So you want a nice stomach



  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    SUCCESS STORY: I lost 24 inches off my waist with the 'Neverending Slimming Belt'

    Oh, no, wait.......I followed the advice in this post and lost 3 inches off my waist! Thanks OP!!

    @jonsmithkidd hahaha glad this advice worked well for you! Not as easy as a slimming belt, but at least it works ;)
  • chezzabelle82
    chezzabelle82 Posts: 302 Member
    edited February 2015
    usmcmp wrote: »
    According to the web my tdee is 1,762 so when I take away 20% it's 1,409 have I done this right?? Just a bit worried as it's high cals a day than mfp suggests :\

    @chezzabelle82 With this method you don't add exercise calories because they are already included. That's the difference in the two methods. MFP may suggest 1,200, but they are counting on you eating back your exercise calories. 1,762 would be what you maintain weight at, so you will lose weight eating 1,400.

    Ok cool, I won't back exercise cals then :# thank you :)
  • Is stronglifts 5x5 a good program to do while eating in a deficit to lose fat? I know full-body compound lifts are supposed to be more bang for your buck than isolation exercises. If i eat at tdee minus 20%, and lift 5x5 3x week followed by 20 min low intensity cardio ( incline walking), and 2x week HIIT cardio (on/off sprints) and then the 6th day being juts some low intensity cardio for 30-60 mins ( mostly just to stay active, nothing too crazy). I would take the 7th day off as a rest day. This is my new revised plan after doing more research, how does this sound? Also, i am about 27% bf and want to lose about 20 pounds, should i be aiming to lose .5 lb or 1lb a week?
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    Is stronglifts 5x5 a good program to do while eating in a deficit to lose fat? I know full-body compound lifts are supposed to be more bang for your buck than isolation exercises. If i eat at tdee minus 20%, and lift 5x5 3x week followed by 20 min low intensity cardio ( incline walking), and 2x week HIIT cardio (on/off sprints) and then the 6th day being juts some low intensity cardio for 30-60 mins ( mostly just to stay active, nothing too crazy). I would take the 7th day off as a rest day. This is my new revised plan after doing more research, how does this sound? Also, i am about 27% bf and want to lose about 20 pounds, should i be aiming to lose .5 lb or 1lb a week?

    @emilysplate Stronglifts 5x5 is a great program for most people in a deficit or surplus. Give it a few months and see how you enjoy it.

    You don't really need all the cardio (more specifically you don't need the post lifting cardio) unless you really want to do it. You may find as the 5x5 program progresses that you won't have the energy left to do any sort of cardio (even lose intensity) after you lift.

    You aren't really aiming for .5 lb or 1lb per week for weight loss. The TDEE-20% method is setting your deficit. Most people lose somewhere between .5 and 1 pound per week on this method. It's really just a way to ensure you are fueling your body adequately to lose mostly fat instead of worrying about exactly how many pounds you are losing.
  • LillyLemekoans
    LillyLemekoans Posts: 1 Member
    Thanks. Most encouraging
  • _Prabh_Sandhu
    _Prabh_Sandhu Posts: 18 Member
    I am a 48 year old guy who is battling the bulge, I would love to have a flat abdomen, so that I can flaunt it. I am willing to work really hard to get it. I would love it if you could give me some tips to move in that direction...
  • athenamarybrown
    athenamarybrown Posts: 2 Member
    @sandhu_3007‌ exercise more than your calorie intake. Cardio workouts are best for this. Drink lots of water. You can't spot lose so it's going to require an all over body work out. Weights help tone and begin to use your core muscle the heavier the weight. Good luck, I hope this helps.
  • I'm only 20 since I started gym in 6 months I lost 14kg more to come love fitness and eating clean.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    I am a 48 year old guy who is battling the bulge, I would love to have a flat abdomen, so that I can flaunt it. I am willing to work really hard to get it. I would love it if you could give me some tips to move in that direction...
    @sandhu_3007‌ exercise more than your calorie intake. Cardio workouts are best for this. Drink lots of water. You can't spot lose so it's going to require an all over body work out. Weights help tone and begin to use your core muscle the heavier the weight. Good luck, I hope this helps.

    Sandhu, go back and read my post. It's on page one at the very top. Follow those directions.

    @athenamarybrown You don't need to exercise more than you eat. You need to figure out the amount of calories your body needs during a 24 hour period (because you burn calories just staying alive) and eat below that. Cardio isn't even necessary for weight loss. Weights help, but it's not necessarily for tone it's for lean mass retention (because your body uses lean mass when you diet and do cardio).
  • slcker89
    slcker89 Posts: 1
    edited February 2015
    I am 25(recently ;) ), weighing 240lbs, and have joined gym a month back n I have lost 19lbs so feels good..I can already feel the change :D..just need help to know how can I manage to keep the same momentum going up :|
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    I am a 48 year old guy who is battling the bulge, I would love to have a flat abdomen, so that I can flaunt it. I am willing to work really hard to get it. I would love it if you could give me some tips to move in that direction...

    Hiya read through the whole 37 pages, there are plenty of tips! ;)
  • Hi really need to lose weight on my belly?? Need some advice how to get it flat x
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    kayleydd85 wrote: »
    Hi really need to lose weight on my belly?? Need some advice how to get it flat x

    @Kayleydd85 Go back and read the first post on the first page of this thread. Then if you really want you can read all the comments on the other 36 pages. There's some good advice in there. If I was to just give you advice I would copy and paste the first post.
  • I really need someone to go through alternatives with me!!
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    murphy107 wrote: »
    I really need someone to go through alternatives with me!!

    @murphy107 What alternatives? You have to eat below your TDEE and do what you can to preserve your lean mass. Having a lean stomach comes down to low body fat and adequate lean mass. How you do that is up to you, but what I outlined is highly effective.
  • ilirlena40
    ilirlena40 Posts: 9 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    ilirlena40 wrote: »
    I have 2 questions so read carefully OK

    1. Will I build muscle if I workout but NOT get enough protein?
    2. Will I lose muscle if stop working out but GET enough protein?


    @ilirlena40 I always read carefully.

    Are you trying to get by with absolute minimums? Why do your questions seem like you are trying to pick the lesser of two evils (either eat enough protein or do strength training).

    I've read your other posts in my threads and a few others. You aren't interested in resistance training and you don't really care about your macros. That's fine for weight loss. You need both adequate protein and resistance training for optimal muscle retention to make sure you are losing mostly fat. If you skip one or the other it will have an impact. If you want to build lean mass you need adequate protein. If you want to keep your muscle you need resistance training. It's not a matter of choosing which one is more important because they both are.

  • tellyportation
    tellyportation Posts: 12 Member
    What exercises benefit tummy, gluts and thighs? I do walking but I'm not sure it concentrates on those 3 problem areas. Any thoughts? Thanks everyone!
  • AwsBrah
    AwsBrah Posts: 5 Member
    Squats? Otherwise just use jefit app (or site to get ideas for specific muscle groups.
  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member
    Do people honestly post to this thread without even reading the first post? I'm baffled sometimes....and pretty humbled by how usmcmp keeps her cool.

    Also, can someone tell me how to spot reduce my tummy and thighs and tone all over. I don't want to get huge like a gross she-hulk. Also, I'm on the bacon-and-cauliflower diet because everyone knows that's the only thing that works. Will taking a double dose of raspberry ketones give me abs? :D
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    What exercises benefit tummy, gluts and thighs? I do walking but I'm not sure it concentrates on those 3 problem areas. Any thoughts? Thanks everyone!

    @tellyportation Instead of trying to find a couple of moves that might help your trouble zones it's a good idea to find a strength training program that has a variety of exercises for the entire body. has some good ones.