200+ Summer Meltdown!



  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Well done to all who stuck to thread and Kerry - share some of your secret - pleeeeeeeeease.

    Kristina - thank you for doing chart and creating new thread - I must get out of the dark ages!!!! Very exciting re going on a date - as with Victoria I think I may do a bit of vicarious living.......

    Kendal: You so make me smile - hope this six weeks sees some movement for you.

    Lacey - good luck with P90X. How are your shins?

    Amy - hope you feeling better soon. Very exciting about creating a herb garden - enjoy.

    Victoria - boo to badly behaved machinery!!

    Karen - hurrah on the house news.............

    Goals for last time - Add picture - check; Talk to bods on thread - improving but all new ladies - welcome and be patient with me - am working on keeping up with the speed this thread moves; 3x exercise each week - check (very excited) More good days than bad - debatable but curently on 4/7good 1/7 bad.....Healthy food goals - mixture but improving AND I lost 4lbs - very, very excited about this. Thank you all xxx

    Goals for next six weeks:
    Log - on daily basis - good vs bad day tally.
    'Win' the string challenge.....
    Create a tummy toning routine and implement.
    Improve responding on thread......
    Scared to add a weight goal - so not going to commit however, I would love to weigh 180, we'll see, not a goal, no need to sabotage, not a goal, no need to sabotage, not a goal.............
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Kristina, how is the Insanity program? Just curious since I see a lot of talk about it around here. I'm basically working out 4 times a week (trying to), weights and cardio two days a week, and just cardio the other two days.

    Doing weights seems to make the extra lbs. come off slower, but I can see it in the clothes.
  • texastae1010
    texastae1010 Posts: 165
    Ok going to do this again half my post got eaten lol and I have no idea how to edit on here I have looked lol

    Ok lol apparently I felt like I didn’t need to do this part earlier not really knew I wanted to be a part of this but wanted to think about my goals
    Ok I used to weigh about 320+ I knew I was heavier but umm that was the last time I got on the scale…I have lost over 110+lbs already (well let’s be honest I have probably lost hundreds of pounds as well have the same 5-10lbs over and over) I had gotten down to 180 and now bounced back up to 215ish area how I don’t know well I do know I moved, got married, no longer work, and the same umpfh to get it all off seemed to run away…oddly would think I have all this free time I could be doing nothing else but thinking of me but nope for some reason not happening lol…so I am taking that back and giving it my all in the next six 6 weeks we go home early July so even more motivation

    My CW is 213.6. Goal is to be around 199.
    -To track all my food and not to let the weekends get away from me not sure why but those seem to be the times where everything gets tossed to the side probably because my husband is home and he is a snacker and fit not fair lol
    -I am doing Turbo Fire also adding in the Chalean Extreme as I the cardio but I need to pump some iron lol
    -In 6 weeks:
    I want to have lost about 15lbs maybe even more at my weight it might pour off quickly who knows
    I want to have completed 6 weeks of Turbo Fire and CLX and to have taken my 30-day pics and measurements and see a difference
    To only have one “cheat” meal or snack a week and not to let it take over an entire day or weekend or week lol
    To have finished reading “Shrink Yourself Break Free From Emotional Eating” I am not a big self-help book fan but I think this book is speaking to me as it hits nerves to read it and I have to set it down and process the information
    Oh and my name is Tae Hi all
  • ErinLouiseBellamy
    ErinLouiseBellamy Posts: 18 Member
    hey everyone! Karen kindly directed me here and i have to say im so up for the challenge. i have four weeks until i head to america to be a camp counsellor, so getting weight off before then is extremely important, and the last two weeks of the challenge will be...well..a challenge,, to see how well i can cope in america eating camp food and exercising!

    Ive been on a diet for as long as i can remember, and before that i overate. Ive been down all the bad routes and ended in some pretty silly situations which have made my relationship with food very difficult. However, im at a point in my life where its coming off whether it likes it or not.

