min a week/ average 2.5 hours a week.

    Mantra- This is the year of FABULOUSNESS and I deserve to be FABULOUS.

    Also -NO one is going to die if I don't do...

    Love all the posts. Thank you for welcoming me

  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    @Skinny Karen! Terrific that you are below your ticker. I was so possessed by that same challenge, but am teetering on the edge. Good job!
    @MNwalkingqueen Holly, 12000 steps! Fantastic. My new pedometer should see such numbers; maybe in the spring. Great! Good for you.
    @Mrshunt I hope the rash fades soon. Do try to get more calories into you. Your body needs them.
    @LaurieK Your work out dedication is amazing to me and so inspiring.

    Good night all,
    Barbara (mountmary)
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I've kept up with all of you today. It sounds like everyone is staying strong. I'm on track for my goals, but feel like I'm catching a cold. The cough isn't helping my ribs.
    The kids have started to plan a party and open house for our 50th wedding anniversary in June. They have had some fun questions about our original wedding reception. Brings back lots of memories.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I am so frustrated right now I could spit like a camel! I just spent almost an hour (I do a lot of editing) writing nice responses to everyone on this page up to GrandmaKaye's post right above this. Let me tell you it was a beautiful eloquent document, tears would have fallen had you had the opportunity to read it. But no, I had the attack and thought I'd just go back a few pages and cut and past my goals on to this document. Well, doh, that erased all my work, so this is what you get instead:

    Kay - A recent study showed older muscles tend to tighten up swiftly when you go outdoors if its very cold out, so you can stumble and fall very quickly due to this muscle action -interesting huh! So I guess us old folks need to do jumping jacks or some other warm up before we go out in the cold! :'(

    that's all I remember except to all who are getting sick - stay away from everyone. Get in bed.Sleep, get lots of sleep. Keep protein up. Use tissues. Wash hands. Use lotion after! Get well soon.

    Praying for every cause!

    Kudos for those who have lost weight. esp. @Skinnie!

    To all teachers returning to school - so glad you had this time off, now just be fair to yourself and schedule regular exercise for yourself!

    Help the lady with the lunch time meal question - I don't know the answer! :s

  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Well, headed to bed, but I wanted to check on my goals...not bad, not bad at all. :)

    My goals for today:
    *drink 4 bottles of water (that’ll be 96 oz) -- ONLY GOT 80 BUT THAT'S MORE THAN NORMAL
    *gym tonight with my sister (still figuring out if it’s going to be a lifting night or cardio) DID CARDIO WHILE MY DAUGHTER WAS IN BASKETBALL PRACTICE AND THEN LIFTED TONIGHT
    *get my two kids to basketball practice DONE
    *buy new shoes for my son (holes in shoes and winter just don’t mix) DONE
    *buy a new water bottle for my daughter (puddle of water on the floor this morning from her broken one) DONE
    *meet my calorie goal DONE
    *declutter my bedside table (including the drawer!!) and go through my shoes to decide on some donation items. GOT MY BEDSIDE TABLE DONE BUT NOT MY SHOES...GUESS I'LL ADD THAT TOMORROW.

    Good night all!

  • bsracer
    bsracer Posts: 35 Member
    Well I'm doing something right, I'm 7 days into my 14 day hitch at work and have lost 5 pounds!
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    @robin - I'm in Charlotte NC so we get to fly across the country to get to CA. Napa vacation planning is well under way. 3 most important things are done: flights booked, rental house booked and dog sitter scheduled. We don't go until June so I'm (for once) feeling way ahead of schedule!

    @skinnyjeanz - Glad I'm not the only one who has better intentions than follow through. I suggested to DH that we spend 30 minutes on both Saturday and Sunday working on the attic. At least it would be a start. I had to laugh when you said Gunner holds the weather against you personally. My nickname on days when it's raining is "First Penguin". I have to go outside first and if I survive the rain, my dog will then come out. No sense taking chances.... at least in his mind.

    AFM - Working hard at getting my eating under control. I'm also working on changing my mind set as far as what I'm trying to accomplish. I have to stop thinking that I need to lose 130 pounds. I did, but now I need to lose 32. I have to focus on that and forget what's done and gone.

    Hope everyone has a good day!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    @BsRacer - so glad to see you post - must have gotten that issue straightened out thank goodness! WHOOT ALORS!!! LETS CELEBRATE - 5 LBS DOWN!!! CONGRATS - WINNER!!!

    @LivesTT - thanks for reminding me you live in such a lovely city. (envy again!) The Napa vacation sounds even better hearing you are staying in a rental house - sounds like a great base camp -AO. Laughed at the "First Penguin" moniker. Watch out you could get labeled with that here!

    @TIH-Tracy - congrats on getting all DONE's on your to-do list. For the shoes, why not just leave a big bag there and toss a few when you have the time as you try them on? Might save some time.

    @WalkingQueen - I remembered you were thinking of cutting your hair. I need to post a new pic. I just cut my hair way short. Course I am much older and don't give a fig what I look like, but I was dumbstruck after I cut it way short, cuz I LOVED it so much. It really suited my face. and so easy to maintain. Maybe short hair IS for you. Consider what kind of maintenance you'd have to do at what length youre thinking of cutting it. Still need blow-drying and then curling after? That might be hard with your school schedule....Very short still needs some lift, so some blowdrying with curly brush. Mine is soooo thin, tho, I can just push around with fingers and its already dry by the time I walk away from the bathroom. :D:D:'(
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Newbies and Oldies Alike:
    Here is a Great Informational Discussion (just the first Post, which includes some links) with about all the information you need to know to get started or [i]fix[/i] your problems on your weight-loss journey.
    I have to admit I hadn't read this until today, due to one of the words in the title, which just turned me "off"....but one of the Moderators recommended it highly. Now I recommend it as well:


  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    just reposting for any newbies who haven't seen this:



    The First Goal is the Calorie Challenge. Each person is challenged to stay under (or within 100 calories of) their MFP recommended daily calories. We hope everyone posts their tally the following way: if you are successful for 10 days out of your first 11 days of the month you’d write it like this: daily calorie challenge: 10/11. You are also allowed some days off, if you choose, ie. A family birthday, holiday, etc.

    The Second Goal is "ALL IN" - in whatever capacity you choose. Put all your effort in this.
    If you choose Exercise- give it your all, if you choose Organizing your house, give it Your ALL., Whatever you choose to work on, Drinking Water, Whatever, give it YOUR ALL!

    And be sure to tell us what you're WORKING ON in your posts! Thanks!

    Please copy this post to a document on your personal computer! Thanks, Robin

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    again, just reposting.

    We are also proposing we each choose One Special Word (or Phrase) to Live By in the New Year. This will be in lieu of a New Years Resolution. The one word should be a word that resonates with you and applies to the change you are making in yourself. You should be able to easily remember it and to easily think of it at the most important times of your day when you need to be reminded to be strong about your lifestyle change.