What irrational thing pisses you off instantly?



  • qdoyle11
    qdoyle11 Posts: 325 Member
    When I'm grocery shopping and someone parks their cart in the middle of the aisle and you can't get past them. They give you a dirty look if you move their cart. Or people who block off the whole aisle as they chat with friends.
  • Melissa90xo
    Melissa90xo Posts: 1,020 Member
    When you ask someone how they are and they respond with "I'm good", without asking you back. I'M GOOD TOO, THANKS FOR F*CKING ASKING!

    I work in an office. We get this a lot and it drives me batty :angry:
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Go Fund Me. I see people setting up Go Fund Me pages for everything. It's not the world's problem to take care of every inconvenience that life throws your way.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    When people make loud chewing noises with their mouths open. GROSSSSS!!!
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I shop at Winco, so yo have to bag your own groceries. The other day as I was bagging the clerk kept pushing the button to make the groceries move to the bagging area faster. It was jamming up on me. My wife knows I was irritated, but I never siad anything. Finall, after about the 5th time, my wife looked at the Clerk and said "I'm sorry, Is my husband not moving fast enough for you?"
  • HollyMGT
    HollyMGT Posts: 111 Member
    Everything a co-worker who sits outside my office does makes me angry. Then I get angry with myself for getting so annoyed with her.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    edited February 2015
    shadowloss wrote:
    all the *kitten* drivers that jump over to the merge lane that has 500 feet remaining, so they can get 2 cars ahead of you then assume they can just pull right in front of you and you will let them. You Presumptuous Turd Burglar!
    Oh yes. Yes.
    We have a new construction area on the major freeway through Milwaukee where they went from the already-inadequate 3 lanes down to 2. The traffic engineers, in their infinite wisdom :cough: decided that instead of a normal merge, where people are told their lane is ending & encouraged to move into the next lane over, they'd promote a "zipper merge".

    If you haven't heard of this idiocy before, lemmie 'splain: it's exactly what is described above.
    People are encouraged to remain in the disappearing lane (with signs saying that the lane is ending, but don't merge yet) right up until the lane actually disappears, then the TE's expect that the people who have acted with foresight & gotten into the through lane are going to just let these people in the disappearing lane merge in. (Supposed to take turns, one from the through lane, one from the disappearing lane.)

    Just, no. They fail to take into account human nature, the resentment the thinking-ahead drivers have against the last-second drivers.
    Last Friday morning I went through that section, in the through lane that's next to the disappearing lane. Someone obviously expected to be able to cut me off, and when he couldn't he got very mad.
    Honked at me. For. The. Next. Four. Miles. (Until I exited onto another freeway.) First he was behind me, constantly laying on the horn, then he got into the lane next to me, still on the horn, then he was behind me again, then when I moved into the exit lane he was next to me...
    It's not like he was getting where he was going any faster or slower; we were all moving at the same slow pace (trying to squish what should be 4 or 5 lanes of traffic into 2).
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    edited February 2015
    - Poor English usage, whether in conversation or writing.
    - In the grocery store, when someone is walking slowly, blocking the aisle, and I'm plodding along behind waiting for them to turn into another aisle, and someone comes from behind me, pushes past both of us. Excuse you? Can't you wait your turn?
    - At my gym, there are 2 sets of entrance doors (inner & outer). The right-hand door of both is powered. Not just a button, so you can choose to use the motor, but when the handle is pulled it powers open & holds open for probably 10-15 seconds. The left-hand door of both is normal.
    People almost always use the right-hand door... even when they're going out. You're at a gym, you're moving fine, you do not need to use the handicapped door! Don't wear out the mechanism, don't use the power, don't let the cold air in / hot air out! Use the regular door!!
    Putting meat above veggies in the refrigerator.
    That's not irrational, it's a health concern. (That being said, the meat drawer in my fridge is above the veggie drawer, and the veggie drawer is larger, so that is where I put my veggies.)
    grocery store checkout kids that just throw my precious groceries in bags with no order
    If I have to go through a checkout line (instead of the self-checkout), I put things on the belt in the order they should be bagged. (Heavier things at the front, lighter at the back; repeat in spurts if you expect several bags.)
    The only place this has not worked is Aldi. Apparently they have a policy that the cashiers who pick up your food, scan the price, & put it in your cart aren't allowed to put it in the box sitting in your cart. They deliberately _avoid_ doing so... which means that the food is now all out of order for being put in that box to carry home.
    Cigarette smoke. Especially in a non-smoking area
    People who stand blocking the door (or near open windows) and smoke.
    How do you expect people to get in the building?
    I don't want to walk through your effluvium, I want to be able to breathe and not stink.
    People who refuse to vaccinate their kids
    Adults can choose for themselves; kids should be protected. Not protecting kids should be prosecuted as child endangerment or abuse.
    When I'm in line anywhere and the person behind me is so close I shift from one foot to the other and I'm bumping into them.
    That's good for a step back onto their toes, or an elbow in the ribs/face as you scratch an itch on your back or head. Or just turn around & glare.
    People that drive slow with emergency lights blinking during a storm, in one lane, where everyone else is driving... 5 miles an hour too. Why this is?
    Um, because they're going a safe speed for them, and know they're going slower than the speed limit, and want to be seen? When I do it, I stay to the right so people who want to go faster can use the left lane.
    people that respond to a post and do exactly what is said not to (ex: please no negative comments, <posts negative comment> )
    When those "negative comments" are pointing out that what the OP wants to do is dangerous/unhealthy/against the rules, etc., it's not unreasonable. The OP expecting that everyone will agree with & support her in doing the latest cleanse/detox is delusional. The cleanse is delusional too, and the sooner they're brought to reality, the better for their health.
  • undergloom
    undergloom Posts: 531 Member
    qdoyle11 wrote: »
    When I'm grocery shopping and someone parks their cart in the middle of the aisle and you can't get past them. They give you a dirty look if you move their cart. Or people who block off the whole aisle as they chat with friends.