    Im not sure about goals for the challenge as im not used to sticking to low calories and working out, but i started couch to 5k today.
    So for the challenge i hope to be down say 10lb, so 196 to 186, and to have stuck to the c25k and be walking everyday. Not much to ask! ha! :)

    hello to everyone and good luck! im very excited to motivate and be motivated :) we can do it :)
  • osucristina
    osucristina Posts: 197
    Ok more about me:
    My name is Cristina. My starting weight for the challenge is ::jumps on scale:: 159.8.
    I'd like to drop 15 pounds by at least the end of summer.
    I'd like to lower my body fat percentage and get in the low but healthy range of my BMI.
    I'd also like to go back to exercising regularly. Like the air I breathe regularly.
    I'd like to despise the taste of pizza. And queso. (haha)
    I'd also like to remember to check back in this thread for updates!!
  • serendipityrr
    serendipityrr Posts: 109 Member
    Hi everyone!
    My name is Renee and I'll be back with my goals later...

    SW = 215.2
    CW = (as of last saturday) - 209.6
    I guess we'll have a new starting weight this weekend, or will I use last weekend's weight??

    Anyway, I will post again later!!
  • hkallembach
    hkallembach Posts: 485
    Bump! I am in such a better mood this challenge! Family life is all sorted out. I am at work right now (teaching swimming lessons to little children and MFP don't mix well) therefore I'll write my goals up tonight!

    Kristina: I've lost weight since the end of our last challenge...what my starting weight be what I post this weekend or my previous weight from the end of last challenge? I am a bit confused! :)

    Amy: Hahahaha, I LOVE how you put we always welcome new blood! Btw, adorable picture!!!!!!

    P.S. Sorry for spelling errors--stupid droid x. :)
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hailie- I'm taking the last weigh in you did for the last challenge of 259 as your starting one for this one. Yes, it's been a few days probably since you weighed in, but as this week's weigh in starts in just a few days, it averages out.

    Nava- I like INSANITY. I was trying to do it and train for a half-marathon at the same time, which I was actually keeping up with for about 3 weeks until I went on a couple of trips and fell off the wagon with it. As my mileage running is pretty high at the moment, it's not practical for me, so I'm restarting from the beginning of the program once my half is over. It's a major sweat-inducing workout. It's mostly cardio. You do get some strength movement from some core stuff, but it's primarily cardio and a lot of jumping, so if you have bad knees, it might not be the best. It's pretty intense, but just in the few weeks I was doing it, my clothes were getting looser.

    So back to logging tomorrow morning for me. I only ran about 2 miles on Monday, as I was running with Emma and she was getting pretty hot. Running tomorrow 8 miles. I have mixed feelings about this. I need to do a longer run, as I've been out of it, but I'm running with a group again, and I hope it doesn't turn into a Pittsburgh run again, where, if you all remember, I was begged into running with my 2 co-workers and they proceeded to leave me in the dust. If it was just with one, it isn't bad, cause she's a bit faster than me, but it pushes me. We're running with my co-worker's "man-friend", as she calls him, and he's faster than both of us, so it could be, once again, I get left in the dust, wishing I brought my headphones. I talked to my friend about this, and she's like No! Of course we'll go as slow as you need. I'm unconvinced.

    This weekend's long run is 12 miles. As I missed last week's 10 miler, the longest run I've done for this training session has been 8, so that's quite a jump. I might do 11. We'll see. Parents come on Friday for a long weekend. Yay!
  • suzieqdiva
    suzieqdiva Posts: 183 Member
    Congrats to to all.. Great losses:flowerforyou:

    Welcome to Onderland Amy, Noelle & Kerry:drinker: So excited for you!!!!

    Karen - you are a weight loss zombie:) Yay for the great loss.

    Welcome to the newcomers.. the gals are incredible & you will really like being here. :flowerforyou:

    And OMG the thread is already moving sooo fast:)

    I am still on my crazy work, evening & weekend seminar bit & am getting to being a bit irritable. I think it has to do with not getting enough veggies & fruits in.. so I do not eat.. I do make healthier choices, but am not satisfied so am starting to get cranky & am scared that I will just start eating junk:sad: Also not getting enough exercise is starting to annoy me:noway:

    It is rather interesting to notice now.. how the healthy eating with water intake & exercise actually helps you regulate your body, energy & moods so much.

