
  • TeraGC
    TeraGC Posts: 40 Member
    I had a panic attack at the gym the other day and cried when I got in my car :-(
  • 32daisies
    32daisies Posts: 25 Member

    This is me. But we buy individually wrapped frozen chicken breasts that are 4 oz. each and I actually DO weigh them, they are all within 0.5 oz of 4 oz. so I usually just leave it as 4 oz. because I'm lazy and I use the bar code scanner.

    My confession is that it's 10:30 a.m. and I've already eaten all of my snacks that I brought to work for the day.

    Sure, with the frozen ones there's consistency in the size of them, and whatever they say I'd go with, too. With the fresh boneless/skinless breasts you buy in packages or at the meat counter, you just have to weigh them.
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    32daisies wrote: »
    Another: if I I see someone consistently logging "1 serving of chicken (3 oz)", I give it the side-eye. Did you *really* only eat 3 ounces of chicken, or did you just eat a chicken breast (which can be anywhere from 9 to 12 ounces) and call it one serving?

    (of course, if you're doing that and losing anyhow, eh, have at it, I guess.)

    I do this too! 3 oz of chicken is pretty much nothing. I've never had a chicken breast that was less than 7 oz. I always know those are the ones who don't have food scales and are just estimating!!

    Not necessarily true! ;) I do have a food scale, and I religiously weigh out EXACTLY 100 grams (slightly over 3 oz) of chicken at a time for my meals! But then again, I pretty much only eat chicken in sandwiches and (huge) salads--If I was eating it as dinner on a plate with just a veggie side, I'd probably eat double that or more. O.o
  • 32daisies
    32daisies Posts: 25 Member
    megsb1991 wrote: »
    I stand on the scales completely and utterly starkers. You never know, my clothing could be suppperrr heavy. I also once tried to tye my hair up to see if it made a difference....

    Same here.. right out of bed, after using the bathroom, no clothes, before eating or drinking anything.

    Doesn't everybody? ;)

    I know I do. I mean, sheesh, even a half a pound of clothes is a half a pound I don't want to see added on there. ;)
  • robcarroll526
    robcarroll526 Posts: 2 Member
    I've fallen for stupid gimmicks and keep telling myself that each one will work, as long as I add the diet and exercise. I just never actually do add the diet and exercise.

    Also, I have the diet of a 5 year old, I hate veggies.
  • 32daisies
    32daisies Posts: 25 Member
    32daisies wrote: »
    Another: if I I see someone consistently logging "1 serving of chicken (3 oz)", I give it the side-eye. Did you *really* only eat 3 ounces of chicken, or did you just eat a chicken breast (which can be anywhere from 9 to 12 ounces) and call it one serving?

    (of course, if you're doing that and losing anyhow, eh, have at it, I guess.)

    I do this too! 3 oz of chicken is pretty much nothing. I've never had a chicken breast that was less than 7 oz. I always know those are the ones who don't have food scales and are just estimating!!

    Not necessarily true! ;) I do have a food scale, and I religiously weigh out EXACTLY 100 grams (slightly over 3 oz) of chicken at a time for my meals! But then again, I pretty much only eat chicken in sandwiches and (huge) salads--If I was eating it as dinner on a plate with just a veggie side, I'd probably eat double that or more. O.o

    That's super awesome, then. Go you! :)

    (I still think a lot of people just put in one serving, though. I know -- years ago I used to do it, too. Buying that food scale is a big eye-opener, isn't it?)
  • megsb1991
    megsb1991 Posts: 22 Member
    megsb1991 wrote: »
    I stand on the scales completely and utterly starkers. You never know, my clothing could be suppperrr heavy. I also once tried to tye my hair up to see if it made a difference....

    Same here.. right out of bed, after using the bathroom, no clothes, before eating or drinking anything.

    Abso-fricking-lutely! If I've forgotten and have my morning coffee/eat some fruit/put on my work clothes already/get out the shower with wet hair (water counts as weight), then I skip that days weigh-in till the next day!
  • sssgilber
    sssgilber Posts: 90 Member
    32daisies wrote: »
    megsb1991 wrote: »
    I stand on the scales completely and utterly starkers. You never know, my clothing could be suppperrr heavy. I also once tried to tye my hair up to see if it made a difference....

    Same here.. right out of bed, after using the bathroom, no clothes, before eating or drinking anything.

