Looking to lose 100+ pounds... the healthy way!



  • swarren1037
    swarren1037 Posts: 16 Member
    shirayne wrote: »
    @swarren1037‌: You've come to the right place! We all want to lose quite a bit of weight and just as it took time to put that weight on, it will take even longer to take back off. But together, we achieve it!

    Thanks for the welcome Shirayne! Si se puede!!! :) Glad the chowder's improving! I made some yummy butternut squash soup last night. I think the only tweak I'd make is to dial back the cream. Cheers to good food and life well-lived. :)
  • swarren1037
    swarren1037 Posts: 16 Member
    jencultie wrote: »
    To lose 100lbs I would be a healthy weight.. Just have a hard time staying on track.. I eat fast food all the time and I love sweets I'm trying to make a lifestyle change it's very hard

    @jencultie, I know that struggle all too well! I cannot believe the money and calories I spend at fast food restaurants and on sugary treats. It is habit and probably addiction, and I have to break the cycle! Tomorrow - no fast food!!

  • jenncamp03
    jenncamp03 Posts: 11 Member
    Hope it's ok but I've added people on this thread.minto need to lose 80!
  • Hello! How do I join your group? I am new, was browsing the forums and came across this. I have 150 pounds to lose, so a little more than you all, but the 100 comes first, right? hehe
  • jonesm97
    jonesm97 Posts: 39 Member
    Elosphere wrote: »
    Hello! How do I join your group? I am new, was browsing the forums and came across this. I have 150 pounds to lose, so a little more than you all, but the 100 comes first, right? hehe

    Welcome Elosphere!!!! My ultimate goal is to.lose 135. That seems like a dream to me. I always felt alone when it comes to this. I am overly joyed to know that I am not. I am hopeing this group helps and I will accomplish this over due goal. :)
  • karenrich77
    karenrich77 Posts: 292 Member
    Feel free to add me. I have lost 83 pounds this last year. C'mon we can do this together. I still have a heap to go!
  • kittycopper
    kittycopper Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone, I have been trying to lose weight for a long time but I keep gaining instead of losing. I need to lose over 100 pounds but I am having a hard time getting motivated now. I am college student and end up being caught up with school and family that I don't even try to lose weight. Looking for some motivation as well as trying to see how others tackle menu planning as well as fitting exercise into their daily routines.
  • shirayne
    shirayne Posts: 263 Member
    Welcome jenncamp03, elosphere, karenrich77, and kittycopper!
    @jenncamp03‌: Everyone is welcome! The more people you have surrounding and supporting you on this path the better! It means more ideas, more recipes, more tips and tricks... it's a win-win!
    @Elosphere‌: You've joined just by reaching out to us. :) Whether it's 50 pounds or 200 pounds, we just want to help support your efforts and celebrate your successes. I would also venture to say, let's start with 5 pounds, then 10, then 15... and before you know it, you will have lost 100 pounds! I would rather celebrate many small milestones than get discouraged that I'm not reaching the bigger one fast enough. ;)
    @karenrich77: Wow! What an achievement! Congrats and I can't wait to hear about some of the things you've done to lose so far!
    @kittycopper: I think many of us have been there. I think the first step to take is really deciding that school and family need to be supporting factors in your weight loss instead of a barrier. Use your family to help you along. Are they supportive of you losing the weight or are they also indulging in the wrong foods and making it more difficult for you to stay on track? I think all of us here have some great ideas that could help you, we just have to find the right ones that work for you! :) You can do this!
  • danielle7577
    danielle7577 Posts: 84 Member
    @kittycopper‌ One of the easiest ways I have found to get exercise in is just getting up earlier and making it priority number 1. That way no matter what comes at you the rest of the day at least you got a great start.
  • Hello everyone, my goal is to loose pounds to hopefully avoid knee surgery. To be what a doctor considers a healthy weight I need to loose 65 pounds.Never been one to diet as my problem is mainly skipping meals.
  • shirayne
    shirayne Posts: 263 Member
    Welcome Asigouin10! Skipping meals is definitely not helping but I'm so guilty of that too! Especially on weekends. I sleep in, have a brunch and then nothing till dinner. It's all about the baby steps though! Have you tried setting an alarm for snack times? Meals don't have to be huge... just nutritious. :) a handful of almonds, an apple and a piece of cheddar, saw raw veggies and hummus! That way you don't stuff yourself each time you eat and maybe it will encourage you to eat more often! That being said, we're all in this together so if that doesn't work... we'll try something else!
  • Hi! My name is Michelle. I have roughly 115 pounds to go. I have currently lost 18.4 sin the beginning of January and my biggest wall is right in front of me. 20 pounds! ! I can get right up to it but never get over it. In the past something has always stopped me from getting over it. I'm nervous and excited to bust through it. My weight has been a crazy yo - yo for years. I lose weight. Gain that weight plus some which lead me right over the 300 mountain that I said I would never reach. Well I'm back on the other side of the 300 mountain and trying to put as much distance as possible between us. I can say this time has been different for me. I feel different I'm more excited about it than ever. But I need all the support I can get. I have been on my fitness pal for awhile now. But this time coming back I was a little discouraged because no one really posts statues anymore. That was one thing that always helped me. All of the people I'm friends with on here only post their food and exercise. Which I like but someone writing something is more inspiraring. I have a saying that I tell myself daily. I can do it!!! I am worth it!!!! So please anymore feel.free to add me and we can go on this journey together!
  • shirayne
    shirayne Posts: 263 Member
    Welcome shelbya72! I can relate to the yo-yo factor for sure. But you're well on your way to the big 20 and I love that you're setting small goals for yourself and that you're excited by them! I think what I've taken away from your post is that "I'm worth it!". We all are and we just have to keep believing in that and motivating each other to achieve great things! I am happy to share my successes and failures, my ups and my downs. Today was a down and it's made my day a bit crazy. I skipped a meal and now I'm hungry but hesitant to eat so early. UGH! These days are going to happen unfortunately but it's how we respond to them that will shape who we are to become! We planned a simple dinner of soup and sandwiches so we can get through the stuff in our fridge but I've been using Dempster's thin sandwich buns and I love them! They're multigrain goodness! I also have a greek orzo salad to go along with it so I'm looking forward to enjoying this meal. :)
  • kittycopper
    kittycopper Posts: 2 Member
    @shirayne We are all pretty lazy and need to shed some pounds especially me and my siblings. My twin sister and I started working out together a couple months back but as soon as either of us get depressed or stop doing anything the other one follows suit. I think my family could eventually become support just not at this time right now. Hoping to get back to eating three meals a day as I only eat once a day right now...
    Thank you! :)
    @danielle7577 Thank you! That is a great idea. I am currently trying to get onto a better sleep schedule. I have problems with anxiety and depression and it has thrown my sleeping off whack and tend to fall asleep at 3 or 4 in the morning.
  • danielle7577
    danielle7577 Posts: 84 Member
    @kittycopper‌ Hopefully if you get some exercise into your day it will lesson your anxiety and depression and help you sleep better!
  • eml298
    eml298 Posts: 70 Member
    Hi all! This seems like a perfect thread for me! We all share a desire to make meaningful change and I am so motivated to find buddies to go on the journey together! @shirayne - you had the same idea I just wrote about in the thread I just posted:

    No fear of commitment here!

    No matter where it happens, I hope all of us keep going, and that we can do it together! :)

    @swarren1037‌ - what are you studying in grad school? You must be so excited to be near the end!
  • jonesm97
    jonesm97 Posts: 39 Member
    @kittycopper‌ One of the easiest ways I have found to get exercise in is just getting up earlier and making it priority number 1. That way no matter what comes at you the rest of the day at least you got a great start.

    I love this idea. It brings for a better day.
  • shirayne
    shirayne Posts: 263 Member
    Hi eml298 and welcome! Motivation certainly is key! Loving how this thread is gaining strength in numbers! Keep up the positive attitudes folks! :) If I start a funny kind of fitness thread or one where we set goals for total group weight loss... would anyone be interested? Is a Facebook group easier? Let me know what you think!
  • swarren1037
    swarren1037 Posts: 16 Member
    shelbya72 wrote: »
    Gain that weight plus some which lead me right over the 300 mountain that I said I would never reach. Well I'm back on the other side of the 300 mountain and trying to put as much distance as possible between us.
    @shebya72 - I have recently summitted that mountain, and I am so mad about it! Congrats on heading back down the other side. I'm so ready to move more freely, fit back into clothes, and feel comfortable in more spaces again! Best of luck!
  • danielle7577
    danielle7577 Posts: 84 Member
    How is everyone doing so far this week?