Turbo Fire - i need some buddies!



  • blakgarnet
    blakgarnet Posts: 343
    hahaha blakgarnet - i totally know what you mean - it motivates me to do the workout knowing I'm in a way, accountable to you guys (as well as myself). Great burn girlie!

    @myroots - You are so right! I'm also sticking with the new to class until I at least get all the coordination down pact. It's really fast-paced and sometimes I find myself giving weaker punches just to keep up with them.

    definitely feel accountable to you guys - in a good way. My fiance came into the house today while I was working out (I was not anticipating this) and watched me do fire 30 for awhile. I was so proud that I could do the moves and still attempt to talk to him since I've done that one a bit now. He was impressed, he thought it looked super hard!
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    Feeling like junk today so no workout. Will definitely make up for it before Sunday. Great work today everyone!
  • staclo
    staclo Posts: 511 Member
    I did HIIT 15 and Sculpt 30 this morning. I felt great all day. I love TF... just want my hrm back. (I'm going to keep whining about it until I find it, lol) :smile:
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    Today was Fire 55,but instead I did Fire 60...I gotta tell ya That one is by far my fav!!!! I am going to start to do the 60 class instead of my Fire 45 and Frie 55.I have so much fun!! I LOVE the first song, that one always gets me going.Hope everone has a great day!!:smile:
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    Today was Fire 55,but instead I did Fire 60...I gotta tell ya That one is by far my fav!!!! I am going to start to do the 60 class instead of my Fire 45 and Frie 55.I have so much fun!! I LOVE the first song, that one always gets me going.Hope everone has a great day!!:smile:

    I burned 824 calories,today I am going to be eating ALL day!!!
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    This is sick....I cannot wait to get home and do some TurboFire!!! I am looking forward to it as much as an icy cold beer(s) after a stressful week at work. I just can't stop thinking about it...I know, I need help.
  • texastae1010
    texastae1010 Posts: 165
    This is sick....I cannot wait to get home and do some TurboFire!!! I am looking forward to it as much as an icy cold beer(s) after a stressful week at work. I just can't stop thinking about it...I know, I need help.

    OMG that is great lol I love it and happy I am not the only one that is "sick" haha
  • CivicSista
    CivicSista Posts: 459 Member
    Just finished up Sculpt 30- felt good. Now its lunch time....
  • Loveebbs
    Loveebbs Posts: 300 Member
    Yesterday I did Core 20/Stretch 40 and I also did Fire 30 for some extra burn. Today I'm doing Fire 30/Stretch 10 and then off to shopping for my mom. If I don't get a chance to say it this weekend, Happy Mother's Day to all of the beautiful mamas! :)
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Completed Turbo Fire 45EZ, burned 508 cals :bigsmile: , tomorrow is core 20 and stretch 40 , hope u guys are having a fabulous friday :flowerforyou:
  • daniedee81
    daniedee81 Posts: 155
    hi all ---

    Thank goodness it's friday! I'm proud of myself today - I woke up this morning coughing up a storm and have been feeling sick all day BUT i managed to do Fire 55EZ. I think I did pretty well for the first time around - I was able to keep up with it about 90 percent of the time. It felt like the time flew by - Loved the middle part!

    @sass haha that's awesome..."you know you're addicted when..." and also, for me it's ceaser's after a stressful work week. mmmm cocktails!!!

    @mrsyac oooh what was your early mother's day present?

    @curlygirlyful - yeah my right knee is starting to bother me but i think it's because I've been exercising barefoot so I'm going to use running shoes next week. Also, i've been trying to keep up with the moves and I don't find i'm pivoting as much. That can be really taxing on your knees. When I first started boxing, my trainer drilled it into me about the whole "feet pivoting" thing. Have you maybe tried the modified moves? That may help.

    as always, great work all - keep it up!

    hope your day is going well at that you start the weekend with a bang.

  • blakgarnet
    blakgarnet Posts: 343
    I was at work longer than anticipated today (had to do an emergency surgery on a cat before I left) but still did my TF. I did fire 55ez for 540 calories, but didn't feel like I gave it my all (getting over a head cold) so I did the chalean ab burner on top of it for another 60 calories. wow, that was brutal, almost as bad as the P90X ab ripper X.

    Happy Friday everyone!! I can't wait for tomorrow, all I am going to do is clean my house and do turbofire!!!
  • dmkaiser83
    dmkaiser83 Posts: 89
    today is my rest day, and I totally needed it!
    looking into weighted gloves since my arms seem to be the only thing that isn't sore and I need to feel the fire!!
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    fire 55EZ today, 590 calories. I wanted to do more but the baby was very cranky...there's always tomorrow! Great job everyone.
  • myroots
    myroots Posts: 120 Member
    Core 20 and then P90x Stretch today. Not a big calorie burn but it felt oh so good. First day of no cardio since Saturday.
  • blakgarnet
    blakgarnet Posts: 343
    today is my rest day, and I totally needed it!
    looking into weighted gloves since my arms seem to be the only thing that isn't sore and I need to feel the fire!!

    I've been thinking about that too. let us know if you get them and what you think!
  • muffintopminx
    muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
    So I missed Friday's workout - didn't plan well. Had a birthday party after work and should have done Turbo in the morning but thought I could fit it in later, but of course had to work late, then rush to party where I ate HORRIBLE!!! I'm kinda pissed at myself but at least now I have some wicked motivation to make up for it this weekend. Sooooooo...

    I just did 55EZ - This was actually kinda fun, I was really getting into the moves. Don't get me wrong, still a workout and I was glad when it was over... I wonder if I'm ever going to like exercise??? I wish I had that bit of DNA but no, I hate sweating, panting, being tired and exhausted. Good thing I HATE being chubby more. lol

    Going to eat perfect this weekend (no room for error) and then tomorrow I'm going to double up doing Fire30 and Core 20/Stretch 40, then I should be back on schedule.
  • dmkaiser83
    dmkaiser83 Posts: 89
    today is my rest day, and I totally needed it!
    looking into weighted gloves since my arms seem to be the only thing that isn't sore and I need to feel the fire!!

    I've been thinking about that too. let us know if you get them and what you think!
    For sure! I need to order them soon, tired of having bat wings!! LOL

    knocked out HIIT 20 and sculpt 30 today. going to lay out today and try to even out my very odd tan lines! wearing a tank top and a sports bra made for some interesting patterns on my back! have a great weekend and happy mother's day to all the mamas out there!
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    I totally hear everyone on the weighted gloves. Forgot I had a pair, maybe I will join you all on that. Think I will start with just the HIITs though and move up from there.
    So today I did a double workout to make up for Wednesday.
    I just finished HIIT 20, Sculpt 30 and Core 20 for a total of 537 calories burned. I was going to do the Stretch 40 too but my body is just way too tired right now...maybe later? Tomorrow is Mother's Day so I'm thinking I will have to get an early workout in.
    Have a Happy Mother's Day everyone!
  • CivicSista
    CivicSista Posts: 459 Member
    Fire 45 EZ for me. I am so exhausted from work yesterday, but I will push thru it and get my Fire on!

    Happy Mothers day to all the sexy mamas out there!