May Move Your *kitten* Challenge



  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    only managed about 2.5 miles today
  • Carolegn
    Carolegn Posts: 7
    Okay, if it isn't too l late, put me down for 35 miles. I'll suss out a tracker later.... I know I did 2.5 on the treadmill on monday and 1 mile walk to school and back to pick kids up yesterday.
    If it's inconvenient to add me at this stage, it's all good...I'll still do the challenge this month but join officially next month xo
  • gehlerc
    gehlerc Posts: 651 Member
    4 mile walk before dinner this evening.
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    4 miles for today. I did just under 2 miles walking during breaks at work and just over two miles for C25K. So, I'm estimating at 4. Updating ticker now. :)
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    4 miles on the elliptical in 38 minutes:tongue::tongue: !!! Then with 3.5 inches of rain I am sucking up water from my basement!
  • miswen
    miswen Posts: 113 Member
    I added a short bike ride today. To all my bike riding challenge friends- I have the utmost admiration for you- my *kitten* was killing me. Totaled 11.5 miles today.
  • shannonaufman
    shannonaufman Posts: 383
    Moved about 1.5 miles today. Knockin' em down one by one!! Signature updated.
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    I added a short bike ride today. To all my bike riding challenge friends- I have the utmost admiration for you- my *kitten* was killing me. Totaled 11.5 miles today.

    LOL! I recently learned that it all depends on the bike you have... I splurged on a better bike, and it is SO MUCH MORE COMFORTABLE! When I was riding my old bike I was miserable and I never stuck with it. I could barely walk when I got off the bike! Now I absolutely love it and can't stop riding. :D
  • gehlerc
    gehlerc Posts: 651 Member
    4 miles on the elliptical in 38 minutes:tongue::tongue: !!! Then with 3.5 inches of rain I am sucking up water from my basement!

    So sorry (about the water in basement)! If it's not a blizzard for you, it's a deluge!!! So, vhuber, what is the best season where you are?
  • mrshill1618
    mrshill1618 Posts: 14
    Love this!!! Just added it to our biggest loser program at work!!!

  • bri1720
    bri1720 Posts: 254 Member
    1.9 miles walked
  • chrisja
    chrisja Posts: 380 Member
    Didn't update for a couple days but now up to 11.6 miles.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    4 miles on the elliptical in 38 minutes:tongue::tongue: !!! Then with 3.5 inches of rain I am sucking up water from my basement!

    So sorry (about the water in basement)! If it's not a blizzard for you, it's a deluge!!! So, vhuber, what is the best season where you are?
    July but then we have to worry about bad hail storms!! The rain would be great IF it was June and we had all of our crop in but with soooo much snow and now the rain there has not been to many farmers getting in their crops and it is going to be a late year! Our guys are usually wrapping up seeding season by now! When I say our guys it is my husband and his two younger bros. and they farm over 5000 acres together. I told my DH that with all the worldly disasters going on that this may be ours (not being able to plant a crop)! Yikes!!!
  • Stephib10
    Stephib10 Posts: 152 Member
    1 k later on in the day :)
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I'm not really feeling the chalenge this month. I'll still be around and do my best, but I have so much going on and I also feel like I should focus more on strength trainng and not focus on getting my miles in.
  • dinos
    dinos Posts: 1,390 Member
    Hi Everyone!!

    Dino, You can take me out of the challenge. I'M OUT!!!!!

    GOOD LUCK To You ALL, BYE!!!!!

    Why, what's the matter with you? Something happened?
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member

    Nothing happened! I still plan on continuing my walking and eating routine.

    I felt the group wasn't socialable enough. No feed back of any kind. Plus I didn't care for counting your miles for every exercise. There's no challenge if a walker is going up against a bike.

    Good Luck !!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member

    Nothing happened! I still plan on continuing my walking and eating routine.

    I felt the group wasn't sociable enough. No feed back of any kind. Plus I didn't care for counting your miles for every exercise. There's no challenge if a walker is going up against a bike.

    Good Luck !!

    sorry to see you go teresa but please realize this group has been going on since november very strongly, with new participants jumping in every week/month.....there is support and sociability, you have to add your part to make it work....PLUS you are not supposed to be competing with anyone but yourself....i'm not going to defend our thread or the participants but you must realize those that include biking miles are obviously do WAY more miles than those walking and/or running....and again you SHOULD be competing with best yourself every day, week, month...improving ourselves is the key to success, not competing against others
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    3.2 miles of all running this warm up walk, just 5k+ run...wooohooooo...this was my first post c25k run and i did pretty well...just under a 12 min mile on average....very proud of myself
  • gehlerc
    gehlerc Posts: 651 Member
    bluiz13 wrote:
    3.2 miles of all running this warm up walk, just 5k+ run...wooohooooo...this was my first post c25k run and i did pretty well...just under a 12 min mile on average....very proud of myself

    Congratulations! You *should* be very proud of yourself! Great job!
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