Aqua Fitness. Yes. Again



  • IzzyBooNZ1
    IzzyBooNZ1 Posts: 1,289 Member
    thanks for the replies all. Physio said I can do stationary bike, cross trainer and some swimming but to watch I don't kick too much ! ?!
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Interesting seeing the difference between aqua Zumba and aqua fit 47jaqueline. I notice you are an arm person.
    In my aqua fit I have 3 different instructors each week, which I really enjoy because each has a different body part, or intensity preference.

    Interesting observation. I believe in using the whole body and find that most Zumba instructors don't do a lot of upper body attention in general.
  • lorrimvill17
    Here in london aqua fitness been going for years. Definitely not for just old people. I did it yesterday and it was hard and I do 1 and half hrs cardio in gym and zumba. So don't get fooled that its easy. It does seem to work different parts than gym on land so variety will be good.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    I just watched your video--congratulations. What we do is very different. We are in deep water with floater belts, and move everything fast---lunges, squats, twists, you name it. I wish I could film it, but it's forbidden to take pictures. As the above poster from London said, it's an intensive workout. The instructors are young girls, and so the music is fast too. I love it and it's great for flexibility. :)
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I just watched your video--congratulations. What we do is very different. We are in deep water with floater belts, and move everything fast---lunges, squats, twists, you name it. I wish I could film it, but it's forbidden to take pictures. As the above poster from London said, it's an intensive workout. The instructors are young girls, and so the music is fast too. I love it and it's great for flexibility. :)

    Yes. I teach Aqua fitness also, which is in deep and shallow water with various equipment.

    Aqua Zumba is a shallow water workout program with the philosphy of Zumba behind it and the choreography also sets it apart from Aqua fitness.
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Whoot! Whoot! I just finished this routine for Aqua Zumba! Hope you enjoy it. o:)

    ZUMBA® Competition 2015 | SIGUE MOVIENDO for Aqua Zumba®
    Original Choreography

    Thanks for sharing that! I do aquazumba on Monday/Friday and love it. The instructor works very hard (she's early 40s) and uses a lot arm/leg movement. The pool area is glassed in and when the sun is out, it gets pretty hot for her. She stays on the deck so we can see the moves. I do Aquafit on Wednesday and it is challenging as well because it is calisthenics based rather than dance. In this class the instructor is in the pool with us at the front. I love both and feel I get a great workout especially since I workout with a personal trainer 30 minutes before I get in the pool.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    The group certification I have for Aqua fitness does not recommend instructors get in the water to teach because student's cannot see what to do. All teaching should be done from the deck.

    The YMCA, in it's misguided efforts, wants instructors in the water for part of the class, for no understandable reason other than they don't understand the nature of teaching Aqua fitness (Aqua Zumba or otherwise).

    And yes, teaching Aqua fitness is harder than any other workout I teach. Aqua fitness is the wave of the future because it is safe for all kinds of people.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Woot! woot! I just got notified that an Aqua fitness instructor quit at one location I was going to be subbing at and they want me to take over the class slot. Sooo excited. I start next Monday morning!

  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,485 Member
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Congrats! (*)
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    My Aqua fitness class will be listed in the new, spring catalog at Asphalt Green! Stay tuned for a picture! <3:DB)o:)<3
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I just taught my first Aqua Zumba class last night! Soaking wet by the mid point. <3:D<3

  • Kiku10
    Kiku10 Posts: 66 Member
    Deep water aerobics, the best for injuries, chronic conditions, pregnancy, or just preventing injuries. Anyone can get a great workout - you get your weight training, pilates, and cardio in one shot! Helped me a lot.

  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    May 10th I'm going to Miami for training to be certified as an Aqua Pole instructor. I can't wait! B)
  • Hollywood_Porky
    Hollywood_Porky Posts: 491 Member
    I just came from my first post-broken leg workout doing a bootcamp aqua fitness class. Fantastic. Everyone should do this. Everyone in Europe is doing it, but Americans are stick in the muds - literally.

    If you're not famiar with aqua fitness, it's great for men (yeah), women, young, old, arthritis, rehab, hypertension, fat, thin...

    I've re-motivated myself to persue teaching Aqua Zumba, which I was preparing to do before breaking my leg, but the instructor said she would also help me find straight aqua fitness work as well. She's the new aqua director at a major place in nyc. And I'm taking the certification exam next weekend. Whoo hoo!

    I used to run in water using an aqua belt (forgot the maker off top of my head but its searchable on Google and I am a stuck in the mud kind of guy right now >.< lol). I have a number of injuries from car accidents and have auto-immune disorders as well - so running in water was a huge blessing. It requires a deep water pool - hence why I never do it anymore - I am not around any of them.

    I agree with you - doing aqua fitness is huge - never underestimate the power of water as resistance - I was shocked at the HR I could achieve just running in water end to end.

    Great post OP.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    edited April 2015
    Yep, I am literally a stick, made of wood. And I am literally stuck in mud. As is every single other American. Literally.
  • Sweets1954
    Sweets1954 Posts: 506 Member
    I was going to the local Y for water aerobics at least 3 times a week when I was in my late 20s and early 30s. At the time I was a stay at home mom and was able to go in the morning, I was the youngest in the class by about 30-40 years. There was another you lady who came for a while who was also in her 20s. I did it all through my pregnancy with my first and second child. I stopped after having surgery and being left with an open wound in my neck. By the time that healed and I could go back I had to go to work and haven't been able to find a class at the time I can go. I felt wonderful while I was doing it and could see a lot of difference in my body.
  • Sweets1954
    Sweets1954 Posts: 506 Member
    I'm going to try to register at the local community college this summer, if I can get into the class!
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    There is nothing like aquatic workouts for stamina, strength and flexibility. Coupled with an almost non-existent injury rate, it's the best thing you can do for your body from whenever you start and for the rest of your life.
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    I have recently added a personal trainer to the mix. I do strength training for 30 minutes with her, then do an Aquafit or Aquazumba class right after. That gives me a great 90 minute workout 3x a week!