

  • Zinka61
    Zinka61 Posts: 563 Member
    PS: I'm Susan.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    I read out your post to DH and he once taught Elsworth St Elmo Scantlebury! ! ! !
    I once taught Rommel Goodall.

    :noway: Heather UK
  • thelittlewoman_2000
    May the Lord hear your prayers, everyone!
    The Little Woman's Resolutions
    1. Stop staring at the Lay-off notice -- and instead, search the job boards!
    2. Enjoy a cup of green tea when I'm feeling down.
    3. When I need a little something-somethin' (not a full work-out) pop in the Cold Start P90x warm-up.
    4. When I crave a creamy milkshake, blend a Protein Shake with peanut protein and Hershey's dry cocoa powder, a splash of vanilla extract and cinnamon.
    5. Have faith the "Interview Suit" will fit nicely in two weeks!
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Good morning. It's a beautiful day and I'm happy. Welcome to the newbies. So glad you gave us your name Susan.
    Lin - so sorry about your friend. Take it one day at a time. Sometimes it does give us a nudge when someone we know passes..
    - Still declutering, this time doing financial paper. Trying to get it all done before the weather gets nice again. Yesterday I washed my car because it had mud all over it. The wind was blowing and I got sopping wet. Hope I don't get sick. I was embarrassed to drive it and I kept getting my clothes dirty.
    Off to play golf with DH so will check in later.
    SueBDew in TX
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    :D I taught first grade for decades and remember the challenge of learning names and spelling and pronouncing them correctly. The most interesting one was a girl whose was called Christine at school and Jean at home. The other interesting one was a girl whose divorced mother and father each spelled her name differently.

    smiley-sport017.giffor anyone looking to start strength training, look for "Strong Women Stay Young" and learn about the benefits of strength training and a good simple program to start with. I don't go to the gym but can do a good program at home.

    <3 Barbie

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited January 2015
    Kim: The Christmas decorations are all down and the garage is full of boxes of them. I need to try the timer to see if we can get thing dones. Our task is to get them up into the garage attic. I wonder if I can talk DH into 20 minutes today, and another 20 tomorrow. :flowerforyou:

    Sharon in Alberta: In our state, flooding comes along right after a Chinook on a fairly frequent basis. I hope you are safe from floods. A warm breeze sure feels good.

    Viv: Our coffee pot is always on the counter, too. I can’t think of anyone who puts it away. You have plenty of company.

    Heather: I just put the sourdough starter on the counter to warm up and I’m thinking of making two loaves of bread at once. We like your recipe with three grains best but DS is resistant to such things and a plain sourdough in the freezer would be nice for his next visit, whenever that will be. Elsworth St Elmo Scantlebury is quite a moniker. :laugh: I wonder what the other kids called him. Rommel Goodall is another “fun” name. Shortly after graduating from college I went to work for the unemployment department. Hoo-Boy, did we see some funny names. I still remember the funny ones, but don’t think it is okay to share them.

    Alison: Taking Tom to the nursing home while you visit his dad is a great idea for all three of you.

    Susan: Welcome to a great group of women. Where are you from?

    Jeannine: I am not a heavy lifter, but moving more is a good strategy for weight loss. I would recommend starting gently and working your way up in any exercise plan. My DC (Dear Cousin) loves to buy and sell on Craig’s List. I wish you best luck making some money on your “stuff.”

    Margaret: I know exactly what you mean by the importance of people’s names. It was my most difficult struggle as a middle-school teacher. I had to learn about 200 new names each year and it was a major struggle that took me weeks, (sometimes months). I resorted to flashcards, and they helped some, but not enough. I still struggle with remembering new names. I’d love tips on how to remember them.

    I’m going to my cousin’s DGD ‘s 4th birthday celebration this afternoon. DH was invited but doesn’t want to go along. I bought three gifts from DD, DGD, and me, and put them into a large gift bag. One of the gifts is Mermaid Barbie. I doubt mom will appreciate it, but it goes with the other gifts which are for decorating DGN’s (Dear Grand Niece) new aquarium. I thought that if the fish had a mermaid to play with, DGN should have one, too.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    January Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.


