

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hi, ladies, just have to say the jokes have been better than ever lately! You are outdoing yourselves; lots of good chuckles!!! Sunny but very cold, high was 21 with w/c of 4. May never go out again. Planning to make a big pot of veg. soup for dinner. Have spent most of day on phone with a variety of cousins, a friend, and a neighbor who also visited to meet Gemma. She came bearing dog treats and became fast friends with her. This is the person who has the cat and the husky I occ. watch.

    Toni.........I'm really pretty sure I should not be here when I think of some of the totally stupid dangerous things I did. Must have had an angel.

    cutec.........I agree that a good amt. of protein can make a difference in hunger levels.

    Cynthia.........Crawling in your cave with you to deliver ((((Hugs)))).....so sorry the news was not better.

    Selena........So happy you could unite that poor doggy with his long lost owner!!! Wonderful happy ending!!! What a cute dog!

    Heather.......Congrats on the pound gone!! Also the organizing.

    Beth.......Sorry for both son news and the work problem. Katla is right; it is bullying. (((Hugs)))

    Katla........Hoping your dog improves and this is the end of his problem.

    Got to get cooking!!!
    Hi to everyone else!
    mid-Atlantic............cold, cold, cold!!!!!!!!

  • Socialwacker
    Socialwacker Posts: 30 Member
    Selena I am thrilled with your happy ending. Once again "NEVER give up" works in so many situations!

    Heather-congrats on the pound loss! It is a great feeling to loose even on vacation isn't it?

    Just in from a great hour of snow shoeing! One great thing about winters in Canada!
    Have a good evening everyone!
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Katla: yes, I think (it's been several years) mine got an injection for the same reason, and then additional oral antibiotics "to make sure". Sounds like your pup is going to be just fine.
    Selena: what a happy ending!

    Thanks for the hugs, everybody. (Keep 'em coming! :) )The whole situation is just sinking in and I had a bad day. But my anger got me far enough to tell one of the groups I work for what was going on (they knew nothing), and they're going to demand an explanation. If nothing else at least people will be called on it and won't be able to hide in secrecy.

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Hello, everyone!

    So glad Bruiser got reunited with his family! That's a lovely story.

    Beth - I'm feeling you on the work stress. I have a church member who wants to funnel money through the church to take a tax deduction where none is due. It is illegal (against IRS regulations) and the church could lose its tax exempt status as a result if it is done. Because I was given the task of responding to him and telling him "no", I am getting a lot of heat. I know it is his problem and not mine, but there is one guy involved who wants to be sure I am "kept in my place" which makes me just furious! It's his fault that he (an attorney) approved something illegal and doesn't like it that I (a lowly church employee) am the one who brought it to his attention. Somehow, I thought it was my job to know the regulations and keep the church in compliance since I am in charge of the finances--I sure am the one they come to if they have a question. :astonished: Luckily, the pastor is very glad that I knew it was illegal and is pleased that I have acted in the church's best interest. I truly do need a new job! I think I may need an extra Xanax tonight. It's a good thing I can't drink!

    I have been stress eating again. I'm having a really hard time getting control of my emotions and my reactions to them. I know that when my meds get to the appropriate levels again, I will do better. In the meantime, I indulge in self-flagellation which just makes me feel worse. I think it is a good thing that I have an appointment with my therapist tomorrow. I feel like an utter failure at life.

    In other news, y'all might get a kick out of this. I have been talking about how I'm not really interested in dating, yada yada yada. Well, on a dare/whim, I had signed up for the AARP dating site several months ago and now I'm suddenly being inundated with guys remarking on my profile and sending me messages! Yikes!! I guess karma is having a laugh at me...

    Well, it is a blistering 19 degrees here with wind chills at 4 degrees. It is supposed to be -1 tonight (umm, excuse me, Mother Nature, I live in the SOUTH!) with wind chills at -10. I'm so glad I am in my new place that has an up-to-date heating system! Just hoping my poor old car will hold out...

    I have been instructed to leave work so that I am home before dark so I will be heading out shortly. Hope everyone else is having a great day!


