Would anyone like to join me for a "Just for Today" goals for the month of January



  • jltorres3
    jltorres3 Posts: 1 Member
    I love this idea thank you Joan for creating this thread so here it goes:
    Just for today 1/10/15:
    1. I will log everything I eat
    2. Go to bed by 10:30
    3. Drink 8 cups of water
    4. Do some kind of workout for at least 20 min
  • taxmom9093
    taxmom9093 Posts: 1,296 Member
    edited January 2015
    January 9 Just for today I will
    1. Log everything I eat and stay in my goals :\ Did OK til 9pm then....
    2. Take a Walk :) short, but it was a walk
    3. Stay positive. Work will be crazy and we have a lot of packing to do, but getting upset will not make any of it better. [/quote] :) Not perfect, but I realized at midnight when I was getting upset it was time to go to bed. Better than starting an argument.

    So it's move back to college day for my daughter.
    January 10 Just for today I will

    1. Take a walk...this will be a challenge today
    2. Pay attention to what I eat...I may not be able to log, but that doesn't make the calories not count
    3. Stay calm. There will be mishaps today, but I can deal with them.

    Hope everyone has a great Saturday!

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,241 Member
    Yesterday, 1/9

    1. PLAN things to do in the evenings to keep from eating. Tonite's plan - clean my office. :'(:'( Hubby and I decided to go to Sams, then we stopped afterwards at a Mexican place for a Margarita. Not planned. While fun, my weight is up this morning :'(
    2. Log everything that I eat :'( Did OK until dinner. We were going to go out to eat, but at the last minute, Hubby thought it was too cold to go out. Ended up eating a frozen pizza, but I did OK with only 1.5 pieces. Its the margarita I should not have had.
    3. Get out for a walk - just bundle up, and do it! :'( Only walking was done at Sams and Walmart - but at least it was a little walking.

    Just for today, 1/10
    1. Drink MORE water
    2. Walk
    3. Log everything I eat
    4. Stay busy in the evening. Brush teeth and stop eating!
  • shubhajp
    shubhajp Posts: 41 Member
    just for today: 1/11:
    1) healthy eating, smaller portions
    2) staying active
    3) exercise for at least one hour.
    4) drink lots of water
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,604 Member
    Just for today 1/10
    1.Plan day out :'(:'(:'( (Nothing went as planned since unexpected business came up, ugh!)
    2. Remember NO MATTER what scale says, it's ONLY NUMBERS! Keep moving forward! ;);) I decided not to weigh myself
    3. Either gazelle or ANOTHER walk with hubby! :):) (Did my gazelle since I forgot the Seahawks played)

    Just for today 1/11
    1. Grocery shopping (smart snacks)
    2. Morning run
    3. Gazelle (30 mins)
    4. Start cleaning (I've been wanting to start for days, lol)
  • Farblu
    Farblu Posts: 4 Member
    Just for today!
    +I logged everything
    - did not have 2 fruit or veggie
    - Had chocolate in afternoon.

    1. Tomorrow I will start fresh!! Not beating myself up for today's mishaps.
    2. Log every bite
    3. Eat two fruit or veggie with each meal
    4. Have healthy afternoon snack
  • Fergie790
    Fergie790 Posts: 7 Member
    OK I want to do a Just for Today for tomorrow because today is a wrap :(
    1. Tomorrow I will eat at least two servings of fruit
    2. I will log everything I eat and stay under 1400 calories
    3. I will eat two servings of veggies
    4. I will exercise for 30 minutes
  • Xpecta
    Xpecta Posts: 451 Member
    Xpecta wrote: »

    Just for today for January 10 2015

    Make a healthy well rounded dinner.
    I will exercise at least 30 minutes
    I will drink at least 2 litres of water.

    Check! I did it! :) I'm loving this thread. It's really helping me!

    Goal for January 11 2015:

    Go for a run

    That's basically my only goal for tomorrow :)
  • pavingnewpaths
    pavingnewpaths Posts: 367 Member
    Just for today...(1/11)
    1. I will stay under my calories.
    2. I will drink two bottles of water.
    3. I will clean my room as exercise.
  • huango
    huango Posts: 1,007 Member
    Just for today:
    1. I will enjoy my daughter's birthday dinner. I will eat smaller portions and not limit myself.
    2. No night time snacking. This is Day 11. Breaking this bad habit one day at a time.
    3. I will drink more water.