    I love you all soo much & THANK you for being you:)

    My Goals:

    - diligent food tracking
    - exercise 3+ times a week, also add in a few zumba/Jazzercise classes in there
    - eat as many fruits & veggies I can
    - Increase my water intake
    - coming here as much as I can
    - weight loss of 1.5 lb/week - shoot for 170 lbs goal:)

    :heart: Suzie
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Gracie has pneumonia in one of her lungs and a mild ear infection in her right ear. No wonder she's been so miserable this past week. Poor kid. We will keep her home the rest of the week if we can and hope that the amoxacillin does the trick. The bad thing is that strong medicine totally screws up her flora and fauna which leads sometimes to worse ear infection in her ears and upset stomach for weeks on end, so I will be stopping at Whole Foods in Portland this weekend to pick up some digestive enzymes and acidophilus pills for her to make sure the rest of her body stays heatlhy.

    It looks to be another long night tonight. I hate losing sleep. I really do. I become one cranky *kitten* when I don't sleep well. Like instantly.

    Tonight I think I will try to remember to do some stretching a couple times and maybe get a walk in? But the main thing, my hands anf feet are a freaking MESS. So I am going to give myself a manicure and pedicure and Gracie too I bet...and paint my toes so I can wear a dress to the baby shower this weekend.

    I had a BAD lunch. And I'm still very full so no dinner tonight. Which is okay.

    I was reading through one of the P90X threads and people were talking about eating 2400 calories and eating like 200 grams per day of protein!! How do you eat that much protein?? I get why you need to eat quite a bit doing the program, muscle confusion, etc. need lots of protein to repair muscles and all..but WOW. Wow. I see nuts in my future. Lots of nuts. He he.:bigsmile:
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    AAAAH!!! New challenge! And its my first time getting on here and its freaking almost 6:30 tonight! And I'm still at work!

    Pardon the massive amount of exclamations. That's the way this week is going. Must be summertime, work got busy. Like hella busy. I actually googled office yoga today just because I needed something to help keep my stress level down. Good stuff.

    WELCOME NEWBIES! This is my 3rd challenge with these beautiful women, and let me say, you have picked an amazing thread to be a part of. I come on here every day because I love these girls and love hearing about them. Not just about their weight loss, about them. We talk about everything.

    Did I really lose 15 pounds last challenge (smiles sheepishly)?! Fancy. Seriously would not have done it without you guys. And no secrets here. I just logged my calories. And worked out. Every. Single. Day. Seriously, I didn't take a day off of either things last challenge.

    Kristina, I agree with Karen, you got the worst of the dates out of the way. I think unless it was a complete trainwreck (I'm talking flossing with a piece of your hair kind of trainwreck), you gotta give a second date a chance. It takes a while for sparks to fly. Those of us who met our men at work didn't say hi and then go on a date... we visited at work a bunch first to test the waters.

    Victoria, the only way to fix a funky fax machine has already been mentioned by Lacey. Office space. Baseball bat. I'm glad to know I'm not the only person left out there who uses a fax machine on a daily basis though. It is also my nemesis.

    Amy, I want to be like you! You are funny, and supportive, and and unbelievably strong woman. Yup, you rock.

    I know there's a billion other people to respond to, and I'm sorry, I have read everything, I'm up to date. Hopefully I'll get some time to devote here soon.

    I haven't really thought too much about my goals for this challenge... ... ... ... ok:
    1- Finish P90X. In exactly 90 days. If I'm going to be out of town, I gotta double on a workouts to compensate.
    2- Never stop logging. And be at my calorie goal 6/7 days every week.
    3- Weight? Lets say I want to see a 18-something on that nasty scale. What I'd really love is to fit into a 12.
    4- Continue to get on this thread, but start to do it on weekends too!

