No Grain...No Pain!!!



  • SMJohnson27
    SMJohnson27 Posts: 146 Member
    Well, I guess I didn't get any exercise in yesterday. I was going to go after the kids got home from school, and Joe got home from work. But, it was such a beautiful day, which we haven't had much of since March. It has been so cold, cloudy, and rainy for weeks. The kids wanted to go to the park, so we went instead of the gym. I figured later, but got caught up talking to the in-laws (got to take a tour of the new house they are renovating), then dinner. Then, my nephew that I never get to see, happened to stop over to play with the boys, so it was just one of those days when random things come up, that are just a tiny bit more important than the gym. It was such a great Friday!!

    I probably won't be logging my food much this weekend. I have given myself permission to enjoy holiday weekends, free from counting every little thing (they tend to get busy, and my computer is extremely slow. It takes a good 15-20 minutes to log dinners) . I don't seem to have a big problem with good food choices, so I don't think it is absolutely necessary just for the holidays. We are having dinner at the in-laws today for my MIL's birthday. We are getting food from the fire departments-beef/hog roast-yum!! And the kids are having a sleepover @ grandma and grandpa's house w/ their cousin. Then for Mother's Day, we are going back to the in-laws (good thing they live a block away, with gas prices!) for a steak cookout.-yum again!! The only problem with Sunday's dinner is they want me to bring a dessert. My MIL brought me two containers of strawerries to make something. I have looked up recipes and really haven't found anything to make (everything uses artificial sweeteners, which I do not use). Any ideas?

    I finally found a post that explained weight lifting to me a little better. I think I know what I am doing wrong. So, I am getting ready to go to the gym and try out my new information. Now, I am pretty sure I am going to be sore tomorrow. And the hubs bought me, Your Shape Fitness Evolved for our Xbox Kinect, for Mother's Day, so I have to try that out later today as well.

    Hope everyone has a fantastic Mother's day weekend!!
  • Kjarlune
    Kjarlune Posts: 178
    I would love to join if possible...It is hard because I notice a lot of MFP are against this way and it seems to be the only way that makes sense to me....I feel like my brain is going to explode with what I have learnt...

    For now I am on the BFC but keeping my carbs helps me control sugar...

    Name: Kjarlune
    Age: 39 40 in July
    Kids: 6 kids on;y one under 18
    Pets: 2 leopard ban gals and a basset hound
    Married/SO: Married
    Eating Lifestyle: BFC
    Starting weight: 352
    Goal Weight: 170 ish
    Goals for this 8 wks: 20 pounds and working out swimming 3 times a week
  • undrznith
    undrznith Posts: 30 Member
    For those having a difficult time dealing with the sugar/carb cravings this is very interesting, and is a good one to send to anyone who has questions about the whole "low carb" concept.

    It is a three parter, also talks about complex carbs and talks about a study with those, I know many have issues with the fact that many studies don't involve complex carbohydrate sources. That is in part three. The first part though, which is linked, talks about how sugar is an addiction mentally and physically. Looking at it in the way can help you understand why it is so hard to break the addiction, and seeing it that way may help make it easier in some way to avoid it. Maybe? :)
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    thanks, I am reading it, interesting stuff.
  • Marlinedorcinvil
    Marlinedorcinvil Posts: 115 Member
    Hey All! Just popping in to say hello!! Did another fast today, but then I just read you shouldn't do it two days in a row. Oops!! Oh well.

    Hope everyone is have an awesome day!!

    What kind of fast are you doing??

    If I fast I usually do the master cleanse for 2-3 days. Its meant to last 10 days but I can never get that far. I usually do it to restart my system if I've been eating horribly. It works for me I just warn against people over doing it.

    Hi Marline! I'm did the Eat Stop Eat, but I can't do a 24 hour one. I stopped eating at 7:30 at night and then didn't eat until lunch the next day. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I didn't see any movement on the scale though. Oh well. I'll try again next week (maybe).
  • bluebird321
    bluebird321 Posts: 733 Member
    I would like to join if it's still possible. I'm already doing another challenge, but it coincides with this one perfectly. A group with like minded individuals would be great and I'm looking forward to hearing how everyone is doing.

    I've read the books by Cordain, Eades, Sisson and Wolf. The diet seems very logical and has worked well for me.

    Name: Brian
    Age: 49
    Kids: see "Pets"
    Pets: Greyhound (see profile pic) and my wife and I foster cats.
    Married/SO: Married
    Eating Lifestyle: primal/low carb
    Starting weight: 227
    Goal Weight: 180 ish
    Goals for this 8 wks: 20 pounds and working out Bikram Yoga
  • ales1979
    ales1979 Posts: 269 Member
    Morning everyone!!

    No movement ont he scale for me today, but I know it was reading 1lb down during the week.

    BUT!!!!!! I'm not hung up on the numbers tbh, I know its prob water weight and stuff so am not that bothered about what its saying.

    Man cannot judge by the scale alone!!!

    I'll log it properly on Tuesday when we all do.

    Hope you are all good? I'm off to do some exercise for a wee while

    ciao for now

  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    Thank you Aimée for posting that, I will read it now.

    Ales keep up the positivity the scale will move - just be patient and keep up your work!

    Today we walked to the beach, went swimming and walked back home so I have well over my 30m goal for today. Also I have lost another kg ... making 35lbs so far!
  • Aurelina
    Aurelina Posts: 197 Member
    So the people in my house have decided to eat all of my sugar free jello. I really am killing for something sweet that's within the limits of the induction phase of Atkins! Anyone have a recipe?

    Here's a thought. I used to use the frankenfoods and drinks so I can understand the appeal. Now, I find if I eat enough fat then I don't get those sweet cravings. In fact, if I don't get enough fat I also get a strange wired kind of anxiety. Lots of fat keeps me smooth running.
  • twinwolf
    twinwolf Posts: 165 Member
    Name: Matt
    Age: 34 yrs old
    Kids: 3 all girls - 11,13,15
    Pets: 2 dogs (Lhasapoos - 1yr old male and 6yr old female)
    Married/SO: Married to my best friend!
    Eating Lifestyle: High carb junkie, been really cleaning it up over last 5 months. Now to Primal!
    Starting weight: 315lbs on 1/1/2011. CW today 255lbs
    Goal Weight: 205lbs by 1/1/2012. Maybe under by next May.
    Goals for this 8 wks: under 250lbs for the first time in 9 years or so.

    Anyone that wants to add me feel free! Always looking for friends and good advice! Thanks!
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    bump to check back :smile:
    SOLSTICE62 Posts: 45
    Good Morning everyone. Spent the weekend an the beach with friends, 3 other couples. Had a great time. Drinking alcohol was my only downfall :blushing: Going on a 60 day alcohol free challenge starting today. May be a major Bixxh by the end of the week. Check in tomorrow.
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    Good Morning All!!!

    Sorry it took me so long to get the website updated, but it is now
    I'm going to update on Wednesdays from now on, which means if you want to be included just try to weigh in on tuesdays, if not i'll add ya to the next weeks weigh ins.

    I had a great Mother's Day weekend, however, I caved and ate some strawberry shortcake :( it was good. but def not worth how i feel this morning. i also had some steak and margaritas!!! fasting this desperate need of some detoxing!!!

    Hope everyone had a great weekend!
  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    Excerice for today was 45m of dancing and walking my daughter to school
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    exercise on Saturday was 20 minutes of running laps in my pool with my 40 pound daughter piggybacking
    exercise on Sunday was 50 minute run
    exercise today is 60 minute crossfit.

    Kim - I was bad on Saturday. Picked up Tim Horton Donuts for some of the trades people working at my house and indulged in a little too many "timbits", then followed that by a bottle of wine... sugar overload and creaky painful joints on Sunday.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    exercise on Saturday was the Body Pump class and a two hour hike at Red Rocks, really beautiful weekend here in Colorado. On Sunday I did some yardwork but nothing major-non-native plant abatement (or weed pulling:wink: ) and I got a dog to foster from the animal shelter where I volunteer. They are having a kennel cough outbreak. She is a really sweet lab mix. She is overweight though, so I will try to help her to return to her slim girlish figure! And if you live in Colorado and want a sweet dog, she is available for adoption and a really great dog, she is 5 years old and doesn't bark or chew, is perfectly housebroken and does well on a leash.
  • SMJohnson27
    SMJohnson27 Posts: 146 Member
    Exercise-Saturday-I tried out the new weight lifting info I learned. Went with 20 lb weights for arms. Did strength training for about 20 minutes and then 15 mintues of rowing (did 5-3 minute sets with leg presses in between). Later that night, I tried out my Mother's Day present (Xbox Kinect-Your Shape Fitness Evolved) for about 35 mintues. Sunday morning, I was feeling it. I felt like I was run over by a bus! I still pulled out 30 minutes of the game again. Last month, I was doing 100-150 squats per day, but stopped for a while. I did maybe 45 in the game, and my legs hurt so bad. I am happy to see I am finally doing this strength training right.

    I think I did okay over the weekend. I did have a strawberry/banana smoothie for breakfast sunday and then my 7 year old niece handed out brownies she had made for the cookout, so I had one tiny one (1x2 in). But the two above foods definitely brought on the sweet tooth later that night. So, I pigged out on strawberries. But, hey, it was Mother's Day, why not!!
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    My exercise all weekend was walking walking walking!!! today we're going to the gym to lift weights, and I'm going to try and get on the elliptical tonight, we'll see how I feel. I'm not feeling too good today. Everyone ready for weigh in tomorrow?????
  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    Half day long ike today but now I'm enjoying my coconut milk coffee, checking with my boss online ... great day friends!
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Pam LW 189.8 , CW 188 -1.8 this week
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