Unexpected results of weight loss



  • Slashnl
    Slashnl Posts: 339 Member
    NC_Girl wrote: »
    I didn't go into the handicapped stall in the ladies room and came out with a smile realizing that I no longer needed to...because there was plenty of room!

    Oh, good one!!! I've thought that too! It's a simple thing, but it gave me so much pleasure when I realized it was ok to be in the smaller ones again.
  • zoomtech16
    zoomtech16 Posts: 100 Member
    I haven't lost very much, but my shirts have now quit popping up over my pants where my stomach is. I used to hate that very much!
  • acrock30
    acrock30 Posts: 1 Member
    I have lost 42 pounds and have 22 more to go to reach my goal. I looked at my hands one day and thought "why are my veins popping out?" Then I realized I could just see them now instead of the fat hiding them.
  • maddyk91
    maddyk91 Posts: 193 Member
    we should keep this bumped. :smile:
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    Yesterday I was walking my dog and an acquaintance stopped me and asked if I was training for any races and asked me a couple fitness questions I was not even walking in my own neighborhood, but my brother's neighborhood. It is funny to be known as the "fit" one after so many years.
  • smfh
    smfh Posts: 17 Member
  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    We've been getting killed with snow - about six feet in three weeks. I've been shoveling two hours at a go. Before getting fit I was good for maybe an hour, tops.
  • meanness67
    meanness67 Posts: 366 Member
    Love this thread. Can't wait for these to happen!
  • Ninetysgrl
    Ninetysgrl Posts: 3 Member
    BIRT1956 wrote: »
    Fitting comfortably in an airplane seat with room on both sides as well as plenty of room for my legs.

    That is my dream! Congratulations and keep up the good ( hard ) work
  • 01megar
    01megar Posts: 10 Member
    When I sit down I feel my boney butt, when I look in the mirror I see a tiny waist. When I see my XXX top to remind how really really big I was, when I see my weight loss journal it keeps me motivated to stay thin. I can go on and on, but these were the best.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I didnt realize i would+get sucked into meeting online idiots while meeting online regular folks who pity them. I just thought i would do math on here. math Only. That would have been more+fun. Never again. SMH.
  • SbetaK
    SbetaK Posts: 389 Member
    Wow, MyChocolateDiet, you must win the prize for number of posts! Over 21,000??
  • mcpostelle
    mcpostelle Posts: 418 Member
    I've only lost 30lbs( out of 160) but I'm feeling amazing. I bought a new dress from target and when I asked for second opinions it wasn't that my legs were too big, my stomach too chubby, but instead that my butt was taking up too much room. :smiley: Since I've been losing weight my assets look bigger than they did prior.

    - my knee high boots finally zipping closed with knee high socks and blue jeans tucked into them
    - my pre-weight gain ( shoes almost fitting
    - being considered mildly attractive again
    - getting jealous comments from family members - that eggs me on to do better ;)
    - looking better and feeling better
    - buying SMALLER clothing
    - people asking ME for diet/weight loss help. :smiley:
    - being able to hug/interact physically with others easier. :stuck_out_tongue:
    - Put my hand on my waist and freaked out because I felt a bulge until I realized it was one of my oblique ab muscle. :relieved:

  • 1961dublin
    1961dublin Posts: 124 Member
    For me, its now looking for size 12 clothes (UK size). I never knew they were so hard to find, because a 12 is 'normal ' it sells out quickly, leaving all the size 14s and 16s and 18s on the rail!!
  • silverarcheress
    silverarcheress Posts: 125 Member
    edited February 2015
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