What's the worst thing someone has said to about being overw



  • Mrsstew
    Mrsstew Posts: 6 Member
    People can be so mean. For me most of the rude or inconsiderate comments have come from guys.

    I remember one time in high school I fell down during basketball practice. Took a nose dive face first. I wasn't hurt, but I heard from my best friend that her older brother and some of the the other guys were up on the balcony when it happened and one of them said, "5.0 on the Richter scale" when I fell. It probably hurt worse because when she told me, my best friend actually laughed about it. Ever since then I've been paranoid about falling or tripping in public. I feel like everyone is looking and laughing at me.
  • lil_missfit
    lil_missfit Posts: 565 Member
    I used to get called 'The Tank' by some guys on my street. I always laughed it off, but it always stuck. I've had people make snide comments about my weight my whole life. Several times, people have yelled out something like 'fat pig' from cars as they pass, and once, some random guy came up to me and told me that I shouldn't be eating a bar of chocolate cos I was too far. Little things like that that get under your skin and really dent your confidence. It's part of the reason I'm so determined to do it this time. I even joined a gym today!

    WTG!!! Good job joining a gym!!!
  • destinyag
    destinyag Posts: 26

    In high school, I was in color guard all year round, so I stayed active with that, and I took extra gym classes. My senior year, our guard costumes were crushed green velvet unitards (we had a Riverdance-themed show). I was told I HAD to wear a girdle under mine or we might get docked points.

    I'm a color guard director and can tell you first hand that no such docking of points would EVER take place. I think it's terrible that your instructor would tell you that to get you wear a girdle under the uniform. I also had guard instructors that would tell me they thought my butt was getting bigger, etc. Wish I could smack them in the face these days.
  • lil_missfit
    lil_missfit Posts: 565 Member

    In high school, I was in color guard all year round, so I stayed active with that, and I took extra gym classes. My senior year, our guard costumes were crushed green velvet unitards (we had a Riverdance-themed show). I was told I HAD to wear a girdle under mine or we might get docked points.

    I'm a color guard director and can tell you first hand that no such docking of points would EVER take place. I think it's terrible that your instructor would tell you that to get you wear a girdle under the uniform. I also had guard instructors that would tell me they thought my butt was getting bigger, etc. Wish I could smack them in the face these days.

    wow!! That's aweful:(
  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx Posts: 875 Member
    Ive pretty much always been teased about being fat or felt I have n e way, but the one that sticks my head (not the most hurtful prob) was when my best friends brother said to me "you only have big boobs coz the fat has no where else to go"
  • rubyrenga
    rubyrenga Posts: 402 Member
    Well, twice people made comments thinking that I was pregnant...another one was when I went into Macy's and asked where the dress section was, and the woman looked at me and said, "Women's sizes are upstairs." I wanted to go say something to a manager, but it was too humiliating.
  • kailyamie
    kailyamie Posts: 130
    My husband's ex-wife says horrible things about me constantly to his son (who's 8 now) It used to be worse years ago when we first got together, when his son was younger he would say things to me like "My Mommy said you were a fat *kitten*."

    On the flip side, one time she made a comment to my husband when we first started seeing each other that I "looked like I had AIDS." I dunno how someone "looks" like they have AIDS, but it just goes to show the level of ignorance there :sick: :huh:
  • nataliebeth08
    After I had my son and was at my biggest weight my ex SIL said (without being asked her opinion) "dont worry hunny you'll lose the weight eventually" and then brought me big box of size 4 clothing that she didnt wear anymore because she was a size2...I was still wearing size 16. I resent her for that but at the same time I would think about her comment everyday at the gym and lost all the weight and then some. I've slowly gained it all back over the past 6 years and why I am on here to lose weight for myself and not to prove something to anyone else. Oh but it took so much restraint to not make the same comment to her after she had her first child a few yrs ago. Its wierd that sometimes those cruel comments can really kick your butt into gear.
  • kailyamie
    kailyamie Posts: 130
    Oh and to that point - my Mother In Law (who is horrible) said to me one time "imagine how pissed off she'd be if you got really skinny." referring to my husband's ex-wife. It made me feel pretty crappy... I mean, obviously he didn't want her - that's why he divorced her! I don't need to compete with her, she's a horrible person anyway.
  • AlyAnt26
    AlyAnt26 Posts: 58
    I agree with some of you that the worst of it comes from the people you're closest with...let's just put it out there --- our Mother's! I've been told every way under the sun that "You're fat" from her, without those very words.
    I've been called "you fat tub of lard" by my step father on Christmas Eve too -- oh the joys of the holidays. He got PUNCHED out right after that -- by me, and you're welcome. That was probably the worst one...I'll never forgive him for that actually. Other things I can over look, but that one will stick with me forever. Douche Bag.
  • MrsB123111
    MrsB123111 Posts: 535 Member
    I was told by my ex boyfriend that he didn't want to have kids with me because I had bad genes... He didn't want our kids to be fat like me. That's why he's an ex...
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    "When's the baby due." By a fat boy in gym class, we both were in the 7th grade. Another in the 4th grade was "How can your feet hold your weight, look how flat those shoes are." When KEDS were popular and flat tennis shoes. GGRRR:grumble:
  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
    My mother would tell me I was a big elephant and I should sleep on the floor because I was going to break the bed.
  • Autumn15
    Autumn15 Posts: 213
    I was thin as a child but as I got older and put on some weight I would wear bigger clothes to try and hide it and it apparently made it worse because people started asking me if I was pregnant and no I wasn't. :frown:
  • Autumn15
    Autumn15 Posts: 213
    My mother would tell me I was a big elephant and I should sleep on the floor because I was going to break the bed.

    Thats horrible...if anyone should love you no matter what it is your mother. Positive re-enforcement is what you do with children not negative remarks that will scar them and break their self confidence down. You are no elephant you are beautiful!
  • Lsqueezy
    Lsqueezy Posts: 128
    Hmmm....where to begin. Elementary, junior high, high school? I always had a lot of friends, but anytime someone didn't like me that's where they always went....It got to the point that anytime I heard anyone laughing in the halls I just knew they were laughing at how fat I was (even though they probably weren't...probably).
    Then there was my mother, who also has battled her weight all her life and the lovely things she would point out like did I really need to eat that, wear that, etc.?
    More recently an ex who told me no one would ever love me looking the way I do, and he isn't attracted to fat people, but he made an exception for me. Don't do me any favors buddy.
  • staceyrrad
    staceyrrad Posts: 25 Member
    In Jr High we had these two weeks that we did "mini Olympics" in phys ed. My team was kicking *kitten*, and there were only a few more events left. One of them being, I don't know remember what it was called, but teams of two pushed each other on scooters. Remember those tiny little plastic squares with wheels called "scooters"? haha anywho, the boy who had me to push was kinda reluctant and the teacher asked why. He told said out loud, to everyone around, that he couldn't push me because he didn't want to hurt his arms, or break the wheels, because I was too fat to move.

    Mortified as a 8th grader.

    Thanks VINCE.
  • sweetsapphire85
    I was told by a guy a few years back (who was over 300lbs, not that it should make a difference) that I was the "biggest he'll go" in dating people. I was told by another "friend" that we never had to worry about taking it to the next level because i was "no Carmen Electra"

    My mother has always compared girls weight to mine as in "she is solid like you are" (my sister is the "smaller framed girl"), I've been told by her that there is no wonder i've been single for 5 years with the way I look as all guys want to be proud of whats on their arm, and it certainly wouldn't be an overweight girl. I was asked my weight by her every day and asked if at every meal I was needing to eat that. When I was 16 I developed an eating disorder from it, but she says it helped because I dropped weight and was starting to look good. Even now that I'm losing weight in a healthy way she says "I really don't think you realize how big you were, you were REALLY big!"
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    My dad always used to make comments about my "belly" since I hold most of my weight there instead of it spreading out everywhere. When I was 18 I dropped about 30lbs and had pretty much stopped eating, he thought it was a good idea to stop teasing me. Haven't heard a thing about it since, even though I've gained about 20 of those lbs back.
    My mother would tell me I was a big elephant and I should sleep on the floor because I was going to break the bed.
    My mother has always compared girls weight to mine as in "she is solid like you are" (my sister is the "smaller framed girl"), I've been told by her that there is no wonder i've been single for 5 years with the way I look as all guys want to be proud of whats on their arm, and it certainly wouldn't be an overweight girl. I was asked my weight by her every day and asked if at every meal I was needing to eat that. When I was 16 I developed an eating disorder from it, but she says it helped because I dropped weight and was starting to look good. Even now that I'm losing weight in a healthy way she says "I really don't think you realize how big you were, you were REALLY big

    I got teased all the time about my weight including stuff from classmates, co workers, random strangers and my own sisters...the one that hurt the most was my mom. She used to make our clothes for us, and one day she got mad at me while fitting a pattern to me. she told me, "If you get any fatter, I'm not making you any more clothes. Since you don't have a job (I was 12), you'll have to wear paper bags or drop weight." :frown: :sad:

    She basicly treated me like crap cause I was fat, and treated my two sisters like they walked on water since they were thin and pretty. My husband and friends, and even though a lot of self observation, has helped me to see how wrong she was and to come to terms with her treatment of me. I know I am worth more than that.

    Still the questions asking when I am due make me :sad: Its not my fault all the weight falls right on my tummy area.
  • jsiler181
    Wow. Reading some of these posts is heartbreaking. I have never loved my mother more than I do now, that's for sure. She has always been supportive of me in every area of my life and has never found it "fitting" to put me down.

    As for teasing, I really don't remember much of it in high school (which is when I began putting on weight). If things were said it was by cowards who were too afraid to say it anywhere near me. The only blatant insult I can remember was just in the last few years by an "adult" male while leaving a bar. He mentioned my weight in a negative manner and claimed that nobody would want someone like me. Yet, I was the one getting laid when I got home while he was stuck hanging out with a bunch of frat boys ;)

    I've never been one to take insults to heart. Yes, it stings a bit momentarily (like a fresh cut) but within minutes-seconds, even-I brush it off and get back to being awesome!