Move it To Lose for May: CHALLENGE



  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    For the 30 minute mini challenge, I complete that everyday..... I will continue to eat slow because it really helps during my weight loss journey.

    Awesome!!! I wish I could say I do it, but I rarely do unless I'm entertaining and I'm not sitting down. You can cross one mini-challenge off already!! Yay!!!

    Now, what about those self-compliments....? :-)
  • Sexymama34
    Sexymama34 Posts: 43 Member
    Hey everyone..I have made it to 1706 cal burned this week so far!...I burned 393 by turboFire..according to MFP..I have to get a HRM soon! I will do my stepper this evening....I have alos been staying under my Cals too.
  • Brookelee30
    Brookelee30 Posts: 102
    For the 30 minute mini challenge, I complete that everyday..... I will continue to eat slow because it really helps during my weight loss journey.

    Awesome!!! I wish I could say I do it, but I rarely do unless I'm entertaining and I'm not sitting down. You can cross one mini-challenge off already!! Yay!!!

    Now, what about those self-compliments....? :-)

    Um... That mini challenge will be really hard for me. :) I will have to ponder and give it a try.
  • Brookelee30
    Brookelee30 Posts: 102
    I have finished our weekly goal. So far I have torched 1919 calories.
    5-1 342
    5-2 356
    5-3 842
    5-5 361
    I hope to get more. Next week will be the real challenge. I stay under everyday besides one cheat day and I let myself go crazy :) I will have to do a TON of exercising and some moderation for my cheat day next week.
  • scmusicbiz
    scmusicbiz Posts: 35 Member
    No gym today, but I will take a spin class tomorrow. I should break 1800 by then, and maybe get past it the rest of the week. I had a big salad for lunch, and I doubt I'll be hungry again anytime soon. Kind of an "off" day in all regards, but tomorrow should be better.
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member

    Um... That mini challenge will be really hard for me. :) I will have to ponder and give it a try.

    You're doing so great with the challenge components - congrats on the great calorie burns!

    For this one, I think it's tough for many of us... so it's a great challenge to try! Just from exchanging a few posts with you, I can come up with at LEAST 3 compliments about you!

    This makes me wonder - why ARE we so hard on ourselves? Why are we so generous and lovely to others, and so critical of ourselves? Time to stop that, I say!! What's wrong with being wonderful?! :blushing: When we embrace our own amazingness, doesn't that help us be amazing for others? I think it does.

    Anyway, I hope to see yours AND a few others' self-love on the boards. C'mon guys, we deserve this! Every one of you is here, working hard on yourself and gettin' healthy... let's take just a few minutes to acknowledge ourselves.

    As RuPaul would say (if you haven't noticed, I just love her shows), "If you don't love yourself, how the hell you gonna love someone else?" :flowerforyou:

    Oh, and I've yet to be successful at the 30 minutes to eat a meal challenge. I'm going to try to do it tonight at dinner again. THIS is a really hard one for me... being a nurse and having a hectic schedule, I've trained myself to eat as fast as possible, and usually on the move. So... really going to have to concentrate for this one. But I'm determined to get it done!
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    HAPPY Friday-eve my friends!! It's almost the weekend!!!

    And in honor of that lovely event, here is our FIFTH MINI-CHALLENGE:

    Over the weekend (so, before Monday) - can you get in 200 crunches and/or push-ups?! It can be any combination of crunches and push-ups, or you can pick to do all 200 as crunches, or all 200 as push-ups. You have the ENTIRE weekend to get in the 200.... so you can do 1 at a time if you'd like. Or, you can knock 'em all out at once - your choice!!

    Remember, this mini-challenge is a bonus and completely optional. I would love to hear your results, though!!! Who's up for the mini?!?!?!?! :happy:
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    I'm almost there! Hit 1759 today so I'm pretty sure I'll make it! Dinner tonight was fantastic! I cut small bites, set down my fork while I chewed, and from first bite to last was 38 minutes!!! I don't know about the crunches/situps, but I'll give it my best shot!
  • Yahoo!! With tonight's workout I am at 1834 calories burned for the week so far!!! Go me!
  • FitMomma0722
    FitMomma0722 Posts: 50 Member
    Wow...looks like I've already made it. :-)

    Colories so far this week...