    Along those lines: people who pull their carts alongside them instead of pushing them like a normal human. Thank you for taking up twice as much space and moving at 1/2 the speed of everyone else, you special snowflake.
  • JM1481
    JM1481 Posts: 88 Member
    edited February 2015
    MKEgal wrote: »

    Just, no. They fail to take into account human nature, the resentment the thinking-ahead drivers have against the last-second drivers.

    We were talking about this earlier in the post. Those "thinking-ahead" folks are the ones that are jamming up traffic so they aren't truly "thinking ahead."
  • dapunks
    dapunks Posts: 245 Member
    People who do not say "excuse me" and expect me to know that they are behind me and would like to pass. Last time I checked I did not have eyes in the back of my head.
  • MaternalCopulator
    MaternalCopulator Posts: 125 Member
    My wife. She's irrational, and tends to piss me off instantly. :smiley:
  • ItsMeGee3
    ItsMeGee3 Posts: 13,254 Member
    My sister!
  • commanderval
    commanderval Posts: 187 Member
    People who tell me all the time I'll change my mind about having kids. Get the f*** out of my uterus!
  • ScientificExplorerGirl
    Opening a door to walk through and then having someone else quickly walk through [from the opposite direction] before you can get through it and then them saying "Thank You" like you opened the door especially for them...
    Not so bad except when there are two doors-one for each direction...
  • 3shirts
    3shirts Posts: 294 Member
    If there is one thing that really pisses me off... I call that a good day
  • Will_Run_for_Food
    Will_Run_for_Food Posts: 561 Member
    I hate that this bothers me, because we are all there for the same reason (to improve our health) but people in gym change rooms. Just their mere presence while I'm there trying to get in and out. It's like my thought process says, "How dare you show up in here while I am trying to get ready." But I know they just want to get in and out too! I think maybe it's because I'm worried I won't get a hair dryer and will be late for work...but that hasn't even happened once. Trying to get over it :s
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    One of my new un-favorites in the gym is the aggravated and / or intense Gym Wanderer. The Gym Wanderer is in the middle of an intense strength training session, he just busted out a legendary set of bench presses or some other heavy lift, and now he is off the bench and so psyched and full of nervous energy that he must wander back and forth aimlessly between sets, wandering in front of people that have a purposeful stride toward where they are going, and often wandering in front of people struggling to carry heavy weights back to the rack that have to pause and wait for him to stagger somewhere else. “No, after you bro, I’ll continue to balance these 80lb dumb bells until you are ready to get out of my way”

    The Gym Wanderer is closely related to the Cellphone Wanderer, who is so completely absorbed in a critical conversation or a fascinating texting session that the person is completely unable to multitask walking a straight line and staying the hell out of the way of the other people who are actually paying attention.
  • machelle04
    machelle04 Posts: 690 Member
    Too many to list but biggest one is laziness! Ex: Using the last sheet of paper in the copy machine and walking off so the next person has to refill it.......makes me want to throat punch the lazy troll! This happens at least 3 times a week in my office. Ugh!