Geeks need support too! Fandoms Unite!!



  • Naptownbabi
    Naptownbabi Posts: 256 Member
    renku wrote: »

    I've been enjoying Rebels, it's a bit like Star Wars meets Firefly

    That's one I've never watched and always have meant to - huge Joss Whedon fan. Buffy is one of my all time faves! And I've loved Nathan Fillion since he was on One Life to Live :wink:

    I can watch BTVS all day everyday. I know ive seen every ep. at least 4 times. Yay for netflix when there is nothing on, there is always Buffy!!!
  • candacefausset
    candacefausset Posts: 297 Member
    abuck_13 wrote: »
    One of my big secret reasons for my journey to fitness is so I can put together a retro pinup Wonderwoman cosplay next fall!

    I love Doctor Who, Supernatural, HP, gaming and a lot more. I even hand make miniature replica of various props from my favorite fandoms in the form of jewelry. Everyone here should friend me!

    looooooooooooooooooove retro pinup!!! If you do this I want to see pictures!!

    I'm aiming for a pinup pageant this summer at a rockabilly car show :)
    My first pinup shoot is this March. Cherry Dollface is doing hair and that was what kind of kicked my butt into gear. I gotta get my sexy back to pose pinup.

    Looks like you got it going on pretty well there!
    Awww thanks! I try!
  • chris42376
    chris42376 Posts: 83 Member
    Total geek here :) Feel free to add me if you like :)
  • Naptownbabi
    Naptownbabi Posts: 256 Member
    I love reading, I just started a Japanese steampunk book I have high hopes for as well.

    What is this book called? It sounds awesome!

    if it's Stormdancer from the Lotus War series.... ugh I'm struggling. ive been trying and trying to get into that book. Such a great concept but i cannot keep with it, and I hate giving up on books. Let me know if thats the book, if it picks up later in it
  • artemis222
    artemis222 Posts: 390 Member
    I am always amazed at the amount of "geeks" in this world that I can relate with. My view: everyone has a geeky side, sometimes you just have to find it. Haha!
  • Kanra_Chan
    Kanra_Chan Posts: 3 Member
    gam3rguy wrote: »
    not really a "geek" here (to lazy/dumb/cheap to be part of the PC master race), I AM pretty dorky though. anime, comics/manga and games.

    Oh, same here! And I'd love to have fellow geeky/nerdy friends too - anyone can feel free to add me. :D

  • candacefausset
    candacefausset Posts: 297 Member
    My daughter is only 3 and already has geekdom in her blood. Hugging R2D2 at a con we went to last year...
  • Astronamy82
    Astronamy82 Posts: 9 Member
    Hehe according to a quiz I did on brainfall I think it was I'm 78% nerdy. I'm definitely a science nerd (astronomy, astrophysics, quantum mechanics) I love to read and a bit of a gamer with a horror (if it gets my heart racing and I can't help but shriek then I love it) and elder scrolls addiction oh and also lego games, so much fun!

    I love superheroes and I'm more a fan of the Marvel heroes but I also like a few DC ones too. I love the supernatural / paranormal tv shows and my favs are: Supernatural (the early seasons anyway not such a fan of the later ones), Dresden Files, Moonlight, Pushing Daisies, Almost Human, Sleepy Hollow, Once Upon a Time, Agents of Shield, Haven, Agent Carter, The Vampire Diaries, The Originals, Constantine, The Flash, I'm loving Gotham at the moment I adore the Penguin.

    I also like a few animes my favourites are Death Note and Black Butler and my hubby and I have cosplayed as Ciel (me) and Sebastian (him) a few times most recently at Comic Con last October. I love steampunk too as 'adventure steampunk' and I got a very cool NERF crossbow that's been sanded down, painted and varnished so it looks like it's made from wood and it's like my favourite thing :)
  • MommysLittleMeatball
    MommysLittleMeatball Posts: 2,064 Member
    Hehe according to a quiz I did on brainfall I think it was I'm 78% nerdy. I'm definitely a science nerd (astronomy, astrophysics, quantum mechanics) I love to read and a bit of a gamer with a horror (if it gets my heart racing and I can't help but shriek then I love it) and elder scrolls addiction oh and also lego games, so much fun!

    I love superheroes and I'm more a fan of the Marvel heroes but I also like a few DC ones too. I love the supernatural / paranormal tv shows and my favs are: Supernatural (the early seasons anyway not such a fan of the later ones), Dresden Files, Moonlight, Pushing Daisies, Almost Human, Sleepy Hollow, Once Upon a Time, Agents of Shield, Haven, Agent Carter, The Vampire Diaries, The Originals, Constantine, The Flash, I'm loving Gotham at the moment I adore the Penguin.