    Including my ticker to prove to myself that I'm not a TOTAL failure--even though it should say 29 lbs to go. :pensive:

    Carol in NC
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Friday and time is healing me.
    Said good morning to Mildred's grave this morning. Will buy a nice flowering bush and daffodils for her grave.
    It helped to walk around my 400M circuit yesterday and talk as if she was with me
    I need to start my morning walks and weights again tomorrow.
    Stan replaced the fly wire in dining room door and cleaned the glass doors, he took down the fence from the vegie patch and mowed the lawns.
    I ironed everything in sight, clothes and bed linen and remade the double bed in the spare room.
    Today I need to update my spreadsheets, print them and start new ones for next week for Tom's LYB.
    I shall grieve awhile but need to train again, thank you for being here as I rambled

    Lesley in Tasmania
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    School closed again,bitter cold.Daughter went to surgeon,having gall bladder surgery next month.Still not feeling 100%.
    hugs jane
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Carol............no,no,no!!! Stop beating yourself up right now. YOU are doing the right thing; don't let the good ole boys club get you down!!! You are in the right and you know it. Steady and assertive. Calm, even if you have to fake it with them. Your job is something you know well and are great at and the pastor is with you on ths. Deep breaths; we all have your back. (((((Hugs)))))))) and peace to you.

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,071 Member
    Selena your story made my day! Meant to be!

    Carol I agree with yanniejannie. I am proud of you for doing the right thing. They are bullying you in hopes to get away with it because it is to their benefit. Know it is not easy to take that abuse from them.
    There is a reason I picked Strength as my 2015 word. It helps me to stay strong in those times I need it.
    They are the ones who should be ashamed of themselves and berating themselves for what they did. NOT YOU!

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,961 Member
    :D I just read a great blog post from "Gratitude and Trust" about the difference between desire and devotion. Desiring something is very different from having the devotion to carry through with the necessary discipline to reach a goal.

    :D Selena, I am thrilled to hear the happy ending to the lost/found dog story. Thank you letting us be a part of this miracle story.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif19,000 steps today--two hours of dog walking, over an hour on the exercise bike, and a super fun line dance class where I got to teach a dance that I choreographed
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,618 Member
    stats for the day:
    bike ride hm 2 gym- 12.39min, 14amph, 3miles = 112cal
    aerobics- 40min, various, = 312cal
    bike ride gym 2 train station- 7.09min 12amph 1.4miles = 71cal
    bike ride train station 2 hm - 18.04min, 8.8amph, 2.7miles = 183cal
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Thank you so much, yanniejannie and Margaret! I do so appreciate your support.
  • cutec527
    cutec527 Posts: 18 Member
    saw something on here about gravy and i have an alternative suggestion that not only worked out beautifully but tasted excellent... a friend of mine taught me to make vegetable gravy.. all you need is roasted til soft veggies (i used carrots. parsnips and cauliflower) put in food processor or blender and pulse if too thick add chicken or beef broth. didn't believe it would actually work but it was AWESOME tasty and much better than flour laden gravy.
    the longer i watch everything i eat the more i'm willing to try out new things with veggies.. i've even made mashed cauliflower (instead of potatoes) and sweet potatoes are wonderful. i know for me it's about feeling i've indulged without really doing so B)

    Tina in Arizona
  • bumblebeejec
    bumblebeejec Posts: 26 Member
    Selena: So glad Rutledge was reunited with his people. I can't even imagine the poor little guy missing for that long. Nice that you could be his angel.

    Went to the gym today and had a good workout. My trainer is increasing the intensity a little bit every time I go and it felt really good today to realize some gains. I walked past a scale and didn't have the nerve to step on. I was afraid if I hadn't lost any weight I would be discouraged. So, that will be for another day when I'm feeling a little braver. For today I feel good about my progress.

    My trainer is such a positive person. . . it does me good to get some positive reinforcement in my mind. He must only be about 25 years old. . . fresh out of college. . . first job. I would feel like an old fat thing working with him if he wasn't such a sweetie. Makes my day. He's young, but he seems really smart in dealing with my physical ailments and still make progress. So, it was a good day!

