Senior Golden Sneakers -May 2011



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I know my swelling has got a lot to do with it. I found the WW plus plan in Woman world. I am working on a plan for it and get my supplies in.They have 3 breakfast, 3 lunch. nd 3 dupper to choose from and 6 snacks to choose from 2 or 3 times a day. Seem to be pretty simple.Of course all the veggies and fruit you want. You don't have to count your points Just eat what they say.Who could beat that. i am going to have one of their breakfst for lunch. today. I am drinking some crytal light green te today. . I have already got 5 glasses of water in.

    Is that 5 lbs you lost just recently. If so you are rocking girl. You and Judy got to get me rocking.
  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196

    Donna - I just hear about your post, great news from your report, that is so awesome.

    Judy - Great joke, children are so precious.

    Jake - Good joke, my husband loved it.

    Elli - Hope you get to used the stroller sounds like its perfect.

    Hope everyone is doing well and had a great Mother's Day.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    2Kellyshotswithhernewcamera.jpg One of the pictures my gandughter took in St. Louis
    She is gettin pretty good. ut part of her job is to take pictures of spoeting event for the radio station she works at.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    I think those Care bears are the cutest things since Winnie the Pooh! You did a great job on them. How long did it take to make one?
    Is that zinnias. I love them! They grow so easily, and such bright colors. Sometimes I just open a bag of potting soil, dump it on the ground, then sprinkle several packs of zinnia seeds on it. Makes an easy cut flower source. I have a spot for them if we get home to plant it.
    shirley, I love lilacs, planted on in the backyard, so far it bloomed one year. It is growing strong, so, flowers or not, I like it.Mothers Day coincides with spring and flowers, do you think it was planned that way by some smart men? Lol!, probably florists!
    Marie, I think the five lbs is total on mfp, not weight watchers. About three on weight watchers since I last logged in there. Will update either way when I weigh at home. Should be home by Thursday or Friday.
    thats interesting that they put the plan in the mag without having to use the points. Hope all of you are well, not flooding. Or parched! Lol
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello ladies, back from job #2, warm day, nice to have for a change. Laid on my back all day Saturday to give it a rest, read a QuickBooks 2010 manual, seems like a good program to have, except I don't need the business end of it. Sunday I picked up Cash manager, by quick books, seems more of what I need and can use. So I will be hunting for that manual.

    Bought new uniforms and shoes for the #3 job yesterday, got a good deal. Hope all is well here, I am in and out, nothing much to say since I am not doing too much.

    Catch you ladies sometime again in the week, this is the 49 hour week so I have little time at home.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Connie my grandughter has a bird nest like yours or what ever it is call. She has a new camera took some amzing shots of her dogies running.

    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Options's Monday evening and my mother's ashes have been laid to rest. Service was very nice and all of her favorite people were there. :heart: Thank you for all of your thoughts, prayers and messages of encouragement. :heart:

    I confess that the way I made it thru was by eating vanilla ice cream. :frown: Almost all food tasted like dirt....but tomorrow, I'm getting on the scale, I will report the gain :sad: and move on.

    I have not been able to keep up on the board. Could you all give me an update of the highlights going on in your lives so I can jump back in...:noway:

    Gotta go now, very tired...:yawn: Like Scarlett O'Hara said...."Tomorrow is another day"...

