What irrational thing pisses you off instantly?



  • AU_Girl
    •Close talkers
    •Bad breath
    •Adults who don't know the difference between your and you're and lose and loose
  • JM1481
    JM1481 Posts: 88 Member
    People who tell me all the time I'll change my mind about having kids. Get the f*** out of my uterus!

    I used to get this ALL THE TIME. I'm 33 and I've yet to "get the itch" but the truth is that since my early twenties I have always been open to the idea that I could possibly change my mind later in life, it just hasn't happened. It didn't stop pretty much everyone from telling me "Oh, you will" or treating me like there was something wrong with me and sometimes even ASKING if there was "Oh, can you not have children?" haha I never took it too offensively but I did find it to be a little rude.
  • commanderval
    commanderval Posts: 187 Member
    machelle04 wrote: »
    Too many to list but biggest one is laziness! Ex: Using the last sheet of paper in the copy machine and walking off so the next person has to refill it.......makes me want to throat punch the lazy troll! This happens at least 3 times a week in my office. Ugh!

    OMG Yes! Happens all the time to me too...same with toilet paper.
  • pants77
    pants77 Posts: 185 Member
    People who back into parking spaces.
  • BABetter1
    BABetter1 Posts: 618 Member
    ahavoc wrote: »
    Wow, what a bunch of babies! Get a thicker skin why don't you? Life is messy, smelly, gross and sometimes, if you're really, really lucky, you get to experience happiness. People are weird, and there's so many of us, so you better get used to it.

    My peeve, of course, is irrationality, but isn't that what it means to be human?

    People who go into a thread not to answer the OP's question, but to criticize the OP, the OPs choices, and/or anyone who posts any answer they disagree with. :neutral_face:
  • commanderval
    commanderval Posts: 187 Member
    JM1481 wrote: »
    People who tell me all the time I'll change my mind about having kids. Get the f*** out of my uterus!

    I used to get this ALL THE TIME. I'm 33 and I've yet to "get the itch" but the truth is that since my early twenties I have always been open to the idea that I could possibly change my mind later in life, it just hasn't happened. It didn't stop pretty much everyone from telling me "Oh, you will" or treating me like there was something wrong with me and sometimes even ASKING if there was "Oh, can you not have children?" haha I never took it too offensively but I did find it to be a little rude.

    Well, I do find it offensive because I do NOT want children. At all. Ever. I'll be turning 32 next month and ALL my friends have kids, my whole environment has them. I actually really like kids, I just don't want to have to raise one of my own. People don't get it and seem to know better than myself what I want for MY life.

    Oh well :)
  • kamakazeekim
    kamakazeekim Posts: 1,183 Member
    My brother...every time he opens his mouth I just want to drop kick him in the face

    "Clean" eaters

    The sound that cotton balls make

    How ignorant and bigoted people on the internet are

  • undergloom
    undergloom Posts: 531 Member
    JM1481 wrote: »
    People who tell me all the time I'll change my mind about having kids. Get the f*** out of my uterus!

    I used to get this ALL THE TIME. I'm 33 and I've yet to "get the itch" but the truth is that since my early twenties I have always been open to the idea that I could possibly change my mind later in life, it just hasn't happened. It didn't stop pretty much everyone from telling me "Oh, you will" or treating me like there was something wrong with me and sometimes even ASKING if there was "Oh, can you not have children?" haha I never took it too offensively but I did find it to be a little rude.

    Same age (but a guy), and yeah, I don't want kids, nor do I want my friends' kids anywhere near my house messing with all my fancy and breakable stuff.
    Every now and again the thought of my mortality creeps into my dumb head and for selfish reasons I decide that I ought to leave some sort of legacy in life, and that offspring would make for quite a piece of posthumous graffiti. Then I decide this is an awful motivation for having a kid. And probably a common one.
    I might get a dog.
  • ArleneMobley
    ArleneMobley Posts: 44 Member
    salembambi wrote: »
    people eating food the clicking of utensils and what not
    Same here, we have people in my office who scrape the bowl like they are freaking starving. It wouldnt be so bad, but it is not lunch time! We are trying to work here, concentrate, ya know?! I have to listen to you crunch at lunch, so stop scraping your bowl! Ah... now I feel better, I think. Yes, I am on my break.