    Speaking of pant sizes, I have recently developed a minor obsession with what pant size is my goal. The more I read, the more I think I shouldn't be working toward a "goal weight" since I am trying to hard to build muscle, and I'm tall,and my bones are ginormous (no seriously, I had an orthopedic surgeon tell he couldn't see what he wanted in an xray because my bones are too big). So I'm thinking I need a goal pant size. But I have no idea. I'm 5'9". Do I want to be a 10? An 8? A 6? I know that Chris very much likes the current size of my behind, so I don't want to get too small, I just want to be healthy.

    I guess I'm just a work in progress.
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Lacey, I am so sorry to hear that G has pneumonia! Terrible! :flowerforyou: I hope you can get some rest tonight and that she feels better soon! Good luck! Are you going to try to follow the P90X nutrition plan? I'm not, but I'd be curious if you do to get feedback on it. I'm definitely not eating that much... I just track my calories burned with my HRM and then use MFP for the rest. And I am totally building muscle. I'm happy when I get to 100g of protein in a day!

    Suzie, you are seriously the sweetest woman ever. And I agree that what you eat and what you drink makes a massive difference in how you feel. Its awesome.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I'm pretty sure I am just going to stick with what my BMF tells me I should be eating for my weight, etc. and then just try to boost my protein intake. Some weeks I do great and get around 150, other weeks I'm lucky if its 75 per day. I'm SO glad summer is coming soon and all the fresk veggies will be available at the farmers market, because at this rate I won't get to grow a garden this year. BOO...I love growing a garden.

    I'm either going to drink a warm snifter of Grande Marnier or a glass of wine before bed tonight. I can't do two nights of that. I would be a raging lunatic by 2am if I have to do it again.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Lacey: Poor Gracie! I hope she's feeling better soon :(.

    I'm setting some pretty ambitious goals for this 6-week challenge:
    - Work out at least 5 days a week for at least 35 minutes per workout
    - Start using weights in addition to (or instead of) my resistance band
    - Get down to 206 lbs (-12 from current) - I just upped my calorie deficit so we'll see how that goes
    - Get in to the size 14 pants and size L shirts I bought
    - Keep drinking 2.5-3 L of water per day
    - Drop my sodium to 1500mg/day or less
    - Cut my sugar intake - I just fiddled with my macronutrient ratios so I want to see how that works for me

    In other news I couldn't stop grazing on random leftover Easter candy at work today. I just guesstimated how much I had when logging it. I'm looking forward to it being gone, although I think I need to start bringing an afternoon snack because once 3:30 PM hits I can't stay away from the candy and I think I'm just HUNGRY (since I eat my lunch at noon).
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    checking in :-)
  • hkallembach
    hkallembach Posts: 485
    My Goals:

    1.) Drink 8 glasses of water each day--no matter what

    2.) I'll be outside 3x's/week for at least 30 minutes

    3.) Use the StarTrac @ 5.0 mph to run a mile less than 14 minutes (doesn't have to be constantly at 5.0 mph the entire mile)

    4.) Be in the low's 250's (the "skinny jeans" of this goal--hahha, my way of saying "cherry on top"--would be in the 240's)

    5.) Using my P.T. workouts by myself at least once/week

    6.) Continue reading these posts daily

    7.) Post at least twice/week

    8.) Stay positive

    9.) Stop being negative--the glass is always half full

    10.) Feel confident at prom and during my senior pictures

    Geesh,. ten goals makes me feel like I should write a book!

    AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PROM IS THIS WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M A BIT EXCITEDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bigsmile:

    p.s. I know the challenges are six weeks but when will this challenge end? I tried counting it out and for some reason I got around July....which has to be wrong. Ha, so please help someone tell me por favor? :)

    Kristina: Thanks! That does make sense!
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    :yawn: too tired to post tonight.i will catch up and set goals tomorrow:heart::yawn:
  • kingfisher16
    kingfisher16 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I would love to join this group.
    My SW was 255 (5/2)
    My CW is 251
    My Goals are:
    >>carefully and consistetly track my food
    >>accurately track my excercise
    >>make every workout session count (really work hard)
    >>fit into the lovely clothes hanging in my closet again :smile:
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Duude! I go to sleep and you all get chatty!! It's awesome! Here's my check-in from Tuesday: 2676 calories burned/ 2088 calories eaten/ 588 calorie deficit. (For those of you who are new, I wear a Body Media Fit Armband so my calorie burn is for everything I do all day long, not just exercise)

    kingfisher: Welcome! I love your goal of making every workout session really count!