    Maddie :glasses:
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    MADDIE, so good to see you back! It's tough getting used to , but you are and have been a real trouper, and the icecream will disappear shortly. It may have been your main comfort, and don't most of us need that once in a blue moon? Stay well now!
    PHOEBE, those lilies are gorgeous, as is the flower picture MARIE's grandaughter shot!
    MARILYN, I'm afraid to ask....Just how many jobs are you juggling? And weight is a problem for you??? :noway:
    MARIE, I think I've asked why on earth you aren't wearing compression knee socks. Sounds like my problem when I don't wear mine! Mine are 30/40 compression, and you need a prescription for them, and Medicare will pay for 2 pair a year. I get the ones with the silicone band on top, and mine are made by JUZO.. Ask your doctor if they'd help. dear. My legs are slim now!
    SHIRLEY, it seems Comcast was working on the lines in my area (I learned today), and internet transmission was screwed up! I did my anti virus scan, my Ad-Aware, Registry Mechanic, and Malwarebytes scans all last night, and I'm clean!!! And it IS working today!
    GIGI and JERI, glad you had a nice Mothers Day...separate, of course!!!
    DONNA, I hope I congratulated you on coming along so far! That's a wonderful Medical Center, too, so you've picked the best!
    JACKIE, do you celebrate Mother's Day?

    I think the refrigerator is finally ready, but the waater doesn't seem to get as cold from the dispenser as we were used to. Perhaps it isn't ready yet. Florida's pipes are not very far below the surface, as it's all coral down below. When it comes out of the faucet, sometimes it can wilt the lettuce as I wash it! Never had water that warm before, and after 17 years, I'm still not used to it! My teeth used to freeze from the cold water in New England! Have a good evening, everyone!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Maddie glad to see you back.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    It didn't take long Phoebe, I didn't save my pattern for them Wish i did.
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Marie said:
    Connie my grandughter has a bird nest like yours or what ever it is call. She has a new camera took some amzing shots of her dogies running.


    Bird Feeder, Marie - not a nest. Bet she bought it for the same reason we did. The engineering is very cool. If anything heavier than a bird tries to get into it - the decorative cover slides down and covers the openings so those naughty squirrels and chipmunks cannot raid the seed. We were filling our old feeder every day because the squirrels would empty it - now I fill it a couple of times a week.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    My squirrels would not like that.They really don't like to share with the birds. I enjoy watching them. As far as I know we only have one squirrel That is ll we see at one time. That look like a nice feeder. We have a bird bath but Jerry has wires on it to keep them out of the water.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Me and my mom at Alice and Jim wedding

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :flowerforyou: we had a busy house related day. First we met with the house inspector and the real estate agent for a home inspection on the house we want to buy if we can ever sell ours. It went well and there were no scary surprises. Everything works well although we'll have to buy a new water heater soon and replace a few of the windows. The inspector couldn't try the air conditioner because it's still too cold here (it has to be at least 65 degrees outside and it's nowhere near that here yet) but we know that the furnace works great.:bigsmile: On the way home we got a call from another realtor who wanted to show our house to someone as soon as possible so we had to rush home, vacuum, dust, clear off surfaces, hide the clutter, kick the cats out, hide the litter box, and pack up the dogs and get out of the house. I'm thankful for our Isagenix shakes because it was easy to make a healthy lunch quickly that didn't leave food odors.:bigsmile: On the suggestion of the realtor we headed a pot of chocolate chips and sprayed the house with vanilla air freshener so everything would smell good :bigsmile: We ran a few errands and took the dogs to the dog park and then came home and put everything back where it belonged. :bigsmile:
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Connie: Love your bird house. Great idea to keep the squirrels away. I put out the bell
    seed inside of a bell cage and they would love to take it away if they could. I
    don't put out the lose seed because of that. I love watching the birds!! :happy:

    Barbie: Good Luck on selling your house. It can be very stressful during that time.
    Be sure to take care of yourself. :flowerforyou:

    Beautiful day here today will probably go for a walk at lunch.

    Tomorrow my day off and will be going to wax the new/old boat with hubbby and get it ready to put in
    the water. If you would like to see a picture of the boat check out my profile.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member
    Happy Tuesday!! I am back until Friday when we go to the next graduation. There are way too many posts to respond to, but will try to do that later. My hubby has a doctors appointment and I am washing clothes so I have no time right now.
    Thanks for all the wonderful comments and the welcome back. I have missed you.

    I stayed under my original goal but gained 2 pounds from my second goal, not too bad considering all I ate. :laugh: I changed my ticker to remind myself to WATCH IT!!