    Oh and what else irks me... people who write a lot on facebook, etc. and they don't know how to spell.
  • feffyweffy
    feffyweffy Posts: 16 Member
    People who don't put their carts away in the cart corral. People who just have no manners, discretion or tact what-so-ever.
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    People clipping nails in the office, or any place else outside of their own homes.
  • JM1481
    JM1481 Posts: 88 Member
    undergloom wrote: »
    JM1481 wrote: »
    People who tell me all the time I'll change my mind about having kids. Get the f*** out of my uterus!

    I used to get this ALL THE TIME. I'm 33 and I've yet to "get the itch" but the truth is that since my early twenties I have always been open to the idea that I could possibly change my mind later in life, it just hasn't happened. It didn't stop pretty much everyone from telling me "Oh, you will" or treating me like there was something wrong with me and sometimes even ASKING if there was "Oh, can you not have children?" haha I never took it too offensively but I did find it to be a little rude.

    Same age (but a guy), and yeah, I don't want kids, nor do I want my friends' kids anywhere near my house messing with all my fancy and breakable stuff.
    Every now and again the thought of my mortality creeps into my dumb head and for selfish reasons I decide that I ought to leave some sort of legacy in life, and that offspring would make for quite a piece of posthumous graffiti. Then I decide this is an awful motivation for having a kid. And probably a common one.
    I might get a dog.

    haha Yeah. I think that's why narcissistic parenting is as common as it is. Having kids as an extension of yourself isn't really a healthy approach I don't think. We can leave a legacy in many different ways.

    Dogs are great :)
  • ArleneMobley
    ArleneMobley Posts: 44 Member
    Haha, apparently society is just a swirling vortex of hate most of the day.

    True/Funny (well, at least we are ranting and getting it off our chests). :wink:
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,210 MFP Moderator
    - Pajamas in public. Did you bring your freaking pillow too?
    - Parents who let their children be in charge.
    - People who knew me when I was overweight and now assume I don't eat anything but the occasional lettuce leaf.
    - Socks left in the middle of the kitchen/living room/dining room floor. I RAGE at socks left on the floor. Sock droppers should be tarred and feathered. Do I NOT supply you with a handy laundry bag? It's not just a decoration, I assure you.
    - Clothes left on the floor... NEXT TO THE FREAKING LAUNDRY BAG! Gah!
  • happycauseIride
    happycauseIride Posts: 536 Member
  • Chemist1964
    People parking directly across the street from my driveway on a road that is posted for "no parking". The neighbors friends do this constantly even though I have asked them not to do so.
  • LifeInTheBikeLane
    LifeInTheBikeLane Posts: 345 Member
    At any given moment anything can make me angry to a point of wanting to punch a wall. My life is one ball of irrational thinking.
  • ArleneMobley
    ArleneMobley Posts: 44 Member
    HollyMGT wrote: »
    Everything a co-worker who sits outside my office does makes me angry. Then I get angry with myself for getting so annoyed with her.

    Got one of those here too... this guy wines more than any woman I have ever worked with! Everyone has to hear everything that is going on in his life, ugh! We are not interested! When he is not talking, he is eating. I put on my headphones, then he is like, "am I bothering you?" Duh.
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    When I'm doing the circuit with the machines and step at the gym and some beefcake comes in to work out on the machine I'm supposed to go to next. Seriously dude....I'm fat. I need to complete my entire exercise circuit. If you aren't doing the circuit get the hell out of the circuit area.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,287 Member
    I hate it when people squeeze past me on the escalator. Like the 20 seconds you gained really helped you out.