The January Gym Crowd



  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    DavPul wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    Well. So DYELB brings up an EXCELLENT point.

    If you look at this as a hobby type thing- 150 a month is not expensive. Regular lessons hockey/karate/dance/music would run you 200+ a month. I know at my studio- unlimited runs around 290- which includes rehearsal fees

    if you stop looking at it like a gym- and you look at it like regular dance classes- or regular hockey lessons- it becomes on point.

    If you look at it as a gym- then oh hell no.

    That's the entire point of what we've been saying. It doesn't even resemble a regular gym membership. A completely different experience

    I am now on board with the understanding of the conversation train.

    still behind over here :(

    If you stop looking at crossfit boxes as gyms and more like a hobby with a technical education it makes SIGNFICANTLY more sense.

    look up any other hobby- skating- skiing- karate- dance- etc etc- it all costs that much- in the grand scheme of things 150 for unlimited technical classes is nothing- that's what we charge for 8 classes/month- which is 2 hours a week. So- in that context- it makes perfect sense.

    Lol. I wasn't looking at crossfit boxes as anything. I wasn't even sure how the topic got derailed to talking about crossfit and I wasn't even a part of that discussion. I was just wondering what the heck was going on in here lol

    I don't know how we got here either- but I definitely got lost in the sauce for a minute.

    But yes- we are effectively derailed from January.

    I'm about to hit the gym- should be interesting to see how the level of working out has peaked or not by week 3- esp considering how we weren't that pressed to begin with from Jan 1.
  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member
    DavPul wrote: »
    DavPul wrote: »
    What part of the article spoke of price gouging members?

    Quote me where I said price gouging.

    What are you saying? That you can't afford it so obviously no one can?

    Nice try at implying intent. Wrong assumption. Not even close.

  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Nearly over at my gym. I was able to get a treadmill.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I haven't noticed any difference... Didn't last year either.
    DYELB Posts: 7,407 Member
    DavPul wrote: »
    DYELB wrote: »
    DYELB wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    I don't even know what we are trying to sort out any more.

    PS- that movie's awesome.

    Snark his way out of a contradiction?

    The contradiction that $150 is expensive for xfit membership?

    I work in NYC and live upstate, so the numbers are definitely higher than average if you live in say Ohio, but it's not that far gone for say Boston or Cali.
    I pay $135 a month for unlimite karate lessons.
    I pay $72 a month for my gym near work, that's discounted down from the standard rate of I think $120 a month because of corporate whatever.
    I pay $60 a month for my gym near home.
    I have a strength coach that I go to to prep for powerlifting meets, he's about $2k for 30 sessions. A pack of sessions can last me about a year.
    I play rugby as well, and dues for that are $400 per year.

    That's $5604 annually or about $108 a week

    That's a lot, and I know I spend more than most on this kind of thing because of my interests and my means, but that weekly cost is less than what I'd spend in a night going out to the bars.

    If you can't afford crossfit that's obviously fine, but this rant about the obnoxiously greedy stupid expensive and evil xfit is pretty asinine. Just let it be, people are paying that much, and they enjoy it. To them it's worth it, just like to me the stuff I do is worth $108 a week.

    I live in Seattle. So cost of living is pretty high. $150/month for crossfit is expensive IMHO.

    1) The setup is pretty basic
    2) What it takes to be xfit certified isn't that intensive.
    3) You have to go at X time because classes are scheduled such.
    4) Unless you want to do the same thing again, I believe xfit is only geared around a 3-4 per week schedule.

    It might be okay if I could do other stuff there when I don't want to their classes but I have no idea of the bars/equipment are available if there is a class at the same time.

    I already pay $100/month for a gym, so paying another $150 isn't logical to me. It would be better for me to set up the WOD at my current gym and find a way to do that vs joining another gym to do it.

    So you pay $100 a month to go to a gym and $150 is somehow a really big deal?

    This is like ranting about name brand clothes or apple products. People pay it and like the stuff, who cares?

    No. I'm paying $100 to go to a gym. Paying ANOTHER $150 for limited additional benefit = expensive.

    What you are saying is like paying for a Honda civic and complaining about not wanting to pay for another Honda civic. I could actually afford another Honda Civic but it would be a complete waste of money to pay twice for the essentially the same thing.

    That is why I said "it might be okay if I could go and do other stuff when I'm not doing WOD" Why? Because then I could justify quitting one gym and paying for the xfit gym. But I doubt it because my Y has bball courts, swim center, cardio machines etc... things that the typical xfit does not have.

    Where are people telling people to pay ANOTHER $150? Why do you think every person in the world is paying for two memberships? And if they are, why is that a problem? I've paid for 3+ memberships for years

    Dyeb is stating that. Did you read his post? Or mine? You could not have but it appears that you just did that. What's the problem? I don't want two Honda civics

    Did you read my post?