  • BJRDmom
    BJRDmom Posts: 21 Member
    Hi I'm Diane, living in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. I am the mother of 2 cats: Ben & Jerry. I started using MFP a week ago and lost 5 pounds:-) I joined a gym this week. I look forward to the day that I don't feel so sluggish working out. I just know that in a year from now I will be glad that I started now. I have about 40 pounds to lose. I haven't decided if I will target losing 1 or 2 pounds per week. I am only 5' 4.5". I just want to get er done. Anyone else tried dropping more than a pound a week?
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Good Sunday morning ladies. I pray your day is going well. I am working today 6-4:30. Been a busy couple days. My cosin's son passed away and the funeral was yesterday. So Friday when I got off work my mom and sister picked me up and we went to another cosins and stayed the night and went to the funeral. It was a very large funeral, Brian was 34 and grew up in the town and his folks have lived there their whole lives also. He found out a couple days before Christmas that he had a brain tumor. He had three children.
    Then yesterday morning my DGD had her baby. When she went to the doctor on Friday she was dailated to 5. Doctor told her to go get her bag and check in. So my 4th great grandson was born yesterday morning. Hunter Colin and he weighed 8 pounds 3 oz and 21 inches long. Both are doing well and when I get off work this afternoon we will go over (25 Miles) to meet him

    Rita--great news about DS. I pray it goes well and he stays with it.

    Drkatiebug--I would of laughed also.

    Beth--sending prayers for Ashley and her family.

    Sylvia--How wounderful giving the children a chance to help.

    Barbie--Congrates on 26 years.

    Heather--Sure hope you find out what is going on and get better. You not wanting to cook is just not you! Just remember how far you have come and don't let the past depress you.

    Viv--Take it slow and be good to yourself.

    Linda--Sorry to hear about your frined, Sending prayers.

    Janniejannie--sending prayers for the Vet school and safe travel.

    Rori--Happy be-lated anniversary and Birthday!!

    Gail--sending prayers that goes well with your surgery and recovery.

    Meg--sorry to hear about your test results. keeping you in prayer.

    Linda--sending hugs and you rant all you want that is what we are here for.

    Allison--I enjoy that show fixer upper. They do such a great job. I do think it is funny they do all those houses for other people and their's is such a mess and so much still to do to it.

    Michelle--I think you are like me in the fact that when no one else steps up to do something we voluteer. Then I get so mad at myself for voluteering. Glad to hear Bryan and Diane called.
    Well ladies enjoy your day. One Day at a Time.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    *Sylvia, thanks for the idea with the lotion, but it is actually just too sweet and heavy a scent for my liking. I'm going to give it to my bf who likes really sweet scents. I have more of a spicy scent preference. People so often buy perfume as a gift item and I feel like that is such a personal thing, that the only way to be safe is if we know what kind they wear.

    *Kim, I have done a few minutes of de-cluttering lately, too. And yes it is wonderful what can be accomplished. The nice thing is that you don't have to finish a room or project and can just devote your 15 or 20 minutes and leave the rest for the next time.

    *Sharon, it sounds like a wonderful time with your DGD. How wonderful for you both.

    *sprepej, welcome to the group and thanks for the info so that we can get to know you. Congrats on your weight loss and good for you for knowing this is a journey and not just a destination. We are happy that you have joined us. And I'm so sorry to hear about your English Lab. It is so hard to lose a member of the family, even the furry ones.

    *NMMargaret, it is so nice that you take the time and effort to get names correct. Now I have to ask you to give us the correct pronunciation for your name. I can’t figure out just how the end should sound.

    *Welcome to any newbies that I missed. It is helpful for us if you put the name you like to be called at the bottom of your posts. We are glad you have joined us.

    Best wishes to all, for success and happiness in what ever is going on in your lives.

    My word for the of the month is savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.

    Janet in Myrtle Beach, SC
  • elsabe3
    elsabe3 Posts: 21 Member
    Barbie: I work in two different elementary schools as an ESOL teacher. I need a pictionary for learning staff names as well as non-ESOL students. It is difficult.

    Katla: I like your goals!

    I am trying to get back on track again, as my weight fluctuates. So calorie counting and exercise, here I come!