    Amber: Hiya!

    Hailie: I think that staying positive is an excellent goal! I tend to be kind of doom-and-gloom myself so I'm gonna take a page out of your book and be positive!

    Kendal: Howdy!

    Sarah: Great goals this challenge!!!

    Lacey: I don't see how anyone eats 200 grams of protein a day. I make a point to shoot for 100-120. It was tough, at first, to get that much as I'm vegetarian but now I pretty consistently hit my target. I eat tons of cheese (I KNOW u like cheese), yogurt, nuts and beans. I didn't follow the P90X eating plan when I was doing it, it just seemed like too much thinking for me. Congrats on ordering P90X. I'm so sorry that Gracie is sick.

    Kerry: I love you! You are one of the awesomest cheerleaders out there and I love reading your posts because they are so upbeat and happy! I think a clothing size goal is a good goal to have. I lived most of my adult life between a size 6 and 8 so that's my ultimate goal but I'd be happy to fit into a 12 right about now. I'm tall too (I'm 5 ft 8 and a half)- yay for tallness!

    Suzie: The connection between good food and exercise and your mood and health is undeniable!

    Kristina: Maybe you should bring your ipod with you on the run in case you get left in the dust. I HATE, HATE, HATE running without music.

    Welcome to Renee and Cristina

    Bells: Welcome to the group. Where are you from?

    Tae: Welcome and congratulations on your weight loss! That's awesome!

    Nava: I am 2 weeks from ending my second round of Insanity. It is a great fat-burning workout. My weight hasn't changed a lot in the past 6 weeks but I have dropped a pants size.

    Annette: I am also a self-sabotager. Maybe we can help each other NOT do that.

    psychohope: Good to see you here for the new challenge!

    Karen: I am sooooo glad the floods are receding for you.

    Victoria: I hate fax machines. They are always quirky and temperamental. I agree that "Office Space" is the only way to deal with them.

    Well, it's looking like it will be another nice day here. It's supposed to start raining but it looks like I'll get a run in this morning before that happens. I haven't run all week due to the fibro flare-up and, while I'm not at 100%, I am feeling better. I'm hoping I can really "Bring It" for my Insanity workout later! I have decided that I'm gonna make The Hubbs give me the Air Force PT test (consists of a mile & a half run, push-ups, sit-ups, and a waist measurement). My new goal is to first pass and then max the PT test. I haven't taken the PT test is YEARS (I got out of the Air Force in 2003) but I'd be pretty happy with myself if I could pass the test. Anyhow, have a great day my lovelies!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Amy - I really like the new profile pic!!!

    Sarah - try a protien snack (string cheese, nuts, etc). Protien is supposed to keep off that hungry feeling.

    Kristina - my longest run before my last half was 10 miles. The last 3 are purely mental miles and I know you can do it. Dont injure yourself in training. Maybe try 10 this week and 11 next weekend.

    I'm on the iPhone so it's hard to respond to everyone. Check-on for Tues 2302 burned (I wear BudyBugg so cal burn is for 24 hours). 2672 consumed. Exercise 30 min low impact aerobics.

    I'm super proud that I managed to lose in the last challenge. It's much better than my gains in the last 3 challenges. Goals for the next challenge:

    1) cont with daily reporting of cals burned, cals consumed, and exercise.

    2) lose 3 pounds.

    3) get my tush in gear and resume running 3x/wk!!! One of the times needs to be hill/trail training...

    4) average an hour of activity a day - exercise, yard work, etc...

    5) keep my average daily calorie burn at >2500!!!
This discussion has been closed.