    I didn't talk about anyone else paying for an extra membership, I outlined what I paid for fitness stuff to compare against the costs of xfit membership. My point is (and has been consistently throughout my posts in this thread) that the cost of xfit is justifiable to the people who are enrolled and enjoy it, and at the end of the day that's all that matters. They could have a billion other gym memberships...or none, and it doesn't make a difference. They could be at a box charging $1500 a month, or $0 at one that waives fees if you wear semi-see thru leggings and have a nice butt. It doesn't matter

    Given what xfit offers to its populace, and acknowledging that I'm saying this knowing that xfit isn't my cup of tea: I don't think $150 a month (or $175, or *gasp* more than that) is an outlandish price. People pay it, more power to the owners for running a business.

    That's it. Stop jumping around. The two memberships thing wasn't brought up until you started talking about what your Y offers. I don't care what car(s) you drive.
  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member
    Did you read mine? If it's justifiable to YOU fine. It's not for ME. Because of the reasons I stated. Period. I don't care how xfit has to price their memberships. To ME, I compare pricing for what you get. And that's how most people compare. If it's worth it for them fine. Because if it WASN'T, there wouldn't be xfit boxes out there obviously. And this has been my point all along.
  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member
    Back on topic. There are some new people but not too bad. But I go late and close the place down at 10pm
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    DavPul wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    Well. So DYELB brings up an EXCELLENT point.

    If you look at this as a hobby type thing- 150 a month is not expensive. Regular lessons hockey/karate/dance/music would run you 200+ a month. I know at my studio- unlimited runs around 290- which includes rehearsal fees

    if you stop looking at it like a gym- and you look at it like regular dance classes- or regular hockey lessons- it becomes on point.

    If you look at it as a gym- then oh hell no.

    That's the entire point of what we've been saying. It doesn't even resemble a regular gym membership. A completely different experience

    I am now on board with the understanding of the conversation train.

    still behind over here :(

    If you stop looking at crossfit boxes as gyms and more like a hobby with a technical education it makes SIGNFICANTLY more sense.

    look up any other hobby- skating- skiing- karate- dance- etc etc- it all costs that much- in the grand scheme of things 150 for unlimited technical classes is nothing- that's what we charge for 8 classes/month- which is 2 hours a week. So- in that context- it makes perfect sense.

    Lol. I wasn't looking at crossfit boxes as anything. I wasn't even sure how the topic got derailed to talking about crossfit and I wasn't even a part of that discussion. I was just wondering what the heck was going on in here lol

    mostly us regulars have already had our fun and dispatched the original topic of this thread, a thread that gets posted ad nauseam every December and January. so now we're amusing ourselves by slinging arrows at other targets.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    DavPul wrote: »
    DavPul wrote: »
    What part of the article spoke of price gouging members?

    Quote me where I said price gouging.

    What are you saying? That you can't afford it so obviously no one can?

    Nice try at implying intent. Wrong assumption. Not even close.

    if you didn't waste all that money on matching Civics crossfit might be something that interests you
  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member
    DavPul wrote: »
    DavPul wrote: »
    DavPul wrote: »
    What part of the article spoke of price gouging members?

    Quote me where I said price gouging.

    What are you saying? That you can't afford it so obviously no one can?

    Nice try at implying intent. Wrong assumption. Not even close.

    if you didn't waste all that money on matching Civics crossfit might be something that interests you

    crossfit might, your logic doesn't (or more correctly, the lack of)
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    DavPul wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    DavPul wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    Well. So DYELB brings up an EXCELLENT point.

    If you look at this as a hobby type thing- 150 a month is not expensive. Regular lessons hockey/karate/dance/music would run you 200+ a month. I know at my studio- unlimited runs around 290- which includes rehearsal fees

    if you stop looking at it like a gym- and you look at it like regular dance classes- or regular hockey lessons- it becomes on point.

    If you look at it as a gym- then oh hell no.

    That's the entire point of what we've been saying. It doesn't even resemble a regular gym membership. A completely different experience

    I am now on board with the understanding of the conversation train.

    still behind over here :(

    If you stop looking at crossfit boxes as gyms and more like a hobby with a technical education it makes SIGNFICANTLY more sense.

    look up any other hobby- skating- skiing- karate- dance- etc etc- it all costs that much- in the grand scheme of things 150 for unlimited technical classes is nothing- that's what we charge for 8 classes/month- which is 2 hours a week. So- in that context- it makes perfect sense.