    5/1 - 446
    5/2 - 663
    5/3 - 541
    5/4 - 520
    5/5 - 292 (Didn't feel like going an hour tonight)

  • peariel
    peariel Posts: 91 Member
    Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't been posting much this week. I just wrapped up finals and finally feel like I am allowed to do fun things again! :) It looks like everyone is doing really well so far. Impressed that some of us have already met our goal for the week!

    I'm loving the mini challenges. :) Didn't get a chance to do the compliments one, but I'm definitely going to do the 30 minute meal and the 200 crunches/pushups one this weekend!

    Today I hit 2500 calories torched and I think I finally busted through my plateau! Happy day. I can't tell you how awesome it is having such a wonderful group to work on these goals with. :)
  • Brookelee30
    Brookelee30 Posts: 102
    Wow...looks like I've already made it. :-)

    Colories so far this week...

    5/1 - 446
    5/2 - 663
    5/3 - 541
    5/4 - 520
    5/5 - 292 (Didn't feel like going an hour tonight)


    Good job!! Your gonna be able to fly through the last weeks challenge!
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    Now at 1634 for the week. GREAT. *And* that includes 10/200 situps!

    I'm really looking forward to the weekend. Boy, do I need it. I'm a stressball.
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    Heading to the gym today for the 1st full workout in over a year. Maybe I can get some of those crunches going!
  • jreese5226
    jreese5226 Posts: 328 Member
    I am up to 2,393 cals burned for the week! Yay me! This has been a fun start to the May Challenge. The support of everyone has been awesome!! Keep up the great work, everyone!!! :wink:
  • scmusicbiz
    scmusicbiz Posts: 35 Member
    Breaktrhough! I'm past my 1800 calories burned for the week! 2247 calories as of today, and I may be able to manage some exercise during the weekend as well. AND... I am finally seeing some progress while standing on the scale. I was 202 lbs. when I started coming back to MFP in earnest, and I'm down to 199. As I mentioned earlier, I weigh myself at the gym, before workouts, and they have these old-fashioned scales with blocks you move to balance the indicator. Usually I set the big block at 150 and move the small block up to get my weight. When I have to set the big block at 200, that's a clear sign I have gone too far and need to do some work. Today I was finally back in the below-200 zone, and now I can work at getting closer to my goal.

    Have a great weekend, and I wish you all the satisfaction of accomplishment.
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    Oh my goodness gracious! Now, I remember why I loved going to the gym! I'm exhausted but I feel great! and (drumroll please) hit 2500 for the week! I am so motivated now!!!!
  • Sexymama34
    Sexymama34 Posts: 43 Member
    Hey everyone:)
    I hit 2555 Cals burned for this week!..YES!..stayed under my Cals Iam looken forward for next week:)
    Have a great evening everyone:)
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    CONGRATS everyone!!

    I will be MIA some this weekend... it's been a hellacious week at work and have a busy weekend planned. Plus, I just feel the need to "un-plug" a little.

    Keep up the great work, and set yourself up for our NEW CHALLENGE starting Sunday: Eat under you established calorie goals for 7 consecutive days. This can include eating back and up to the calories you’ve banked for activity.

    I'm at 1734 calories burned for this week, so I should *easily* be able to get in another 70 today or tomorrow.... Saturdays are my weekly dog hikes. Yay us! I STILL haven't managed to make a meal last for 30 minutes, but I'm going to try again tonight or tomorrow.

    How is everyone doing on the crunches/push-ups? Any more compliments to be given out there? Try to wrap up any mini-challenges by Sunday so we can start fresh for next week... I've got a bunch of new ones READY for ya'll!
  • ptillison
    ptillison Posts: 15 Member
    I made my goal!!! Yes. Thanks to all for the motivation and support
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