20 pounds by Easter challenge



  • Jodi7788
    Jodi7788 Posts: 2 Member
    Good Morning Everyone....well almost afternoon now!!! Seems like a lot of people will be enjoying some warmer weather this weekend! It is so welcomed here in Pittsburgh! I too will get outside for my exercise today. I joined this challenge (at least I "thought" I did, but obviously, I didn't press "Join this group!" Sorry. It is really inspiring and refreshing to read everyone's posts of their journeys - as we are all different but after the same goal. Good Luck to each of you and I wish success comes to everyone!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    i have great news Connie has agreed to be my partner on this Challenge thread it has just got to big for me to handle it alone. And i am not in the best of health now days. So all of you welcome Connie. you all know her for she is the earlier morning poster getting us off to a good day. Welcome Connie ..........Hopefully she will take over some day.I will still be around. in fact i will see if she will open our July Challenge for us. Whenever she see its time.
    <3 Marie
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good morning everyone. It's a Beautiful day in Mississippi. Sitting outside enjoying a cup of coffee and reading all of your posts. Love being a part of this thread. I really like the One One One plan. So much freedom with food choices and it seems to be working for me.
    Going to be mostly a rest day for me. Might help hubby trim some tree limbs.
    Happy that Connie is joining Marie. Great team!!
    Have a great weekend.
    Nancy in MS
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    nancy you are such a sweetheart
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jodi7788 wrote: »
    Good Morning Everyone....well almost afternoon now!!! Seems like a lot of people will be enjoying some warmer weather this weekend! It is so welcomed here in Pittsburgh! I too will get outside for my exercise today. I joined this challenge (at least I "thought" I did, but obviously, I didn't press "Join this group!" Sorry. It is really inspiring and refreshing to read everyone's posts of their journeys - as we are all different but after the same goal. Good Luck to each of you and I wish success comes to everyone!

    Jodie this is a thread you did not have to join. all you do is start posting we are glad to have you on our thread You are do welcome it takes more than good luck to lose weight it takes determination, to do it And I think you have that.

  • Kenea993
    Kenea993 Posts: 63 Member
    Ours is a beautiful day out! Just got done with brunch with my fraternity sisters and I'm ready to take in the rest of the day! Didn't get to the elliptical yesterday so I am determined to get to it today and lots of sunshine to soak up. thinking about taking the dogs to the dog park!
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    Connie I don't know what I would do if I didn't see your post the first thing in the morning I don;t think you have missed a morning since you join us.. I do appreciate you.

    And Alice my daughter reach her first 10,000 steps in a day .Congrats

    contracts all the loser. doing great. What a team we have. love you all.

    You are right, Marie, I have not missed a morning because you and this thread are my LifeLine of encouragement. I think there are others here who feel the same.
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    i have great news Connie has agreed to be my partner on this Challenge thread it has just got to big for me to handle it alone. And i am not in the best of health now days. So all of you welcome Connie. you all know her for she is the earlier morning poster getting us off to a good day. Welcome Connie ..........Hopefully she will take over some day.I will still be around. in fact i will see if she will open our July Challenge for us. Whenever she see its time.
    <3 Marie

    I am happy to help out our fearless leader, Marie. I would have never been active on this thread had it not been for her warm welcome and kind spirit. (This is the only place I post daily.)

    We know it's early yet, but the Easter challenge is coming to an end 8 weeks from tomorrow. We were thinking that Easter Monday, April 6 would be the deadline for posting your total pounds lost. So mark your calendars!

    I love this thread and all the wonderful folks I have met...you guys keep me focused!

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    Connie I don't know what I would do if I didn't see your post the first thing in the morning I don;t think you have missed a morning since you join us.. I do appreciate you.

    And Alice my daughter reach her first 10,000 steps in a day .Congrats

    contracts all the loser. doing great. What a team we have. love you all.

    You are right, Marie, I have not missed a morning because you and this thread are my LifeLine of encouragement. I think there are others here who feel the same.

    Ditto to what Connie stated. I have been struggling with weight issues and could just not get the motivation I needed to be successful.
    I had never heard of MyFitnessPal until December 2014 and thankfully I somehow I was drawn to the group and it has given me great
    encouragement. I now know I can do this, it might be slow but I will succeed thanks to this group, especially Marie and Connie!
    We all need each other's encouragement and support on this journey. All of us will make our goal if we get our mind focused the right way.
    Thanks Nancy
  • Abakan
    Abakan Posts: 361 Member
    Hi everyone , just wanted to pop on as I haven't posted here all week although I've been reading all the posts. Everyone is doing so well and congrat's to all who have lost weight this week. At the moment I'm stuck at the same weight but I'm not disappointed because I'm working on getting my food right, cutting out the unhealthy food and replacing with only healthy food. I'm confident that the weight will start to come off soon.
    Got a 2 hour hill walk planned with my family for tomorrow , I love to be surrounded by my children and grandchildren so there will be nobody happier than me tomorrow.
    Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
    Linda UK.
  • beszmytke
    beszmytke Posts: 73 Member
    Linda, your hill walk sounds like just the thing! We have had a wonderful weather day here - sunny and thirties, and tomorrow looks to be even warmer! Can't wait to get outside and get MOVING!