    Talk to you later.
  • judz46
    judz46 Posts: 359 Member
    Hi to everyone - welcome back Sandy - love everyone's photos.. brekkie time so will pop back later..just wanted to share this joke with you.

    One day, while going to the shop, I passed by a retirement village. On the front lawn were six old ladies, lying naked on the grass.

    I thought this was a bit unusual, but continued on my way.

    On my return trip, I passed the same retirement village with the same six old ladies lying naked on the lawn.

    This time my curiosity got the better of me and I went inside to talk to the retirement village Administrator, and asked her

    Do you know there are six ladies lying naked on your front lawn?

    Yes,' she said, "aren't they darlings? They're retired prostitutes - they're having a garage sale.
  • debzwill
    debzwill Posts: 169 Member
    Hello Sneakers,

    Thank you for your get well messages. Feel much better now. I thought I had almost come to the end of menopause, but sadly not! So now I am back to square one waiting for another clear year.(If it's true what I hear that is).
    I have had a strange couple of days really. My friends daughter had her first baby, a boy, making my friend a first time grandmother! My other friends son was taken into hospital with a kidney complaint, he has suffered with his kidneys from birth. He is waiting on biopsy results. I had a bit of a run in with some school kids who were obviously truanting from school. They were outside my house throwing the gravel against my windows (I have a gravel drive). When I asked them to stop,they just got mouthy and threw them even more, then ran away, but came back a couple of more times. They then threw a huge chunk of concrete at my door, but luckily they were a poor shot! I could'nt give chase cos I had my little grandaughter here, I was looking after her. I reported them to the school, but I don't suppose anything will happen. 26 years I have lived here and never had a days trouble. I was so mad!
    Well, got that off my chest lol Thanks ladies for letting me rant.

    I loved all the jokes and the pictures of the flowers and birds.

    Connie did you buy the bird feeder or make it? We have a problem with squirrels. They take everything.

    Sandy: Glad you are home safe but you sound exhausted. Make sure you get some rest before setting off again. Well done on keeping your weight down.

    Marie: That is a lovely picture of you and your mum. When was it taken?

    Jackie: Congratulations on your huge loss. That is amazing and well deserved.

    Barbie: Good luck with your house sale. I hope you manage to sell soon. Sounds exhausting and stressful.

    Shirley: I took a peek at the photos of your boat. Looks wonderful, how lovely to be able to take to the sea when you fancy! By the way, I love your profile pic too.

    Jeri: Whats happened to your back? I hope its not too serious and that you are back on your feet soon.

    Phoebe: Have you taken your head out from under the cover yet ? lol

    Maddie: It was so good to hear from you. Take your time, it is a great healer. Great cliche but o so true.

    Judy: You posted while I am posting. I loved it!

    Buzz: How you getting on with the fridge?

    Marilyn: Hope you are not wearing yourself out with all your jobs. When do you start your new job?

    I know I have missed some names, Elli, Judi, Lynn L, Donna, You are all doing great. Take care.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey judy what a joke.Bless their little old heart.

    Deb Alice say about 9 years ago. I still had some dark hair not much but some I was 71 years old then.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Hi all, Shirley, waxing a boat counts as exercise, I hope. Sounds like a big job. Good way to tan too. We have a lake to put it in if you wanna make the trip!
    welcome home Sandy, for however short the time may be! Enjoy your week, and your time with DH and Daisy, I know they have missed you...we did too!
    Judy, thats a good one, lol
    marie, good for you, getting some water weight off!
    deb, so sorry you had wild ones today, sorry it is a shame that too many kids are growing into hoodlums. It can spoil more than a day for victims, changing your outlook on your own home ground. Be vigilant, you might be able to snap their photo if they come back.,or you may see them walking around when you are out, get their pics. Also, not to scare you, but make sure everything is locked up, in case they return when they see you leave the house.
    Feeling kind of yucky myself today, gonna try for a nap.