No Grain...No Pain!!!



    SOLSTICE62 Posts: 45
    Name: Cheryl
    Age: 49
    Kids: 1-25 years old
    Pets: Jack Russell Terrier-Flash
    Married/SO: To Jim-16 years
    Eating Lifestyle: Paleo
    Starting weight: 150
    Goal Weight: 125
    Goals for this 8 wks: 140
  • SMJohnson27
    SMJohnson27 Posts: 146 Member
    Well, I only got in 42 minutes on the treadmill today (2.25 miles). I have been doing 4.5 miles in an hour everyday, but as soon as I got on and started running, I felt the dreaded sharp pains in my shins. I went ahead and pushed through it for 42 minutes. Hoping to do the stretches and be back tomorrow at normal pace.

    What kind of shoes are you wearing? I was having the same issue and I changed my shoes and no more shin pains.

    I have New Balance 470 running shoes. I love these shoes(loved the first pair, went and bought two more identical pairs). Last week on Tuesday and yesterday is the only time I have gotten shin splints. I am thinking I am not stretching properly before, and a friend gave me a few more stretches to help. If those don't help, I will be buying different shoes.
  • Meganne1982
    Meganne1982 Posts: 451
    Nice work on the working out, everyone! Today i did a 40 minute run, with a 30 minute walk :) I feel awesome right now :):)
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    I'm planning to walk my doggy after work today!
  • Lsnitkin
    Lsnitkin Posts: 9 Member
    The only way to spread a "lifestyle" is to give people a window to look through. I've severely reduced the amount of bread, white food, and dairy in my diet, and now plan to look into this "Paleo/primal" concept. Good luck with the group; you never know, I may join some day.

    In the meantime, ignore the haters. If they can't contribute something positive, they don't deserve your attention.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I've done my CF WOD today - & added a mini challenge of 30 sit ups, 30 push ups and 30 air squats.
    Nutritionally - I've been pretty good. I'm still looking for something sweet after my WOD's and unfort. coke zero is providing that pleasure.
  • Aurelina
    Aurelina Posts: 197 Member
    Exercise: Check- short kettlebells routine, then ran/hiked up the hill. Total 70 minutes.
  • IndyCarfan
    IndyCarfan Posts: 11 Member
    I got a 30 min walk in today. No exercise tomorrow, but I'll make up for it on Saturday.

    Those of you having trouble with shin splints might want to try KT Tape. This stuff is a miracle. I use it on my IT band and over my SI joints. I get mine at my local running store and many sporting goods stores also carry it. Application instructions are available on their website. Here are the instructions for shin splints: Also shin splints anterior: and posterior: I swear by this stuff. It's kept me running through 12 half marathons.
  • SMJohnson27
    SMJohnson27 Posts: 146 Member
    Hello all!! Hope everyone had a wonderful day!!

    It was a weird day for me. I was not hungry at all today. I made myself 4 eggs with butter and salsa for breakfast and 1 hard boiled egg around 4pm. I did make myself eat dinner-steak with veggies (green peppers, red onion, carrots, mushrooms, tomatoes and celery) out of the crockpot with spaghetti squash slathered in butter and a bit of pepper. It was delish, just wasn't really that hungry. I did however drink like 35 glasses of water today! I was soooo thirsty from the second I woke up and am taking more water to bed. After dinner, headed over to the gym. Got in some weights and then 25 minutes on the treadmill.

    Anyone know have some tips on weights for me? I was doing everything all at once (full body), but started noticing people only work on certain things each day. I tried that today with my arms. I moved up to 10 lb weights and did-chest flies, one arm dumbbell rows, tricep kickbacks, overhead dumbbell tricep presses, bicep curls and military presses. I managed 3 sets/15 reps each. I have also seen people target specific muscles, like one day-biceps, another day-triceps. Should I be doing that? I have been lifting for a couple weeks now and even though I go until I can not lift without losing proper form, I am never sore. Am I not doing something right? Sorry for all the questions, weight lifting newbie here! :blushing:

    Have a great night everyone! And an awesome Friday!!!!
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    exercise check in a hurry (i'm sleepy!) 60 minutes of walking! hoping to jump on the elliptical in the morning!
  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member

    Eating is good. Eggs fried in coconut oil and nitrate free bacon this morning for breakfast and will have grilled chicken caesar salad for lunch with slivered almonds and ground chia seed on top.

    Sounds like a delish salad Cora!

    Check in did some heavy duty spring cleaning this morning - not sure if this counts! But going to do a bodyrock workout now
  • Marlinedorcinvil
    Marlinedorcinvil Posts: 115 Member
    Hey All! Just popping in to say hello!! Did another fast today, but then I just read you shouldn't do it two days in a row. Oops!! Oh well.

    Hope everyone is have an awesome day!!

    What kind of fast are you doing??
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    Hey Y'all..

    I sooo didn't get up in time to get on the elliptical this morning, but I did get some much needed sleep. I haven't been sleeping good lately, so it was nice. and DJ even slept all night for me :) about exercise's mine and darron's anniversary today, and we have a babysitter tonight, as soon as i get off work we have to take dj to the babysitter and our date begins, so there will be no time for actual working out.....sooooo does some other "pysical" action count??? ;) i'll make sure and do more than 30 minutes! hehe.....

    Steph, sorry, but I don't know a whole lot about weights, but I do know that you should be lifting heavy, so you should be sore!! do you reach muscle exhaustion in one set of 8-12??? (where you feel like there is no way you could do another rep??) you should, if your not, up the weights girly!! i've been slacking on the weight lifting, but starting monday, we will be going to the gym mon, wed, and friday for weight lifting! me and darron pinky promised on it, so it's for real :)

    i don't remember who said it, but whoever said two days of fasting wasn't good?? i know lots of people that fast for days and weeks at a time. it's not going to hurt you. if you do a longer one though, just make sure you know alot about it, you have to be careful about more things when you do longer fasts.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    The scale rewarded me for my efforts this week and was down a little bit, even though I wasn't expecting that. I haven't been restricting calories, but I have avoided sugar, flour and alcohol. I was planning on going to lunch with a friend but she had to flake and now I haven't brought anything for lunch, not sure what would be good.
    And speaking of, what are some easy lunches folks like? I am going to get prepared on Sunday, am looking for something easy and packable, thanks!
  • SMJohnson27
    SMJohnson27 Posts: 146 Member
    Hey Y'all..

    I sooo didn't get up in time to get on the elliptical this morning, but I did get some much needed sleep. I haven't been sleeping good lately, so it was nice. and DJ even slept all night for me :) about exercise's mine and darron's anniversary today, and we have a babysitter tonight, as soon as i get off work we have to take dj to the babysitter and our date begins, so there will be no time for actual working out.....sooooo does some other "pysical" action count??? ;) i'll make sure and do more than 30 minutes! hehe.....

    Steph, sorry, but I don't know a whole lot about weights, but I do know that you should be lifting heavy, so you should be sore!! do you reach muscle exhaustion in one set of 8-12??? (where you feel like there is no way you could do another rep??) you should, if your not, up the weights girly!! i've been slacking on the weight lifting, but starting monday, we will be going to the gym mon, wed, and friday for weight lifting! me and darron pinky promised on it, so it's for real :)

    i don't remember who said it, but whoever said two days of fasting wasn't good?? i know lots of people that fast for days and weeks at a time. it's not going to hurt you. if you do a longer one though, just make sure you know alot about it, you have to be careful about more things when you do longer fasts.

    Good Morning, Everyone!!

    First-HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, KIM!!!!!! Hope you have a wonderful date night with your man!! Glad you got caught up on some sleep.

    Thanks for the advice, I am going to try lifting a bit more. I had to keep taking 10 second breaks last night while lifting, it seemed difficult, but I think after stopping weights for a week, I was struggling. But, I get my gym partner back today!! Joe, at first, didn't want to do anything but play basketball, but he then told me he meant no offense, but couldn't let me be able to lift more than him, so he started weight lifting. He wouldn't run of the treadmill, so he did laps around the gym, and ended up injuring his knee and has taken a week off. I sure missed him there with me. At first I was embarrassed to workout in front of him, but now I get bummed when he isn't there with me. We don't really go out and do anything, movies or going out to eat (maybe twice a year) so it is nice to have time with him even if it is at the gym. Hope you and Darron enjoy it as much as we do!

    I too have seen others on here fasting everyday. I think they eat all their meals in an eight hour window and fast the rest of the day. And ones who fast several days in a row. Should be okay, as long as you feel good.

    @ asjerven- The only lunch I prepare is my hubby's and I have started making an extra serving at dinner for him to take. But if I make something like grilled chicken and veggies, and there are not enough veggies, I will make him a wrap or something similar. So, I am curious to what others suggest as well.
  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    Happy Anniversary Kim!

    I fast but only 2 days in a week - but this lately :(
  • Meganne1982
    Meganne1982 Posts: 451
    Hi everybody! Just checkin in with my workout today: 25 min on my gazelle and 20 min on my elliptical.
    The gazelle does wonders to stretch and loosen up my legs when they're sore from a hard run like I did yesterday!


    Hope everyone has an amazing weekend!
  • SOOZIE429
    SOOZIE429 Posts: 638 Member
    Hey All! Just popping in to say hello!! Did another fast today, but then I just read you shouldn't do it two days in a row. Oops!! Oh well.

    Hope everyone is have an awesome day!!

    What kind of fast are you doing??

    Hi Marline! I'm did the Eat Stop Eat, but I can't do a 24 hour one. I stopped eating at 7:30 at night and then didn't eat until lunch the next day. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I didn't see any movement on the scale though. Oh well. I'll try again next week (maybe).
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I am struggling to resist candy today! I had some all natural bacon wrapped around a date, really yum! I wish there wasn't milk duds in the cupboard. I really am gonna be strong for two weeks and see if the cravings do abate.
    Some people talk about the 80/20 rule, do some of you practice this? How do you interpret it? 80% of all your meals? After these two weeks, I am going to try 90% compliant but I didn't how that was figured for most people, is a glass of wine/piece of chocolate part of the 20% or only things like pasta or tortillas?
  • totalimageguy
    totalimageguy Posts: 62 Member
    Some people talk about the 80/20 rule, do some of you practice this? How do you interpret it? 80% of all your meals? After these two weeks, I am going to try 90% compliant but I didn't how that was figured for most people, is a glass of wine/piece of chocolate part of the 20% or only things like pasta or tortillas?

    I do practice the 80/20 rule on a per week basis. But my 20% isnt junk food, its the non-paleo items like greek yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese and sweet potato chips
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