    I am so happy to know that we will have a new challenge to focus us after the Easter challenge comes to an end - thank you so much Marie and Connie!
  • MsLadyPirate
    MsLadyPirate Posts: 51 Member
    Well I am back, and weighed in no loss for me. Must have been all the eating out in Las Vegas. I will get back on the wagon and do better this week.
    Congrats to all the losers this week!
  • ldavislamer
    The weather was beautiful today! I didn't get to spend much time outside but I plan to work in the yard tomorrow. Raking should be some good exercise and the dog will probably get walked as well. I started off the weekend with a bang...one hour of group power (strength training) followed by Urban Groove (aerobics). So much fun exercising to music with my pals! I love being a part of this thread and reading the posts...so nice to know that I am not alone in my struggle. Power on my friends!!
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning losers! Happy Sunday!
    Ida...I agree. It's nice to be a part of like- minded folks.

    It is going to be a beautiful day here today, and judging by posts from yesterday, many of you have gorgeous weather in your part of the country. I'm not so sure about our friends in Europe, though. I wish we could send you guys some sunshine.☺️

    I am on my way to church, and other than that, I have no other plans. I rested yesterday which was really what my body needed.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful, productive, and mindful day.
    Stay Strong!

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Well I am back, and weighed in no loss for me. Must have been all the eating out in Las Vegas. I will get back on the wagon and do better this week.
    Congrats to all the losers this week!

    What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas! Welcome back!
  • gemfrire
    gemfrire Posts: 110 Member
    Good morning! Connie - thank you for your sunshine each morning and for helping out my mom. You both are amazing!
    I lost a pound this week...first loss in a few weeks. But no gains really so that is good! I think I got a bit cocky and thought I could get away with not tracking and have not been drinking enough water. So back to basics, reading back through my food diary to see what I was doing when I was losing each week. And now my walking has kicked in and I know that will help.
    Have a great Sunday....I am off to see Momma!
  • MsLadyPirate
    MsLadyPirate Posts: 51 Member
    Thanks Connie, you are always so encouraging and supportive. Just want you to know that it is appreciated.
    Gonna go line dancing this afternoon after church.
    Everyone have a great day, no matter what you choose to do.
  • Kenea993
    Kenea993 Posts: 63 Member
    Today is suppose to be another beautiful day. Had a great day yesterday at the dog park! It was my puppies first time and they weren't very happy with the other dogs trying to say hello, but they liked the obstacles and running around with me and the walk along the walking paths. Today I plan to do day 1 of the Couch to 5k challenge. I have convinced my Fiance and mother to join me for a Color Run in April and a Fun Mudder in June. I've never run a 5k before, but these look like lots of fun.
    Been struggling with eating good food over junk food, as I had sonic the other night then a Panera brunch and girl scout cookies. Otherwise I've done pretty well, but those few things throw my nutrient balance and calories out of whack. Here is to a better day even though I've already had 4 thin mints!
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited February 2015
    Kenea993 wrote: »
    Today is suppose to be another beautiful day. Had a great day yesterday at the dog park! It was my puppies first time and they weren't very happy with the other dogs trying to say hello, but they liked the obstacles and running around with me and the walk along the walking paths. Today I plan to do day 1 of the Couch to 5k challenge. I have convinced my Fiance and mother to join me for a Color Run in April and a Fun Mudder in June. I've never run a 5k before, but these look like lots of fun.
    Been struggling with eating good food over junk food, as I had sonic the other night then a Panera brunch and girl scout cookies. Otherwise I've done pretty well, but those few things throw my nutrient balance and calories out of whack. Here is to a better day even though I've already had 4 thin mints![/quote

    Kenea-exercise can be so much fun with loved ones! I hear you on the GS cookies. I did not buy any this year. I just cannot control things like that, and I have been known to eat them frozen!
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    gemfrire wrote: »
    Good morning! Connie - thank you for your sunshine each morning and for helping out my mom. You both are amazing!
    I lost a pound this week...first loss in a few weeks. But no gains really so that is good! I think I got a bit cocky and thought I could get away with not tracking and have not been drinking enough water. So back to basics, reading back through my food diary to see what I was doing when I was losing each week. And now my walking has kicked in and I know that will help.
    Have a great Sunday....I am off to see Momma!

    No thanks needed, Alice. I am happy to be your momma's partner. It's her sunshine that has surrounded and encouraged me.

    I so understand the cockiness! Sometimes we feel like "we got this" and start eyeballing food instead of measuring, and not tracking every bite. It's good you caught it early and are going to nip it in the bud! We must remain vigilant and focused.

    Congrats on the 12,000 steps! I reached that at my first line dancing class.