20 pounds by Easter challenge



  • gemfrire
    gemfrire Posts: 110 Member
    Good morning...and yes a cold one! 17 but dry so far! Brrrrrr!
    Heading to work early today...have to present a course on Effective Communicatios. Not sure why I was chosen for that topic though...maybe because I talk too much? :D
    We are about to close the first full week of the new year...how ya doin? Are you keeping your drive going? It is so easy to get super excited and determined at the beginning but then our focus changes to other priorities. Stick to your plan, don't give up - no matter what!
    Stay warm...Alice
  • MummyKate85
    MummyKate85 Posts: 154 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hello everyone :) I have just weighed myself as ive had to change my weigh day to fit with another challenge im doing on this site, and I have lost another 2lb! Im very pleased! New stats:

    SW: 230lbs (I was 205lb when I started this challenge!)
    CW: 202lbs
    Easter goal weight: 185lbs

    17 more pounds to get off before Easter, Im starting to think that I might just be able to do this! :smile:

  • My goal is to get rid of one pound a week (five pounds a month). Week One has been a success with two pounds gone (despite a Mexican dinner out that included nachos and a marg!)

    SW: 173
    CW: 171
    GW (Easter): 153
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :D Consistency and persistence are important components of the plan I am following. Each day is as important as the day before and the day after. I eat the same breakfast every morning and walk the dogs no matter what the weather or how I feel. I plan my meals for the day ahead of time and eat only what I plan. If someone brings a treat to share, I always say "No thank you" so I never have to waste time wondering if I should or shouldn't.

    :D I don't go to the gym but I have hand and ankle weights and a recumbent exercise bike in my living room so exercise is always right in my face. Today I have a line dance class.

    <3 Barbie
  • marykate1984
    marykate1984 Posts: 30 Member
    edited January 2015
    Evening snacking is getting me! After dinner I am still hungry but have eatten all my calories for the day. Need more discipline in the evenings as I find myself snacking and going over my calories by quite a bit! Advice?
  • MummyKate85
    MummyKate85 Posts: 154 Member
    My goal is to get rid of one pound a week (five pounds a month). Week One has been a success with two pounds gone (despite a Mexican dinner out that included nachos and a marg!)

    SW: 173
    CW: 171
    GW (Easter): 153

    Great job! Well done!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    My goal is to get rid of one pound a week (five pounds a month). Week One has been a success with two pounds gone (despite a Mexican dinner out that included nachos and a marg!)

    SW: 173
    CW: 171
    GW (Easter): 153
    Welcome to our thread lad to have you.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Evening snacking is getting me! After dinner I am still hungry but have eatten all my calories for the day. Need more discipline in the evenings as I find myself snacking and going over my calories by quite a bit! Advice?

    welcome marykate so glad you join us


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    Evening snacking is getting me! After dinner I am still hungry but have eatten all my calories for the day. Need more discipline in the evenings as I find myself snacking and going over my calories by quite a bit! Advice?

    :D I plan my food for the day ahead of time and include a "bedtime snack" to eat in the evening so I already know what I'll eat in the time between dinner and bedtime. "Strategy is stronger than willpower" so I have a plan instead of trying to rely on willpower.

    <3 Barbie
  • MummyKate85
    MummyKate85 Posts: 154 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    Evening snacking is getting me! After dinner I am still hungry but have eatten all my calories for the day. Need more discipline in the evenings as I find myself snacking and going over my calories by quite a bit! Advice?

    :D I plan my food for the day ahead of time and include a "bedtime snack" to eat in the evening so I already know what I'll eat in the time between dinner and bedtime. "Strategy is stronger than willpower" so I have a plan instead of trying to rely on willpower.

    <3 Barbie
    I do this too. Really helps me stay on track!
  • marykate1984
    marykate1984 Posts: 30 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    Evening snacking is getting me! After dinner I am still hungry but have eatten all my calories for the day. Need more discipline in the evenings as I find myself snacking and going over my calories by quite a bit! Advice?

    :D I plan my food for the day ahead of time and include a "bedtime snack" to eat in the evening so I already know what I'll eat in the time between dinner and bedtime. "Strategy is stronger than willpower" so I have a plan instead of trying to rely on willpower.

    <3 Barbie

    Thanks! I will try this! When I snack in the evenings I am not sure that I am really even hungry - just want something to munch on. I like the idea of planning ahead for the evening snack! Thanks!
  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    Hi, everyone. Back to work this week, so I'm not able to check this as often as I did on vacation. Weigh in tomorrow and hoping for a loss. I've been tracking and eating well.

    I was in a big car accident yesterday (hit from behind while driving) on the way to my 5 week check on my broken arm. After the accident and when I finally made it to my appointment, I found out that when I tripped going upstairs a few days ago, I actually broke my ulna in the same arm where I broke my radius on Thanksgiving! So, I'm back to square one with keeping my arm in the brace day and night. :-(

    I also injured my back in the accident and have to see my chiropractor today. Our students return next Monday and it's going to be very tricky teaching all the nursing students how to do their skills with my broken arm. Ugh.

    I went to our school gym and walked for an hour on the treadmill, but I wasn't crazy about how my step felt very different than walking on the road. It seemed to cause slight shin pain. It's SOOOOO cold out, that there's no way I am walking outside right now. I'll have to figure something out for exercise. Perhaps weights, but none on the right side. But that will be lopsided. Was hoping to start the floor work yoga, but not for another 6 weeks at least now. Sigh

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Becky so good to hear from you, but so sorry about your accident and another broken bone. You care of yourself. I missed you.
    hugs marie
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    It's cold here in Southern Ontario, 7F windy and blowing snow. I did 30 min with Leslie Sasone walking DVD and 10 mins of shoveling snow.

    Still on South Beach and everything is going well. Hope to see a loss tomorrow.
    I can't believe its Friday already.

    Hope everyone does well tomorrow and happy weigh in.

  • beckibelgium
    beckibelgium Posts: 235 Member
    Hi can I join?
    Weighed on tues (only my 3rd day back on MFP) 183
    Goal for Easter 163
  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    Hi can I join?
    Weighed on tues (only my 3rd day back on MFP) 183
    Goal for Easter 163

    Beckibelgium, As Marie would say, "everyone is welcome here!" You and I have similar starting weights, so let's cheer on ourselves and everyone else in this group for great success!

    Becky in Maryland
  • beckibelgium
    beckibelgium Posts: 235 Member
    tenpets wrote: »
    Hi can I join?
    Weighed on tues (only my 3rd day back on MFP) 183
    Goal for Easter 163

    Beckibelgium, As Marie would say, "everyone is welcome here!" You and I have similar starting weights, so let's cheer on ourselves and everyone else in this group for great success!

    Becky in Maryland

    Such a good name lol
    I put on a stone though comfort eating as I've lost both my grandparents in the last 7 months (pop in May grandma dec) altogether I want to lose 3st but as long as I do it healthy I'm not too bothered how long it takes would like to wear pretty clothes in the summer tho lol
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    Hi can I join?
    Weighed on tues (only my 3rd day back on MFP) 183
    Goal for Easter 163

    you are in and you are so welcome to join us. Glad you did

    lets get the job done this time

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Shirley sounds like you are all hip up. Good for you.
  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    tenpets wrote: »
    Hi can I join?
    Weighed on tues (only my 3rd day back on MFP) 183
    Goal for Easter 163

    Beckibelgium, As Marie would say, "everyone is welcome here!" You and I have similar starting weights, so let's cheer on ourselves and everyone else in this group for great success!

    Becky in Maryland

    Such a good name lol
    I put on a stone though comfort eating as I've lost both my grandparents in the last 7 months (pop in May grandma dec) altogether I want to lose 3st but as long as I do it healthy I'm not too bothered how long it takes would like to wear pretty clothes in the summer tho lol

    Yes, a wonderful name, indeed! I'm so sorry about your losses. I gained about 10 pounds over the past year and I'm ready to lose it!