    Peace and Blessings,
    Judy from PA
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,145 Member
    Hello everyone,

    My DH woke up to 33 below zero and frozen pipes. Only 1 school delayed 2 hours this morning. He was able to unthaw them before he left for work. I had a nice visit with my DD and DSIL then I visited my DM and DS today got my hair done and just got back home.

    Selena - great news about the dog!
    Heather - 1 lb that's fantastic! You really did great while on vacation.

    Socialwacker - I want to get a pair of snow shoes too although we only had 3 inches of snow this year which is 80 inches under normal!

    Terri Milwaukee - you must be getting excited about your trip! We're thinking of heading that way the first week of April.

    Beth - I agree, it does sound like you are being bullied! Do you have a human resource person that you can talk to? That would be the steps that you really should take.

    Carol in NC - ((((hugs)))) just keep getting back on track! You can do it. I can't believe what is going on at your church that is not okay. You stick to your guns or report them!

    Leslie - I am glad you are feeling better. It's very hard to go on but it sounds like you are doing well. We are here for you.

    Well time to get ready for bed! Have a great night everyone.

    Mary from Minnesota

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Did an hour of Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred DVD. I probably should only have done Levels 2 and 3, but for some reason I did a bit of Level 1. Going to take a step class tomorrow.

    Well, we're here in FL. Vince was thinking that we might not because he was concerned about the bitter cold (for NC). He was concerned if the pool froze then we're looking at spending thousands of dollars to fix it. Also, down here there aren't shut off valves for the outside water like we had up north, so he was concerned about the pipes freezing. I know how much he loves the Daytona, and I told him "what's going to happen is going to happen. Nothing different will happen by us staying home"

    Judy in PA - I have a document opened and as I read, I write my response, then I copy and paste the whole thing into MFP

    Selena - what an adorable doggie! I would take him to a vet or an animal shelter where they'll scan him for a chip. Our vet has a scan in his lobby, but I know that there are at least 2 different types of chips and most shelters will scan for different types. Our vet only has the scan for the one kind

    When we got to the condo, I went to use the toilet in one of the bathrooms, it was FILTHY. I was going to clean it, then I noticed that the countertop was in bad shape so I called Vince. Seems the people above us again had a leak and it came into our condo. the ceiling has a big bubble.

    Joyce - we'll probably be in FL only for a week. I wish it was longer.

    Heather - congrats on the loss, especially since it happened during your vacation. Good going! Congrats to your son. You SHOULD be proud

    Sylvia - you probably know that if you put hydrogen peroxide on a fresh bloodstain, it will take it out

    Beth - yea for Ashley. So sorry about your sons

    peachstategal - I do want to try to cut down on the baking that I have to do. I did that once before and really liked not having to constantly bake.

    Welcome everyone new!

    pip - the cabana sounds wonderful! I'm sure you'll have a great time.

    Selena - so glad everything worked out

    terri - happ anniversary

    Carol - proud of you

    Not a whole lot of time tonight.

    DeeDee - are you still bossing those guys?

    Michele from NC now in FL
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Selena, I think Mildred beagle is truly a guardian angel for all our furry friends. Such a wonderful ending to your shout out for the dog you found. He just needed to be found by the right person.

    Congrats on losing that 1 pound Heather. You need to email your guide and tell him that he was able to help you do it! He would get a kick out of it. When we had out house built back in the 70's there was a small pantry in the kitchen. I know it isn't the most hygienic thing to do but we have our big trash can in the small end and use the end as a pantry. Everything in there are factory closed containers so there isn't any contamination from the trash can. But there is no light in there and you have to reach way in to get things. So I decided I wanted sliding shelves put in. They were wonderful! We use a lot of disposable stuff for our family dinners. I am so sorry Mother. We don't use your fine china and silver. But I usually keep them downstairs in our unorganized storage room and I forget what I need when we need ti. So I get many duplicates. So one day I decided that the lower shelf would be dedicated to all this disposable stuff. It has really worked out well.

    Sending out cyber hugs to Cynthia. If you need any help just reach back in your back pocket and feel our strength. We are always there for you. I still love your hair in our picture. It gives me the thought of a lovely women that is confident.

    According to our meteorologist we were supposed to have an inch of snow tomorrow then rain on Saturday and then turn real cold again and everything turn to ice. Well whatever pressure cell that was just going to give us an inch didn't happen and now he has predicted 7 inches. HMMM, I like his previous story. I don't know if it got down to the -25 this morning or not. I was sound asleep. But with my leggings I wear now almost all the time under my jeans and under armor shirt under my sweatshirt I am quite warm even outside. Walmart has all their winter stuff on sale, ha ha, and I got one of those scarves that you can wear just as an infinity scarf or it can go up and put it over your head. It was on sale for $3. So with all my winter gear, I am quite warm to go outside. I don't have good boots though. My crazy husband actually shovels the yard to get to the car in the driveway. So you don't have to walk through the snow, just on top of a thin layer.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Selena, I think Mildred beagle is truly a guardian angel for all our furry friends. Such a wonderful ending to your shout out for the dog you found. He just needed to be found by the right person.

    Congrats on losing that 1 pound Heather. You need to email your guide and tell him that he was able to help you do it! He would get a kick out of it. When we had out house built back in the 70's there was a small pantry in the kitchen. I know it isn't the most hygienic thing to do but we have our big trash can in the small end and use the end as a pantry. Everything in there are factory closed containers so there isn't any contamination from the trash can. But there is no light in there and you have to reach way in to get things. So I decided I wanted sliding shelves put in. They were wonderful! We use a lot of disposable stuff for our family dinners. I am so sorry Mother. We don't use your fine china and silver. But I usually keep them downstairs in our unorganized storage room and I forget what I need when we need ti. So I get many duplicates. So one day I decided that the lower shelf would be dedicated to all this disposable stuff. It has really worked out well.

    Sending out cyber hugs to Cynthia. If you need any help just reach back in your back pocket and feel our strength. We are always there for you. I still love your hair in our picture. It gives me the thought of a lovely women that is confident.

    According to our meteorologist we were supposed to have an inch of snow tomorrow then rain on Saturday and then turn real cold again and everything turn to ice. Well whatever pressure cell that was just going to give us an inch didn't happen and now he has predicted 7 inches. HMMM, I like his previous story. I don't know if it got down to the -25 this morning or not. I was sound asleep. But with my leggings I wear now almost all the time under my jeans and under armor shirt under my sweatshirt I am quite warm even outside. Walmart has all their winter stuff on sale, ha ha, and I got one of those scarves that you can wear just as an infinity scarf or it can go up and put it over your head. It was on sale for $3. So with all my winter gear, I am quite warm to go outside. I don't have good boots though. My crazy husband actually shovels the yard to get to the car in the driveway. So you don't have to walk through the snow, just on top of a thin layer.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Bump for later - sorry still playing catch up :(

    Viv York UK
  • gailnadezna
    gailnadezna Posts: 4 Member
    Hi I am almost there well being 50 and being fab and more a fit 50 is my goal trying running when my injury heals but even being on my feet at work four days s week is not making lose weight really need to up the anti that's prob my feb aim going to write a planner starting on Monday that's where I go wrong not doing enough need more encouraging friends please
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,753 Member
    Carol~ stand your ground, you know you are doing the right thing.. you might just want to tell them would you like me to get the police involved or call the local news station, all that publicity would shut them up...
    Yesterday was busy... glad I grocery shopped Weds.. went and got my hair cut, I got it cut like Jamie Lee Curtis.. so its super short but easy to take care of..
    I ordered the vanity ,and got calls from ,contractors for tub surrounds,reglazing for the tub and refacing the cabinets.. so we can get some quotes.. I am doing the legwork and DH and I both have to be here for the contractors ,so most of it is on the weekends..
    it is quite stressful doing this, but we will get through it all...
    still cant visit DFIL, hope he is well...
    sent the DH with a big ol salad today and grilled chicken,croutons and french dressing..
    me I am taking a sweet potato some veggies, and maybe yogurt..
    I am having a bridge prep done this afternoon.. and I will be trying to assist the dr as I do :p I will hold my own suction lol..
    did stop at the dollar store and got some small storage containers, and organized the 1/2 bath and most of the master bath..
    OK I need a vote from y'all what do you all have or prefer, shower curtain or shower doors, we have to make a decision about that..