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40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • alishaspringle
    alishaspringle Posts: 47 Member
    Alf and FEves, I'm an SLP who stands in awe of your parenting accomplishments.

    I have a small success this week: down three pounds at weigh-in. This is my first loss in months following a move and job change. I credit y'all and your cardio posts. I got off my butt and added some low-impact cardio. Thanks!
  • Vikkim2015
    Vikkim2015 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi all, Vikki from Australia (so no freezing here, it's been so bloody hot this summer I am really looking forward to winter).

    I started using MFP 12th Jan this year and had just started looking at my health/diet a week or so before that. I am 51, have a few health issues, Lupus in which I have pain and stiffness in hips and knees, Diabetes though my sugar levels dropped within a couple of weeks of good eating and a bit of exercise (they were High 7's to mid 8's and now are 5-6's).

    I weighed in on 2nd Jan at 124.9kg. I have kept up a good loss each week (i weigh myself Fridays) and am now at 118.2 which means a lose of 6.7kg in 5wks from 2nd Jan. My goal is 70kg wishfully by Oct but honestly by Dec, so I started with 55kg to lose and now I have 48.3kg to go.

    I started walking everyday on the 4th Jan (my daughter joins me and we often need each other to get going) with the intention of doing 1km a day but first walk was over 1.5km, the next day was over 2km and hasn't been less than that since (we have even done a couple over 4km-wow). I have found a determination I have never had before and the more I do and the weight I lose the better I feel and the more determination I seem to have.

    The good news is finding out that I can walk several kms and not die or be in any more pain than I was already, I am in less pain now than before.

  • JackieUnlimited
    JackieUnlimited Posts: 93 Member
    So I didn't have the best week with coming down with the flu. That said I didn't do so bad either I am down another 2.2 lbs for a new total of 5.9 lbs gone. I need to get myself in the habit of only checking my weight once a week.
  • JackieUnlimited
    JackieUnlimited Posts: 93 Member
    Way to go Vikkim2015!!! You are doing fanfreaking tastic! Do you keep track of how long you are out for your walks as well? The reason I ask is so that when you are ready to challenge yourself even more you can try to do that 4km walk in a little bit less time than it took the week before.
    Great job with getting your blood sugar down as well. Keep up the fantastic work!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Afternoon Cool Kids.

    I'm happy to report that after yesterday with only 2 minutes of squats, today I got in my normal AM cardio, a nice 30 minute walk with Margie, 15 minutes of gardening, 30 minutes of tractoring and walking over to Mamma's to rescue her TV from pay-per-view purgatory.

    The guys started on my pinestraw yesterday. They already have one semi trailer loaded. The dealer told me he hopes to get 5 more.

    Welcome to all the new guys. Hello to everyone else. To quote Young Mister Grace, "you've all done very well."




  • FEves
    FEves Posts: 20 Member
    Hi and thanks for the welcome

    Today is usually my day of rest but an old friend came for a visit yesterday and brought (and left) an entire carrot cake. Now it is just me and hubby at home (empty nest since January 4) so I figured I better burn some calories so I don't end up in the red at the end of the day! 38 minutes of low impact aerobics and 33 minutes of pilates later, and I'm sweating like a pig. (Do pigs actually sweat?)

    One thing that I'm really liking about MFP is that I can use it to make those kind of smart decisions about what I do and don't eat, how much I exercise, etc. Before, I had no idea what was going into my mouth and unfortunately all those extra calories are now padding me (against the cold, so there is something to be thankful for, but I'd rather just have to put on a sweater!)
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    FEves wrote: »
    Hi and thanks for the welcome

    38 minutes of low impact aerobics and 33 minutes of pilates later, and I'm sweating like a pig. (Do pigs actually sweat?)

    No. They have to wallow in the mud to cool off.

  • 3furballs
    3furballs Posts: 476 Member
    Well I gave up on the fitbit. I had returned it to go get a large from a different store, but after weighing in and being up 1.2lbs I figure that the fitbit is too generous on calories burned so there isn't much point in using it. Specially since that means almost $200 back in my pocket. But I will be mindful of checking my pulse a few times while working out so I can better estimate my calorie burn.
  • kasamgirl
    kasamgirl Posts: 14 Member
    Count me in too! I'm 40 looking to lose 15lbs to begin with. If I can manage that then I want to lose another 10. I've just joined. 1st week on mfp.
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Morning kid's !
    We've had lovely weather this weekend. I managed to carry out and donate 12 trash bags/8 boxes of clutter from the basement. So liberating. Josie has been doing well behavior wise " Knock on wood ".
    Still maintaining at 152 lbs. I've developed a love of greek yogurt recently. Though I'm trying to watch the sugar content. Some of them have 32 grams of sugar. While tasty I end up wanting more. LOL. Trying to stick with the lower sugar ones.
    Waiting on our refund....I really need some clothes that fit. All my shorts are unwearable this year ( falling off my hips ).
    Welcome newbies !

    Kelly Sue- Hope hubbies doing well.
    Carmel- Hope we are all in better frame of mind. Stress and lack of sleep usually put me in a funk. Being around a lot of negativity also wears on me.

    Alf- We all just need to get our groove back workout wise.

    3furballs- I often thought about a fitbit but there are other things I'd rather spend on. LOL. Plus I just need one that yells " Get off your a-- ! You lazy girl ! " LMAO

    Everyone have a lovely day. I'll check back later.

  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    Welcome to the workweek Cool Kids!
    FEves, welcome, and good job balancing out your cardio-to-carrot cake ratio!
    Larro, I think of your trees whenever I drive by road work with rolls of pine needles!
    Jackie, sorry to hear you got the flu :\ . That's no fun. But congrats on the lbs. gone!
    Alisha, hurray for you! Great loss.
    Alf, have you tried a rolled towel between your shoulder blades while lying down. That one usually help open my chest and relax my shoulders.
    3furballs, I'm trying kettlebels for the first time tonight! Any tips? Favorite moves? I hope your massage was wonderful.
    Beeps, I can't believe that list of moves! I'm trying to picture the fire hydrant. ...I think I get the idea. ;)
    Caramel, Now I can truly say "I feel your pain" :p . Back at it again tonight.

    We had serious winds & rain over the weekend ... gusts to 65 mph here on the coast last night. But a few of my kayak pals still braved the storm for our regular Sunday visit with the ocean. It was very raucous out there. Saturday I attended the crab races at the crab festival. Pretty enterataining. Before going to the festival though, I told my gf that we had to go for a brisk walk, so we explored a couple miles of a new trail along the bay. These are the small changes that are starting to add up real change!

    Hello to all you other Kids ... where are you, btw?
    Welcome newbies.

    Have a great day everyone.
  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    And now I'm reading the next page of posts!
    3furballs wrote: »
    Well I gave up on the fitbit. I had returned it to go get a large from a different store, but after weighing in and being up 1.2lbs I figure that the fitbit is too generous on calories burned so there isn't much point in using it. Specially since that means almost $200 back in my pocket. But I will be mindful of checking my pulse a few times while working out so I can better estimate my calorie burn.

    Hey furballs,
    I have been wearing my fitbit for a few months, and it really didn't make a difference until last week. My housemate challenged his girlfriend and I to "the workweek challenge". It was hysterical how the competition got me off my butt. I paced the halls at work. Took the long way to the restroom. Walked a lunch when I otherwise wouldn't have. Parked at the far end of the parking lot and walked every single aisle at Costco even though I only needed a couple of things. Do you have any fitbit friends you can challenge?

    Hi Kate, good to hear from you. I love letting go of stored stuff like that. I hope you get your shopping spree soon. You've earned it! Way to maintain.
  • I have been using my little green Fitbit for months. Not much improvement, but a few weeks ago I added a diet to the mix. Now I am down 10 pounds approximately. I also did Zerona. Regardless of what is working, I love seeing the scale go down. Nothing motivates better than that! My husband and I will be celebrating our 10 year anniversary in April, and taking a trip to Europe this summer to celebrate. I would love to be back to my wedding weight by then. That is around 30 pounds to go. I track my calorie count using MyFitnessPal, take Ariix weight loss supplements, and try to get as close to 10k steps each day. I look forward to staying motivated with all of you!
  • syligirl
    syligirl Posts: 8 Member
    edited February 2015
    So I went to the docs today.. I gained back 25lbs of the 50. I lost.. So I got angry.. Went and did 2.5 miles on the trails.. Then had a no sugar no carb Lunch. I'm done with this garbage.

  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hello to al the cool kids!

    Wow, you are all killing it! Great workouts and great losses! Well done!

    Had a good weekend, workout wise. Did two major snowshoe hikes, for a total of 15km trekked over the two days.
    Saturday's hike was a tough one, but one of my favourites - literally cross country, so lots of climbing and over / under fallen trees. Sunday's was a long steady uphill and then a nice up / down on the way back (we took another route back). Was cold yesterday though. Came out of the bush with "white, frosted hair."

