
  • dougpconnell219
    dougpconnell219 Posts: 566 Member
    edited February 2015
  • llUndecidedll
    llUndecidedll Posts: 724 Member
    Ha ha. How did you know?!

    I was so embarrassed today.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member

    My confession: I am not religious at all, bordering on slightly anti-religious. Still, it bothers me that people are not being allowed to discuss Lent on this site. As long as they are not assuming that everyone has the same practices, it seems like a valid diet-and-fitness-related discussion.

    We are not allowed to discuss Lent?
  • dougpconnell219
    dougpconnell219 Posts: 566 Member

    My confession: I am not religious at all, bordering on slightly anti-religious. Still, it bothers me that people are not being allowed to discuss Lent on this site. As long as they are not assuming that everyone has the same practices, it seems like a valid diet-and-fitness-related discussion.

    We are not allowed to discuss Lent?

    Can we still discuss lentils?
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Carlos_421 wrote: »
    It seems like some Protestants do observe Lent. I know that Lutherans do, because I take a Zumba class at a Lutheran church and we have to change our schedule due to Lent-related activities for six weeks. I'm pretty sure that Anglicans do too.

    My confession: I am not religious at all, bordering on slightly anti-religious. Still, it bothers me that people are not being allowed to discuss Lent on this site. As long as they are not assuming that everyone has the same practices, it seems like a valid diet-and-fitness-related discussion.

    You're right. Lutheran and Anglican churches, while Protestant, are not as far removed from Catholicism as other denominations such as Pentecostal, Baptist, Methodist, etc. and still maintain a lot of the same traditions.

    I didn't realize Lent was taboo on here. There's been other threads that discussed religious fasts unrelated to Lent so I don't see what the big deal is.

    My next confession: I talked about religion (sort of?) on MFP.

    Yep--two Lent-related threads were closed yesterday. One of them was not even heated or contentious at all.

    I'm also a bit weirded out by the "don't use any languages other than English" rule. It seems strange to me that a respectful discussion in another language is taboo.

    Other than that, I confess that I like it here.

    You can't post in other languages?? What is going on here? I was not aware of either of these things......

  • Noelv1976
    Noelv1976 Posts: 18,948 Member
    I farted in a library once. I blamed it on the librarian
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    nigerski68 wrote: »
    salembambi wrote: »
    HawtTamale wrote: »
    I refuse to have sex with the lights on for fear the man I'm with will see my body and be so repulsed he'll refuse to have sex with me.

    ugh i feeel you :\:'(

    I have to ask both you ladies WHY?? He loves you, right? So he loves your body!! If he was repulsed by you, he would not be with you now!!

    I've been with my husband 25 years, we have a 23 yr old son and my husband loves me dearly. Most times he's wonderful and I wouldn't trade him for the world. He insists that he doesn't care about my weight, he loves me and how I look doesn't matter, blah blah blah. In 25 years he's never seen me naked. Not one time. Even with having a child and nursing me through cervical cancer three years ago. He'd be ecstatic to shower together or get to leave the lights on but I refuse. I hate my body so much and I KNOW he would be absolutely disgusted with me and never admit it.

    NO, he would not be disgusted with you! NO!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    I went on a cruise with my husband last month. I gained ten pounds, he didn't gain an ounce. I was so pissed I told him I had a UTI and couldn't have sex for ten days.

    I laughed so hard at this, the dogs came over with concerned looks on their faces.

    I've eaten premade frosting out of the jar before. I also eat cookie butter out of the jar. In fact, that's how 1.5 jars of cookie butter got consumed in this house... all but the 1/2 jar I used in a recipe.

    What is cookie butter? BTW - great profile photo!
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,032 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    I went on a cruise with my husband last month. I gained ten pounds, he didn't gain an ounce. I was so pissed I told him I had a UTI and couldn't have sex for ten days.

    I laughed so hard at this, the dogs came over with concerned looks on their faces.

    I've eaten premade frosting out of the jar before. I also eat cookie butter out of the jar. In fact, that's how 1.5 jars of cookie butter got consumed in this house... all but the 1/2 jar I used in a recipe.

    What is cookie butter? BTW - great profile photo!

    Imagine if peanut butter was made with ground up cookies instead. Now wipe the drool off your chin :D
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member

    I had also stopped taking my cat to the vet for general every 6mth checkups because they had told me she was fat and I felt like a bad mother. My cat is on a calorie reduced diet as well AND has successfully lost 2lbs safely over the last year. *she is healthy and well* *and gets her vaccinations and check ups regularly* no one freak. NO animal abuse here lol.

    I am dreading this come Friday. I rescued a kitten last July. My neighbour found her, and she was left out in the woods/fishing area with no other cats or anything. I was supposed to keep her overnight and ended up keeping her. First cat I have had in almost two decades. She was only five weeks old and weighed barely one pound. Last time she saw the vet was two months ago and she was eight pounds and the vet had me change her to adult kibble and told me she was at her max weight. She goes for a check up Friday, and I KNOW she has gained weight. Her neck is thick and when she lays on her back, she is all belly.....the thing is I feed her EXACTLY what the vet instructed. She gets one can of Science Diet wet food over two servings and exactly 1/4 cup of Science Diet Oral care dry food once a day.....the problem is, she eats everything she can get her paws on in the house. It is honestly like she never got over being hungry (when we found her, she was STARVING)....she eats paper, hay and rodent kibble from my degu cage, cotton of q-tips (I can no longer have a garbage in my bedroom or the bathroom because she tears it apart eating garbage constantly), one day she ate the entire outside leave of a cabbage that was on the table. Even two weeks ago she ate an onion ring and I had to spend $56 calling animal poison control, she is insane. I hope the vet has some answers for me and not just tell me she is fat and to cut back her food.....cuz I honestly think that might make it worse.....
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    I went on a cruise with my husband last month. I gained ten pounds, he didn't gain an ounce. I was so pissed I told him I had a UTI and couldn't have sex for ten days.

    I laughed so hard at this, the dogs came over with concerned looks on their faces.

    I've eaten premade frosting out of the jar before. I also eat cookie butter out of the jar. In fact, that's how 1.5 jars of cookie butter got consumed in this house... all but the 1/2 jar I used in a recipe.

    What is cookie butter? BTW - great profile photo!

    Imagine if peanut butter was made with ground up cookies instead. Now wipe the drool off your chin :D

    where do you get that?!?!?!?!?!?!
  • arsherma
    arsherma Posts: 42 Member
    When I know I have eaten over my calorie intake...I don't even bother to log what I really ate to the app:(...But I do try and "start over" the next day.
  • obscuremusicreference
    obscuremusicreference Posts: 1,320 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    I went on a cruise with my husband last month. I gained ten pounds, he didn't gain an ounce. I was so pissed I told him I had a UTI and couldn't have sex for ten days.

    I laughed so hard at this, the dogs came over with concerned looks on their faces.

    I've eaten premade frosting out of the jar before. I also eat cookie butter out of the jar. In fact, that's how 1.5 jars of cookie butter got consumed in this house... all but the 1/2 jar I used in a recipe.

    What is cookie butter? BTW - great profile photo!

    Imagine if peanut butter was made with ground up cookies instead. Now wipe the drool off your chin :D

    where do you get that?!?!?!?!?!?!

    I saw it at World Market and someone told me they have it at Publix and I am not going to even try that until I'm closer to goal because oh my goodness I do not need to find more deliciousness.
  • minipony
    minipony Posts: 194 Member
    ketorach wrote: »
    Sometimes, I eat in bed and don't even remember. I wake up in the morning wondering why I'm not hungry, and then, I'm sad when I remember.

    I totally do that too. I good all day then like sleep eat or something. So frustrating.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,032 Member

    I had also stopped taking my cat to the vet for general every 6mth checkups because they had told me she was fat and I felt like a bad mother. My cat is on a calorie reduced diet as well AND has successfully lost 2lbs safely over the last year. *she is healthy and well* *and gets her vaccinations and check ups regularly* no one freak. NO animal abuse here lol.

    I am dreading this come Friday. I rescued a kitten last July. My neighbour found her, and she was left out in the woods/fishing area with no other cats or anything. I was supposed to keep her overnight and ended up keeping her. First cat I have had in almost two decades. She was only five weeks old and weighed barely one pound. Last time she saw the vet was two months ago and she was eight pounds and the vet had me change her to adult kibble and told me she was at her max weight. She goes for a check up Friday, and I KNOW she has gained weight. Her neck is thick and when she lays on her back, she is all belly.....the thing is I feed her EXACTLY what the vet instructed. She gets one can of Science Diet wet food over two servings and exactly 1/4 cup of Science Diet Oral care dry food once a day.....the problem is, she eats everything she can get her paws on in the house. It is honestly like she never got over being hungry (when we found her, she was STARVING)....she eats paper, hay and rodent kibble from my degu cage, cotton of q-tips (I can no longer have a garbage in my bedroom or the bathroom because she tears it apart eating garbage constantly), one day she ate the entire outside leave of a cabbage that was on the table. Even two weeks ago she ate an onion ring and I had to spend $56 calling animal poison control, she is insane. I hope the vet has some answers for me and not just tell me she is fat and to cut back her food.....cuz I honestly think that might make it worse.....

    Wet have the same cat! 5 week old foundling, now eats anything. She'll knock off a loaf of bread if i leave it out... my other cat eats plastic bags then does plastic poops.
  • I tend to not record the days when I eat bad on MFP but looking at the scale makes me sad when I don't see what I like. :/
  • 1012Anna
    1012Anna Posts: 10 Member
    I am eating cake for breakfast right now...
  • I want to lose weight because the girls on my team are all so skinny and judge me because I'm not. I feel disgused about my body because I'm heavier and am getting depressed.
  • cheshirecatastrophe
    cheshirecatastrophe Posts: 1,395 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    I went on a cruise with my husband last month. I gained ten pounds, he didn't gain an ounce. I was so pissed I told him I had a UTI and couldn't have sex for ten days.

    I laughed so hard at this, the dogs came over with concerned looks on their faces.

    I've eaten premade frosting out of the jar before. I also eat cookie butter out of the jar. In fact, that's how 1.5 jars of cookie butter got consumed in this house... all but the 1/2 jar I used in a recipe.

    What is cookie butter? BTW - great profile photo!

    Imagine if peanut butter was made with ground up cookies instead. Now wipe the drool off your chin :D

    where do you get that?!?!?!?!?!?!

    Are you in the US? Even Wal-Mart now has Biscoff spread in the peanut butter section:


  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Noelv1976 wrote: »
    I farted in a library once. I blamed it on the librarian

    Never cross a librarian!