    I also like a few animes my favourites are Death Note and Black Butler and my hubby and I have cosplayed as Ciel (me) and Sebastian (him) a few times most recently at Comic Con last October. I love steampunk too as 'adventure steampunk' and I got a very cool NERF crossbow that's been sanded down, painted and varnished so it looks like it's made from wood and it's like my favourite thing :)

    I miss Pushing Daisies so much!! I was so sad when it got canceled.
  • Astronamy82
    Astronamy82 Posts: 9 Member
    Oh me too. I was peeved when Dresden Files got cancelled, I nearly kicked the TV in frustration after watching the last episode of Moonlight and how they left it wide open for a second series and then it got cancelled. I didn't like how the end of Pushing Daisies was rushed and didn't feel right. I nearly cried when I found out Almost Human was cancelled (again leaving it open for an intense second series) and I'm really getting into Constantine but I know I'm going to be disappointed soon when it ends as it's been cancelled. :(
  • TheHistoryLady
    TheHistoryLady Posts: 1,885 Member
    Ah now here's a group of people I can relate to although you all appear to be younger then me but hey I can be the geeky mama lol
    Into most fandoms but dont game (apart from Empire) but my daughters do and eldest is complete geek (my kids have been dragged up proper). Married to a Trekkie who's still hoping to lead the Klingon Empire but I'm too busy going through the Stargate with Dr Jackson and eldest is off with the Dr and youngest is busy leading a rebellion where the odds are never in her favour or she's a bit of a divergent.

    Feel free to add me as could do with more friends on here.
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    My current geekery is A Song of Ice and Fire (and naturally GoT) and Grimm, but I'm a nerd overall. Tolkien, Roddenberry, Romero. Sherlockian, serious member of The Clone Club and dedicated follower of Rick Grimes, among other things!
  • Fitgirl_666
    Fitgirl_666 Posts: 56 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Join this group!

    I'm a Whovian, gamer (RPGs, MMOs, although less than I used to, but loved Dragon Age 3, well, all of them), huge Marvel Cinematic Universe fan, love fantasy/sci books and TV shows.

    totally just joined that group! :D
  • Fitgirl_666
    Fitgirl_666 Posts: 56 Member
    gam3rguy wrote: »
    Hey! Any Horror fans?!?!

    yup. seems a lot of horror lately has been nerfed to be suitable for 13 year olds though. eagerly awaiting horror's eventual return.

    ughhhhhhh so true!

    I'm a huge fan of the old slashers, but love a good zombie flick :)

    My fingers are still crossed for Trick 'r Treat needs to happen!!!!
  • MommysLittleMeatball
    MommysLittleMeatball Posts: 2,064 Member
    Oh me too. I was peeved when Dresden Files got cancelled, I nearly kicked the TV in frustration after watching the last episode of Moonlight and how they left it wide open for a second series and then it got cancelled. I didn't like how the end of Pushing Daisies was rushed and didn't feel right. I nearly cried when I found out Almost Human was cancelled (again leaving it open for an intense second series) and I'm really getting into Constantine but I know I'm going to be disappointed soon when it ends as it's been cancelled. :(

    I still don't understand how Almost Human was cancelled. It was a great cast, budget, writing, etc. It was a good cop action show with robots!! Come on!
  • Fitgirl_666
    Fitgirl_666 Posts: 56 Member
    My daughter is only 3 and already has geekdom in her blood. Hugging R2D2 at a con we went to last year...

    this is fabulous!!!!
  • Fitgirl_666
    Fitgirl_666 Posts: 56 Member
    Ah now here's a group of people I can relate to although you all appear to be younger then me but hey I can be the geeky mama lol
    Into most fandoms but dont game (apart from Empire) but my daughters do and eldest is complete geek (my kids have been dragged up proper). Married to a Trekkie who's still hoping to lead the Klingon Empire but I'm too busy going through the Stargate with Dr Jackson and eldest is off with the Dr and youngest is busy leading a rebellion where the odds are never in her favour or she's a bit of a divergent.

    Feel free to add me as could do with more friends on here.

    Geekery knows no age! :)
  • Mopar88
    Mopar88 Posts: 54 Member
    Major nerd here and have been my entire life! Books are my main addiction and video games my newest one. Have 7 different gaming systems and am currently running Diablo 3 on the Xbox One.
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    gam3rguy wrote: »
    Hey! Any Horror fans?!?!

    yup. seems a lot of horror lately has been nerfed to be suitable for 13 year olds though. eagerly awaiting horror's eventual return.

    ughhhhhhh so true!

    I'm a huge fan of the old slashers, but love a good zombie flick :)

    My fingers are still crossed for Trick 'r Treat needs to happen!!!!
    Trick 'r Treat ROCKED. we need more Sam!! I heard it wasn't a matter of "if", but "when" we get part 2. though we had to wait for the first.

  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    Ah now here's a group of people I can relate to although you all appear to be younger then me but hey I can be the geeky mama lol
    Into most fandoms but dont game (apart from Empire) but my daughters do and eldest is complete geek (my kids have been dragged up proper). Married to a Trekkie who's still hoping to lead the Klingon Empire but I'm too busy going through the Stargate with Dr Jackson and eldest is off with the Dr and youngest is busy leading a rebellion where the odds are never in her favour or she's a bit of a divergent.

    Feel free to add me as could do with more friends on here.
    we are the same age. :)