    Elsabe in Georgia
  • Zinka61
    Zinka61 Posts: 563 Member
    Thanks for making me feel welcome here. I'm originally from the Chicago area but Iowa City is home. You've been an inspiration to me already, in the area of decluttering; since I bought new cushioned running shoes that have ended my foot pain, I went and routed out every other pair of cheap sneakers I had in the closet and the garage, plus some shoes I'd noticed DH and DS never wear and bagged them all up for Goodwill. Adding that to a big box of clothes that aren't working for me and the overhead projector I bought secondhand (I'm a Goodwill junkie--love the idea of keeping stuff out of the landfill and getting a good deal) thinking to use it in teaching (I don't). Lots to go, though--I tend to save anything at all that I think just might come in handy someday. Susan in Iowa
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    Sylvia .... "Declutter 365" is the Facebook name of the site. This link from Home Storage Solutions 101 is how you access the same information without Facebook. http://www.home-storage-solutions-101.com/organized-home. You can jump in at any point!

    Viv ... I have a few things on my counters ... coffee pot ... a special phone for my hearing loss ... and a few other things. But I don't need piles of junk mail, papers, and miscellaneous debris from the family on my counters!

    Drkatiebug... thought of you this morning after you shared the failed joke/lesson. I prepared an entire lesson today for our Pastor's Sunday School class ... he's out of town ... took some special effort on setting, some visuals, etc. Part of the lesson touched on not forsaking the fellowship of other believers. Waited 40 minutes .... then closed the door ... not one person showed up! I found that kind of ironic!

    Decided to really kick the exercise into gear ... then did something to my foot while on the treadmill. Now can't even walk! Sheesh! I can't win!

    Welcome to the new ladies!
    Beth in Western New York
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi gang. I guess the nap helped because I got to put my broom away last night after dinner. Hubby went out and rented a movie…haven’t done that in years. We have a new movie rental place here that has a great selection and great prices and much less expensive than whatever we have on our TV. We watched “Draft Day” with Kevin Costner about the NFL draft. It was really good and put me in the mood to watch a football game today! Now he and DD are doing the monthly household Walmart shopping. They have only called me three times in the last hour so they must be doing fine LOL

    We got new cell phone service yesterday. Well, we ordered the phones which will be in Tuesday then we’ll switch. I have a nice corporate discount with Verizon, but they are too expensive and they act totally bored with me when I go in the store. That has happened four times in three different stores, so I’m just giving them the boot!

    Not sure what to think about my knee. Today it is totally fine. I’m going to try the elliptical a bit later, 3 10-minute sessions, not pushing it. They said to go back to all my normal activities to see what happens. Yesterday it was achy but so far so good today!

    Jane: Omy gosh you have had lots of losses lately. I’m so sorry. (hugs)

    Toni: where in TN are you? My brother and sister in law are in Nashville. I’ve been there and to Knoxville when they lived there. I really loved Knoxville. Nashville is nice too but I liked that bit of Eastern flair in Knoxville.

    Jane: so glad to see you back on the board! I have missed you. I told so many of my friends about when all of us met up in Colorado and how much fun it was!

    Kim: I think a garden center with cakes or coffee sounds delightful too. We have a wonderful one here, but I don’t know what they have other than the plants. Nice place to go on a wintery day!

    Michele: so glad Bryan and Diana talked to you. When I was a kid the rule was I couldn’t play with, wear, or use a gift until I wrote the thank you note.

    Sylvia: sounds like a fun day

    Janet: now that you mention it, after losing weight I am cold all the time too. I guess I always chalked it up to menopausal changes. Hmmmmm

    Kim that super bowl party sounds like a lot of fun. I like the idea of a “chatter” room! IT is amazing what you can do in 20-25 minutes, isn’t it?

    Joyce: when I go to an appointment, if the nurse or MA tries to take my BP right away, I remind them that the national standard is to be sitting quietly for at least 5 minutes prior to taking it. If they try to ignore me, I just say “wait”. I should have done that the other day…I got to chatting with the nursing in the office and she was just taking my blood pressure and we were chatting (someone I hadn’t seen in ages) and I didn’t realize it. So she did wait for the other two.

