Just for Today - month of February. Would you like to join me, as we take this one day at a time.



  • Bemah
    Bemah Posts: 13 Member
    Just for today I have
    - Kept track of my food - well done me :o !!
    - Went to Kettlebells - pat on my back!
    - Took time to understand why I emotionally eat, learn from it and not beat myself up
    - Take time to congratulate myself on successes- yay done! :o
  • MissJessicaLang
    This is such a great idea! I am joining a bit late, but its never too late to start?

    Just for Today, Feb. 16
    No snacking unnecessarily
    No processed sugars
    Make sure I don't let myself skimp out on the last repetition for weights.
  • jazzyjez
    jazzyjez Posts: 36 Member
    Bemah wrote: »
    Just for today I have
    - Kept track of my food - well done me :o !!
    - Went to Kettlebells - pat on my back!
    - Took time to understand why I emotionally eat, learn from it and not beat myself up
    - Take time to congratulate myself on successes- yay done! :o

    Hmmm, I like the way Bemah stated in past tense. I have not succeeded at daily goals I set on this board so I've been absent for a week. But maybe I need to switch it up and state what I accomplished at the end of the day instead. The goals I was setting were usually something I WANTED to get done but was not committed to.

    But here it is Monday night again and I will restate the only daily goal post I met:
    -J42Day I will STILL not eat unhealthy snacks at chorus rehearsal! :smile:

  • 2tew
    2tew Posts: 6 Member
    Today's Goals Were:
    1.Get out of the house and move despite the snow!
    2. Eat three meals within calorie/nutrition goals
    3. Walk 10000 steps

    Didn't seem to meet all of these today :s
    only 7417 steps...Did get out of the house though!
    skipped bfast and lunch OOPS

    Guess tomorrows a new day and time for new goals!
  • loveby30
    loveby30 Posts: 76 Member
    edited February 2015
    Well yesterday was not great. At all :(:( I freaked out again. I did not work out in the morning. I started obsessing over food before lunch. Went for a walk which helped but then after lunch started to obsess over food again. I couldn't concentrate at work and I felt like I was having a panic attack. I left work an hour early so I could "work out" and just slept for four hours and then obsessed over food until I broke down and bought oreos. That purchase plus not working out put me 80 calories over my goal. :(:(

    To add to the stress, today I have evening plans for mardi gras (going to a cajun themed restaurant and bar) so I have to really make sure I have a lot of calories to spare before dinner, otherwise I will go over. Southern food and drink sure have a lot of calories!

    I hope i have the will power to power through!

    1) work out 1 (30 min in the morning)
    2) work out 2 (45 min before dinner)
    3) walk at lunch
    4) Net of >/= zero calories before dinner
    5) Stay in calories for dinner and drinks tonight!

    Good Luck Everyone!
  • swarren1037
    swarren1037 Posts: 16 Member
    1. Get up on time, no snooze button. :(
    2. Resist eating out - eat packed lunch, and dinner with Mom. :smiley:
    4. Cleaning and schoolwork complete in the evening! :|

    Tuesday 2/17
    1. Get up on time, no snooze.
    2. Resist buying food.
    3. Track everything I eat.
  • jenmovies
    jenmovies Posts: 346 Member
    jenmovies wrote: »
    After realising I was not eating 20% under my daily calorie limit, I have adjusted my math and considered exercise calories. So my goal for today is just to get the math right! B)
    I did the math, feeling good!

    1. Stay under calorie goal. I can't go to the gym tonight so I need to be careful.
    2. Resist ordering from the work cafe. (DONE.)

    1. Stay under calories by 20%
    2. Exercise & eat back only half
    3. Complete difficult HIIT style exercise class at gym

  • Bemah
    Bemah Posts: 13 Member
    jazzyjez wrote: »
    Bemah wrote: »
    Just for today I have
    - Kept track of my food - well done me :o !!
    - Went to Kettlebells - pat on my back!
    - Took time to understand why I emotionally eat, learn from it and not beat myself up
    - Take time to congratulate myself on successes- yay done! :o

    Hmmm, I like the way Bemah stated in past tense. I have not succeeded at daily goals I set on this board so I've been absent for a week. But maybe I need to switch it up and state what I accomplished at the end of the day instead. The goals I was setting were usually something I WANTED to get done but was not committed to.

    But here it is Monday night again and I will restate the only daily goal post I met:
    -J42Day I will STILL not eat unhealthy snacks at chorus rehearsal! :smile:

    Well done - keep going!
  • Bemah
    Bemah Posts: 13 Member
    I will go to spin
    Keep track of everything I eat
    I will be in bed and relaxing by 10
    Make buckwheat pancakes
    Take time to understand why I emotionally eat, learn from it and get support
    Congratulate myself on my successes
  • Bemah
    Bemah Posts: 13 Member
    Bemah wrote: »
    I will go to spin
    Keep track of everything I eat
    I will be in bed and relaxing by 10
    Make buckwheat pancakes
    Take time to understand why I emotionally eat, learn from it and get support
    Congratulate myself on my successes

    ...and not beat myself up
  • RelentlessFierceWarriorBill
    Just for today, February 17th,

    I will exercise at least 3 hours
    I will eat more veggies
    I will drink lotsa water
    I will throw away at least 3 unnecessary pieces of clutter
    I will continue moving Fierce Forward
  • taxmom9093
    taxmom9093 Posts: 1,296 Member
    taxmom9093 wrote: »

    1. Take a walk. I hope to have a chance to bundle up and get outside. :) I didn't get outside but I did force myself to spend some time on the treadmill after dinner
    2. Keep track of my food and water intake. :| during the day, yes. but I fell into that I'm tired and I want a snack trap before bed. Could have been worse
    3. Stay positive and be patient. The weather may get in the way today, but I can adapt. :D I'm glad I thought about this before starting my day. Nothing happened that I could not handle.
    Now for Tuesday. Just for today I will.

    1. Take a walk.
    2. keep track of my eating and no snacking after 10pm. (late shift at work or I would make that time earlier)
    3. Stay positive. With the snow and the below 0 temperatures, today could be another challenge. Bring it On!

    Happy Tuesday!
  • loveby30
    loveby30 Posts: 76 Member
    Mid day update! I had to update b/c I am excited and proud of myself for making my first three goals :) I actually did a 45 min circuits workout in the am and then went for a 30 min HIIT run after I got home. That plus very sensible eating today means that I have 1400 calories for Mardi Gras tonight. Yay!

  • loveby30
    loveby30 Posts: 76 Member
    * first four goals
  • jazzyjez
    jazzyjez Posts: 36 Member
    Bemah wrote: »
    ...and not beat myself up


    Almonds and a clementine at chorus rehearsal last night! I did it!
    I also had one bite of a brownie instead of the whole thing. And other than that ate clean the whole day.

    - Will get some exercise outside - I am so sorry to hear about the horrible weather so many are having, but where I am we are having a better-than-summer streak. Slept with the window open last night.
    - Stretch
    - Smile a lot

  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,401 Member
    Well, I made it to the movie and didn't get buttered popcorn! Yea me!

    Popcorn is my down fall too! Nice job!
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,401 Member
    Just for today 2/16
    1. No eating after 7 :):)
    2. Morning run / evening walk :D:D
    3. Make time for myself :):D
    4. Water, water, water! :D:D

    Just for today 2/17
    1. Get my morning run in!
    2. Aqua Fit tonight
    3. Healthy food choices
    4. No late night eating

    Sorry about not beening so chatty but lifes been crazy busy! We had a wonderful v-day spending time with my son! Plus my daughter should be relocating back to Washington with my grand babies, yes, yes!!!!!

    Emotionally eating is a problem for a lot of us! Taking baby steps turns into larger steps! Remember, we ALL have an addiction to food, that's why we're on MFP! My trigger food is ice cream so I don't keep any in the house! But, I treat myself sometimes, when we go out to dinner sometimes! That way I can't keep going back for seconds, lol

    Happy Tuesday!!
  • Patti705
    Patti705 Posts: 264 Member
    Today is a snow day and I overdid it yesterday (holiday) so posting here to keep myself accountable:

    1. Not eat any more cereal today. Even for a snack. Even if it is in my calorie range.
    2. Go to Zumba. Should be easy as I love the teacher.
    3. Don't eat too much at lunch.

    In general, don't eat beyond your alloted calories as I have gone over 2 of the last four days. By a lot :(
  • shajenkins88
    shajenkins88 Posts: 18 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    I can be doing everything right all day and then binge if I'm up too late. "Just for Today" I will get out of range of the kitchen at 10:00 P.M. or shortly after and forget about food.

    Carol - this is the same problem I have. I do so good all day, only to give in and eat too much in the evenings.

  • shajenkins88
    shajenkins88 Posts: 18 Member
    I can be doing everything right all day and then binge if I'm up too late. "Just for Today" I will get out of range of the kitchen at 10:00 P.M. or shortly after and forget about food.