What irrational thing pisses you off instantly?



  • laurasnyder411
    laurasnyder411 Posts: 172 Member
    Someone I know who thinks they need to make a hocking noise to expectorate toothpaste. You can rinse without making that noise.
  • kamakazeekim
    kamakazeekim Posts: 1,183 Member
    Here's a few famous people who just the sight of them makes me want to hit them:

    Jack Nicholson
    Will Ferrel
    Ben Stiller
    Any of the Kardashians
  • JEE2015
    JEE2015 Posts: 146 Member
    You're the only one in the cafeteria (300 seat capacity), you find a nice quiet corner to take a late lunch.... Another person comes in SITS AT THE VERY NEXT TABLE!!! Ok fine, but CHEW WITH YOUR MOUTH CLOSED!!! G-Damn!!!
  • breefoshee
    breefoshee Posts: 398 Member
    - There's a certain road that I drive on for 7 miles where I will hit EVERY. SINGLE. REDLIGHT. Every. single. day. *eye-twitch* I know that if I hit it right, I will get all green lights... but this happens only like once a month.
    - Passive aggressiveness-- seriously I'd rather you just be an upfront jerk.
    - People who won't kill the awkwardness with conversation. I've asked you 3 questions and you've responded with one word answers. We can either sit in painfully awkward silence or you can make an effort and stop making me do all the work.
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    People clipping their nails in the office....like my boss is doing at this very moment. I just want to freak out and scream "do that at home!" RRRRGGGGGG
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    This thread is making me laugh but also making me realize how many things irrationally drive me nuts. I need to relax, methinks :)
  • breefoshee
    breefoshee Posts: 398 Member
    There is a lady at work who paperclips everything she gives to me. It drives me insane. It's things that everyone else gives to my loosely.. and the paper clip will be removed. But always... with the paperclips.
  • hollyk57
    hollyk57 Posts: 520 Member
    a lot of things irritate me and I don't find any of them irrational.

    stupid people. fake people. people who drive like morons. people who go to restaurants as a couple and then sit there staring at their phones the whole time. anyone who utters the acronyms OMG, WTF, YOLO or 'hashtag (insert something stupid here)' in a conversation...#hashtagprovesyou'reamoron. the bacon craze. vanity license plates - because everyone really needs to know you're 2HOT2HNDL or just essentially narcissistic, self-absorbed and oh so clever. close talkers. quiet talkers. loud, obnoxious people... especially women who've had too much to drink. rap music. the fact that 98% of recent hip-hop songs have some guys rhythmically yelling 'hey.. hey' over and over in the background. the fact that Disney stopped being original 15 years ago and that Frozen is one of the worst movies they've ever made and people eat it for breakfast... 'let it go' people, you're being led by the media. the word selfie. having to break apart my ice cubes to get them into my water bottle. phone trees. the IRS. people who stare. people who think you want their unsolicited advice at the gym. people who use the circuit training room to sit on the machines and text. people who tell me, you have such a pretty face... if you'd just lose that weight. stick figure families on the back of cars. religious bumper stickers. religious people who tell me I'm a blasphemer and need to find god (yes, this has actually happened). people who mistreat animals. sometimes people in general. useless meetings. women who bash all men because they had one bad experience. commercials that make men look stupid (which is the bulk of them...especially on women's channels). Broncos fans. bad graphic design work. black friday. media-driven holidays. people who never take initiative. complainers. drama queens. bullying. and pretty much anyone who can't mind their own business. :)
  • ivonna1
    She people are listening to a conversation that you are having with someone else and then they jump in it.
  • x_Minerva_x
    x_Minerva_x Posts: 78 Member
    I am easily annoyed by those who refuse to blow their nose, but instead elect to torture everyone around them by sucking it right back (sniffling.) Not only is the sound annoying, but the very concept is disgusting to me.

    Another thing that bothers me, is loud eaters. I can't stand it when people crunch, smack or slurp food. It makes me wonder if these offenders weren't raised in a barn /grrrr
  • Dead_Mans_Party
    Dead_Mans_Party Posts: 891 Member
    Disclaimer, I AM NOT O.C.D.

    I get a packet of paperwork from a receiving technician at the job that the papers are not all lined up and it has 15 bent, failed staples in it. If not fixed my file cadinet would be a train wreck.
  • Dead_Mans_Party
    Dead_Mans_Party Posts: 891 Member
    The Common Core Math Curriculum. Just do the math, stop making 10 into two 5's before adding it to 3. Aaahhhhh
  • breefoshee
    breefoshee Posts: 398 Member
    ohh.. I just had a good one: Sorry TMI

    When your in the bathroom at work waiting for the privacy to drop a deuce and someone is friggin taking forever to get out. I'm making gestures at them through to stall. "Gooooo!! Just go!!!"
  • tia530
    tia530 Posts: 60 Member
    People parking directly across the street from my driveway on a road that is posted for "no parking". The neighbors friends do this constantly even though I have asked them not to do so.

    Ditto, I have been known to contact non emergency to get them to move along or face a ticket!
  • free1220
    free1220 Posts: 416 Member
    I hate it when I'm trying to do something and a know-it-all hovers over my shoulder telling me how to do it.....grrrr.
  • Belle8312
    Belle8312 Posts: 2,151 Member
    This woman in the cube across the hall that keeps chewing on a plastic pen. This office is quiet and it is driving me INSANE!
  • ArleneMobley
    ArleneMobley Posts: 44 Member
    breefoshee wrote: »
    ohh.. I just had a good one: Sorry TMI

    When your in the bathroom at work waiting for the privacy to drop a deuce and someone is friggin taking forever to get out. I'm making gestures at them through to stall. "Gooooo!! Just go!!!"

    Hilarious! I must say I hate it when people SPRAY Lysol (or whatever) SO much, they think it is going to take their smell away. Instead I walk around smelling like Lysol the rest of the day. YUK, no thank you!
  • tia530
    tia530 Posts: 60 Member
    People who assume I want to race because I drive a sports car, wrong...I just want to look cute :smile: (but they skid out ahead of me on green and are sitting at the next red light when I arrive) how did that work out for ya? :wink:
  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    When people call their pets their babies or kids and treat them as such. Hello?! They're not human!!!! :noway: