Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Thanks for the encouraging words with my son. I realized when I am at my wits end with him I put my foot down and get mean. I need to learn how to address things sooner. It is different when I was 18 I lived on my own renting a room in house in Shakopee MN (not city life) rode 2 buses to get to work and if I missed one the only way to get there was by cab. I understand I didn't have to answer to anyone or ask permission because I was on my own. But he is not financial or emotionally stable to be alone in the world right now, so we have to learn as adults how to get along in the same house sharing the same things. It is hard.
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    @bapcarrier Barb. could we all just join you for lunch? That is a gorgeous marina view.

    @Mnwalkingqueen sometimes these kids just want us to say "no". Once when my son wanted to do something and I was sort of waffling his comment was "it's okay to say no Mom" He just didn't want to be the one to tell his friend, but if it was mom....well

    @Kah Glad you finally got the car back. I hope the situation with your trainer smooths out quickly for you, just like the car.

    @Cblue You sound like you are getting a handle on things Lori. Good.

    @tlh0407 I love the 800 box cookie goal. It made me chuckle. Kids are the greatest. Reminds me of Amanda's son going to "finish this baby" We should all be as optimistic as these little ones.

    AFM: I keep plugging along. I am trying to be more active, but often it is not quantifiable, just mere movement, but hey that counts too. I even shoveled a bit of snow today. Just got home from a grocery run so the supplies are in house again for healthy meals; I even made tonight's salad at the salad bar at the grocery. I used to do that, but then sort of stopped, so I know there is another salad in my well as 10# of mushrooms. DH took a mid day break and we drove to the mushroom farm. Seems Niki got me craving them.

    OOPS, I wrote this on the fly so don't have may Feb goal stuff. I catch that next time.

    Make it a good one everyone.
    Thanks for being here.
    Barb (mountmary84)
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    edited February 2015
    Welcome to the new people. Hope you come back often and post when you can.

    Kelley- Glad you missed the ice/snow.

    Queen- I hope you and your son can figure out a solution to living under the same roof.

    Well, we had about 5 inches of snow so I spent the day shoveling and digging out the cars. Then proceeded to bake cookies and a pudding pie. Overall, it was a productive day. Due to the refreeze tonight, we have a 2 hr delay. Found out that pipes burst in the school over the long weekend, so I hope my classroom is free of water damage. Some classes have a lot of damage due to water. Tomorrow, we could get another quick clipper system that might drop some more snow. Of course it will come through during rush hour 5-8 pm. Not looking forward to driving home in it.

    Goal to figure what I am doing for LENT. Instead of giving something up, I tend to create a new hobby or do something that is beneficial for me.

    Time to get back to NCIS, yes I am addicted to that show.

    Have a great HUMP Day and rest of the week.

  • KizKiz607
    KizKiz607 Posts: 3 Member
    RobinsEgg wrote: »
    Hello Everyone!

    Welcome to our discussion. We are a great community - both men and women
    - and provide excellent support and motivation for your personal weight
    loss journey.

    This is not a group. This is an ongoing discussion of support and motivation and you can easily participate. There is no "joining" to do. Just post a comment! happy That's all it takes. Go to the last - most current page (600 and counting)and write a comment - whatever you feel like saying, and click the REPLY button. You will be welcomed by other people posting and hopefully you will return often. I try to send a welcoming message within a week of your first post.

    After posting, you can find your way back by checking your "COMMUNITY"
    tab, then on the "MY DISCUSSIONS" listing, and all the DISCUSSIONS you
    have posted to will show up. If you click on the STAR to the right of the
    DISCUSSIONS, that selects them as your favorites. Then you can click on
    the Titles of the DISCUSSIONS and doing that will return you to the most
    current posting on the DISCUSSIONS thread.

    GOALS and IDEAS for daily posts (Not mandatory)

    Monday - Check In (how are you doing? Had any successes or struggles this week-end?)

    Tuesday - Goals (do you have any Goals you want to update us?)

    Wednesday - Wishes (what do you wish? It can be weight related or not, can be realistic or not)

    Thursday - Truth (got anything you need to fess up to or get off your chest?)

    Friday - Fitness (what are you doing to get fit? How are you preparing for weekend eating?

    Saturday - Success (what have you accomplished; focus on the positive of the week, NSV=non scale victories)

    Sunday - Sharing (tell us a little about yourself....update your personal life)

    Welcome to each and every one of you as you start this journey - Robin
    Markin my place here for future reference. Feeling like crap at the moment though so I'm probably going to crash. If I'm up and about tomorrow and more pms need to be sent out, I'll be happy to help out.

