30 Day Shred



  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    So the holidays threw me off, not because I didn't want to exercise, but because I had 9 house guests for 2 weeks and no time to myself! Ugh. Starting again tomorrow.
  • ziplipz
    ziplipz Posts: 21
    I'm still hitting this as well. Had the flu run through the house but still kept going. I'm on level 4 of Ripped in 30. Also doing Killer Abs every night as well... ahhh! Good times though :)
  • MamaRiss
    MamaRiss Posts: 481 Member
    I just ordered Beginner Shred and 30 Day Shred. I'm pretty much at my goal weight already, but I'm hoping to trade the last of my fat for muscle. I dropped off the exercise wagon during December, and I'm ready to get back on track and look a bit less flabby in my smaller clothes.
  • Yesterday... level 1, day 1. I did it in the morning and was sore after work at 8pm. I don't think I had enough water because my muscles hurt pretty bad today. I was thinking of alternating between this and Pilates. It's good to see that other people were so sore and that some didn't do this each day.

    I want to finish all 30 days of this program!
    I'm glad you all are here!
  • ashoona
    ashoona Posts: 42 Member
    If you're starting out this month, we have a group here if you'd like to join: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/101355-30-day-shred-january-starters
  • kyta32
    kyta32 Posts: 670 Member
    Finally finished it! Sorry for lurking so long. Is it still the 30 day shred if I took waaay longer than 30 days to get through?

    They removed workout 3 from vimeo. I finally found workout 3 online, the same day that the copy I ordered arrived...

    She does not stay in time with the music. It can be awkward to look at the screen the whole way through. Also, the number of reps changed sometimes. Like I did the pushups in level one from my knees the first time through (about 20 reps), and from my toes the second time through (about 10 reps).

    She doesn't explain all the moves well. I was half-way through level two before I realized the leg lifts were going up and to the side. Also, I tended to hear "two more reps" when she was saying "a few more reps".

    Any reason to do the cleans one-handed on level 3? I did both hands at once (with 15 pounders). Those plank rows had my sweat dripping to the floor.

    Saw good progress. Went from 219 lbs Nov 13 to 183 today (36 lbs). Lost 8" off waist and 9" off hips.

    [img]http://cd8ba0b44a15c10065fd-24461f391e20b7336331d5789078af53.r23.cf1.rackcdn.com/mfp-en.vanillaforums.com /editor/t1/e7k3v8l1ku6d.jpg[/img]






    I hope that worked. Before (or at least day nine) and after pictures.

    And, after all that complaining, I'm going to start Ripped in 30. Actually, I've already "previewed" it, while I was hoping 30 Day Shred would magically reappper on the internet. I like the stretching segment better than the 30DS one. I think Jillian may be a genius, I fear she may be a mad one...
  • dsproffitt
    dsproffitt Posts: 11 Member
    edited January 2015
    a_dub wrote: »
    Has anyone out there started 30 Day Shred this month (November)? This is my sixth (no joke) time trying it - I've only gotten past the first level once. Would really love to connect with some other members that are trying it this month.

    I just finished Level 1, Day 4.

    My girlfriend swears by (and at) Jillian Michaels!! We even use it as a verb now
    She is off to go "Jillian"

    She has lost over 50lbs using the full range of vids in the last 2 years (take it slow)
    She had a medical procedure last year on her knee and had to take a 6 month break, but she is back at it now. L1 of 30 day shred in the evening, and the Yoga one (what ever its called) in the morning

    At the height of her exercising, L3 of the 30 day shred after 4 months of every day doing it was possible. (But there was a lot of cursing during this)

    Keep going .. you made a good choice for exercise vid
  • clefik
    clefik Posts: 1
    Any of you still doing the 30 day shred? I am starting it tonight and after reading some of the comments...I am scared but these last 20 lbs. wont just up and walk away. Ill check back in at the end of the week. If you are still using it or want to start up again. Add me and we can do it together!
  • DaneanP
    DaneanP Posts: 433 Member
    I just noticed there is a group entirely devoted to 30DS.