    Sharon: so what exactly is a Chinook? I know it’s a strong wind, but what else makes it different?

    Mary: one day over on calories won’t make a difference. Just get right back on track. That is probably one of the best lessons I learned here. If I freak out over a “bad” day, I used to say “what the heck” and binge…because I had already blown it for the day, the week, whatever. Not anymore. I have gotten comfortable with having those occasional days because it’s just how life is. I don’t manufacture them (I used to have planned “cheat” days) but when they happen, I just move on.

    Viv: congrats on the loss!

    Heather: omy gosh I was laughing until I cried about your pillowcase nappies. I’m so sorry it was because you were ill, but the mental image I had was very funny. Have you seen a movie called something like the Magnificent Marigold Hotel with Maggie Smith? I pictured her with the nappies!

    Jeannine: you live sort of close to me, so we are enjoying the same lovely weather! I’m sorry about you losing one of your fur babies. That’s always so hard. I have an old rescue beagle and down to 2 cats, having lost my “old man” nearly a year ago at 19. He was an old man! But he was the boss of the house. I looked into adopting a greyhound before we got the beagle, but no one at the rescue (which is in Iowa) ever got back to me.

    Carol: working in a trauma center for many, many years, I had the interesting experience of running into people with all sorts of odd names. I used to think many were just urban myths, until I took care of Placenta Rose!

    Susan: my beagle is impossible to train too. We even had a trainer come to our house for a while. She pronounced “MY isn’t he stubborn” and that was the end of the training. He usually comes when called and is so docile, we don’t feel like at his age anything else was needed although we are big on having well trained dogs. He has a medical condition which causes him to drink and pee a TON that none of the vets can figure out, so we have piddling in the house when we are at work. So when he goes, time for new carpet! We just can’t be mad at him. We show him and tell him no, then put him outside, but he can’t last more than about 6 hours….he gets DH up at 3 or 4 a.m. every day. DD gets home from work and lets him out about 3 and our housekeeper does too, but he still has issues. But we love him dearly.

    Katla: have fun at the birthday party!

    Vicki: so sorry to hear of your loss too. Sending you big (((hugs))) Hope you can enjoy this nicer weather

    Well DH and DD should be home soon, I need to color my hair (again!!!) and pay some bills. Then it’s the elliptical while watching football. Take care all, Love Meg from Omaha where the sun is shining brightly.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,823 Member
    afternoon ladies~
    well boy oh boy what a day it has been...
    left early to go feed DFIL,he was with it this morning, knew his son and all , fed him in bed, but he ate well, but once we went to leave it was raining and the roads were a sheet of ice...we basically crawled home.. got inside and did a load of laundry, dusted and put some stuff away..
    then after a few hours we went back out. went to Walmart and Sams.. got that home and put away and started cooking like a fiend..
    made both oatmeal raisin and chocolate chip cookies.. Oatmeal for DH, Chocolate Chip for DFIL,put a roasting chicken in, had baked stuffed shrimp and a baked potato for DH..and kept on going with an apple fritter loaf that was a recipe on Facebook, washed and put all the dishes away and now just sitting down..
    Tom's lunch is all set for tomorrow and he will have the roast chicken for tomorrow night.
    working 12;30-5 tomorrow. will go up to the bird store in the morning and maybe over to the credit union tomorrow before work, but will be at the nursing home at 7:30
  • pbgd
    pbgd Posts: 3
    Hello all :) My name is Patty, I live in W. Sacramento, CA. I work for the state, and I joined MFP on Dec. 31st. Looks like a nice crowd. I need to get healthy so that I can live long enough to retire! I'm a slow starter, but I'm trying very hard to get up out of my cubicle and actually walk, I'm trying to get to 10,000 steps a day, I don't always make it, but I keep trying. Have a great day MFP's!
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hello, everyone,