  • IslandSneezerooo
    IslandSneezerooo Posts: 268 Member
    NK1112 wrote: »

    Rilla, I found your thead and read through it. Sounds like you've set up a good support network of your own, but do stop by here when you want/can and let us know how you are doing. Your thread has prompted me to do some research into this PCOS .... I do believe this is a relatively recent classification that has come in after I reached menopause ... however I recognized myself in the description of the condition. Learned something new.

    @NK1112 Thanks for the welcome. I can use all the support I can find. My thread isn't very active yet, hoping it picks up eventually, mostly it's me talking to myself. LOL

    Let us know what comes of the PCOS research... When I was first diagnosed, there wasn't very much help, but now they know there's insulin resistance associated with it. Some people have had great results with taking metformin for it. There's also quite a few PCOS groups if you are looking for more specific answers...
  • Rodax74
    Rodax74 Posts: 24 Member
    Hello fellow MFP's!
    Glad to be on-board for this journey!
  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    OK, gang, I've had my last fast food meal until Easter (at least), and I told my priest that I'm giving up fast food for Lent. Time to build new, healthy habits!

    MFP Goals February 15-21

    Diet Goals

    * No fast food 4/7 - x/7
    * Plan meals for this week, including Sissy Night -
    * Prep food for this week -

    Exercise Goals

    * Yoga every morning - 3/7
    * Cardio x 3 - 1/3
    * Strength training x 2 - 1/2

    Health Goals

    * Take meds daily - 2/7
    * Refill meds when needed -
    * Call optometrist about contacts Rx -

    Personal Goals

    * Miracle Morning daily - 3/7
    * Send one positive/inspirational/gratitude letter or email -
    * Declutter spare room - started

    Work Goals

    * File 8 magazine articles - 2/8
    * File 2 newspaper articles - x/2
    * Invoice magazines - DONE
    * Invoice newspaper - DONE
    * Watch video tutorial -
    * Spend 30 minutes 3x working on client website - x/3
    * Send 5 LOIs - x/5
    * Sub Tuesday morning - DONE
    * Sub Thursday morning -

    February All-In Goals

    * Login to MFP daily - 17/28
    * Track food daily - 17/28
    * Cardio workout x 12 - 7/12
    * Strength workout x 4 - 3/4

    Lent Commitment

    * No fast food - x/40
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Wednesday Wish: That I grow spiritually and shrink physically over the next 40 days! ;)

    @melifornia - Good luck with abstaining from fast food!

    @Rodax74 - Welcome!

    @kah68 - Glad you and your car are reunited! I'd rather walk outside, too. I don't want to walk outside here right now though, since it's still really cold. In a month or two, I'll be back on the streets.

    @Lives2Travel - I smiled at your comment about your husband being home because of the weather. I got that feeling when my husband was recently changed to day shift after working overnight shifts for the last 7 years. Now we're both home at night, and I was so used to having the house quiet and to myself after 8 pm. At first I was like, 'you don't belong here at night'. I'm sloooowly getting used to it, though.

    @kelmomto3 - Nerves do take a long time to heal, but it sounds like yours is starting to mend. Good luck with your Lenten journey, too.

    @BetterEmmahia - I'd like a couple dozen "swooshes" myself! :)

    @IrishChik - Welcome! Good goals. I'm always trying to stay on top of my water, too.

    @mnwalkingqueen - Good job walking at lunch and making more flavored water! Every good decision adds up!

    @Morgori - Interesting history of Mardi Gras. I also love the Helen Keller quote!

    @tlh0407 - My daughter has a small American Girl doll obsession, which we finally indulged this Christmas. We got her Kit. It was way more than I wanted to pay for a doll, but she is taking great care of her and really appreciates the gift. Also, I think budgeting for Kit was probably easier than selling 800 boxes of cookies in this winter weather! LOL Good luck to you guys!

    @cblue315 - Congratulations on the new smaller size jeans! You needed one of these victories right now. :)

    @RillaVanilla - Welcome! I love your mantra!

    @mountmary84 - 10 lbs of mushrooms?!?! Whoa! How do you eat/store that many mushrooms? I'm the only one who likes mushrooms at my house, and I always struggle to get the 1 lb package eaten before they get weird and yucky. I either cook them into a soup or other meal and risk my family not eating any of it, or putting them on my salads daily.

    @Lauriek70 - I try to fast, pray and give for Lent every year. So, we'll purge our closets and donate to the Salvation Army, I fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, skip meat on all the Fridays, and I'm getting up a little earlier to pray with a Lent reflection booklet each morning and I'm going to find a few minutes before bed each night to journal. Hope you find something fruitful for your Lent!

