The official nightshift thread....



  • Renee0887
    Renee0887 Posts: 214 Member
    bummer! I have 4.5 hrs to go but also have a regimental funeral to attend at 1300....and back again tonight...not much sleep in my immediate future!
  • McBrian50
    McBrian50 Posts: 4 Member
    Bummer! Can u walk when you get done with work? I cant do that but i have a friend that can. Exercise wakes me up.
  • LazyNightOwl
    LazyNightOwl Posts: 166 Member
    Yay for Fridays, mine fall on random days too...I'm currently on my Wednesday night. Maybe you could start wearing a hole in the carpet around the office? That's what I do. I can't sit for hours and hours, I'd probably fall right asleep!
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,236 Member
    I'm lucky. We have a weight set, treadmill and elliptical. I also am allowed to have my bike in a stationary trainer so when we are slow I can jump on the equipment until something comes in. McBrian, I can sleep almost anytime. Exercise doesn't stop me from crashing. I'll come in from ride, shower and jump right into bed. :smile:
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    edited January 2015
    McBrian50 wrote: »
    Bummer! Can u walk when you get done with work? I cant do that but i have a friend that can. Exercise wakes me up.

    Exercise wakes me up too. Getting walking breaks in during the long night shift helps keep my coffee consumption to minimum levels. I'm already dressed to hit the gym as soon as I get off work. My workplace is laid back when it comes to the dress code. As long as you don't show up in swim wear, they don't care.
  • kramrn77
    kramrn77 Posts: 375 Member
    Lucky. If I'm lucky we get and admit who has meds and I can take the stairs down to the pharmacy and back up. Other then that it's a stroll around the floor and rounding. I work psych. We Do. Not. Wake. Them. Up.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,236 Member
    Kramrn - Sorry to hear that. When I worked with the hospital folks in El Paso, those guys were pretty laid back, but they weren't working psych. It was public health.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,236 Member
    Guess I better hit the showers and get back to work.
  • kramrn77
    kramrn77 Posts: 375 Member
    It's not the psych patients that are so difficult. It's the addicts that drive me nuts. I had to tell one she could only get one PRN at a time and that she had to wait three hours between trips to the med room door.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,236 Member
    LOL. "I thought PRN meant I could have as many as I wanted!" I'm glad I work with animals.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,236 Member
    Back for another night. " I owe, I owe, so off to work I go....." :smile:
  • Renee0887
    Renee0887 Posts: 214 Member
    I'm back as well, until 0100 mst
  • mcpostelle
    mcpostelle Posts: 418 Member
    Any new stories? Work's pretty boring tonight.
  • kramrn77
    kramrn77 Posts: 375 Member
    Oh lord! How many calories does anger burn because I was about to shank a charge nurse! PT started to have severe abdominal pain at 0230 and no matter how hard I pushed she just sat on it. Poor woman was doubled over and in severe pain- she got an order for Zofran. Two hours later almost I finally got rapid response team order and got her off my floor. Gah!!!!!!!!
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,236 Member
    Yikes! Why such a delay? Was the charge nurse just being lazy or were you really that busy?
  • kramrn77
    kramrn77 Posts: 375 Member
    Laaaazy. Didn't want to rock the boat. I almost turned in my badge right then I was so mad. I am really hoping I get a job offer from the interview on Wednesday.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,236 Member
    Sometimes it's better to move on than to continue to treat ulcers created by workplace conflicts.
  • jmassey90
    jmassey90 Posts: 4 Member
    Night shift police dispatcher here :) didn't know we had a night shift forum,finally some people I can relate to :)
  • ArmedNurseNC
    ArmedNurseNC Posts: 7 Member
    I didn't know we had a night thread either - people who understand living upside down :)
    - Marilyn
  • slider728
    slider728 Posts: 1,494 Member
    people who understand living upside down :)

    Well put. I've worked nights for about 9 years now. I was asked to go back to days 3 or 4 years ago and it destroyed my world. I think I made it 4 months before I saw an opportunity to go back on nights. I grabbed that opportunity with both hands and held on for dear life....