20 pounds by Easter challenge



  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    It has been a very cold busy week but I survived.

    SW: 186.6
    CW: 184.8
    1.8lb loss.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good lost Raindancer. You have done so good. So darn proud of you. Yes we can do it.1.8 lb lost it has been rather cold here in Texas
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,965 Member
    We have very mild weather here compared the rest of the northern parts of the US so I was able to walk for a very long time with my dogs this morning and again after lunch.

    <3 Barbie
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    Good lost Raindancer. You have done so good. So darn proud of you. Yes we can do it.1.8 lb lost it has been rather cold here in Texas
    Thank you Marie, It has been a long roller coaster ride...
    When I started work this morning it was 17f in Euless. I was outside from 7-12 nonstop. At least after 21 years I have learned to layer. Only my face was cold.
  • jackieross82
    jackieross82 Posts: 58 Member
    Weight in this morning at 176 so down .5 lbs. I will take that since it's so cold here. Been walking on treadmill here but not the same as outdoors. Miss that so much.
  • JaimejWatkins
    JaimejWatkins Posts: 5 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    Easter is 17 weeks away We can do it
    I am in! I eat a low carb diet. I lost 33 lbs in 11 weeks. I want similar results! We got this!!
  • lilgirl105
    lilgirl105 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi all! I'd like to join this group! I'm currently at about 156. So 136 it is in.... 12 weeks is it now? About 2 pounds a week. I can do it. I'll be starting up a class this Monday so that will help a little. :)
  • jasonweremy2012
    jasonweremy2012 Posts: 16 Member
    im looking for friends and motivation.

    https://www.fitbit.com/user/355Q28 if you want to be friends
    WHITEBEARS1966 Posts: 9 Member
    I am in and need friends for support. I am learning this app on my phone.
  • lilgirl105
    lilgirl105 Posts: 14 Member
    Where is everyone from?? I'm in ND. Just got done with a blizzard... :s
  • celinebean
    celinebean Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in too!!
  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    Happy Friday, everyone from bitterly cold Maryland! I had another loss this week, even with less exercise.

    SW: 185.9
    CW: 181.9
  • sparklecomet
    sparklecomet Posts: 103 Member
    Got up early this morning to go for a run. The weather is cold and rainy here but I still motivated and convinced myself it was worth going for a turn. Turns out I might have been better not to! The ground was so wet that I slipped and fell face first into the concrete curb. Now I have a huge gash on my lip which makes it very painful to eat or drink. Not the best way to start a friday!! Hope everyone elses is a bit better
  • eatless83
    eatless83 Posts: 158 Member
    Hi All would love to join too...is it too late?!

    If not then here goes...

    SW - 202lbs

    CW - 202lbs

    GW - 180lbs

    We can all do this together :-)

    Happy shedding
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Got up early this morning to go for a run. The weather is cold and rainy here but I still motivated and convinced myself it was worth going for a turn. Turns out I might have been better not to! The ground was so wet that I slipped and fell face first into the concrete curb. Now I have a huge gash on my lip which makes it very painful to eat or drink. Not the best way to start a friday!! Hope everyone elses is a bit better

    Oh my, Sparkle...that has to hurt! Maybe sip through a straw until it gets better? I admire your determination to go for a run in rainy weather, though, and I am glad that it wasn't any worse for you.
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning, all! Happy Friday!
    It is not as cold as yesterday morning, but still very cold for South Carolina. If I were still living in Kansas, where I am originally from, these temps would be mild in comparison.

    Yesterday I managed to get 10,000 steps which is a first for me! I did a walking DVD, walked the dog, went to the store to get groceries, and did some housework. If I could wear the Fitbit in the pool, I could probably hit that everyday.

    I am off to the gym for a personal training session and then aquazumba right after that.
    I hope everyone has a wonderful, productive, and mindful day.
    Stay strong!
  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    Sparkle, I'm so sorry to hear about your fall! Your determination speaks volumes and you will do great on this challenge!!! Hang in there and make some smoothies that you can gently eat with a spoon. Poor thing!
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Good morning everyone,
    I don't thinkl I ever said but I am on a low carb/low calorie plan.
    I scan thru and read as many post as I can. I dont post alot but I do track everything. Everyone is doing awesome. Hope everyone has a great day.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2015
    my goodness what a group.. I woke up with 17 post to catch up on.. I believe the biggest morning of all.In answer to our new ones, no never too late to join this great group.
    And I say to each one of you will get back to comments later
  • sparklecomet
    sparklecomet Posts: 103 Member
    Thank you guys! It was a pretty nasty fall but I don't want something like this to deter me. I had a really nice green smoothie for lunch with mango and spinach so hopefully that should keep me going for a while until my mouth is better enough to eat solid stuff again!

    I hope your personal training session goes great Connie!