    @KizKiz607 - Welcome!

    AFM- Not much new to report, just getting started on Lent and hoping it's a good one. Last night, my 6 year old declared (as he devoured his paczki) that he would be giving up eating stuff with frosting. This morning, after listening to he and his sister fighting over who got which gummy vitamin shape, I gently suggested that they may want to consider working on being more generous and kind to each other! My suggestion was not met with the 'can-do' attitude I was hoping for. ;)

    Calorie Goal- 7/17
    Exercise Goal- 5/12
    Lift Goal:
    Leg Press-180/200
    Abs- 150/165
    Back- 150/165
    Triceps- 80/90
    Biceps- 80/90

    2015 Mantra: You Know Better! ~and~ Finish This Baby!

  • colleen40
    colleen40 Posts: 38 Member
    Wednesday Wish: that I had more self control when it comes to sticking to my healthy choices.

    The hardest part of being this weight and having the medical issues that go with it (diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, sleep apnea) is that I can honestly say this is self inflicted.

    Not intentionally, of course, but by not living intentionally. Paul says I do the things I ought not do and I don't do the things I ought to do.

    My desire is to go forward living intentionally. And yet my concern is that I struggle to exercise the self control needed to

    My achiements:
    Weight: 15/100 lbs
    Steps(5000pd): 3/7
    Calories: 4/7

    My motto: Live Love!

  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    @mountmary- You are so correct….My son has made that comment within the last month also. He says “If you don’t want me to use the car just say so, it is okay.” My issue is I am so busy with homework that I never go anywhere during the week, so it really doesn’t bother me that he takes the car it just bothers me he doesn’t put gas in it or stays out all night without letting me know. Plus if I need my car he is real good at making sure I have when needed. I love mushrooms but not sure how creative I could be to eat 10# of them good for you.
    @Lauriek- I hope the school isn’t damaged to bad and I hope that rapid clean up can be done along with class things being saved. Thanks we had a talk last night and he feels it is waste of time to tell me how he feels or what maybe bothering him. He said it is because I can’t comprehend past how I think it should be or how I have seen things happen in my life which bothers him alot. I told him I love him very much and never want him to hold back talking to me because I am here to guide him and make his life better than what I had or have given him. He says people he hangs out with take advantage of his niceness but he isn’t going to change being nice, so his frustrations are taken out on me. I tried to give some advice but it appeared to not be well received by his body language and demeanor. I know how he feels because I also feel people take my kindness for a weakness and have had to make some hard choices in friends because of how they treat me.
    @hansea- Your comment about the situation with your son and what he should give up made me chuckle. I was never raised in a religion where you gave up something. I think that would be very hard for me and as a kid I would have picked the easiest thing in the world to give up for that time frame.
    @Colleen- We all struggle with something but I think the biggest step is admitting to your struggle and finding ways to change it. Baby steps and yes we will all have set backs but in the end we will succeed.

    Looks like the east is getting hit with more snow again this week and weekend please be safe everyone.

    AFM- Wed wish is that I will be motivated to find ways to put this research of rebuilding self-esteem and confidence to work. I know baby steps right :p
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited February 2015
    @Melifornia~During Lent, Sunday’s don’t count. So, unless you want to abstain completely from fast food—you may allow yourself to have it on Sunday’s.

    @Hansea (Amanda)~As a child I remember my mom asking my sister and I during Lent to be nicer to each other. :lol:

    @Mountmary (Barbara)~Every little bit of movement counts! I've learned to really like mushrooms, but am not very adventurous outside of portabella's.

    @cblue315 (Lori)~Glad your counseling session went well and that you are now able to set some goals for the next few months.

    AFM~Well, first off I just discovered I have my shirt on inside out! Yep, this day is off to a glorious start! :astonished::lol: Lenten Service at church tonight, I usually give-up 2-3 things during Lent—this year its Starbucks and sweet treats. However, I have a social event with my church group on Saturday at a place called Chocolate Secrets—who schedules that kind of outing during Lent?! :wtf: Apparently we do! :lol: To make up for it, I won’t take Sunday “off” this week.

    Saw this quote in a newsletter I receive from The Mayo Clinic:

    "Focus on what you're adding to your life. Sometimes it can be more successful to focus on what you need to do, rather than what you're trying not to do."— Matthew Clark, Ph.D.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    edited February 2015
    Wednesday Wish: That the bows I need to make for tomorrow’s cakes turn out. I’ve never made this type of bow before but it seems easy….we’ll see.

    @Lori…congrats on the new size. It’s amazing what the weight lifting can do. :smiley:
    @Laurie…I never watched NCIS but I did start the New Orleans one this year. I really like Scott Bakula.
    @Melifornia…giving up fast food is a good one! Not one that I’m willing to do based on my family right now. I am Methodist and my church never did a “give up something for Lent” while I was growing up, but I’ve adopted it as an adult.
    @Hansea47…I love your wish!!! As far as the American Girl doll, I have a niece who has one and absolutely loves it. The issue I have is that Emma doesn’t actually play with dolls. Never has. But she has a dear friend that has one and she’s sure she’ll like to have this one. It was one thing to spend $20 on a doll that sits in a corner, but I'm not sure it's a great way to spend $100+ :wink: My husband says that if she can save the money she gets to decide but we’ll see…. He at least is in agreement that we won’t buy it for her.
    @Holly….what a wonderful discussion with your son! It won’t solve him taking things out on you (you are his safety net) but wow what insight!! I do remember being that age (even though it was so looonnnggg ago) and rebelling against the advice I received. Some things you just have to find out for yourself. As parents I think we can hope that what we’ve taught them will bug them from the dark depths of their brains and that the decisions they make, while some will be bad, will teach them a lesson and they can grow from it. And please note, I say all that as I only have a 13 year old with limited freedom so I cannot relate to an semi-adult son at this point. Ha!
    @Kelley…I agree with you Kelley, that seems to be scheduled during the wrong time of year.  I married a Catholic and almost every year it takes me by surprise with the meatless Friday. This year I am actually thinking about it and have fish planned for the evening meal.

    AFM…Stayed within calorie goal yesterday. Not great choices but within goal. I drank my water and I got to the gym. I couldn’t walk very fast as I didn’t stretch properly and had some pain behind my knee. Lesson learned and I will do a better job of getting warmed up first next time.

    Today there will be no gym…hair appointments at 4:30. And then church activities from 5-8:45. I think shower, read a few chapters in bed and then sleep shortly after that. Emma isn’t feeling well today and I don’t want to be so run down that I catch it. Hope you all have a glorious day!
  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    edited February 2015
    kah68 wrote: »
    @Melifornia~During Lent, Sunday’s don’t count. So, unless you want to abstain completely from fast food—you may allow yourself to have it on Sunday’s.

    Not sure I needed to know that! :smiley: Is that why Lent starts 46 days before Easter, but it's only 40 days long?

    Those talking about American Girl, did you know there's a knockoff called Journey Girl? Same size so they can wear the same clothes, seem to equivalent quality, but much less expensive. My Mom gives them to the nieces (her granddaughters) when they turn 3 or 4, and they love 'em. It's funny, they get to choose which one they want and a few years ago it was Laurel's turn to pick. She chose the black Journey Girl with the amazing curly black hair because, in Laurel's words, "She looks like me!" Laurel is fair-skinned with brown eyes and stick-straight blond hair. LOL! This is the niece who just turned 6, and she STILL thinks they look alike. Cracks me up!
  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    edited February 2015
    oops, double posted
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    melifornia wrote: »
    kah68 wrote: »
    @Melifornia~During Lent, Sunday’s don’t count. So, unless you want to abstain completely from fast food—you may allow yourself to have it on Sunday’s.

    Not sure I needed to know that! :smiley: Is that why Lent starts 46 days before Easter, but it's only 40 days long?

    Yes. Sunday's are the day of feast, fasting is forbidden (as is penance).

  • IslandSneezerooo
    IslandSneezerooo Posts: 268 Member
    Wednesday wishes... I wish the tree pruners would finish and give me back my usual quiet peaceful street... I wish to continue to lose an average of 2 lbs a week so I'm at goal by my 40th birthday in a year and 3 months... I wish to make some nice friends here on this thread and not feel like I'm a stranger here... Hugs to all!!

  • Rodax74
    Rodax74 Posts: 24 Member
    Hello RillaVanilla! Stay focused!
    Wednesday wishes... I wish the tree pruners would finish and give me back my usual quiet peaceful street... I wish to continue to lose an average of 2 lbs a week so I'm at goal by my 40th birthday in a year and 3 months... I wish to make some nice friends here on this thread and not feel like I'm a stranger here... Hugs to all!!

  • IslandSneezerooo
    IslandSneezerooo Posts: 268 Member
    Rodax74 wrote: »
    Hello RillaVanilla! Stay focused!

  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    @RillaVanilla Everyone is welcome here. Come back every day, and post often. You'll feel at home here in no time.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • texasmom2013
    texasmom2013 Posts: 64 Member
    @tlh0407‌- If I could buy it I would, but it's not financially possible for me at this time.