    I've learned and need to remind myself daily:
    - just because the food is there, especially FREE food like at a meeting reception or because friends got it for the whole table, doesn't mean I have to eat it. And no, I should not eat because I'm not hungry. I should not eat it just because it's in front of me.
  • taxmom9093
    taxmom9093 Posts: 1,296 Member
    edited January 2015
    taxmom9093 wrote: »
    January 10 Just for today I will

    1. Take a walk...this will be a challenge today :\ very short
    2. Pay attention to what I eat...I may not be able to log, but that doesn't make the calories not count :) not perfect but I had fewer late night snacks so that is progresd
    3. Stay calm. There will be mishaps today, but I can deal with them. :D I wasn't happy at the end but I did not let that turn into a scene

    Now January 11. Just for today I will

    1. Log everything I eat. Time to be consistent
    2. Take a walk. Outside if I can deal with the cold.
    3. Get a little cleaning done. Small steps here.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday!

  • babbalita
    babbalita Posts: 25 Member
    Just for today
    1. I will drink my water
    2. try to stay away from chocolate( my Achilles heel)
    3. log my food
    4. continue to follow this thread.
  • babbalita
    babbalita Posts: 25 Member
    to taxmom9093
    evenings seem to be hard for everyone including me. They say when you want to snack, drink a glass of water first, you might be dehydrated, causing you to feel hungry. have a good day we are in this together. 01/11/15
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,241 Member
    Yesterday, 1/10
    1. Drink MORE water :)
    2. Walk :):) Felt SO good to get out walking - I walked almost 2 hrs, total distance 5.6 miles. The temperature was 27 degrees, but it felt like a heat wave!!
    3. Log everything I eat :'( So busy, and didn't get all my food logged.
    4. Stay busy in the evening. Brush teeth and stop eating! :) I did have a bowl of popcorn, but I kept busy sewing, and drinking water.

    Just for today, 1/11
    1. Drink MORE water. This is my hardest thing to remember to do!
    2. Do Ellipitical! We are getting freezing rain, so no walking today. But it is warm enough, that the room where my ellipitical is should be about freezing!
    3. Log everything I eat
    4. Brush teeth in the evening to stop the eating!

  • FishyK
    FishyK Posts: 147 Member
    edited January 2015
    I'm new to MFP this past week, and have been sick all week, so my exercise is limited, but just for today, I will:
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water
    2. Log everything I eat
    3. Not eat cheese
    4. Stay under my calorie goal
    5. Rest
  • BethWilliams24
    BethWilliams24 Posts: 175 Member
    Only just found this thread!!

    Just for today (12.01.2015) I will:

    Eat an apple instead of a dessert at lunch time

    Drink a glass of water eat time I eat
  • babbalita
    babbalita Posts: 25 Member
    Just for today
    1. stayed within my calories
    2. 01/11/15
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,604 Member
    Just for today 1/11
    1. Grocery shopping (smart snacks) :):D:)
    2. Morning run :'(:'(
    3. Gazelle (30 mins) :D:D:D
    4. Start cleaning (I've been wanting to start for days, lol) :'(:'(

    Just for today 1/12
    1. Morning run (I'm going to have to get back into EARLY runs since OUR sale will be this NEXT weekend, :\:\
    2. Gazelle @‌ night
    3. Cleaning refrigerator, ugh ugh
    4. Water water

    Today it rained THE WHOLE day so lots of football and indoor exercise! I actually enjoyed the rain since its's seldom we have any! I'm kind of trying to get into the RIGHT mind set for the move! It's been kind of easy on MFP, the fact of it JUST being hubby and myself. WHEN we move GRAND KIDS and kids! The key probably WILL be portion control and keep exercising! (EVEN THOUGH IF IT'S REAL EARLY, LOL)

    On the bright side, I'm about 3 pounds from my lowest maintenance weight! So if things work out BEFORE I move, I can practice maintaining, lol.
  • tinacuso
    tinacuso Posts: 4,265 Member
    Just for today 1/12/14

    1. Go to the gym and get 10,000 steps
    2. Log all my food and stay under goal
    3. Make appts
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,604 Member
    edited January 2015