    Lol. I wasn't looking at crossfit boxes as anything. I wasn't even sure how the topic got derailed to talking about crossfit and I wasn't even a part of that discussion. I was just wondering what the heck was going on in here lol

    mostly us regulars have already had our fun and dispatched the original topic of this thread, a thread that gets posted ad nauseam every December and January. so now we're amusing ourselves by slinging arrows at other targets.

    And some of us are dumbfounded that this thread is still alive.
  • Gyms r busy in January every year. Most gyms make there yearly budgets in this month. It slows down month over month for the remainder of the year. Mine has a 47% no show on average but these people still pay their monthly dues! Us regulars try to guess who will not last just to make a game out of it. I truly believe that if new members are serious in their journey towards reaching whatever goals they have then be patient ! The extra weight did not come on over night and it will not come off as fast as you may think. Mine has been a rewarding journey to a 125lb weight loss and going to the gym everyday and working with a trainer has helped keep me motivated. I was once a newbie but now am a committed regular and I love it. Newbies help keep the gyms open so I don't mind the extra people around. Nice change of scenery never hurts either!
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Here's a question: how do you know that the new people even quit? They could have simply changed the time that they workout. My husband and I would go to the gym in the morning and for a long time we weren't making it so we were going later in the afternoon, sometimes borderline evening. So sure the regular morning crew might have thought we quit but we didn't. And now the afternoon crew probably thinks we quit because we're back to mornings.

    I get it. New people are annoying because they don't know what they're doing. Just remember though you were one of those "new people" once who didn't know squat. And heck, I'll go so far as to say that many of you were probably one of those "resolutioners".

    I don't have a problem with new people "not knowing what they are doing". I can teach a newbie weight room etiquette in 5 min. It's the regulars who are such a PTIA, because being a dbag lasts forever.
  • bigd66218
    bigd66218 Posts: 376 Member
    I had a YMCA family membership for five years, never again. I have the basic equipment at home and as soon as spring arrives in OHIO, roll out the road bike and go go go!!!!!
  • killerqueen21
    killerqueen21 Posts: 157 Member
    DavPul wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    DavPul wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    Well. So DYELB brings up an EXCELLENT point.

    If you look at this as a hobby type thing- 150 a month is not expensive. Regular lessons hockey/karate/dance/music would run you 200+ a month. I know at my studio- unlimited runs around 290- which includes rehearsal fees

    if you stop looking at it like a gym- and you look at it like regular dance classes- or regular hockey lessons- it becomes on point.

    If you look at it as a gym- then oh hell no.

    That's the entire point of what we've been saying. It doesn't even resemble a regular gym membership. A completely different experience

    I am now on board with the understanding of the conversation train.

    still behind over here :(

    If you stop looking at crossfit boxes as gyms and more like a hobby with a technical education it makes SIGNFICANTLY more sense.

    look up any other hobby- skating- skiing- karate- dance- etc etc- it all costs that much- in the grand scheme of things 150 for unlimited technical classes is nothing- that's what we charge for 8 classes/month- which is 2 hours a week. So- in that context- it makes perfect sense.

    Lol. I wasn't looking at crossfit boxes as anything. I wasn't even sure how the topic got derailed to talking about crossfit and I wasn't even a part of that discussion. I was just wondering what the heck was going on in here lol

    mostly us regulars have already had our fun and dispatched the original topic of this thread, a thread that gets posted ad nauseam every December and January. so now we're amusing ourselves by slinging arrows at other targets.

    I know :) I'm actually a regular with a new profile. I already know how things go 'round hurr. lol
  • nataliebordeauxx
    nataliebordeauxx Posts: 94 Member
    I'm a 5:30 AM'er, and the morning crowd has not changed at all. Made the mistake of going at 10:00 AM on a Saturday... yeah, no. Treadmills packed, people resting/watching TV/picking their nails between sets on their machines, and weights everywhere.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member

    I get it. New people are annoying because they don't know what they're doing. Just remember though you were one of those "new people" once who didn't know squat. And heck, I'll go so far as to say that many of you were probably one of those "resolutioners".

    It's got nothing to do with new people being annoying. Crowds of new people prevent you from being able to just get in, and get your stuff done and leave.

  • killerqueen21
    killerqueen21 Posts: 157 Member
    People are just annoying in general. I don't care how long they've been there.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    smantha32 wrote: »

    I get it. New people are annoying because they don't know what they're doing. Just remember though you were one of those "new people" once who didn't know squat. And heck, I'll go so far as to say that many of you were probably one of those "resolutioners".

    It's got nothing to do with new people being annoying. Crowds of new people prevent you from being able to just get in, and get your stuff done and leave.

    So they're annoying?
  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member
    It's annoying when you see them
    Amuse themselves