    Doesn't everybody? ;)

    I know I do. I mean, sheesh, even a half a pound of clothes is a half a pound I don't want to see added on there. ;)

    And take off your earrings and blow your nose.
  • Talkradio
    Talkradio Posts: 388 Member
    32daisies wrote: »
    Another: if I I see someone consistently logging "1 serving of chicken (3 oz)", I give it the side-eye. Did you *really* only eat 3 ounces of chicken, or did you just eat a chicken breast (which can be anywhere from 9 to 12 ounces) and call it one serving?

    (of course, if you're doing that and losing anyhow, eh, have at it, I guess.)

    I do this too! 3 oz of chicken is pretty much nothing. I've never had a chicken breast that was less than 7 oz. I always know those are the ones who don't have food scales and are just estimating!!

    Not necessarily true! ;) I do have a food scale, and I religiously weigh out EXACTLY 100 grams (slightly over 3 oz) of chicken at a time for my meals! But then again, I pretty much only eat chicken in sandwiches and (huge) salads--If I was eating it as dinner on a plate with just a veggie side, I'd probably eat double that or more. O.o

    Samesies. My diary probably looks like I guess all servings of sour cream, mayo, protein powder, etc, but I really weigh every single thing and I just like being super exact.
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    32daisies wrote: »
    32daisies wrote: »
    Another: if I I see someone consistently logging "1 serving of chicken (3 oz)", I give it the side-eye. Did you *really* only eat 3 ounces of chicken, or did you just eat a chicken breast (which can be anywhere from 9 to 12 ounces) and call it one serving?

    (of course, if you're doing that and losing anyhow, eh, have at it, I guess.)

    I do this too! 3 oz of chicken is pretty much nothing. I've never had a chicken breast that was less than 7 oz. I always know those are the ones who don't have food scales and are just estimating!!

    Not necessarily true! ;) I do have a food scale, and I religiously weigh out EXACTLY 100 grams (slightly over 3 oz) of chicken at a time for my meals! But then again, I pretty much only eat chicken in sandwiches and (huge) salads--If I was eating it as dinner on a plate with just a veggie side, I'd probably eat double that or more. O.o

    That's super awesome, then. Go you! :)

    (I still think a lot of people just put in one serving, though. I know -- years ago I used to do it, too. Buying that food scale is a big eye-opener, isn't it?)

    It so is! I was really in denial about pita bread, of all things! O.o I logged a big ole pita as like 80 calories because I just couldn't believe that a flat piece of bread could be so many calories... And when I finally got a food scale and faced the facts... It was 300 calories! ;)
  • dougpconnell219
    dougpconnell219 Posts: 566 Member
    megsb1991 wrote: »
    I stand on the scales completely and utterly starkers. You never know, my clothing could be suppperrr heavy. I also once tried to tye my hair up to see if it made a difference....

    Also, for any friends or family who are non-MFP, when they ask how much I've lost, I say 1 extra pound than I actually have lost as inner-encouragment. Then when I actualy do lose it I can say 'Boom! See you could do it! That statement is now completely true' ;)

    Hell, I don't even like to wear my glasses on the scale. Of course, I can't read the display without them.
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    Talkradio wrote: »
    32daisies wrote: »
    Another: if I I see someone consistently logging "1 serving of chicken (3 oz)", I give it the side-eye. Did you *really* only eat 3 ounces of chicken, or did you just eat a chicken breast (which can be anywhere from 9 to 12 ounces) and call it one serving?

    (of course, if you're doing that and losing anyhow, eh, have at it, I guess.)

    I do this too! 3 oz of chicken is pretty much nothing. I've never had a chicken breast that was less than 7 oz. I always know those are the ones who don't have food scales and are just estimating!!

    Not necessarily true! ;) I do have a food scale, and I religiously weigh out EXACTLY 100 grams (slightly over 3 oz) of chicken at a time for my meals! But then again, I pretty much only eat chicken in sandwiches and (huge) salads--If I was eating it as dinner on a plate with just a veggie side, I'd probably eat double that or more. O.o

    Samesies. My diary probably looks like I guess all servings of sour cream, mayo, protein powder, etc, but I really weigh every single thing and I just like being super exact.

    Yup, same here. I HAVE to weigh my oats/peanut butter/whatever in 5 gram increments because I'm obsessive that way, and if something weighs 102 or 103, I'm rounding up to 105... So my food diary looks too exact to be for real sometimes! ;)
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    sssgilber wrote: »
    32daisies wrote: »
    megsb1991 wrote: »
    I stand on the scales completely and utterly starkers. You never know, my clothing could be suppperrr heavy. I also once tried to tye my hair up to see if it made a difference....

    Same here.. right out of bed, after using the bathroom, no clothes, before eating or drinking anything.

