Please read - 4 week no progress



  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    When did you start doing Crossfit? Was it recently?
  • xXBabyBelleXx
    xXBabyBelleXx Posts: 110 Member
    zoecmc wrote: »
    Hi have you been checking your measurements? As your shape may have changed x

    if you are useless at measuring like me you can use what i called test shorts. i put on these shorts that were too tight on me every two weeks, until one day they just fell off. this really helped me when i start getting frustrated with my scales.

    This is good advice, im in the same boat as OP. Almost 4 weeks of MFP and ive lost 1ib and then put it back on the next day ?! but anyway, i've now lowered my calorie goal and still weighing in once a week.

    The one thing that i'm finding is instead of losing weight my old tight clothes are now starting to fit normally again, so I must be losing it for somewhere - so this is keeping me motivated. :-)

    I have a little red shift-dress that i'm hoping to be able to wear again soon as the last time I wore it, it was far too tight and looked hideous :-/
  • I
    When did you start doing Crossfit? Was it recently?

    I have been doing crossfit for 6 months but was a very slow start due to rehabilitating an old lower back injury (no lifting just lots of stretching and mobility). I would say I have only started doing full on crossfit like normal people since the new year which is also when I started to log.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    When did you start doing Crossfit? Was it recently?

    I have been doing crossfit for 6 months but was a very slow start due to rehabilitating an old lower back injury (no lifting just lots of stretching and mobility). I would say I have only started doing full on crossfit like normal people since the new year which is also when I started to log.

    Normal people are not that active. You are already ahead of some. :star:

  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    cdiponio87 wrote: »
    Running/Jogging (4 times a week) in conjunction with 1500 cals daily = weight loss.
    Do not randomly recommend calorie levels without information on someone's height, weight, activity level, goals, etc. Everyone's calorie goal should be personal.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    When did you start doing Crossfit? Was it recently?

    I have been doing crossfit for 6 months but was a very slow start due to rehabilitating an old lower back injury (no lifting just lots of stretching and mobility). I would say I have only started doing full on crossfit like normal people since the new year which is also when I started to log.

    Well then you probably aren't retaining water from starting a new program. I would suggest opening your diary so people can get a better idea of what your daily calorie consumption is.
  • I have no idea about the science behind losing weight. However, I do know that we should be lifting one another up and motivating each other with our comments/advice. If one gives advice that we do not all agree with, its OK. Redirect them. Let them know In a friendly, and factual manner why the information provided is incorrect. Let's help build up not tear down. On that note, have a blessed day, eat well, workout, live, laugh, and love!
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    I have no idea about the science behind losing weight. However, I do know that we should be lifting one another up and motivating each other with our comments/advice. If one gives advice that we do not all agree with, its OK. Redirect them. Let them know In a friendly, and factual manner why the information provided is incorrect. Let's help build up not tear down. On that note, have a blessed day, eat well, workout, live, laugh, and love!

    Thank you for sharing your lack of information with the OP.
  • It's open. I have been completely honest so it could look quite ugly. Fear.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    I have no idea about the science behind losing weight. However, I do know that we should be lifting one another up and motivating each other with our comments/advice. If one gives advice that we do not all agree with, its OK. Redirect them. Let them know In a friendly, and factual manner why the information provided is incorrect. Let's help build up not tear down. On that note, have a blessed day, eat well, workout, live, laugh, and love!

    Strong first post
  • Tydeclare44
    Tydeclare44 Posts: 572 Member

    Just stick with what you are doing, but get at least 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep a night and drink enough water and I almost guarantee the weight will fall back off. Our body has this amazing function to hold onto fat when we beat the dog piss out of it, and with the already stressful environment you are in with lifting and dieting and worrying about not losing weight, I'm sure all you need is some sleep. Best of luck OP!
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    sodium, TOM, ovulation, change-up in exercise, dehydration

    - add to the weighing - are you careful with the entries you choose, double checking them, never using other people's 'homemade' versions etc

    Agree with this. Give it some time.

    You also mention that you have 14lbs to lose and so it's not like you don't have a lot to lose. 14lbs may seem like a lot to you, but in the big picture, it isn't that much. I would set your goals to lose half a pound a week (I'm not sure what your current goal is). But, if you did choose to lose 2lbs per week, you might be undereating for your activity level, which could increase stress on your body, cortisol levels, which can cause water retention.

    Make sure your goals are reasonable, and try to not let the minor weight fluctuations bother you. They can happen. If I have a big or salty meal, I can gain 5-8lbs in one day. It's water weight and drops off over the next few days.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    auddii wrote: »
    I have no idea about the science behind losing weight. However, I do know that we should be lifting one another up and motivating each other with our comments/advice. If one gives advice that we do not all agree with, its OK. Redirect them. Let them know In a friendly, and factual manner why the information provided is incorrect. Let's help build up not tear down. On that note, have a blessed day, eat well, workout, live, laugh, and love!

    Thank you for sharing your lack of information with the OP.

  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    The scale fluctuates ALL THE TIME. Do not use that as your only benchmark for progress.
  • SLEEP!

    Just stick with what you are doing, but get at least 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep a night and drink enough water and I almost guarantee the weight will fall back off. Our body has this amazing function to hold onto fat when we beat the dog piss out of it, and with the already stressful environment you are in with lifting and dieting and worrying about not losing weight, I'm sure all you need is some sleep. Best of luck OP!

    That is a good point - Get up early for gym but try to sleep early too but doesnt always happen. Also going through a pretty stressful time right now with family related stuff - not much I can do to control that but for the first time in my life I have not turned to food for comfort.
  • I
    When did you start doing Crossfit? Was it recently?

    I have been doing crossfit for 6 months but was a very slow start due to rehabilitating an old lower back injury (no lifting just lots of stretching and mobility). I would say I have only started doing full on crossfit like normal people since the new year which is also when I started to log.

    Well then you probably aren't retaining water from starting a new program. I would suggest opening your diary so people can get a better idea of what your daily calorie consumption is.

    I have opened it. please be gentle.
  • auddii wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    sodium, TOM, ovulation, change-up in exercise, dehydration

    - add to the weighing - are you careful with the entries you choose, double checking them, never using other people's 'homemade' versions etc

    Agree with this. Give it some time.

    You also mention that you have 14lbs to lose and so it's not like you don't have a lot to lose. 14lbs may seem like a lot to you, but in the big picture, it isn't that much. I would set your goals to lose half a pound a week (I'm not sure what your current goal is). But, if you did choose to lose 2lbs per week, you might be undereating for your activity level, which could increase stress on your body, cortisol levels, which can cause water retention.

    Make sure your goals are reasonable, and try to not let the minor weight fluctuations bother you. They can happen. If I have a big or salty meal, I can gain 5-8lbs in one day. It's water weight and drops off over the next few days.

    Thanks - this is really encouraging
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member

    Just stick with what you are doing, but get at least 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep a night and drink enough water and I almost guarantee the weight will fall back off. Our body has this amazing function to hold onto fat when we beat the dog piss out of it, and with the already stressful environment you are in with lifting and dieting and worrying about not losing weight, I'm sure all you need is some sleep. Best of luck OP!

    That is a good point - Get up early for gym but try to sleep early too but doesnt always happen. Also going through a pretty stressful time right now with family related stuff - not much I can do to control that but for the first time in my life I have not turned to food for comfort.


  • Joncgilliam
    Joncgilliam Posts: 3 Member
    Maybe take a look at your carb or sugar consumption (you can use the my fitness pal reports), and try to scale those back. Sugar can trigger an insulin response that triggers your body to put on fat. I was eating boxed cereal for breakfast, and even though it was a lower-sugar cereal, and when I started checking out my stats, that was a huge amount of sugar and carbs. It was hard to do, because my body was addicted to the morning sugar, but I switched that out for 3 eggs and a can of tuna for breakfast, and that accelerated my fat loss. It took several days before I was no longer craving the cereal though. Note that 3 eggs is more than the recommended allotment, but more recent research on eggs is tending to say they're more healthy than previously thought. I also get a heafty allotment of mercury with the canned tuna, but I try to buy the more expensive ones that are lower (and the research on how bad mercury is for non-pregnant adults is saying that's not as bad as they hype would suggest).
  • grandmamere
    grandmamere Posts: 155 Member
    acmanna wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    sodium, TOM, ovulation, change-up in exercise, dehydration

    - add to the weighing - are you careful with the entries you choose, double checking them, never using other people's 'homemade' versions etc

    Keep going and don't get too down. Are you weighing yourself at the same time, ie, in the morning after you use the bathroom?
    Personal experiences
    TOM can add 5 pounds! (for me at least..)
    If I do some heavy strength training routine, the next day I almost always gain comes off plus some a day or two later
    Same with being dehydrated...your body will hold onto water if you aren't drinking enough
    and always...your food intake, make sure you are being 100% honest with yourself. Did you weigh everything, did you forget to log something, was there a night out with friends where you guesstimated your food/drink intake?

    Keep up the good work, see if there are some small changes you need to make and then see what progress you made at the next weigh in.
    Also take measurements of your body, that will help too for the days that the scale doesn't move!

    "acmanna" has I spot on! Follow it. Weigh, measure everything including yourself!