100 + pounds to lose anyone?



  • Kblax
    Kblax Posts: 13 Member
    sashavsb -- you click on the persons name :)
  • Good luck and we'll done on the 10 u lost already
  • Beckeh87
    Beckeh87 Posts: 15 Member
    I've got over 100++ pounds to lose. Your welcome to add me as a friend for support / motivation.
  • I've only been on my diet fir 7 days and have 140 to loss and am looking for people come along on journey as well. I would love to help be your support as well!
  • ShaDucky
    ShaDucky Posts: 67 Member
    I'm here in the US. I am starting....again....at 351, so far I've lost 0.8lbs last week....horrible week to begin with. But working towards getting to the 175lbs goal I was when I met my husband 8.5 years ago. Feel free to add me!
  • belladancer9
    belladancer9 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I am starting medifast and wondering how to incorporate it into my fitness pal? How do you work it so MFP helps you in losing weight. So curious. I want to do medifast and MFP together. RL, I want to join you on your journey of losing 100lbs in 1 year. We just have to decide that we are ALL IN or ALL OUT. I dont think there is middle ground, especially at first.
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    MFP is simply a way to record calories in and out. It is pretty simple - when our calories out exceed our calories in we lose weight. 1 pound requires about a 3000 calorie deficit.

    The problem with stuff like medifast for me is that I know I have to change the way I live and special food plans are not how I live. So I'm simply using MFP to help me make better choices in food selection and as making sure I eat less.

    MFP lets you set calorie goals based on your current weight and a desire to stay even, lose up to 2 pounds per week in 1/2 ld increments, or gain up to 2 lbs per week in 1/2 pound increments.

    I think the lower increments are there because of research indicating that smaller losses per week are more sustainable over the long run. There are studies that indicate otherwise too.

    I set my goals are 1.5 weight loss per week and then make sure to record what I am eating. If I go over today, well I just do. Also I am not trying to record every bit of ketchup or butter - I am aware of those amounts but I know if I try to capture it all I'll get frustrated and quit. So I set my goal at 1.5 per week and I am way happy with 1 lb per week.

    Lost 65 lbs that way last year on my way to losing 200.

    So you would simply record all of what you are eating of your medifast foods in MFP to record calories. If you are doing something really low in calories then MFP is going to warn you to eat more.

    Good luck! Or should I say welcome to the hard work of losing - there is no magic pill and there is no luck about it. Just eat less and more around more.
  • I am in the over 100 lb to loose boat and would like lots of friends to be motivated with, so please add me.
  • I have a 110 more pounds to take off. I will do my best to support you. So if you are looking for a cheerleader on your team please feel free to add me.
  • emilysobolewski
    emilysobolewski Posts: 5 Member
    I wanna lose 100!! I'd be more than happy to be with others wanting to change their lives as well
  • I am at 232 looking to lose 100lbs, would love to join. Just getting under 200 would be awesome!
  • Hi- I too need to lose over 100lbs. I just started December 21st at 298lbs so far I have lost about 8lbs. Feel free to add me I would love to hear what is working for others! I haven't seen the scale read below 200lbs before the 9th grade.
  • kerib21
    kerib21 Posts: 6 Member
    i am looking for any hints and tips on general weight loss I have no idea the best of things to eat and the best exercise if anyone could help x
  • Btbeam
    Btbeam Posts: 252 Member
    I have another 148 to lose I have already lost 102. Hit me up to be friends for support if you would like.
  • I am in the same boat with all of you! I need to lose about 90lbs more but to really be in goal weight according to all the charts I would need to lose more like 110lbs. Even at my smallest with diet and running 5 miles a day I couldn't make it any lower so I would be very happy with the 90lbs!
  • Feel free to add me, I want to loose over 100 lbs too!
  • PudgyPanda91
    PudgyPanda91 Posts: 72 Member
    I have about 100 lbs to lose total! (Profile is just a smaller goal).
    Anyone can add me if they'd like, I always need more supportive friends!
  • kristilynn3212
    kristilynn3212 Posts: 9 Member
    I have 100+ pounds to lose also! will add u for support and motivation :)
  • MooseAtoZ
    MooseAtoZ Posts: 45 Member
    I'm hovering around 350 lbs and I'd be stoked to see 250 again! Friends requests are always welcome.
  • My goal is 107 gone. 102 pounds will take me officially out of the BMI obese range. I am now 72 pounds down.