    Been reading for what seems like hours to try to get caught up after missing only two days on here. DD and I got in late last night. The drive out of Friday was uneventful but a bit longer than it could have been as she wanted to go to her favorite coffee shop in Lynchburg on the way for lunch. The college had a dinner for prospectives Friday evening; I dressed up and took myself to the college hotel's fancy schmancy (actually lovely!!!) restaurant by myself and had a delicious small filet. We both returned to the room within minutes of each other and I fell asleep about 9:30pm as I had slept poorly Thurs. night. The next morning we checked out and drove to the cafeteria at the vet college where students were picked up to be bussed to their MMIs. DD had told me there would be a complimentary spread for students and parents.......there was.......four different kinds of cookies and coffee, tea, or water. Nerves= me having four cookies and calling them breakfast while she was gone! Older students circulated with their dogs for petting and loving on and for answering questions and the man who drove the students bus ended up sitting with me and we had quite a nice conversation between his "runs". Then DD's group returned (she thought her eight interviews went well [fingers crossed]) and we got a tour of the classrooms, labs, library, student lounge, hospital, surgical suites etc. So, here we are.......she will know by about the third week of Feb. Thank you all for your prayers, good thoughts, candles and everything else you all have sent her way. Once again the competition is unbelievable......50 will be chosen from our state from the 252 who actually made it to the interview stage.

    I drove when we departed and picked a back road which was a lot more difficult than I bargained for over the Blue Ridge Mountains---- one skinny lane in each direction cut in to the side of the mountain, sheer cliff drop offs with no guard rails, hairpin sloping turns, and what seemed like inches to spare. When we got to the bottom I was asked "if I was done trying to kill us".......can't say I hold that question against her as the road was not at all what I had envisioned. It did also add greatly to our drive time. But the poor old camry made it home and we had a fine adventure.

    I made very few notes:

    Linda.......My condolences about your friend. The food you sent was a very generous representation of your caring for her and her family and I'm sure very much appreciated.

    Vicki..........What a tragic outcome with your cousin's son, condolences to you too. I like the name of your new arrival very much.

    Viv.....My mother kept her coffee pot on the top of her fridge when not in use; don't know if that is doable for you.

    Meg ...........The Marigold Hotel is coming out with a second movie soon....and this one has Richard Gere!!!!

    janehadji.........Welcome back!

    Terri..........Glad to hear you are feelng better.

    I've spent way too long on here catching up. Welcome newbies; don't forget to please let us know where you are from.

    Hunger is not an emergency.

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Sunday. As soon as the Halftime show is over, I will head to my favorite Mexican Grocery store, because they always have amazing produce, and I am starting to get my appetite back. I suspect I will be the only person on the roads or in the store, since the Packers are playing well right now (and I've always been a Bears fan, so I just don't care).

    I have been soaking my toothbrush in Listerine when not in use, but will try the dishwasher soon. Thanks for the reminder.

    DS did okay at bowling yesterday and today. 560+ series at league yesterday, 90% fill and the team won 11.5 out of 14 points for 2 matches in H.S. bowling. 540+ series today, and he helped his team by winning 3 out of his 4 possible points.

    DH not feeling much better still, but he does look better. His sinuses seem to be clearing, which makes his shallow cough more productive. He has not had a fever since very early Saturday.

    The battery on my laptop is almost dead, so time to log off and get ready for the grocery store.

    Hugs to Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,733 Member
    stats for the day, easy day-
    rope pull- 30min, 111ftpmin, 3492ft, midset, lvl6 = 173cal
    jacobs ladder- 15min = 131cal
    jump- single/double, back, scissors - 16min = 201cal
    total cal- 505
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,733 Member

    today is Yogi's 1st birthday!! i went driving around to 4 different pet stores to find him a new dog collar that i liked, didn't know i would be so picky!, well yes i did.... finally got home ! have a good day all...
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    edited January 2015
    Good Afternoon,

    Yanniejannie prayers for daughter in interview process.

    Terri hope DH feels better soon. Glad you feel better.

    Susan there is a great book called My name is Sangoel. He draws a picture of a sun and a goal to help other pronounce his name.

    Janet I would draw grit to help other pronounce the last part of my name.

    We went to hear a steel drum duo today at out downtown library. It was built by James J. Hill the Bill Gates of his day. He built it in Classical Greek style. Quite impressive. Great music and we walked a half mile to go to hear it on a winter's day.

    :heart: MNMargaret