    The picture below is one of me taken a couple of summers ago. I had no idea what ever happened with the pics, until my son sent this to me asking who took it. He found it in the 2015 Travel Algoma magazine. A couple of years ago, our local Kayak business was looking for 40+year old models and someone suggested me. When I arrived, I was the only 40+ there. The others were all in their 20s!! Talk about intimidating. Don't I look like a pro? ;)

  • 3furballs
    3furballs Posts: 476 Member
    Curious, the kettlebell swing itself is a good workout, I like some of the combos we do with two kettlebells. One of the best over all is the snatch, always make sure to keep your core tight. With the swing, make sure to clench your butt at the top of your swing so you don't allow your lower back to arch and make sure you are hinging at the hips, no squatting. A swing jump is a good cardio one, you get doing the swing and then as the bell swings away from you you hop back a little. Are there specific areas you want to work on? Lots of variety of exercises you can do.

    I may get a fitbit again in the future, but I was always way over on the steps since I walk a lot anyway and I don't really have time to add more activity to my day. It's a 30 min walk to work and I work out either a 45 min kettlebell class or 60 min cardio kickboxing every day. Mix in work (which I'm currently part time but going to full time at the end of next month) and three kids (just me and them at night since dh works afternoons) and there's not any more time. I think I need to get my sugar consumption down. I'm under on calories but always over on sugar and/or carbs. However, I also hate feeling deprived so it's all a balancing act.

    Sdereski, you look like a pro! Makes me want to try kayaking. Some day when the kids are older we'll be able to try it.

    Syligirl, I'm sorry about your weight gain. It sucks I know the feeling. Hopefully the motivation will help you to lose some of it.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Afternoon Cool Kids.

    I got in my AM cardio and lifting, but being so short of time, and having real trouble getting enough calories lately, I cut my lifting back to 30 minutes. I'm being hopeful here, and put some tomato and pepper seeds in soil this morning. I'll transplant the sprouts to cups when they come up, and try to keep them inside until after the last frost. But just to be able to get to my gardening table I had to do some serious work. During the winter it had collected the toaster oven as well as a food processor. The table in the kitchen where this stuff usually goes had filled up with glassware, mostly baking dishes. So I had to clean out cabinet space to put the baking dishes before I could even start. I bagged up two trash bags of unused plastic storage and took out to the shed, then started shifting everything over. I may even count it as cardio.

    Kate, what I do is mix the plain Greek yogurt with vanilla Greek yogurt. Just a little bit will improve the taste. And the calorie and protein numbers for Greek yogurt are unbeatable. I have some with my breakfast everyday.

    CG, there is nothing like an angry ocean experienced from a tiny vessel. Talk about living in the moment. The crab races sound fun.

    Syligirl, sorry about the weight gain. More cardio and less carbs will surely point you in the right direction.

    Sdereski, that smile has the look of a pro. Very nice picture. I'm thinking of buying a kayak. To put the canoe in the river I have to have someone drop me off upstream. With a kayak I could go upstream then come back down.

    3furballs, I'm with you on the cost of fitness electronics. I lost my weight using a $10 watch from Walmart. As long as you do more cardio and eat less, you will lose weight. But Margie bought a Fitbit she isn't using. I am struggling maintaining my weight, so I may give it a try. It is paid for, so I might as well use it.

    Welcome to all the new guys, and hello to everyone else.

    Hope you are all having a good Monday,


    PS: Today's omelette is one I never would have dreamed of trying, except I did. When I woke up this morning it occurred to me there was no breakfast type meat cooked to go in my omelette. But we had a huge pot of taco soup made with turkey and turkey sausage. And me being me, I said what the hell. So it's 2 eggs, 75g taco soup, 15g 2% milk, 7g 4 cheese Mexican and 34g Pineapple Peach Chipotle Salsa. It was better than it sounds. Also had some of the sausage noodle stir-fry {with extra stir-fry veggies}, toast, yogurt, smoothie, yogurt, strawberries and blueberries.


  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Afternoon Kid's,
    Took Josie back to Kohl's today. << The incident of her last meltdown. They gave me the difference on that waffle maker I returned the other week, and the blender that broke after 2 uses. I was able to buy 3 blanket/throws all on sale with my store credits and a discount for signing up for their card for drum roll please ....$0.61. Insert cheesy smile here.

    I remember getting mad before myself. I even complained to the group how I was dreading my next doctor's visit. Since they kept fussing about my cholesterol previously and wanted me to take meds for it. Maybe getting mad is the butt kicking/push we all need. ;)
    FYI My Doctor's were very happy with my loss and my numbers did come down last visit. You can do this !

    I'll check back later.
  • navyjen
    navyjen Posts: 1,043 Member
    How does one join this group?
  • weejen73
    weejen73 Posts: 68 Member
    Hi i would also like to join the group , :)