    Doesn't everybody? ;)

    I know I do. I mean, sheesh, even a half a pound of clothes is a half a pound I don't want to see added on there. ;)

    And take off your earrings and blow your nose.

    I realized last week that I was still wearing my wedding band and glasses when I weighed in, so now I put my contacts in first (they weigh less than my glasses) and take the ring off before getting on the scale.
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,246 Member
    sssgilber wrote: »
    32daisies wrote: »
    megsb1991 wrote: »
    I stand on the scales completely and utterly starkers. You never know, my clothing could be suppperrr heavy. I also once tried to tye my hair up to see if it made a difference....

    Same here.. right out of bed, after using the bathroom, no clothes, before eating or drinking anything.

    Doesn't everybody? ;)

    I know I do. I mean, sheesh, even a half a pound of clothes is a half a pound I don't want to see added on there. ;)

    And take off your earrings and blow your nose.

    . . . and your glasses!
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    JSurita2 wrote: »
    I never look at people's food diaries. I could care less what people eat. If it works for you, then have at it. I'd never judge someone for eating 12 donuts or 6 pies or whatever. I can drink a gallon of wine or a case of beer like nobody's business so no judging from me. :smile:

    I once had a MFP friend who commented every single day with suggestions on better food choices. I hated that. I had to delete her. I don't mind it once in a while if I'm eating 6 pies every single day or something, but c'mon! I was paying a dietitian at the time, I didn't need the extra "help".

    I never use a food scale. I always just guesstimate. I do own a food scale and have used it on occasion, just not regularly. I'm still consistently losing, so I'm not worried about it yet.
  • rschluet
    rschluet Posts: 3 Member
    I have a healthier understanding of money then I do calories. For this reason I see each calorie as some type of monetary value that can be used to "purchase" food items through out the day. In order to get the most "bang" out of my buck I check my foods to see if I am getting enough nutrition for the cost of the item just like I would if I was buying a new computer or something. Sometimes when I want to buy something frivolous (cookies!) I grab a side job of exercise to keep me from going into debt. It's become such a weird habit that I have taken to telling my husband "I don't have enough money for that" when he asks if I want to eat something.
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    JSurita2 wrote: »
    I never look at people's food diaries. I could care less what people eat. If it works for you, then have at it. I'd never judge someone for eating 12 donuts or 6 pies or whatever. I can drink a gallon of wine or a case of beer like nobody's business so no judging from me. :smile:

    I don't look, either. I also don't "Like" posts when people complete their day and are under their calorie goal. I'd have to actually take the time to make sure they weren't way under (because I don't want to support someone's VLC choice), and who's got time for that *kitten*?

    The only diary complete posts I "Like" are the ones where people exceeded their goal. I feel like I'm rewarding their integrity.
  • Talkradio
    Talkradio Posts: 388 Member
    Talkradio wrote: »
    32daisies wrote: »
    Another: if I I see someone consistently logging "1 serving of chicken (3 oz)", I give it the side-eye. Did you *really* only eat 3 ounces of chicken, or did you just eat a chicken breast (which can be anywhere from 9 to 12 ounces) and call it one serving?

    (of course, if you're doing that and losing anyhow, eh, have at it, I guess.)

    I do this too! 3 oz of chicken is pretty much nothing. I've never had a chicken breast that was less than 7 oz. I always know those are the ones who don't have food scales and are just estimating!!

    Not necessarily true! ;) I do have a food scale, and I religiously weigh out EXACTLY 100 grams (slightly over 3 oz) of chicken at a time for my meals! But then again, I pretty much only eat chicken in sandwiches and (huge) salads--If I was eating it as dinner on a plate with just a veggie side, I'd probably eat double that or more. O.o

    Samesies. My diary probably looks like I guess all servings of sour cream, mayo, protein powder, etc, but I really weigh every single thing and I just like being super exact.

    Yup, same here. I HAVE to weigh my oats/peanut butter/whatever in 5 gram increments because I'm obsessive that way, and if something weighs 102 or 103, I'm rounding up to 105... So my food diary looks too exact to be for real sometimes! ;)

    *sigh* I scraped an extra gram out of my avocado peel today, because 34g was just too frustrating to input.
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member

    Hell, I don't even like to wear my glasses on the scale. Of course, I can't read the display without them.[/quote]

    UUGGGHHH! And all this time I have been wearing my glasses :s
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    JSurita2 wrote: »
    I never look at people's food diaries. I could care less what people eat. If it works for you, then have at it. I'd never judge someone for eating 12 donuts or 6 pies or whatever. I can drink a gallon of wine or a case of beer like nobody's business so no judging from me. :smile:
